non-Elite mobs with bugged attacks in CM?

non-Elite mobs with bugged attacks in CM?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ilr.9675



Has anyone else noticed similar bizarre occurrences in CM exp lately?

I understand that the Devs are all extremely busy with other things the next couple days so I’ll use this for a Research thread in the mean time … (and try to get Video of it if it happens again).

The Issue:
At a few chokepoints in CM exp, are these very large groups that are only partially Elites. Most of the other mobs are standard/Minion tier so they’re supposed to just “melt” in most AoE stacks from 5 players and they usually do. At 2/3’s of the way through both Path1 & Path3 (after we countersniped the snipers on the Scaffolding) I noticed the minion tier trash mobs in the huge group under that scaffolding appeared to be 1-hitting me through both Protection & Aegis. (some may also have walked right through my Wards too).

And I’m the group’s “Tank”, I have no issues taking up to 3 direct hits from Subject Alpha and other Legenedaries and 5 direct hits from Seamus (thank goodness for saffron bread!). The only 2 things in any Dungeon that should be 1-hitting me is the Champion Icebrood Wolf (with its instant charge attack that you basically have to be psychic to avoid), and a Champion Scavenger’s lunge which you have enough time to go make coffee, read the paper, and hit the can before it goes off.

After somehow getting a crazy pull against this group that allowed us to kill even the Elite Thug, there was 1 Catpurse “minion” left all by her lonesome back at the Scaffolding which gave me a chance to test my theory…. and sure enough, she; a lowly Non-Elite trash mob…. 1 shotted me with an attack that had No charge-up.

And lastly, I’d like to add… that if the Elite “Thug” is granting all these other trash mobs Stability so they can just walk right through Solid wards and ignore CC… then that needs to be fixed pronto. I’ll agree with other people who thought this route was too easy just a week ago, I agreed too. But there’s other ways to make it challenging. This current “meta” doesn’t leave any room for reaction time & real skill, it’s like you just grit your teeth and hope they die before you do? …if I enjoyed the RNG controlling everything I’d be playing a different MMO with stat-based random blocking chance instead.

Thank You.

non-Elite mobs with bugged attacks in CM?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: phooka.4295


Sureshot-boss is shooting through walls if you encounter him inside (path 1? 2? can’t remember)

Scattershot ignores projectile-reflection. Actually, many shots ignore it.

I’ve done all three paths last weekend and I can say that they were no fun.

Those groups of about 12? Honestly? Yes, you can pull them back until most turn around and then just deal with a few. That’s the way to do it? We all felt that that’s the way to do it and at the same time, we felt that that’s some really stupid mechanic.

Throughout paths 1-3, trash was way more challenging than the bosses. What gives? End boss path 3 – we just shot him at close to max range from the stairs leading down, right after you exit the cave. A sitting duck. But trash till the trigger finger bleeds.

The waypoints. It’s a joke, right? One at the start and then one more, in the yard. 10 metres from the first. And then no third one. That’s adding insult to warn out shoes.

All in all, CM explo has made it on my list of “I don’t need to go there again unless they patch it” dungeons. That’s something TA with the flowers didn’t even manage.

non-Elite mobs with bugged attacks in CM?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Warskull.3096


The thug’s mass stability should absolutely be removed. Try using wall of reflection. It helps quite a bit in CM if used intelligently. It still reflects projectiles.