fix lupi os plz
I was talking about solo stuff, not groups.
And concerning…
Both WoRsploit and safespotting is considered exploiting (community definition).
I don’t think the majority of the community sees this as an exploit, concerning how many pugs want it and how Guards literally got the “yes” by the Devs to setting walls on top of walls after making groundtargeting BASELINE, atleast I interpret it that way. This decision definitely did way more bad than good things, but Lupi is one of the very few usefull stuff concerning it.
and common sense.
(edited by Adrenalin.5719)
What do you mean with this? Is there a website to see these rules? I’m really curious.
Are you talking about world record rules?
(edited by Rising Dusk.2408)
I just want to add one thing concerning the “it’s not intended”:
This is the right way to approach these things, make the player actually find and use strats instead of giving you an one-dimensional, forced-upon, pre-defined way to do the encounter, extremely limiting exploration, diversity and hence fun.
I got big hopes with GW2 raids that ""Exploit" Wars 2" ends and “Strat Wars 2” starts. Crossing my fingers!
and common sense.
And of course Dusk, future thing, but curious, do they lack the ability, or just the time. You say they lack the tech, does that mean something other than “well we having put code in to create that type of thing”?
Likely just a time thing.
Currently information about “is a projectile unblockable” is likely coded as a boolean (true/false data). Fixing this would involve either changing that data type to an int (0 = normal, 1 = blockable, 2 = unblockable) and re-writing the code that checks for unblockability to use that new data type (and give additional instructions to projectile destruction fields). Alternatively, each projectile would need two booleans: one for “can the projectile be reflected” and the other for “can it be destroyed” (the projectile type check on the reflection/destruction fields would need to be modified in this case as well).
Admittedly the second method would open the doors for “unblockable, but reflectable” which some players could find interesting.
Honestly the change doesn’t sound terribly hard. But its developing the change, making sure the changes make their way to every projectile and projectile defense skill (both player and monster), then testing to ensure they work properly and do not have weird interaction with other pieces of code.
And of course Dusk, future thing, but curious, do they lack the ability, or just the time. You say they lack the tech, does that mean something other than “well we having put code in to create that type of thing”?
It’s just the time. It’s actually not a tough implementation, but it has ramifications for projectiles everywhere, and they’d need to allocate a lot of QA time to validate the change. Of course they also have to find the time to implement it as well. It’s just a lot for something that would really only buy them value against a few bosses here and there in one game mode, so it gets relocated to low priority.
Yeah that’s what I figured, which is why I had to ask when he phrased it as lacking the tech. I figured it couldn’t be that much more taxing on the system to have one more check but /shrug maybe. Anyways, something I hope they eventually do.
Adrenalin you’re being silly, raids are going to be a disappointment
Lupi OS? I hear that has some serious potential to give iOS and Android a run for their money.
Anyone who wants to waste time fighting the first 2 bosses of arah p3 to lengthen the time it takes them to sell can do that, other people who want to skip half the path and sell it much faster can do that too. How well did that idea work out?
Skipping bosses by glitching thru the terrain is a fundamental different thing than using the core guard class mechanic “reflect” in maximum efficiency. Really, some people call out everything an exploit as long as it’s not the standard way to do it, which would really limit the diversity in this game if everyone would listen to these people. Exploit really lost its meaning in this community.
And no, I never sold any path, but I will try to solo and sell p2 on my main today. Yesterday, I failed at Lupi, trying to oneshot, and today I try again with maxed out gear (I dropped 150 Gold for this).
And even if I’m not the best player in this game, trying to oneshot Lupi SOLO is still not easy, you have to know everything about phase 1 and 2, place the wall perfectly, max out your crit etc. and even then it might fail the os and you have to go thru phase 3. It’s not like press one button and win, not at all, in pugs, where he burns thru phase 1 and there are enough targets to ensure the oneshot with wall, yes, it’s very cheap, but solo, no.
I tried to solo oneshot Lupi yesterday for many hours and couldn’t pull it off… It is definately harder than doing fractals 50 as five in a decent PUG or anything like that.
I mean, the first boss in p2 can be perma reflected, that is real cheap, Lupi requires a perfectly set up wall in a second and 5 minutes of constant kiting and dodging, as solo. That is not cheap.
And btw, why would anyone solo p2 with guard if he can just faceroll war? There must be some reason to play guard instead of warrior.
Guard already is one of the easiest classes to solo lupi on without one shotting him, the animation of his projectile AoE is very obvious and not really fast and phase one is incredibly trivial and usually done in like two minutes at worst so I have to disagree with pretty much everything you said.
Still made me laugh a bit though.
Skipping bosses by glitching thru the terrain is a fundamental different thing than using the core guard class mechanic “reflect” in maximum efficiency. Really, some people call out everything an exploit as long as it’s not the standard way to do it, which would really limit the diversity in this game if everyone would listen to these people. Exploit really lost its meaning in this community.
And no, I never sold any path, but I will try to solo and sell p2 on my main today. Yesterday, I failed at Lupi, trying to oneshot, and today I try again with maxed out gear (I dropped 150 Gold for this).
And even if I’m not the best player in this game, trying to oneshot Lupi SOLO is still not easy, you have to know everything about phase 1 and 2, place the wall perfectly, max out your crit etc. and even then it might fail the os and you have to go thru phase 3. It’s not like press one button and win, not at all, in pugs, where he burns thru phase 1 and there are enough targets to ensure the oneshot with wall, yes, it’s very cheap, but solo, no.
I tried to solo oneshot Lupi yesterday for many hours and couldn’t pull it off… It is definately harder than doing fractals 50 as five in a decent PUG or anything like that.
I mean, the first boss in p2 can be perma reflected, that is real cheap, Lupi requires a perfectly set up wall in a second and 5 minutes of constant kiting and dodging, as solo. That is not cheap.
And btw, why would anyone solo p2 with guard if he can just faceroll war? There must be some reason to play guard instead of warrior.
What the actual hell am I reading?
How in god’s name… could this take you HOURS?
You can literally max range strafe left and right from a distance with scepter for phase 1 and get hit by nothing. There’s nothing challenging whatsoever in doing that for a minute then placing a freaking instant cast WoR on top of the wall as soon as Lupi lowers his head to begin his animation.
Please… ugh.
I actually feel violated after reading this post. It better be a troll, I actually hope it was and that I fell for the bait.
RAGE on os noobs
You can literally max range strafe left and right from a distance with scepter for phase 1 and get hit by nothing.
Literally no. The kiting requires serious knowledge since by just pressing left right you will die to the adds in a glimpse, sidestepwalking is too slow to kite them. You have to think of a perfectly optimated path where you can constantly hit Lupi and don’t get hit by the adds, especially when they stack up and reach you a lot faster then.
placing a freaking instant cast WoR on top of the wall as soon as Lupi lowers his head to begin his animation.
Literally no. You have to go thru phase 2 if you are not lucky and he instantly does his AoE after transitioning, which has like a 33% chance to happen. So you basically have to do phase 2 in melee mode.
And even then the wall will not oneshot unless you place a bunch of units like with the oger pet whistle. So you have to melee Lupi until he does the animation, which takes like a second, and in this second you have to perfectly set the wall and at the same time use a bunch of consumables to summon pets (+ popping fury, deal with adds). Not trivial at all by the game’s standards.
And even then the wall might bring him only to 10% and you have to go thru phase 3, if you got bad luck with wall crits.
I actually feel violated after reading this post.
You don’t want to know what I think about you.
Realize that oneshotting Lupi is only extremely trivial when you are in a group or have a lot of luck in phase 2 as solo.
and common sense.
(edited by Adrenalin.5719)
Please just stop
Enlighten me if I’m doing something over-complicated, putting too much effort in it, but anyways, all this “press wall, yolo, win” is definitely wrong. Whether you have to add my stuff or other things which are not that hard, is up to debate, since this will not get solved until you stop doing this “I’m so good, you’re so bad” child attitude and actually contribute to the topic.
and common sense.
Enlighten me if I’m doing something over-complicated, putting too much effort in it, but anyways, all this “press wall, yolo, win” is definitely wrong. Whether you have to add my stuff or other things which are not that hard, is up to debate, since this will not get solved until you stop doing this “I’m so good, you’re so bad” child attitude and actually contribute to the topic.
You are trying to make it sound a whole lot harder then it is. Even as someone who isn’t directly opposed to walling lupi I can say you are not doing your case any justice here.
On a guardian you can use Scepter torch or Scepter focus the entire 1st part of the fight. Then run up when he starts the choking and bam isn’t done.
Enlighten me if I’m doing something over-complicated, putting too much effort in it, but anyways, all this “press wall, yolo, win” is definitely wrong. Whether you have to add my stuff or other things which are not that hard, is up to debate, since this will not get solved until you stop doing this “I’m so good, you’re so bad” child attitude and actually contribute to the topic.
As was said, it’s just you’re over-exaggerating the difficulty of what you’re doing. Phase 1 is basically running forward and to the side at an angle that will allow you to continue firing off the auto attack, then just figure 8 it back and forth. Locust have to stop to hit you so if you keep moving you are going to avoid all their damage. Then it’s just a matter of time. Then phase 2, you can get VERY easy on this by just praying for RNGesus to save you by placing the wall at the start of the phase and summoning your little buddies. It may not fully kill him but then you just continue with the tail end of phase 3.
In the end you’re quoting Miku who likes to pull the champ warrior in the field outside Lupi’s room and the champ risen knight from arahp4 in while he’s killing Lupi just for fun Saying kiting locust takes serious knowledge is well… pretty silly is it not?
save you by placing the wall at the start of the phase and summoning your little buddies. It may not fully kill him but then you just continue with the tail end of phase 3.
This proves you never solod Lupi with a wall since the specialization patch without RNGesus, using the “place early” tactic.
Lupi can easily take longer than the duration of the wall until he does his AoE. And if the wall stops while his AoE is active (like in the middle), he will not get bursted into phase 3. Not to mention that he can easily target your “little buddies” and oneshot them, if you are not lucky.
and common sense.
(edited by Adrenalin.5719)
save you by placing the wall at the start of the phase and summoning your little buddies. It may not fully kill him but then you just continue with the tail end of phase 3.
This proves you never solod Lupi with a wall since the specialization patch without RNGesus, using the “place early” tactic.
Lupi can easily take longer than the duration of the wall until he does his AoE. And if the wall stops while his AoE is active (like in the middle), he will not get bursted into phase 3. Not to mention that he can easily target your “little buddies” and oneshot them, if you are not lucky.
I initially thought you were trolling, but I’m seriously starting to doubt that lol.
If you know anything about lupi’s mechanics its super easy to pull off, and phase 3 should be no problem at all, especially on guard.
Just practice more I guess, but its honestly pretty sad not being able to solo lupi with wallsploits
I did solo him yesterday, it’s just that a lot of stuff coming up here is wrong concerning mandatory details. Whether it’s hard or not is more or less a practice issue, but if you want to explain a newb how to solo Lupi as a guard, just telling “place wall and yolo thru phase 2 and 3” is just wrong/very incomplete. There is a lot of stuff to take care of, especially if you got bad luck. Of course, all this becomes easier the more you do it, but doing it the first time and actually figuring all these details out on your own takes atleast a substantial amount of effort.
and common sense.
But the thing is, you actually just place a wall and “yolo tru phase 2 and 3”.
You’re explaining oneshotting lupi as if you’re soloing him on staff ele, which is an actual RNG fest.
Only slightly annoying thing occurring in the way you’re doing it is swarms still being alive after he phases, but you can simply fix that by swapping to GS just before he phases to clear those.
Soloing lupi with wallsploit is just faceroll, no matter how difficult you’re trying to make it sound with fancy descriptions
This leads to nothing. I’m out.
and common sense.
I think my sides just got oneshot.
This was far easier than I expected, I completely forgot I went out and bought the mob consumables to spawn them when he phased. And scepter sucks balls here, you lose at least 1/3 of smite to invuln locusts and autoattacks + radiant flame throws. I’m pretty sure I could have dropped save yourselves for stand your ground and saved myself the annoyance of failing to time the stun break.
You can literally max range strafe left and right from a distance with scepter for phase 1 and get hit by nothing.
Literally no. The kiting requires serious knowledge since by just pressing left right you will die to the adds in a glimpse, sidestepwalking is too slow to kite them. You have to think of a perfectly optimated path where you can constantly hit Lupi and don’t get hit by the adds, especially when they stack up and reach you a lot faster then.
Okay so let me get this straight, you’re finding it difficult to kite the locusts with a weapon that doesn’t root you with its attacks from range? Normally I wouldn’t feel it necessary to say this because it’s pretty condescending but at this point it’s very much justified based off of your atrocious posts. Try binding strafe keys, jesus christ.
I’m pretty sure it would be possible to sit on your keyboard with a blindfold and still be able to solo phase 1 with a guard camping scepter safe from kick range.
placing a freaking instant cast WoR on top of the wall as soon as Lupi lowers his head to begin his animation.
And even then the wall will not oneshot unless you place a bunch of units like with the oger pet whistle. So you have to melee Lupi until he does the animation, which takes like a second, and in this second you have to perfectly set the wall and at the same time use a bunch of consumables to summon pets (+ popping fury, deal with adds). Not trivial at all by the game’s standards.
You know what? I’m sold! The bolded text did it for me — it’s too difficult. Meleeing for 1 second is definitely something that I can emphathize with, no wonder it’s so hard.
Why are Arenanet making raids when there’s already challenging group content right here?
This was far easier than I expected, I completely forgot I went out and bought the mob consumables to spawn them when he phased. And scepter sucks balls here, you lose at least 1/3 of smite to invuln locusts and autoattacks + radiant flame throws. I’m pretty sure I could have dropped save yourselves for stand your ground and saved myself the annoyance of failing to time the stun break.
Instead of staff you could just use gs and burst the locusts away when they become annoying without dropping to abyssmal dps on lupi. Also you don’t need to slot any stunbreaks if you just trait for stability on f3. Apart from that I personally would use Retreat over SotA since I think it’s a lot more reliable but I guess they both work.
Also I probably wouldn’t have uploaded a video where I tank kicks and grubs but that’s just me. :<
Instead of staff you could just use gs and burst the locusts away when they become annoying without dropping to abyssmal dps on lupi. Also you don’t need to slot any stunbreaks if you just trait for stability on f3. Apart from that I personally would use Retreat over SotA since I think it’s a lot more reliable but I guess they both work.
Also I probably wouldn’t have uploaded a video where I tank kicks and grubs but that’s just me. :<
I was expecting to need to get every modifier I could and I wanted the on the move symbol from staff. SoA was there for the extra target + random aegis for unscathed. I thought it would require much more effort to pull off, I haven’t used a one shot in months and never in a solo.
Instead of staff you could just use gs and burst the locusts away when they become annoying without dropping to abyssmal dps on lupi. Also you don’t need to slot any stunbreaks if you just trait for stability on f3. Apart from that I personally would use Retreat over SotA since I think it’s a lot more reliable but I guess they both work.
Also I probably wouldn’t have uploaded a video where I tank kicks and grubs but that’s just me. :<
I was expecting to need to get every modifier I could and I wanted the on the move symbol from staff. SoA was there for the extra target + random aegis for unscathed. I thought it would require much more effort to pull off, I haven’t used a one shot in months and never in a solo.
I can’t really talk about it too much since I never one shot lupi when I solo it on guard but in 5 man groups I use GS for more reflection damage (which is relevant even if you don’t wall-on-wall-kill him) since I can just put down symbol of wrath when he does his aoe and get the modifier from retribution and symbolic avenger.
The only downside it has compared to the staff symbol is that you have to stand on him. It has aftercast that roots you but you can actually cancel that one by stowing your weapon and since you want to be melee in phase 2 anyways so he doesn’t do his shadowstep thingy I really don’t see why you would use staff over gs.
That aside I guess you still made your point. One shotting lupi doesn’t require a lot of effort.
I know Obal makes it look easy here, but this is about as smooth a one shot as I have ever seen.
This has proven to be rather humorous thread. 10/10 would oneshot again.
This leads to nothing. I’m out.
bb, was entertaining to read.
Well, I was taking a glimpse at the vids.
And then I realized I was doing it inefficient.
I thought you have to set the WoR on top of the arena wall, but you actually have to set it on the side of the wall in the upper half.
Then it’s pretty straight forward with Unscathered etc.
I guess it’s doable if you know how it works exactly.
Still, if this interesting feature gets taken out, I see no reason to run the dungeon solo with anything but warrior, which would be quite a shame in my opinion. Maybe disable os only if you are in a group of 3+ people?
And then again, I really like it when there are multiple ways to beat an encounter, including os.
Hopefully raids will offer the opportunity for the players to find out different strats to beat an encounter on their own and the devs will then balance those strats after they are discovered, but NOT remove them as a whole. As it was “promised” at TwitchCon.
And yeah, because I did os wrong, I had to learn all phases, including phase 3, so don’t get mad at me for not learning the boss in a whole.
and common sense.
(edited by Adrenalin.5719)
…Still, if this interesting feature gets taken out, I see no reason to run the dungeon solo with anything but warrior…
….and improving yourself with a class or playing a class you enjoy more is not a good reason?
The literal only reason to solo dungeons is because you find it enjoyable to do so.