Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Infuser.9685


When i started playing and saw that reward system where you get tokens which you use to get exactly things you need i was literally thrilled. It was so awsome that you dont have to do so many runs and lose so many hours just to leave everthing to chance.

So after going trough all these dungeons, and farming some of them i realized that “chance” is key part of excitment and joy in these dungeons.

That thing where you spend hours and hours for that moment where ur right clicking boss/chest to loot, that excitment when your hoping u will get what u came for, that possiblity to get some crazy hot item, thats what true reward is for ur time and ur skill in overcoming those hard dungeons.

Right now we are just grinding those dungeons and farming some tokens which drops all the time , every time, same amount no excitment at all. First few runs at least have that feel of happiness and success when u menage to kill the boss but after few runs it all becomes boring grinding routine with 0 uncertainty.

Possible solution to this is adding % chance on drop for these tokens but decrease prices on dungeon items.

I know this post like any other will change nothing. There will be fun boys screaming l2p w/o even reading a post, some will say go play wow and 1% will actualy read it and think about it. That being said i decided to do it anyways so anyone have same feeling?

Flame shield on

80 lvl Norn Ranger
Seafarer’s Rest

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

I wholeheartedly agree with you. A chance for a drop is what builds the excitement up, rather than keeping track of how many tokens you gathered so you can walk over to the NPC and simply buy the armor.

So no, it’s not the progress. It’s exactly the opposite.

Joins you behind your flame shield

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Razzy.2741


Actually, tokens reward could remain there still, but adding an extra chance for some very rare drop with some unique skin would be a good idea. It could be like the gold drops in GW1 dungeon chests, some with very rare and unique skins (Bone Dragon Staff SC runs were never boring to people, even if they were done repeateadly for months).

Oh and by the way, I really liked the Factions missions rewards system. The faster you completed a mission, the better reward you got. What about implementing it to the dungeons in GW2, and giving better chest rewards to those who really master the dungeon and are able to kill each boss within some ridiculously short amount of time?

BEER Guild - Dungeon Riders

(edited by Moderator)

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Oh and by the way, I really liked the Factions missions rewards system. The faster you completed a mission, the better reward you got. What about implementing it to the dungeons in GW2, and giving better chest rewards to those who really master the dungeon and are able to kill each boss within some ridiculously short amount of time?

Extremely bad design. It promotes bad gameplay. Such as no one wanting to bring new players along because they only slow down the group. Very specific profession choices for maximum efficiency (this already happens in current situation). Rushing the hell out of stuff instead of teamwork.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: shaktiboi.5194


The token system has been proven to work just fine in some other MMOs (such as The Secret World), but only if the dungeons are designed in a manner that makes the token farming grind actually fun and challenging. I’m not going to go into an entire explanation of the Nightmare-mode dungeon progression in TSW or the way that “Black Bullion” drops are awarded and converted to epic gear progression pieces in TSW; that’s for you to research if interested.

But I can definitively say that the system itself was never a bone of contention or player griping in TSW. It actually works very well and is a great incentive. GW2’s general system and length of grinding required is actually very comparable to TSW’s.

What’s different between the two games is that grinding these GW2 dungeons over and over is simply not fun because the encounter mechanics are totally, completely, utterly senseless.

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Darken.9670


People that have had bad luck with their gearing being dependant on RNG might prefer token based system of gearing.

If the rate at which you gear doesnt matter to you, or you have had good luck with RNG, you might not like it as much.

Its not rocket science.

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vithaar.8637


I don’t really have a problem with tokens tbh, what I do hate is having to do the same exact thing 50+ times if I want a set.

I would put generic tokens that you get from any dungeons. Thanks way you can do all dungeons, all paths 1 time and choose a set of your liking. IMO of course

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


They need to add 2 types of tokens. A generic token that drops from any boss on any explorable, and a dungeon specific token form the last boss. You should need 1 specific and X generic tokens to buy a set item, therefore you would need to complete the same dungeon only 6 times and ‘farm’ the rest of the tokens anywhere else. Forcing me to do the same dungeon for weeks to end is really not cool.

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Untouch.2541


Yeah, but they just did it wrong.

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kidbs.8920


The token system has been proven to work just fine in some other MMOs (such as The Secret World), but only if the dungeons are designed in a manner that makes the token farming grind actually fun and challenging. I’m not going to go into an entire explanation of the Nightmare-mode dungeon progression in TSW or the way that “Black Bullion” drops are awarded and converted to epic gear progression pieces in TSW; that’s for you to research if interested.

But I can definitively say that the system itself was never a bone of contention or player griping in TSW. It actually works very well and is a great incentive. GW2’s general system and length of grinding required is actually very comparable to TSW’s.

What’s different between the two games is that grinding these GW2 dungeons over and over is simply not fun because the encounter mechanics are totally, completely, utterly senseless.

Actually the very problem that the OP mentioned has happened in TSW. People only want experienced players with full clears under their belts and certain gear in their nightmare groups. Everyone just tries to clear dungeons as quickly as possible to get their black bullions.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


Tokens are there really to back up random drops, because at first every run you had was a gamble, and unless you won that time was wasted, so tokens become a way to reward your time and effort without relying on chance.

But that gamble is still the biggest draw for an instance, because of how human mentality works.