new/more player reporting for dungeons

new/more player reporting for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Magus Antiverse.8569

Magus Antiverse.8569

i tried posting this in the support forum but it is closed down and this topic pertains mostly to dungeons anyways due to how it refers to dungeon exploiting specifically but also applies to other parts of the world.
I just read a post from Chris Cleary, one of the game security leads, where he states:


Ok, let me clarify

“Skips” generally require abuse of terrain to accomplish. An example of this would be “breaking out” of the map in order to bypass content. Doing such would be quantified as exploitation, using an exploit and profiting (“selling” runs) would be quantified as selling an exploit.

I am not talking about running past monsters, or using creative use of leashing/pathing.

Without going into punishment or policy, we are going to be ramping up on GM coverage in dungeons. If you believe that someone is exploiting, please do report them in-game.


which i am all for, however there is currently no easy way of reporting an individual for exploiting. currently if one wants to report an exploiter they have to report a bug and then take a picture of the individual in the act and write about it in the post. it would be nice to have a command under the report player for reporting exploits. however if this were implemented it would be abused quite easily, though if a screenshot option were included it would help alleviate the abuse issue.

essentially i am asking for a simpler, more intuitive way of reporting a player for exploiting.

new/more player reporting for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


If you want people to stop breaking a rule you remove their means to acomplish that instead of enforcing a punishment. It’s more effective, less frustrating and it lacks the risk of a wrongful punishment. The most obvious solution is sequencing bosses and/or events! The current method they employ is invisible walls. They do not work. They also ruin the fun of exploring the beautiful maps.

new/more player reporting for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you want people to stop breaking a rule you remove their means to acomplish that instead of enforcing a punishment. It’s more effective, less frustrating and it lacks the risk of a wrongful punishment. The most obvious solution is sequencing bosses and/or events! The current method they employ is invisible walls. They do not work. They also ruin the fun of exploring the beautiful maps.

I <3 you