fix lupi os plz
Even tho I don’t find your solution realistic, for kittens sake anet fix the oneshotting bullkitten.
It pretty much ruins one of the only encounters in this game me, and many others enjoy.
Can’t even count the amount of times I had pugs that don’t even know the mechanics of lupi’s phase 2 and 3 because they are used to cheesing him
But then they’d also have to fix Lupi’s AA or, even worse, acknowledge the existence of dungeons! We can’t have that, after all!
i am so sick of os. this was not indented. killing the best boss in the game in 1shot is stupid and there is no skill or fun in that.
there is an easy fix but it could effect pvp and wvw so i am not sure if it is possible but i will say it anyway.
prevent guards and mesmers from placing the reflect skills. let then just be placed where you stand.come on anet do it for lupi he is crying inside and needs some love
Fine for guardian honestly, heck I think many would like wall to be at you again. But, for temporal curtain it’s also a pull, being able to place it to the side or on a wall is a huge part of the skill.
And regardless you can one shot with a coordinated group that clumps up, provides fury, and caps vuln. I remember seeing that way back before OS became a big thing, look at records from like a year ago they just made sure to have every bolt they could hit the feedback/wall.
All that said, a fix would be nice.
And regardless you can one shot with a coordinated group that clumps up, provides fury, and caps vuln. I remember seeing that way back before OS became a big thing, look at records from like a year ago they just made sure to have every bolt they could hit the feedback/wall.
All that said, a fix would be nice.
Yes, but pugs who don’t even know how everything past phase 1 (or even that) works would never pull that.
And regardless you can one shot with a coordinated group that clumps up, provides fury, and caps vuln. I remember seeing that way back before OS became a big thing, look at records from like a year ago they just made sure to have every bolt they could hit the feedback/wall.
All that said, a fix would be nice.
Yes, but pugs who don’t even know how everything past phase 1 (or even that) works would never pull that.
Naw, certainly not likely, but I’ve been close. If you have a decent warrior together you can do most of the work, he tosses his banner out, FGJ and OMM along with axe/mace vuln on the hug, if everyone else can just stand under him you’re going to be pretty close.
And even without any coordination I want to say he’s usually about 30% after my feedback if they at least get under him, and from there screw it, an easy solo usually (biggest pain is phase 1 on mesmer).
(edited by Jerus.4350)
And regardless you can one shot with a coordinated group that clumps up, provides fury, and caps vuln. I remember seeing that way back before OS became a big thing, look at records from like a year ago they just made sure to have every bolt they could hit the feedback/wall.
All that said, a fix would be nice.
Yes, but pugs who don’t even know how everything past phase 1 (or even that) works would never pull that.
Naw, certainly not likely, but I’ve been close. If you have a decent warrior together you can do most of the work, he tosses his banner out, FGJ and OMM along with axe/mace vuln on the hug, if everyone else can just stand under him you’re going to be pretty close.
And even without any coordination I want to say he’s usually about 30% after my feedback if they at least get under him, and from there screw it, an easy solo usually (biggest pain is phase 1 on mesmer).
Of course, but I still think that’s a whole lot better than having 4 people waiting for some guard to blow Lupi up. Sure, there’s pugs who will blow him up regardless and that’s unavoidable (except if they make it so you can’t push him further than, say, 5% into the next phase) , but those will be somewhat a minority.
… oh wait, I thought this was a topic against corner stacking or metazerkers. It sounds exactly the same.
So you get the same advice I give those people. Don’t like it? Don’t do it.
… oh wait, I thought this was a topic against corner stacking or metazerkers. It sounds exactly the same.
So you get the same advice I give those people. Don’t like it? Don’t do it.
Except that in this case it means when pugging you have to completely exclude classes because of something ANet doesn’t bother to fix.
Your advice is, in this case, bullkitten.
You don’t have to exclude classes, you have to exclude players who want to os, same as if you exclude players who stack and so on…
The only low-effort way they can do this is to make GL’s projectiles unblockable, and they don’t want to do that. They’re tracking this as a low-priority fix that they’ll maybe look at post-HoT.
Or they could just change the location of the source of his AoE projectiles, so it can’t be reflected from the source, only from the place of impact.
They could even put a 10 meter high invisible wall around the entire arena so you can place a reflect there, funny thing is that there’s actually a lot of invisible walls around the arena, just not at the specific point behind lupi.
There’s a lot of ways to fix it that wouldn’t affect the average player, but apparently anet’s only way to fix things is to make things unblockable (cough Malrona cough).
I find it funny that this is a “low-priority fix”, while its something that makes you completely trivialize an encounter that appears in 4 dungeon paths, but when there is a bug in pvp or in their beloved gemstore, there’s a patch within a few hours
(edited by bladex.9502)
Or they could just change the location of the source of his AoE projectiles, so it can’t be reflected from the source, only from the place of impact.
They could even put a 10 meter high invisible wall around the entire arena so you can place a reflect there, funny thing is that there’s actually a lot of invisible walls around the arena, just not at the specific point behind lupi.There’s a lot of ways to fix it that wouldn’t affect the average player, but apparently anet’s only way to fix things is to make things unblockable (cough Malrona cough).
I find it funny that this is a “low-priority fix”, while its something that makes you completely trivialize an encounter that appears in 4 dungeon paths, but when there is a bug in pvp or in their beloved gemstore, there’s a patch within a few hours
Are you really surprised? When a critical bug arises in PvP it affects the entire game mode, and when a bug occurs in the gem store it affects the ability for their paying customers to spend money. GL’s ‘situation’ as it stands is entirely tolerable, and across the entire game a very small minority even care about the wallsploit.
And for the record, changing the terrain is something they have considered, but I was told that it would not address the issue. Furthermore, changing the source of his projectiles would change his entire skill and likely break it based on my understanding (the way the paths are calculated, apparently). Anyway, they know—trust me they know. I spent an entire report discussing it. Your alternative solutions are not simple, apparently, in their engine, and carry the risk of causing more harm than good. It’ll take non-negligible work, and while the designers have agreed that it’s unintended and undesirable, it’s extremely low on the totem pole to resolve.
I hate to be that guy, but complaining about it or them isn’t going to get it addressed any sooner.
You don’t have to exclude classes, you have to exclude players who want to os, same as if you exclude players who stack and so on…
The point is, you can say “no OS” and you still have players who go in and OS him. In case of people who don’t stack/play meta/whatever you’ll see that in the beginning and can kick accordingly. What do you do at Lupi? You only have that one chance and most pugs push him to the wall regardless if they want to OS him or not. So if there’s someone with the capability to OS him and he’s at the wall, it might just happen because we all know, people do not like to read.
Only other solution would be to fight him open field.
Only other solution would be to fight him open field.
I don’t see your problem here. That’s exactly what I do most of the times.
I pug arah almost every day and I rarely run into issues with people os’ing Lupi. What you describe happens maybe 1 out of 10 runs (if at all) and I can live with that.
You know what, I only started running Arah regularly recently, and I 100% agree. The first time we encountered him, we failed to ‘push’ him to the wall, and I was happy to try and LEARN his mechanics, dodge right, and do the kitten ed thing PROPERLY. But, after the millionth time trying, two of our team swapped to guard to ensure the one-shot. Just so we could continue the dungeon.
One of the biggest problems we’ve encountered is the INSTANT damage from the aoe. And lack of being able to see his animations properly due to everything else going on.
We have actually killed him properly, once with just 3 of us alive, and I was one of those 3, so I am more than proud. Now, he can be nerfed please ;P… nah, but please do something to let us do this boss properly, the way it was intended.
To that end, dungeons annoy me quite a lot anyway, in that, in reality you have to skip tons of mobs just to get through, often requiring a thief/mesmer to do so, and this in itself makes it just less of a challenge and more of a grind. I’d love to go in Arah and “kill EVERYTHING” (see what I did there? :P) but, with elites by the hundreds that you can’t easily pull…
Rant over.
Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow
Or they could just change the location of the source of his AoE projectiles, so it can’t be reflected from the source, only from the place of impact.
They could even put a 10 meter high invisible wall around the entire arena so you can place a reflect there, funny thing is that there’s actually a lot of invisible walls around the arena, just not at the specific point behind lupi.There’s a lot of ways to fix it that wouldn’t affect the average player, but apparently anet’s only way to fix things is to make things unblockable (cough Malrona cough).
I find it funny that this is a “low-priority fix”, while its something that makes you completely trivialize an encounter that appears in 4 dungeon paths, but when there is a bug in pvp or in their beloved gemstore, there’s a patch within a few hours
Are you really surprised? When a critical bug arises in PvP it affects the entire game mode, and when a bug occurs in the gem store it affects the ability for their paying customers to spend money. GL’s ‘situation’ as it stands is entirely tolerable, and across the entire game a very small minority even care about the wallsploit.
And for the record, changing the terrain is something they have considered, but I was told that it would not address the issue. Furthermore, changing the source of his projectiles would change his entire skill and likely break it based on my understanding (the way the paths are calculated, apparently). Anyway, they know—trust me they know. I spent an entire report discussing it. Your alternative solutions are not simple, apparently, in their engine, and carry the risk of causing more harm than good. It’ll take non-negligible work, and while the designers have agreed that it’s unintended and undesirable, it’s extremely low on the totem pole to resolve.
I hate to be that guy, but complaining about it or them isn’t going to get it addressed any sooner.
Pretty unfortunate but makes sense. And the PVP thing, yup, because their PVP is one dimensional… but ok I won’t rag on that too much.
Anyways, I actually have found that more and more people are doing him Legit now. It was a problem for a while but I find more people are willing to do it right now. So that’s a plus.
I do think they need to dive into their coding and split the “blockable” and “reflectable” stuff, it’d open up a lot of room for them to do more, and if they’re serious about making quality raids that’ll be something they should look into.
just make a hard mode.
wall + feedback does not reflect but block projectiles, problem solved.
kitten the rest, you can just patch it in later.
just make a hard mode.
wall + feedback does not reflect but block projectiles, problem solved.
kitten the rest, you can just patch it in later.
“Make” and “Patch” is not something they want to do when dungeons and fractals are involved.
What if it just used endure pain defiant stance whenever the barrage is cast, while simultaneously gaining unstrippable retaliation, and maybe some might stacks to buff the retaliation.
I bet most of you guys are the path sellers. I don’t fancy spending 3 hours in a dungeon with random lfg people who don’t know how to do Arah and this being my favourite dungeon and all. It is not necessarily an exploit and you do need some skills to pull it off right. What about the 1-hitting necrid bolts with fake red circles? Surely that demands a “fix”. Arah is like one of the last few fun things left in this game.
gaem not made for mi
I bet most of you guys are the path sellers. I don’t fancy spending 3 hours in a dungeon with random lfg people who don’t know how to do Arah and this being my favourite dungeon and all. It is not necessarily an exploit and you do need some skills to pull it off right. What about the 1-hitting necrid bolts with fake red circles? Surely that demands a “fix”. Arah is like one of the last few fun things left in this game.
While nothing you said is untrue, the ANet developers I’ve spoken to on the topic all agree that pushing GL to a wall and instakilling him with reflects is unintended, undesirable, and cheesy. That cheesiness is a huge component of why the elite PvE community is so against it.
You are, of course, welcome to keep doing it. You’ll definitely not be banned for it or anything. It’s a legitimate, non-exploitative tactic. It just feels lame, and trivializes an encounter that a lot of players enjoy a great deal.
I bet most of you guys are the path sellers. I don’t fancy spending 3 hours in a dungeon with random lfg people who don’t know how to do Arah and this being my favourite dungeon and all. It is not necessarily an exploit and you do need some skills to pull it off right. What about the 1-hitting necrid bolts with fake red circles? Surely that demands a “fix”. Arah is like one of the last few fun things left in this game.
While nothing you said is untrue, the ANet developers I’ve spoken to on the topic all agree that pushing GL to a wall and instakilling him with reflects is unintended, undesirable, and cheesy. That cheesiness is a huge component of why the elite PvE community is so against it.
You are, of course, welcome to keep doing it. You’ll definitely not be banned for it or anything. It’s a legitimate, non-exploitative tactic. It just feels lame, and trivializes an encounter that a lot of players enjoy a great deal.
Well they are able to enjoy the encounter if they choose to kill lupi the challenging RNG way or in a coordinated way which some of us don’t have access to. I personally take a sense of satisfaction whenever I pull it off right as I don’t have constant access to people who are coordinated to bring lupi down in a length of time I can usually afford to. I think the issue here is the choice. Nobody’s stopping them from spending hours in a dungeon but please don’t stop me when I don’t want to spend too long a time in one.
gaem not made for mi
Well they are able to enjoy the encounter if they choose to kill lupi the challenging RNG way or in a coordinated way which some of us don’t have access to. I personally take a sense of satisfaction whenever I pull it off right as I don’t have constant access to people who are coordinated to bring lupi down in a length of time I can usually afford to. I think the issue here is the choice. Nobody’s stopping them from spending hours in a dungeon but please don’t stop me when I don’t want to spend too long a time in one.
Sure; play how you want. All that matters is that you’re creating groups for the way you want to do it and others are doing the same. If you do that, no harm no foul.
I bet most of you guys are the path sellers. I don’t fancy spending 3 hours in a dungeon with random lfg people who don’t know how to do Arah and this being my favourite dungeon and all. It is not necessarily an exploit and you do need some skills to pull it off right. What about the 1-hitting necrid bolts with fake red circles? Surely that demands a “fix”. Arah is like one of the last few fun things left in this game.
While nothing you said is untrue, the ANet developers I’ve spoken to on the topic all agree that pushing GL to a wall and instakilling him with reflects is unintended, undesirable, and cheesy. That cheesiness is a huge component of why the elite PvE community is so against it.
You are, of course, welcome to keep doing it. You’ll definitely not be banned for it or anything. It’s a legitimate, non-exploitative tactic. It just feels lame, and trivializes an encounter that a lot of players enjoy a great deal.
Well they are able to enjoy the encounter if they choose to kill lupi the challenging RNG way or in a coordinated way which some of us don’t have access to. I personally take a sense of satisfaction whenever I pull it off right as I don’t have constant access to people who are coordinated to bring lupi down in a length of time I can usually afford to. I think the issue here is the choice. Nobody’s stopping them from spending hours in a dungeon but please don’t stop me when I don’t want to spend too long a time in one.
Quite frankly, learn the fight and it won’t be “too long a time.” Honestly Lupi is the most fun but not the longest part of any Arah path. The fact that this fight can be trivialized to this extent is plain stupid. Even without the wall trick you can toss a feedback in the open field and skip at least phase 2. It’s all quite silly. People should have to learn the fight to finish arah at all, and certain to do it in a timely manner.
That said, I did Arah 1/2/3 twice yesterday (once before and once after reset) and the group wanted to wall him once out of all those times, and we still took maybe ~30 minutes to clear each path, really not bad for a PUG. Actually one of the path 2’s was super quick, even got Alphard before she teleported back. Though I was playing Mesmer for most of them and we never did a full phase 2 Lupi (dropped to ~20-30% after the feedback).
Anyways, it’s disappointing seeing such a great boss being trivialized by certain mechanics. It’s sadder still that people try to rationalize that being ok. You’re free to do what you want, I know I’ve OS him more times than I care to admit, but the idea that it’s something that should exist is just kittening wrong.
There’s no reason to fix the “wallsploit” currently. Anyone who wants to waste time on Lupicus can do that, other people not, it’s ok I think. Just like some people don’t want to skip while others want to skip or people using non-zerk gear.
Anyone who wants to waste time fighting the first 2 bosses of arah p3 to lengthen the time it takes them to sell can do that, other people who want to skip half the path and sell it much faster can do that too. How well did that idea work out?
Reflects are largely unbalanced however you can’t change the fact most bosses in this game are stupidly easy though. Stargazer would be slightly more interesting if he didn’t die in 10 seconds and actually required chained reflects/absorbs, on the other hand he has two skills, one of which with an obvious tell.
It would be also nice, if they could fix some bugs with Lupicus animations, here is my favorite bug:
OS should be definitely fixed. LFG makes me cry whenever I open and see “meta thief, ps, os, 2x ele”…
When people in party want to OS and Lupicus shadowsteps to npc, I am always like “god, thank you” xD
(edited by cryorion.9532)
It would be also nice, if they could fix some bugs with Lupicus animations, here is my favorite bug:
OS should be definitely fixed. LFG makes me cry whenever I open and see “meta thief, ps, os, 2x ele”…
When people in party want to OS and Lupicus shadowsteps to npc, I am always like “god, thank you” xD
You should always try making him shadow step to you instead :p
So worth risking a kick
Anyone who wants to waste time fighting the first 2 bosses of arah p3 to lengthen the time it takes them to sell can do that, other people who want to skip half the path and sell it much faster can do that too. How well did that idea work out?
Skipping bosses by glitching thru the terrain is a fundamental different thing than using the core guard class mechanic “reflect” in maximum efficiency. Really, some people call out everything an exploit as long as it’s not the standard way to do it, which would really limit the diversity in this game if everyone would listen to these people. Exploit really lost its meaning in this community.
And no, I never sold any path, but I will try to solo and sell p2 on my main today. Yesterday, I failed at Lupi, trying to oneshot, and today I try again with maxed out gear (I dropped 150 Gold for this).
And even if I’m not the best player in this game, trying to oneshot Lupi SOLO is still not easy, you have to know everything about phase 1 and 2, place the wall perfectly, max out your crit etc. and even then it might fail the os and you have to go thru phase 3. It’s not like press one button and win, not at all, in pugs, where he burns thru phase 1 and there are enough targets to ensure the oneshot with wall, yes, it’s very cheap, but solo, no.
I tried to solo oneshot Lupi yesterday for many hours and couldn’t pull it off… It is definately harder than doing fractals 50 as five in a decent PUG or anything like that.
I mean, the first boss in p2 can be perma reflected, that is real cheap, Lupi requires a perfectly set up wall in a second and 5 minutes of constant kiting and dodging, as solo. That is not cheap.
And btw, why would anyone solo p2 with guard if he can just faceroll war? There must be some reason to play guard instead of warrior.
and common sense.
(edited by Adrenalin.5719)
And no, I never sold any path, but I will try to solo and sell p2 on my main today. Yesterday, I failed at Lupi, trying to oneshot, and today I try again with maxed out gear (I dropped 150 Gold for this).
And even if I’m not the best player in this game, trying to oneshot Lupi SOLO is still not easy, you have to know everything about phase 1 and 2, place the wall perfectly, max out your crit etc. and even then it might fail the os and you have to go thru phase 3. It’s not like press one button and win, not at all, in pugs, where he burns thru phase 1 and there are enough targets to ensure the oneshot with wall, yes, it’s very cheap, but solo, no.
I tried to solo oneshot Lupi yesterday for many hours and couldn’t pull it off… It is definately harder than doing fractals 50 as five in a decent PUG or anything like that.
I mean, the first boss in p2 can be perma reflected, that is real cheap, Lupi requires a perfectly set up wall in a second and 5 minutes of constant kiting and dodging, as solo. That is not cheap.
Ty for making my day
my day
You’re welcome.
and common sense.
i joined a pug that asked for a os guard (i was guard). i told them i cant os, lol.
after we killed i told them btw i can os…
we can all guess what happened next
i joined a pug that asked for a os guard (i was guard). i told them i cant os, lol.
after we killed i told them btw i can os…
we can all guess what happened next
They laughed and called you a tricky little fella?
Anyone who wants to waste time fighting the first 2 bosses of arah p3 to lengthen the time it takes them to sell can do that, other people who want to skip half the path and sell it much faster can do that too. How well did that idea work out?
Skipping bosses by glitching thru the terrain is a fundamental different thing than using the core guard class mechanic “reflect” in maximum efficiency. Really, some people call out everything an exploit as long as it’s not the standard way to do it, which would really limit the diversity in this game if everyone would listen to these people. Exploit really lost its meaning in this community.
And no, I never sold any path, but I will try to solo and sell p2 on my main today. Yesterday, I failed at Lupi, trying to oneshot, and today I try again with maxed out gear (I dropped 150 Gold for this).
And even if I’m not the best player in this game, trying to oneshot Lupi SOLO is still not easy, you have to know everything about phase 1 and 2, place the wall perfectly, max out your crit etc. and even then it might fail the os and you have to go thru phase 3. It’s not like press one button and win, not at all, in pugs, where he burns thru phase 1 and there are enough targets to ensure the oneshot with wall, yes, it’s very cheap, but solo, no.
I tried to solo oneshot Lupi yesterday for many hours and couldn’t pull it off… It is definately harder than doing fractals 50 as five in a decent PUG or anything like that.
I mean, the first boss in p2 can be perma reflected, that is real cheap, Lupi requires a perfectly set up wall in a second and 5 minutes of constant kiting and dodging, as solo. That is not cheap.
And btw, why would anyone solo p2 with guard if he can just faceroll war? There must be some reason to play guard instead of warrior.
Exploit is a very poorly defined term that gives a lot of room for interpretation. I mean google the word and the first definition is simply
make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
So basically it’s fair to say even using stealth is an exploit, but in the gaming community the term has taken the negative connotation that it’s something you should not be allowed to do and should be punished for doing so. So yes, some things are a bit silly, but Lupi OS, it’s pretty clearly an unintended use of abilities.
As for Lupi himself, you can still down him at the first frenzied blast with a WoR if the team stands inside. Solo, yeah, you actually have to learn phase 3… ohh no!
Really, it’s more something like this: make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource) in an unethical/inacceptable/etc. way
And I learned all three phases today and got him solo with my guard, you really need to know everything or you die. I see no reason to forbid this in solo runs, unless we also forbid the war to use his broken healing signet and solo access to might.
I mean, yeah, we could also just say all solo runs must be done by a warrior, since his class mechanics can’t be """exploited""", some warrior mains here seem to would like that. x)
If you take away our reflect, take away their might and tankyness. Easy as that.
and common sense.
(edited by Adrenalin.5719)
Really, it’s more something like this: make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource) in an unethical/inacceptable/etc. way
And I learned all three phases today and got him solo with my guard, you really need to know everything or you die.
I see no reason to forbid this in solo runs, unless we also forbid the war to use his broken healing signet and solo access to might.
I mean, yeah, we could also just say all solo runs must be done by a warrior, since his class mechanics can’t be """exploited""", some warrior mains here seem to would like that. x)
If you take away our reflect, take away their might and tankyness. Easy as that.
Grats on the solo.
As for the definition, your addition is the added connotation that comes when using it within the gaming community for sure. It’s not part of the definition of the word though. “Tom Brady exploited the weak Green Bay secondary” as an example sentence, nothing unethical or unacceptable about that, it’s smart and it’s expected.
When something is powerful enough that it’s use can trivialize content it’s worth questioning and not out of line to slap an “exploit” label on it.
Anyways, anyone have any tricky ways to get away with ruining this without being noticed? I mean yeah stand at range works, but pretty obvious. Pretty sure it was fixed, but Paralysis sigil doesn’t work anymore right?
One-shotting GL is not an exploit in the GW2 context of the word. I know for sure because I’ve talked to so many developers about it. What it is, however, is a frowned-upon tactic, and since we control the rules of our restricted ruleset we decided that it doesn’t belong in there—Not to mention it’s actually slower than doing it legit in a speed clear (thanks Time Warp).
If it’s confusing why it’s so frowned-upon, just imagine taking one of the most enjoyable and most challenging of dungeon bosses and, you know, auto-killing it without any team or build coordination at all besides “do you have wall reflects”. Also, seriously, it’s super low-skill; there’s no way to effectively argue against that.
One-shotting GL is not an exploit in the GW2 context of the word. I know for sure because I’ve talked to so many developers about it. What it is, however, is a frowned-upon tactic, and since we control the rules of our restricted ruleset we decided that it doesn’t belong in there—Not to mention it’s actually slower than doing it legit in a speed clear (thanks Time Warp).
If it’s confusing why it’s so frowned-upon, just imagine taking one of the most enjoyable and most challenging of dungeon bosses and, you know, auto-killing it without any team or build coordination at all besides “do you have wall reflects”. Also, seriously, it’s super low-skill; there’s no way to effectively argue against that.
Even without Time Warp it’s still quicker to just burn hard and feedback/wall while you burn. You can have what looks like a Wallsploit even in open field if your team is good enough.
Yeah, but at least that takes a modicum of coordination. You have to all, like, stand on top of each other. sighs dejectedly
Anyways, anyone have any tricky ways to get away with ruining this without being noticed? I mean yeah stand at range works, but pretty obvious. Pretty sure it was fixed, but Paralysis sigil doesn’t work anymore right?
in the notes from twitchcon, this change is supposedly happening tomorrow:
“Corrosive Poison Cloud: Duration decrease from 12s to 8s. It will now destroy all projectiles that pass through it. It will also now pulse every 2 seconds instead of every 3s.”
Possibly throwing that on top of the wall will destroy the projectiles before WoR can reflect them?
Yeah, but at least that takes a modicum of coordination. You have to all, like, stand on top of each other. sighs dejectedly
Again I say for the health of the game and future development they really should spend some time making non reflectable but blockable/absorbable attacks and apply that new attack type functionality to bosses like this. P3 frenzied blast is fine, the auto attack is fine, the p2 frenzied blast is a bit much though. As was Malrona’s with the buff but that just got the unblockable treatment :/
Anyways, anyone have any tricky ways to get away with ruining this without being noticed? I mean yeah stand at range works, but pretty obvious. Pretty sure it was fixed, but Paralysis sigil doesn’t work anymore right?
in the notes from twitchcon, this change is supposedly happening tomorrow:
“Corrosive Poison Cloud: Duration decrease from 12s to 8s. It will now destroy all projectiles that pass through it. It will also now pulse every 2 seconds instead of every 3s.”
Possibly throwing that on top of the wall will destroy the projectiles before WoR can reflect them?
Again kinda obvious, swirling winds works as well IIRC. Might work for a while though because most people know nothing about necro
that or don’t read patch notes
Yeah, add even more unreflectable and unblockable attacks. Why should I bother playing Guard over War then? Let’s ban War then, the class will trivializes everything if this goes thru, not that it does already in the majority of cases.
There is already a ton of unblockable stuff coming in HoT, making even more not-reflectables would be just straight out saying “stop using your class mechanics”.
Unless they give Guard and Mesmer and alike a kittenload of endurance in comparison, making it atleast fair but still destroying diversity and hence fun.
Blind is already useless against bosses, don’t let the same happen to reflectables, absorbs and blocks.
You can very well reduce the damage of reflects, as long as you give better base stats on the weapons or in the traits in comparison.
and common sense.
(edited by Adrenalin.5719)
Again I say for the health of the game and future development they really should spend some time making non reflectable but blockable/absorbable attacks
I’ve suggested this before to them. They lack the tech right now and are too busy working other things to get to it, unfortunately. Maybe we’ll see it at some point down the road post-HoT.
control the rules of our restricted ruleset
What do you mean with this? Is there a website to see these rules? I’m really curious. Are you talking about world record rules?
and common sense.
(edited by Adrenalin.5719)
Yeah, add even more unreflectable and unblockable attacks. Why should I bother playing Guard over War then? Let’s ban War then, the class will trivializes everything if this goes thru, not that it does already in the majority of cases.
There is already a ton of unblockable stuff coming in HoT, making even more not-reflectables would be just straight out saying “stop using your class mechanics”.
Unless they give Guard and Mesmer and alike a kittenload of endurance in comparison, making it atleast fair but still destroying diversity and hence fun.
Blind is already useless against bosses, don’t let the same happen to reflectables, absorbs and blocks.
You can very well reduce the damage of reflects, as long as you give better base stats on the weapons or in the traits in comparison.
You know why blind is more or less disabled? Because it’d just be far too good.
That’s the case here, it’s a fringe case though. I don’t think anyone is suggesting it become unblockable, that’d also screw over professions who use blocks (Engi p/s + Toolkit is nice ), it’s simply that the reflected damage from that attack is too much.
And of course Dusk, future thing, but curious, do they lack the ability, or just the time. You say they lack the tech, does that mean something other than “well we having put code in to create that type of thing”?