legendary armor in fractals
I do not believe it is a good choice to allow the same item (sans the general ascende boxes with default skins) to be acquired from two different kinds of content. You want that legendary armor? Go raid. You want Golden Fractal Weapons? Well, go for fractals. Same goes for legendary backpieces and basically every weapon. Having different exclusive skins to different content gives that content a particular value that stimulates the most of the playerbase to play the most of the content. One of the main handicaps WvW has is precisely this lack of updated, interesting rewards and attention to detail.
However, it is a very good criticism that we should never have a single set of legendary armor for every weight that is only available through raids. And in spite of Anet’s plea that armor is the largest development bottleneck (mainly due to testing out every mix and match possibility before release), I do not believe they should use this as a reason not to release more legendary armors at an acceptable pace. A random reddit thread for example shows art for what would be an interesting fractal armor set. Frankly I don’t think they should worry that much about clipping (if they did manage to avoid clipping, there would be no Charr anyway…), and release more sets at a steady pace. We are severely lacking on the Fashion department of Fashion Wars 2, and I’m not willing to compromise having the same skins be available on different content, instead of new skins.
oh no i didnt mean that i dont want to raid to get the that slecific skin i like that is behind the raid that creates a long term goal for raiders as well as a reason for no raiders to get into it all im saying is that it would be really cool to have more legendary armor sets in more game modes (wvw and even pvp ) as well as in other parts of pve (fractals) and since the asc stuff in fractals are the default skins and not a unique skin like in pvp i thought making it a long term prestigious goals would work just as good if not better. Also ofc i understand that makimg these takes time and i accept that id like to see tho the devs expanding it.
Asmall suggestion also if theres ever wvw tournaments consider bringing back the mist weapons and making new golden ones * u *
(edited by zealex.9410)
I don’t mind this idea, think it could be good. We def need more Leg armors from diff gamemodes. I personally hate WvW but i do feel like WvW Leg armor should be next on the list
I don’t mind this idea, think it could be good. We def need more Leg armors from diff gamemodes. I personally hate WvW but i do feel like WvW Leg armor should be next on the list
absolutely true theres not much outside of wvw that show that you are a veteran in wvw
these are also really nice designs^^
Thanks man! I’m glad you liked my fractal armor designs!
these are also really nice designs^^
Thanks man! I’m glad you liked my fractal armor designs!
Those are great. I’d really love to see them in the game.
Too bad Anet can’t really use them.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
these are also really nice designs^^
Thanks man! I’m glad you liked my fractal armor designs!
Those are great. I’d really love to see them in the game.
Too bad Anet can’t really use them.
There have been cases of designers that created piece of art that 1 company liked and ended up hiring them that can also happen here since his designs aren’t far from the style that gw2 follows and the fractal thematic is presented really really well.
these are also really nice designs^^
Thanks man! I’m glad you liked my fractal armor designs!
lets be honest the only reason i picked yours its because the medium armor is not a kittening trench coat xD (jk but still pls no more trench coats)
no dont put legendary armor for fractal. put a fractal outfit/armor for pristine relics + stabilized matrices and we’re good
no dont put legendary armor for fractal. put a fractal outfit/armor for pristine relics + stabilized matrices and we’re good
why not?
no dont put legendary armor for fractal. put a fractal outfit/armor for pristine relics + stabilized matrices and we’re good
why not?
Because its exclusive reward, they need a WvWvW legendary armor, and maybe fractals but not the same armor.
If they would add the same armor for fractals, so why not the fractal legendary backpack is in the raid vendor too?
Every mode having exclusive rewards make that reward feel more unique.
no dont put legendary armor for fractal. put a fractal outfit/armor for pristine relics + stabilized matrices and we’re good
why not?
because legendary armor is for raiders and not casuals
no dont put legendary armor for fractal. put a fractal outfit/armor for pristine relics + stabilized matrices and we’re good
why not?
because legendary armor is for raiders and not casuals
At best, you might have an argument about the envoy legendary armor being for raiders (and even then it’s very tentative, based only on current situation and not any important principles). It definitely does not mean that raids are the only content that can ever get any form of legendary armor.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
However, it is a very good criticism that we should never have a single set of legendary armor for every weight that is only available through raids. And in spite of Anet’s plea that armor is the largest development bottleneck (mainly due to testing out every mix and match possibility before release), I do not believe they should use this as a reason not to release more legendary armors at an acceptable pace. /
Based on how long its taking them to give us this one (well 3 technically) set. I wouldnt expect to see any more legendary armor skins after this. Hell I wouldnt even hold out tons of hope for new legendary weapon skins after they eventually give us the full hot set we were promised.
While the proposed idea is great, trying to actually develop it is gonna be an issue. As in right now you got a minimum of 12 weeks work of effort to obtain the necessary LI to craft your Envoy armor, and that’s assuming you are killing all 13 bosses. With the exception of Escort, each of the encounters are more challenging than any of the fractals (even Nightmare CM) due to the amount of players and coordination required. Granted, I recognized things have been low-manned and such, but I’m taking about the general community and not the hardcore folks.
If there were a Legendary set to get to through Fractals? I almost feel as if there would need to be massive amounts of actual Challenge Motes (not just the whole -80% healing), or we would have to break into a new tier of fractals where the difficulty is ramped up.
Ultimately, an equivalent amount of effort should have to go into get Legendary Armor should a new avenue for it open up. Not saying that fractals is the only other way it can be done, but you also don’t want something that is dramatically easier/less time consuming than raids. Otherwise you’ll detract the player base from raids that are only in it for the armor.
Ultimately, an equivalent amount of effort should have to go into get Legendary Armor should a new avenue for it open up.
Remember, that “equivalent amount of effort” doesn’t need to mean “the same level of difficulty”. It’s possible for it to require more time, cost and effort that is not directly tied to clearing difficult encounters.
Just like the difference between PvP and fractal legendary backpacks – they both require a lot of effort, but it’s different kinds of effort.
Otherwise you’ll detract the player base from raids that are only in it for the armor.
Good. If they are there only for armor, then they are not really target group for raids, and shouldn’t be pushed into playing that content. Raids are a content for people that want challenge. Not for people that are in it for rewards only.
Does the existence of fractal backpack detracts some players from playing pvp (or vice versa)? Possibly. Is that bad? Not really.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Theres also something to be said of by the time youre actually able to craft the kitten stuff youll probably be able to make 1 set from doing vg/escort and slightly more than that for the last year and a half…
Hardly the “epic challenge” alot of people want to claim raiding is.
also while I could care less if they put the legendary fractal back skin on the raid vendor, im not sure its an accurate comparison. it doesnt take nearly as long to make a back skin, and its taking them to make this armor.
of course Im also probably in the majority, I dont give a crap what it looks like, only going to use it for the minimal use of stat changing and will transmute mine seconds after putting it on anyway.
no dont put legendary armor for fractal. put a fractal outfit/armor for pristine relics + stabilized matrices and we’re good
why not?
Because its exclusive reward, they need a WvWvW legendary armor, and maybe fractals but not the same armor.
If they would add the same armor for fractals, so why not the fractal legendary backpack is in the raid vendor too?
Every mode having exclusive rewards make that reward feel more unique.
U are missing the point im not saying add the raid legendary armor inf fractals what im saying is make more legendary armors and add them to more places in the game like pvp wvw and fractals.
no dont put legendary armor for fractal. put a fractal outfit/armor for pristine relics + stabilized matrices and we’re good
why not?
because legendary armor is for raiders and not casuals
what a biased and ignorant answer i wouldnt find casual someone who got a fractal legendary armor after doing all the 100 cm like challenge mode they could release and tie to it.
While the proposed idea is great, trying to actually develop it is gonna be an issue. As in right now you got a minimum of 12 weeks work of effort to obtain the necessary LI to craft your Envoy armor, and that’s assuming you are killing all 13 bosses. With the exception of Escort, each of the encounters are more challenging than any of the fractals (even Nightmare CM) due to the amount of players and coordination required. Granted, I recognized things have been low-manned and such, but I’m taking about the general community and not the hardcore folks.
If there were a Legendary set to get to through Fractals? I almost feel as if there would need to be massive amounts of actual Challenge Motes (not just the whole -80% healing), or we would have to break into a new tier of fractals where the difficulty is ramped up.
Ultimately, an equivalent amount of effort should have to go into get Legendary Armor should a new avenue for it open up. Not saying that fractals is the only other way it can be done, but you also don’t want something that is dramatically easier/less time consuming than raids. Otherwise you’ll detract the player base from raids that are only in it for the armor.
they can tweak that with price or amount of unique currency (fractal li)m required for the armor and the fact that ppl who do raids only for the armor will detract fromr aids makes no sense because when the raid armor releases that will happen anyways im asking that they dont keep it only in raids and only 1 set.All about balancing they get to decide.
Theres also something to be said of by the time youre actually able to craft the kitten stuff youll probably be able to make 1 set from doing vg/escort and slightly more than that for the last year and a half…
Hardly the “epic challenge” alot of people want to claim raiding is.
also while I could care less if they put the legendary fractal back skin on the raid vendor, im not sure its an accurate comparison. it doesnt take nearly as long to make a back skin, and its taking them to make this armor.
of course Im also probably in the majority, I dont give a crap what it looks like, only going to use it for the minimal use of stat changing and will transmute mine seconds after putting it on anyway.
And how all this is against having more legendary armors in diff parts of the game?
im getting the feeling ppl didn’t even read my post before saying w/e :/
Theres also something to be said of by the time youre actually able to craft the kitten stuff youll probably be able to make 1 set from doing vg/escort and slightly more than that for the last year and a half…
Hardly the “epic challenge” alot of people want to claim raiding is.
also while I could care less if they put the legendary fractal back skin on the raid vendor, im not sure its an accurate comparison. it doesnt take nearly as long to make a back skin, and its taking them to make this armor.
of course Im also probably in the majority, I dont give a crap what it looks like, only going to use it for the minimal use of stat changing and will transmute mine seconds after putting it on anyway.
And how all this is against having more legendary armors in diff parts of the game?
Its not, but if you think theyre going to spend months of design team making new legendary armor skins when its taking them this long to make the first set. Youre delusional.
Which means the only hope you have of getting it in other modes is getting the set that will come from raids. Notice how people are already crying they dont want that to happen.
You can hope for a fractal or wvw or whatever set all you want. Its just an unrealistic expectation sadly. You can feel free to come tell me I was wrong if it ever does happen though…. good luck with that.
Theres also something to be said of by the time youre actually able to craft the kitten stuff youll probably be able to make 1 set from doing vg/escort and slightly more than that for the last year and a half…
Hardly the “epic challenge” alot of people want to claim raiding is.
also while I could care less if they put the legendary fractal back skin on the raid vendor, im not sure its an accurate comparison. it doesnt take nearly as long to make a back skin, and its taking them to make this armor.
of course Im also probably in the majority, I dont give a crap what it looks like, only going to use it for the minimal use of stat changing and will transmute mine seconds after putting it on anyway.
And how all this is against having more legendary armors in diff parts of the game?
Its not, but if you think theyre going to spend months of design team making new legendary armor skins when its taking them this long to make the first set. Youre delusional.
Which means the only hope you have of getting it in other modes is getting the set that will come from raids. Notice how people are already crying they dont want that to happen.
You can hope for a fractal or wvw or whatever set all you want. Its just an unrealistic expectation sadly. You can feel free to come tell me I was wrong if it ever does happen though…. good luck with that.
giving legendary armor gives massive replayability value to content which always is good
Which means the only hope you have of getting it in other modes is getting the set that will come from raids. Notice how people are already crying they dont want that to happen.
Well, it’s either an alternate set, the raid set available outside raids, or the raids made easier. One of those is going to happen eventually.
Which one would you prefer?
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Which means the only hope you have of getting it in other modes is getting the set that will come from raids. Notice how people are already crying they dont want that to happen.
Well, it’s either an alternate set, the raid set available outside raids, or the raids made easier. One of those is going to happen eventually.
Which one would you prefer?
Alternative set tbh so there can be options for ppl to go for like with how we got 2 sets of legendary weapons for ppl to choose from.
Can you get legendary backpack from raids? No.
Also, it would kill raids if players could obtain legendary armor in other ways.
[Teef] guild :>
Can you get legendary backpack from raids? No.
Also, it would kill raids if players could obtain legendary armor in other ways.
…Can you get legendary armor from any other mode? No.
Also, would it kill pvp or fractals if you could get legendary backpieces in other ways? No, the majority of ppl who does raids does them because of the rewards and because the like them hence why the dont want them to get easier.
Which means the only hope you have of getting it in other modes is getting the set that will come from raids. Notice how people are already crying they dont want that to happen.
Well, it’s either an alternate set, the raid set available outside raids, or the raids made easier. One of those is going to happen eventually.
Which one would you prefer?
I dont see how anyone could have watched the last year of legendary design time fiasco and be delusional enough to think they will make a second set. It has taken them well over a year to make the set that isnt even out yet….
The raids are far from impossible now. Notice how they arent making massive nerfs to bosses when patches roll around. They are satisfied with the amount of people killing them. Whether or not any one of us agree with that is largely irrelevant.
The raid set available in a different mode is your most likely outcome. How likely that really is… I dunno. More so than the others, but still not very likely at all is my guess.
Im not sure what makes you so certain theyll just hand it to you some other way eventually. A sense of entitlement isnt the ability to know the future.
It might happen, but I think some of you really need to look at what is likely to happen in a realistic world where design team resources and other time constraints exist.
I mean theres a reason legendary weapon collections were scrapped for the new system… lack of time to do it the other way.
Because its exclusive reward, they need a WvWvW legendary armor, and maybe fractals but not the same armor.
If they would add the same armor for fractals, so why not the fractal legendary backpack is in the raid vendor too?
Every mode having exclusive rewards make that reward feel more unique.
Raids have too small audience to be something representative for pve, so they don’t really have any reason to have whole class of items locked behind them. Titles, achievements, skins – sure.
25 charracters
Can you get legendary backpack from raids? No.
Can you get legendary backpack from other source than fractals? Yes.
Also, it would kill raids if players could obtain legendary armor in other ways.
If that’s true, it only speaks badly about popularity of raids themselves. Any content so unpopular should be better just left off to die.
Though, as it has been mentioned already, legendary backpack being available through pvp didn’t kill fractals, so maybe it’s possible that your argument is completely groundless.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Fractals are also a very reliable way to get ascended gear boxes.
If you ignore people who do the daily 3 fractals and thats it for the day, your population is going to go way down. Thats not too different from raiding just to get legendary gear…
Fractals are also a very reliable way to get ascended gear boxes.
If you ignore people who do the daily 3 fractals and thats it for the day, your population is going to go way down. Thats not too different from raiding just to get legendary gear…
And since when ascended gear is unique for fractals?
25 charracters
Can you get legendary backpack from raids? No.
Can you get legendary backpack from other source than fractals? Yes.
Also, it would kill raids if players could obtain legendary armor in other ways.
If that’s true, it only speaks badly about popularity of raids themselves. Any content so unpopular should be better just left off to die.
Though, as it has been mentioned already, legendary backpack being available through pvp didn’t kill fractals, so maybe it’s possible that your argument is completely groundless.
raids =/= pvp
fractals =/= pvp
pvp actually kind of died once ppl got their backpacks… pvp was never threat to any game mode
i would bet that 95% of gw2 population is pve’ers and would rather smack scripted bosses than fight other players
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Can you get legendary backpack from raids? No.
Can you get legendary backpack from other source than fractals? Yes.
Also, it would kill raids if players could obtain legendary armor in other ways.
If that’s true, it only speaks badly about popularity of raids themselves. Any content so unpopular should be better just left off to die.
Though, as it has been mentioned already, legendary backpack being available through pvp didn’t kill fractals, so maybe it’s possible that your argument is completely groundless.
raids =/= pvp
fractals =/= pvp
pvp actually kind of died once ppl got their backpacks… pvp was never threat to any game modei would bet that 95% of gw2 population is pve’ers and would rather smack scripted bosses than fight other players
both fractals and raids coexist in the game theres no need for 1 to die if the other gets a good long rlterm goal we saw that with raids and legendary armor there and same thing will continue to happen regardless of which mode other than raids will get legendary armor.
Fractals are also a very reliable way to get ascended gear boxes.
If you ignore people who do the daily 3 fractals and thats it for the day, your population is going to go way down. Thats not too different from raiding just to get legendary gear…
Dont really get your point about the ppl that do the 3 daily fractals. Yes fractals are good for aquiring of asc gear same thing for raids tho.
The point was directed at the person saying people doing raids just for the rewards in bad game design. Where a large portion of the players do the exact same thing for fractals.
The point was directed at the person saying people doing raids just for the rewards in bad game design. Where a large portion of the players do the exact same thing for fractals.
ahh ok would help if you replied instead of making a new post each time
I do not believe it is a good choice to allow the same item (sans the general ascende boxes with default skins) to be acquired from two different kinds of content. You want that legendary armor? Go raid. You want Golden Fractal Weapons? Well, go for fractals. Same goes for legendary backpieces and basically every weapon. Having different exclusive skins to different content gives that content a particular value that stimulates the most of the playerbase to play the most of the content. One of the main handicaps WvW has is precisely this lack of updated, interesting rewards and attention to detail.
However, it is a very good criticism that we should never have a single set of legendary armor for every weight that is only available through raids. And in spite of Anet’s plea that armor is the largest development bottleneck (mainly due to testing out every mix and match possibility before release), I do not believe they should use this as a reason not to release more legendary armors at an acceptable pace. A random reddit thread for example shows art for what would be an interesting fractal armor set. Frankly I don’t think they should worry that much about clipping (if they did manage to avoid clipping, there would be no Charr anyway…), and release more sets at a steady pace. We are severely lacking on the Fashion department of Fashion Wars 2, and I’m not willing to compromise having the same skins be available on different content, instead of new skins.
In the ideal world, their would be a Legendary Back piece & Legendary Armour for all game modes – WvW, Fractals, Raids, PvP. All unique in appearance, and reflect what mode it represents.
But, time and resources, etc, etc.
raids =/= pvp
fractals =/= pvp
raids =/= fractals.
Still not sure what you meant by it.
pvp actually kind of died once ppl got their backpacks…
Not because of backpacks though.
pvp was never threat to any game mode
And fractals are a threat to raids? If that’s true, then it doesn’t say anything good about raids, you know.
The point was directed at the person saying people doing raids just for the rewards in bad game design. Where a large portion of the players do the exact same thing for fractals.
As someone pointed out already, ascended boxes are not unique to fractals. And yet all those people do not stop running fractals…
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I think it’s a good idea….. Legendary armour from PvP and from fractal and from raids all different skin ofc. Just like the back piece I am glad to hv collected both
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
I think it’s a good idea….. Legendary armour from PvP and from fractal and from raids all different skin ofc. Just like the back piece
I am glad to hv collected both
yeah gives more plqyers more stuff to look forward to and set goals to achieve.
@Astralporing.1957: fractals are pve, raids are pve; there is huge difference between those and pvp. Your average Joe is not interested in pvp, this is reality, where killing scripted bosses is by far easier and more satisfying for majority of the player base (i dare you trying to argue that pvp has bigger population than pve).
Fractals would be threat to raids, because once again, overall they are easier, alone from organization stand point – you need 5 people for fractals, you need 10 people with specific specs for raids. A lot more things can wrong in raids, some mechanics require you to have certain amount of people, where some fractals can be actually… soloed.
Then we have issue with raid rewards being time gated with 1 week, where you can get rewards from fractals 24/7, and even if we take dailies as time gate, it is still daily, not weekly time gate.
I think it’s a good idea….. Legendary armour from PvP and from fractal and from raids all different skin ofc. Just like the back piece
I am glad to hv collected both
No, this actually really really bad idea. You know what happend when Anet added ascended shards to pvp? Mass of pve’ers flooding ranked, afking at spawn all match, ruining games for actual pvp’ers and collecting shards for easy ascended pieces. Aaannddd since customer support actually doesn’t do anything about such behavior by the looks of it, the experience from players (especially in lower ranks) was abysmally bad last season.
Same issue was with backpiece, bunch of pve’ers flooding ranked with 0 idea about game mode, doing their matches on classes they never played in their life for the backpack collection while actual pvp’er is forced to carry such players if they actually want to win.
Anet should have gated those items behind the wins but they would never do it because GW2 is casual friendly.
I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but i think i could speak for pvp community when i say, we gladly welcome players that are genuinely interested in pvp but we don’t want players that are only interested in afking out some pve gear/skins and ruin matches for everyone else in the process however THIS is exactly what will happen pvp would give legendary armor.
P.S. i would also like to mention, that even AP hunters were ruining the mode by paying other players to carry them to w/e rank so they can get their achives.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
@Astralporing.1957: fractals are pve, raids are pve; there is huge difference between those and pvp. Your average Joe is not interested in pvp, this is reality, where killing scripted bosses is by far easier and more satisfying for majority of the player base (i dare you trying to argue that pvp has bigger population than pve).
Fractals would be threat to raids, because once again, overall they are easier, alone from organization stand point – you need 5 people for fractals, you need 10 people with specific specs for raids. A lot more things can wrong in raids, some mechanics require you to have certain amount of people, where some fractals can be actually… soloed.
Then we have issue with raid rewards being time gated with 1 week, where you can get rewards from fractals 24/7, and even if we take dailies as time gate, it is still daily, not weekly time gate.I think it’s a good idea….. Legendary armour from PvP and from fractal and from raids all different skin ofc. Just like the back piece
I am glad to hv collected both
No, this actually really really bad idea. You know what happend when Anet added ascended shards to pvp? Mass of pve’ers flooding ranked, afking at spawn all match, ruining games for actual pvp’ers and collecting shards for easy ascended pieces.
Same issue was with backpiece, bunch of pve’ers flooding ranked with 0 idea about game mode, doing their matches on classes they never played in their life for the backpack collection while actual pvp’er is forced to carry such players if they actually want to win.
Anet should have gated those items behind the wins but they would never do it because GW2 is casual friendly.
If ppl are playing raids to ge the legendary armor then they will stop raiding regardless giving a diff asc armor in fractals wont hurt raids much like how raids havent been a threat to fractals now and fractals havent been a threat to raids up until now with atributed infusions and the daily cm 100 rewards. Both pve game types co exist.
The asc shards issue was because it was poorly implemented ofc ppl will go for the free asc what are you comparing here? We are not talking about legendary armor that will be acquired like that we are talking about something that will take time and dedication to get kinda like how legendary back piece was balanced between pvp and pve both being hard in a diff way that fits the game mode… as someone mentioned above….
For the time gate you are saying fractals dont have ofc fractals have time gate the new 100 cm is daily locked and with more added they could make the (fractal li) farmable from that and ofc balanced appropriately to take the same amount of time for both…
Also fractals can be low manned that means anyone will go do them that way to get the legendary armor? Ofc not same thing with fractals why would someone go solo the fractals to get the armor that way they can sure but its not advised and it will not devalue the armor.
(edited by zealex.9410)
Lol PvP has a lower population because it’s a stale game mode, I’d be willing to bet outside of the league seasons WvW is more played than PvP. That’s without mentioning class balance atm which is pretty horrific in both those game modes.
I also think it’s a little rediculous asking for legendary armour for fractals, they’re little pieces of content you can run for a bit of fun and a little reward like dungeons used to be. A unique fractal armour skin that isn’t too flashy similar to the ones linked above would be nice especially as PvP has the glorious skins and WvW has its own unique skin too. However if you broaden it to include all of PvE there’s far more skins in PvE than either PvP or WvW.
Not every game mode and type of content needs legendary armour and considering the huge amount of work that’s going into designing them to be worthy of the legendary status I don’t think we should have any more than 1 set.
Lol PvP has a lower population because it’s a stale game mode, I’d be willing to bet outside of the league seasons WvW is more played than PvP. That’s without mentioning class balance atm which is pretty horrific in both those game modes.
I also think it’s a little rediculous asking for legendary armour for fractals, they’re little pieces of content you can run for a bit of fun and a little reward like dungeons used to be. A unique fractal armour skin that isn’t too flashy similar to the ones linked above would be nice especially as PvP has the glorious skins and WvW has its own unique skin too. However if you broaden it to include all of PvE there’s far more skins in PvE than either PvP or WvW.
Not every game mode and type of content needs legendary armour and considering the huge amount of work that’s going into designing them to be worthy of the legendary status I don’t think we should have any more than 1 set.
fractals are a much bigger part of the end game than raids for the majority of players :/ Its not a question of does this mode need a legendary armor its more of a question how much would benefit the game if more game modes had legendary armor and imho both pvp wvw would benefit massively as well as fractals as its the content ppl in pve run the most
(edited by zealex.9410)
Lol PvP has a lower population because it’s a stale game mode, I’d be willing to bet outside of the league seasons WvW is more played than PvP. That’s without mentioning class balance atm which is pretty horrific in both those game modes.
I also think it’s a little rediculous asking for legendary armour for fractals, they’re little pieces of content you can run for a bit of fun and a little reward like dungeons used to be. A unique fractal armour skin that isn’t too flashy similar to the ones linked above would be nice especially as PvP has the glorious skins and WvW has its own unique skin too. However if you broaden it to include all of PvE there’s far more skins in PvE than either PvP or WvW.
Not every game mode and type of content needs legendary armour and considering the huge amount of work that’s going into designing them to be worthy of the legendary status I don’t think we should have any more than 1 set.
fractals are a much bigger part of the end game than raids for the majority of players :/ Its not a question of does this mode need a legendary armor its more of a question how much would benefit the game if more game modes had legendary armor and imho both pvp wvw would benefit massively as well as fractals as its the content ppl in pve run the most
Idk about wvw, but pvp would be ruined, just like it has been before with examples i posted above. Frankly did you even read what i wrote about pvp backpiece? The backpiece WAS poorly implemented, it caused a lot of bad matches for actual pvp’ers that were forced to carry pve’ers that didn’t give a flying kitten about the matches, just the collection/backpiece. It would be the same with the armor. No matter how it would be implemented, there would be still mob of pve’ers flooding the mode and letting themselves getting carried by pvp’ers. I have been in those matches, they are not fun. You have a guy sitting permanently in at spawn (constantly dying) or farming animals and letting enemy cap points and your match is basically 4v5 (in best case). As pvp’er (that actually raids and does daily fractals as well) i say no, ty, NO to legendary armor in pvp.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Lol PvP has a lower population because it’s a stale game mode, I’d be willing to bet outside of the league seasons WvW is more played than PvP. That’s without mentioning class balance atm which is pretty horrific in both those game modes.
I also think it’s a little rediculous asking for legendary armour for fractals, they’re little pieces of content you can run for a bit of fun and a little reward like dungeons used to be. A unique fractal armour skin that isn’t too flashy similar to the ones linked above would be nice especially as PvP has the glorious skins and WvW has its own unique skin too. However if you broaden it to include all of PvE there’s far more skins in PvE than either PvP or WvW.
Not every game mode and type of content needs legendary armour and considering the huge amount of work that’s going into designing them to be worthy of the legendary status I don’t think we should have any more than 1 set.
fractals are bigger end game content than raids for the majority of players :/ Its not a question of does this mode need a legendary armor its more of a question how much would benefit the game if more game modes had legendary armor and imho both pvp wvw would benefit massively as well as fractals as its the content ppl in pve run the most
The thing is that just isn’t feasible considering how long it took a team to come up with the set of legendary armour that was promised with HoT. I mean it’s been nearly 2 years assuming they started development before HoT came out and we still don’t have it in game. That’s without mentioning the new weapons that are coming out in dribs and drabs with the last one being mistaken for a troll legendary.
I guess we disagree, I don’t think bringing legendary armour to PvP or WvW is what either game mode needs right now. Proper class balancing is far more important than the shiny armour, unique armour skins would be nice but in my opinion not legendary as it needs to have a proportionally high cost to getting it.
(edited by apharma.3741)