penalty for spite kick

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


I don’t know how many time I had asked for this. But this needs to be punished!
Half of the time I run FOTM, I got spite kick in the last boss, while there are more than one people from the same guild! Spent more than 2 hours and what I got is a kick!
I even can not report them for doing this because your party chat get disappear after you got kicked!
Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! After 2 years game release and the LFG system is still in beta?

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.6403


We can’t do that, but would you like a new minipet in the gem store instead?

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ettanin.8271


What about:

1st: Enter the instance solo
2nd: Stay inside, near the entrace,
3rd: Open up an LFG request
4th: Wait for ppl to get in
5th: You are now immune! If they kick you, they’ll lose the instance as well, as you are the instance owner.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Since it might be awhile before ANet does anything as sensible as making party and guild chat permanent, try making a habit of friending the party leader.

In Guild Wars 1 you had a list available to you, somewhere on your UI, that showed all the people you recently partied up with. Why they didn’t keep this is one of the little mysteries of life.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Harper.4173


Make sure you’re the instance owner.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Miku.6297


The only other thing then what has been suggested that you might be able to do is screen shot the fractal ready screen. That way even if they kick you, you have their names. After that, I think you can submit ticket with a violation report, usually the only response you will get is the canned

“Thank you for your report of an in-game conduct violation. We will investigate this incident and take action, when appropriate.”
but at least it’s something.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


I have never had this happen to me. I’ve been playing since beta. And you say this happens half the time to you? I hate to ask, but are you at all rude to these people?

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


I have never had this happen to me. I’ve been playing since beta. And you say this happens half the time to you? I hate to ask, but are you at all rude to these people?

I am not rude, but if there is a little stack that may take sometime to pass, they will just kick you for passing it, instead of kicking their guild mates.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


The only other thing then what has been suggested that you might be able to do is screen shot the fractal ready screen. That way even if they kick you, you have their names. After that, I think you can submit ticket with a violation report, usually the only response you will get is the canned

“Thank you for your report of an in-game conduct violation. We will investigate this incident and take action, when appropriate.”
but at least it’s something.

I always report violation action in game with the in game report system. But there is not documentation about how it works, I have no idea if they really care about those.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


Make sure you’re the instance owner.

yes, thats the only way to solve this at this time, but i’d like to see better ways.
Such as when the FOTM has be made. You can not add another person if you lost any one of them before the level passed.
It was kind of making sense to me, the reason they change it because people kick DCers would also lead to missing person for the rest of the game.
I really think they should bring it back and use the code to identify id the player they kick is DC or not, if not, they can not add a new player in the group for the rest of that level.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zackie.8923


we need a kick history counter to show on each player. then we will know whether that kitty is a baddy

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fyrebrand.4859


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


we need a kick history counter to show on each player. then we will know whether that kitty is a baddy

I don’t like that, kick people before the instance starting, or at the beginning is fine, but not at the middle or end of that.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

Wow I completely missed this. Good catch.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

It may be a public area, but people are using a feature of the game to kick you. You don’t like the result so you come to complain. But when someone else complains that someone else is preventing their progression, that’s not acceptable.

Sounds a bit like a double standard to me.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

It may be a public area, but people are using a feature of the game to kick you. You don’t like the result so you come to complain. But when someone else complains that someone else is preventing their progression, that’s not acceptable.

Sounds a bit like a double standard to me.

Well, that’s what I was talking about. yes, they are using a feature of the game to kick me. But thats a bad feature.
One of the bad point is that when you kick a person from group, the is no decline to kick. This will leads people who don’t like to see the bar just click ok.

That also why I said "Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! "

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

It may be a public area, but people are using a feature of the game to kick you. You don’t like the result so you come to complain. But when someone else complains that someone else is preventing their progression, that’s not acceptable.

Sounds a bit like a double standard to me.

Well, that’s what I was talking about. yes, they are using a feature of the game to kick me. But thats a bad feature.
One of the bad point is that when you kick a person from group, the is no decline to kick. This will leads people who don’t like to see the bar just click ok.

That also why I said "Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! "

Right, but those people are doing what they want to do. You don’t seem to have a problem with other people doing what they want to do, people who are actually inconveniencing far more than just you.

One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

The situation is not totally different just because one is a public spot and one is an instance. Griefing is griefing. You lost a lot of credibility when you said the other was amusing and defended the griefers actions.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

It may be a public area, but people are using a feature of the game to kick you. You don’t like the result so you come to complain. But when someone else complains that someone else is preventing their progression, that’s not acceptable.

Sounds a bit like a double standard to me.

Well, that’s what I was talking about. yes, they are using a feature of the game to kick me. But thats a bad feature.
One of the bad point is that when you kick a person from group, the is no decline to kick. This will leads people who don’t like to see the bar just click ok.

That also why I said "Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! "

Right, but those people are doing what they want to do. You don’t seem to have a problem with other people doing what they want to do, people who are actually inconveniencing far more than just you.

One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem.

Ha, thats funny, "One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem. " If you define inconveniences for more people is worse than for one people, then thats the biggest joke I had been heard this year. The idea behind it is just “kill one people save more”. Everyone has their ability to live in the world. No matter how many people you have.
I was trying to confine the discussion to the matter at the issue, but you are just trying to bring the argument which comes out with no logic.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

It may be a public area, but people are using a feature of the game to kick you. You don’t like the result so you come to complain. But when someone else complains that someone else is preventing their progression, that’s not acceptable.

Sounds a bit like a double standard to me.

Well, that’s what I was talking about. yes, they are using a feature of the game to kick me. But thats a bad feature.
One of the bad point is that when you kick a person from group, the is no decline to kick. This will leads people who don’t like to see the bar just click ok.

That also why I said "Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! "

Right, but those people are doing what they want to do. You don’t seem to have a problem with other people doing what they want to do, people who are actually inconveniencing far more than just you.

One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem.

Ha, thats funny, "One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem. " If you define inconveniences for more people is worse than for one people, then thats the biggest joke I had been heard this year. The idea behind it is just “kill one people save more”. Everyone has their ability to live in the world. No matter how many people you have.
I was trying to confine the discussion to the matter at the issue, but you are just trying to bring the argument which comes out with no logic.

I’m saying it’s far more likely two people had a reason to kick you, than one person has a reason for ruining a puzzle for a bunch of other people.

In fact, we only have your word that you were kicked for no reason. We don’t even know what happened. For all we know, you were kicked for something you said, or something you did. You’re assuming they kicked you for no reason, but you don’t even know who they are to ask.

On the other hand, with the jumping puzzle, there is no reason for someone to bug it out. How’s that for logic?

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

It may be a public area, but people are using a feature of the game to kick you. You don’t like the result so you come to complain. But when someone else complains that someone else is preventing their progression, that’s not acceptable.

Sounds a bit like a double standard to me.

Well, that’s what I was talking about. yes, they are using a feature of the game to kick me. But thats a bad feature.
One of the bad point is that when you kick a person from group, the is no decline to kick. This will leads people who don’t like to see the bar just click ok.

That also why I said "Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! "

Right, but those people are doing what they want to do. You don’t seem to have a problem with other people doing what they want to do, people who are actually inconveniencing far more than just you.

One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem.

Ha, thats funny, "One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem. " If you define inconveniences for more people is worse than for one people, then thats the biggest joke I had been heard this year. The idea behind it is just “kill one people save more”. Everyone has their ability to live in the world. No matter how many people you have.
I was trying to confine the discussion to the matter at the issue, but you are just trying to bring the argument which comes out with no logic.

I’m saying it’s far more likely two people had a reason to kick you, than one person has a reason for ruining a puzzle for a bunch of other people.

In fact, we only have your word that you were kicked for no reason. We don’t even know what happened. For all we know, you were kicked for something you said, or something you did. You’re assuming they kicked you for no reason, but you don’t even know who they are to ask.

On the other hand, with the jumping puzzle, there is no reason for someone to bug it out. How’s that for logic?

Again, please don’t bring other forum topic for this.

And, No, of course there are reasons behind. It’s the kick for their selve’s benefits. That why it need to be punished. If you read my form carefully, “more than one people from the same guild”. That means the reason they kick you are , “they have another person want to come and take the benefit you made”, “we are stack, we need another person to pass it but i want kick my guild mate even he is the worst.”

Also, if someone bug your JP out, it’s Anet need to fix it, not the person’s fault.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Miku.6297


I always report violation action in game with the in game report system. But there is not documentation about how it works, I have no idea if they really care about those.

This part of my post

““Thank you for your report of an in-game conduct violation. We will investigate this incident and take action, when appropriate.””

Was taken directly from a CS reply to a report sent in the way I suggested. So they may actually look into reports filed this way as well.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

It may be a public area, but people are using a feature of the game to kick you. You don’t like the result so you come to complain. But when someone else complains that someone else is preventing their progression, that’s not acceptable.

Sounds a bit like a double standard to me.

Well, that’s what I was talking about. yes, they are using a feature of the game to kick me. But thats a bad feature.
One of the bad point is that when you kick a person from group, the is no decline to kick. This will leads people who don’t like to see the bar just click ok.

That also why I said "Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! "

Right, but those people are doing what they want to do. You don’t seem to have a problem with other people doing what they want to do, people who are actually inconveniencing far more than just you.

One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem.

Ha, thats funny, "One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem. " If you define inconveniences for more people is worse than for one people, then thats the biggest joke I had been heard this year. The idea behind it is just “kill one people save more”. Everyone has their ability to live in the world. No matter how many people you have.
I was trying to confine the discussion to the matter at the issue, but you are just trying to bring the argument which comes out with no logic.

I’m saying it’s far more likely two people had a reason to kick you, than one person has a reason for ruining a puzzle for a bunch of other people.

In fact, we only have your word that you were kicked for no reason. We don’t even know what happened. For all we know, you were kicked for something you said, or something you did. You’re assuming they kicked you for no reason, but you don’t even know who they are to ask.

On the other hand, with the jumping puzzle, there is no reason for someone to bug it out. How’s that for logic?

Again, please don’t bring other forum topic for this.

And, No, of course there are reasons behind. It’s the kick for their selve’s benefits. That why it need to be punished. If you read my form carefully, “more than one people from the same guild”. That means the reason they kick you are , “they are another person want to come and take the benefit you made”, “we are stack, we need another person to pass it but i want kick my guild mate even he is the worst.”

Also, if someone bug your JP out, it’s Anet need to fix it, not the person’s fault.

Sorry but there’s no logic to this. First, you’re just assuming it’s for their benefit. You don’t know. Maybe they felt you were a hindrance to the team. Maybe you said something that offended them. No one has anything but your word about why they did it.

Again, with the jumping puzzle, if someone deliberately breaks the game so that people can’t continue they are in violation of the terms of service. This isn’t something that can be done accidentally. We know what they’re doing and how. It’s something that is deliberate sabotage. They do it to grief. It’s against the rules. There’s no way anyone could logically say it should be allowed.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


I always report violation action in game with the in game report system. But there is not documentation about how it works, I have no idea if they really care about those.

This part of my post

““Thank you for your report of an in-game conduct violation. We will investigate this incident and take action, when appropriate.””

Was taken directly from a CS reply to a report sent in the way I suggested. So they may actually look into reports filed this way as well.

yeah, I was always asking for documentation of this part, but there is not official replay.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

It may be a public area, but people are using a feature of the game to kick you. You don’t like the result so you come to complain. But when someone else complains that someone else is preventing their progression, that’s not acceptable.

Sounds a bit like a double standard to me.

Well, that’s what I was talking about. yes, they are using a feature of the game to kick me. But thats a bad feature.
One of the bad point is that when you kick a person from group, the is no decline to kick. This will leads people who don’t like to see the bar just click ok.

That also why I said "Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! "

Right, but those people are doing what they want to do. You don’t seem to have a problem with other people doing what they want to do, people who are actually inconveniencing far more than just you.

One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem.

Ha, thats funny, "One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem. " If you define inconveniences for more people is worse than for one people, then thats the biggest joke I had been heard this year. The idea behind it is just “kill one people save more”. Everyone has their ability to live in the world. No matter how many people you have.
I was trying to confine the discussion to the matter at the issue, but you are just trying to bring the argument which comes out with no logic.

I’m saying it’s far more likely two people had a reason to kick you, than one person has a reason for ruining a puzzle for a bunch of other people.

In fact, we only have your word that you were kicked for no reason. We don’t even know what happened. For all we know, you were kicked for something you said, or something you did. You’re assuming they kicked you for no reason, but you don’t even know who they are to ask.

On the other hand, with the jumping puzzle, there is no reason for someone to bug it out. How’s that for logic?

Again, please don’t bring other forum topic for this.

And, No, of course there are reasons behind. It’s the kick for their selve’s benefits. That why it need to be punished. If you read my form carefully, “more than one people from the same guild”. That means the reason they kick you are , “they are another person want to come and take the benefit you made”, “we are stack, we need another person to pass it but i want kick my guild mate even he is the worst.”

Also, if someone bug your JP out, it’s Anet need to fix it, not the person’s fault.

Sorry but there’s no logic to this. First, you’re just assuming it’s for their benefit. You don’t know. Maybe they felt you were a hindrance to the team. Maybe you said something that offended them. No one has anything but your word about why they did it.

Again, with the jumping puzzle, if someone deliberately breaks the game so that people can’t continue they are in violation of the terms of service. This isn’t something that can be done accidentally. We know what they’re doing and how. It’s something that is deliberate sabotage. They do it to grief. It’s against the rules. There’s no way anyone could logically say it should be allowed.

Oh you are talking about I was assuming something like “people need to drink water.”
And I don’t want to talk about the topic from other forum in my topic again, thank you.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Miku.6297


I always report violation action in game with the in game report system. But there is not documentation about how it works, I have no idea if they really care about those.

This part of my post

““Thank you for your report of an in-game conduct violation. We will investigate this incident and take action, when appropriate.””

Was taken directly from a CS reply to a report sent in the way I suggested. So they may actually look into reports filed this way as well.

yeah, I was always asking for documentation of this part, but there is not official replay.

What documentation do you have that they look at the other?

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


If someone has done at least 1 event in the dungeon they shouldn’t be kicked. If they’ve not got any medals then perhaps that warrants a kick, other than that, kicking shouldn’t be allowed, especially near the end.

BUT – if they do it, put it down to experience – the people who do regularly kick people from dungeons are only giving themselves a bad reputation (and possibly their guild too) so if they want to constantly troll or grieve, let them – they will only hurt themselves in the long run. I’ve seen a couple of guilds on Piken Square that are talked about (not by myself) because of this elitist behaviour, and those guilds are shrinking.

In short: Try not to let them bother you – you are a better player than they are because you’re not a sore loser – they are!

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Omar Aschi Popp.7496

Omar Aschi Popp.7496

I laughed my puma off this entire thread!

“It sounds funny!”!!!!!!!!

See what I did there?!

Seriously, I made this weird kinda face, like with my eyebrows and scrunched my nose and I made a lol, with my mouth! At Starbucks!

List of people whose posts speak on my behalf:
Lunar Sunset.8742

(edited by Omar Aschi Popp.7496)

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Embrace The Bold.7619

Embrace The Bold.7619

I don’t know how many time I had asked for this. But this needs to be punished!
Half of the time I run FOTM, I got spite kick in the last boss, while there are more than one people from the same guild! Spent more than 2 hours and what I got is a kick!
I even can not report them for doing this because your party chat get disappear after you got kicked!
Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! After 2 years game release and the LFG system is still in beta?

If it happens that often guilds might not be the issue…. perhaps try and be nicer in chat with the party? And always either be instance leader or screen shot their names.

The Sickest Guild NA

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

I learnt something new today.

It’s ok to grief people in open world, but not in dungeons! Never dungeons!

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

It may be a public area, but people are using a feature of the game to kick you. You don’t like the result so you come to complain. But when someone else complains that someone else is preventing their progression, that’s not acceptable.

Sounds a bit like a double standard to me.

Well, that’s what I was talking about. yes, they are using a feature of the game to kick me. But thats a bad feature.
One of the bad point is that when you kick a person from group, the is no decline to kick. This will leads people who don’t like to see the bar just click ok.

That also why I said "Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! "

Right, but those people are doing what they want to do. You don’t seem to have a problem with other people doing what they want to do, people who are actually inconveniencing far more than just you.

One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem.

Ha, thats funny, "One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem. " If you define inconveniences for more people is worse than for one people, then thats the biggest joke I had been heard this year. The idea behind it is just “kill one people save more”. Everyone has their ability to live in the world. No matter how many people you have.
I was trying to confine the discussion to the matter at the issue, but you are just trying to bring the argument which comes out with no logic.

I was all set to agree with you until I saw the other thread. Different circumstances, yes, but its still wrong to do EITHER, period.

(edited by Morfedel.4165)

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Yeah, griefing sure is horrible, huh? Just imagine, somebody intentionally trying to give you a hard time in-game. Awful! No reason for that! Except…

How Do We Report Guild Puzzle Trolling?

this sounds funny!

Well, i’d say people has the ability to do what ever them want in this game. It’s not breaking game agreement for doing such of a thing in open public area. If your guild event is more organized, I don’t think this kind of thing would happen. Consider about yourself before blame the others.

So, I guess griefing is only bad when it happens to you?

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.
Also, the situation is totally different, guild JP is in public area but FOTM is a instance area.
And also, if you don’t like the people who did that troll on you, you should ask for a better system, such as make the guild JP into a instance, but not to punish someone doing any action in public area.

It may be a public area, but people are using a feature of the game to kick you. You don’t like the result so you come to complain. But when someone else complains that someone else is preventing their progression, that’s not acceptable.

Sounds a bit like a double standard to me.

Well, that’s what I was talking about. yes, they are using a feature of the game to kick me. But thats a bad feature.
One of the bad point is that when you kick a person from group, the is no decline to kick. This will leads people who don’t like to see the bar just click ok.

That also why I said "Make penalty for this or change your LFG system! "

Right, but those people are doing what they want to do. You don’t seem to have a problem with other people doing what they want to do, people who are actually inconveniencing far more than just you.

One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem.

Ha, thats funny, "One guy inconveniences 50 people in a guild for no real reason, and that’s okay. Two guys kick just you and that’s a problem. " If you define inconveniences for more people is worse than for one people, then thats the biggest joke I had been heard this year. The idea behind it is just “kill one people save more”. Everyone has their ability to live in the world. No matter how many people you have.
I was trying to confine the discussion to the matter at the issue, but you are just trying to bring the argument which comes out with no logic.

I’m saying it’s far more likely two people had a reason to kick you, than one person has a reason for ruining a puzzle for a bunch of other people.

In fact, we only have your word that you were kicked for no reason. We don’t even know what happened. For all we know, you were kicked for something you said, or something you did. You’re assuming they kicked you for no reason, but you don’t even know who they are to ask.

On the other hand, with the jumping puzzle, there is no reason for someone to bug it out. How’s that for logic?

Again, please don’t bring other forum topic for this.

But they are similar circumstances; not identical, yes, but similar, and you are making yourself really questionable when you cry foul when it happens to you, yet laugh about it when something similar happens to others.

Essentially, you are right, NOW, that its wrong, but you were wrong IN THE OTHER THREAD for laughing about it; people were intentionally ruining other people’s fun, for no good reason whatsoever. That’s trolling, thats wrong; at least with you being kicked, they had a reason for it.

Also, if someone bug your JP out, it’s Anet need to fix it, not the person’s fault.

It ISNT?!?! If the person did it on purpose, it sure IS their fault! Seriously, wth?!

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


Oh you are talking about I was assuming something like “people need to drink water.”
And I don’t want to talk about the topic from other forum in my topic again, thank you.

That’s unfortunate. Some of us DO want to talk about it, however.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.

Why not? Because it reveals your hypocrisy?

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

Ahh. They say you can’t have your cake and eat it too.. well maybe the OP can’t but I sure as kitten do when I read these threads.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Morfedel.4165


1st, please don’t bring something from different topic to this one.

Why not? Because it reveals your hypocrisy?


penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

This thread is amazing.

Kicking pugs at end bosses is crappy. Especially in fractals. If they’re really bad players, you know this by the first boss of the first fractal, sometimes before, so you should kick then then. If I have a pug being a kitten to me, no matter when, if it’s my instance and my party and it is disrupting the run they will be kicked, whether it’s in swamp or right at the second phase of jade maw.

Kicking is something that is often misunderstood as griefing. If you’re consistently getting kicked from parties you might want to look at yourself before laying the blame on others. My 2 coppers.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Embrace The Bold.7619

Embrace The Bold.7619

This thread is amazing.

Kicking pugs at end bosses is crappy. Especially in fractals. If they’re really bad players, you know this by the first boss of the first fractal, sometimes before, so you should kick then then. If I have a pug being a kitten to me, no matter when, if it’s my instance and my party and it is disrupting the run they will be kicked, whether it’s in swamp or right at the second phase of jade maw.

Kicking is something that is often misunderstood as griefing. If you’re consistently getting kicked from parties you might want to look at yourself before laying the blame on others. My 2 coppers.

Sometimes it doesn’t show up till the end for example:

I was doing Arah P2 with a guildy we both got to last boss, no probs. Our group was failing at skip (even boat) so he and I try to duo. He goes in dies at about 45% HP left to the random 9k aoe then I as a ranger try to solo the rest (I cant cuz of the kitten ed pet). Then our pugs FINALLY get there and the first one says out of no where he says “oh great this f****t ranger started to kill the boss” I vote to kick and my other guildy (we only had two pugs) seconds, then our other pug got upset because we kicked this guy at last boss and that makes us one of those scumbag guilds and promptly left. Being an kitten is NOT okay. PERIOD. Some people really need to learn that.

The Sickest Guild NA

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lilith Ajit.6173

Lilith Ajit.6173

This thread is amazing.

Kicking pugs at end bosses is crappy. Especially in fractals. If they’re really bad players, you know this by the first boss of the first fractal, sometimes before, so you should kick then then. If I have a pug being a kitten to me, no matter when, if it’s my instance and my party and it is disrupting the run they will be kicked, whether it’s in swamp or right at the second phase of jade maw.

Kicking is something that is often misunderstood as griefing. If you’re consistently getting kicked from parties you might want to look at yourself before laying the blame on others. My 2 coppers.

Sometimes it doesn’t show up till the end for example:

I was doing Arah P2 with a guildy we both got to last boss, no probs. Our group was failing at skip (even boat) so he and I try to duo. He goes in dies at about 45% HP left to the random 9k aoe then I as a ranger try to solo the rest (I cant cuz of the kitten ed pet). Then our pugs FINALLY get there and the first one says out of no where he says “oh great this f****t ranger started to kill the boss” I vote to kick and my other guildy (we only had two pugs) seconds, then our other pug got upset because we kicked this guy at last boss and that makes us one of those scumbag guilds and promptly left. Being an kitten is NOT okay. PERIOD. Some people really need to learn that.


But like I said, if a pugs being a kitten, he’s going to be kicked. Doesn’t matter how much of the path they think they’ve “carried” me through (ever notice that this is almost ALWAYS the case in these threads? Lol). If they are going to be rude and disrupt a run, I won’t tolerate it. I play how I want.

And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

I kick how I want. Don’t matter how many complain threads they make on here, ‘ol uncle swif’ ’ll kick em right fast.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Embrace The Bold.7619

Embrace The Bold.7619

I kick how I want. Don’t matter how many complain threads they make on here, ‘ol uncle swif’ ’ll kick em right fast.

I used to do that but now I can’t cuz I’m supposed to be a respectable officer in my guild Q.Q at least most bads say something that allows me to kick them ( I can’t initiate a kick unless they are trolling/rude :/).

The Sickest Guild NA

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I’ve only been grief kicked once, and to be fair it was probably my fault for running CoE at 3AM with some random guild. I had explained every encounter to them and in many cases they all died and I would finish the boss myself. I didn’t think I aggravated any of them, but maybe my explaining the events was seen as condescending or some crap.

Anyway, I’ve done so many dungeons that only getting grief kicked once is pretty telling. I genuinely don’t think there is as much griefing in dungeons (except when selling paths) as many of these posts suggest, mostly because the people posting the threads don’t think about why they might’ve been kicked.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gyler.8150


I guess it isn’t as bad to be kicked in a dungeon since mostly can be done fairly quickly. Fractals on the other hand, that gets the blood boiling.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cakesphere.5910


I can’t help you with your kick, OP, but I can give you this


GS1’ing world bosses since 2013

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


If you get kicked that often, there’s probably a common denominator (and it isn’t the fact that it’s “guild groups”).

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SephiSlash.6780


Maybe you’re the problem TC.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Seriously, if you’re being kicked this often, you might want to rethink how you interact with other players.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Giotto.2607


Seriously, if you’re being kicked this often, you might want to rethink how you interact with other players.

Yeah, i had been rethink this, def not my problem. Only thing found may works is that if i saw there are people from the same guild, i just leave at the beginning to avoid this.

penalty for spite kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

You bumped the thread then as soon as someone posted you deleted your bump post.

Nice smooth Necroing there.