playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skarpak.8594


somebody on a eu fanside just nailed it.
we polished our skill for fast dungeons runs years and now with the reward nerf what is it worth?

35 silver…go ahead, i know some rich iron ore nodes. doesn’t even take 1 minute to farm them, and its worth more.
know you know how much anet values our skill and their dungeons…content they created. less then mining in the open world.

let me quote this for you:

“Dungeon rewards have been rebalanced to more accurately reflect the time needed to complete them.”

looks like mining ore is harder. xD

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JammeR.1059


It feels like ANET want people out of dungeons because they want PvE maps to feel busy and full.

In a dungeon there’s 5 of you stuck in a single instance, no one knows you are there and only people on friends or guild lists can see if you are in one.

If you are out in a PvE map you are running around making the game look busy and full of life. When a F2P person see’s how alive the PvE maps are it helps with getting them to purchase the game and create more money.

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s funny that story mode gives like 75s, like 3 times compared to explorable.

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Henry.5713


The fact that people kept on doing dungeons for three years, without pretty much any changes, says it all. Great design, replay value and so many ways to improve your own gameplay.
There is a number of very dedicated players who focused on dungeons and fractals almost entirely. The recent changes happened in the full knowledge that this group of people will be neglected, even punished.

It makes sense from a marketing point of view, though:
B2P and F2P games like this one live from drawing in new players and making them spend money on the cash shop.
Many of them felt forced to go into dungeons for the rewards. A place where they can neither hide in the anonymity of a zerg or play solo. They will be newbies and treated as such. Even if it is not in a mean way, people don’t like to be excluded for being new. They might even get abused verbally or kicked without a word.

Like I said, makes sense to remove a problem for your main audience, your grade A customers. It even frees up your own resources now that you can stop working on dungeons.

The sad part is that some of us still much rather go into dungeons than play any other part of the PvE content. Some have such limited time that they can not work on gear or skins (talking about farming gold) and do dungeons (content they enjoy) at the same time. They have do stuff they dislike and get the same rewards as others or do stuff they like and get hardly any rewards.
We can only hope raids will be everything that was promised. I don’t see any reason to stick around for the dungeon community otherwise.

Also, I am not biggest fan of blaming the change on game economics. Feels a bit weird to read about that when I can go and do some solo or zerg content and get even higher rewards than pre HoT dungeons. Something everyone can do, not only the fast dungeon runners…

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alphard.6529


It’s not as bad as you guys make it sound. If you salvage/sell everything and convert the tokens into gold, you’ll still make 1-2 gold per dungeon path.

[KING] Alpha Cas

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skoigoth.9238


Pretty much spot-on OP lol, I currently make ~9 gold every day from gathering without investing too much of my playing time. You have to consider though that there is an important difference between direct gold rewards and “indirect” gold rewards, aka you have to sell them on the TP first to get gold. Direct gold rewards generate gold out of thin air, while item drops do not, unless it is items you sell to a vendor NPC ofc, like with e.g. the fractal trash items.

So I guess they not only nerfed the gold rewards because they wanted to discourage people from playing old content, but also because they wanted to keep gold generation in check. I’m sure there are people out there with much better knowledge of how the in-game economy works that could probably go more in-depth on this, but that’s the way I see it.

I just wish they’d do two things, a) make the rewards ACTUALLY reflect the length and difficulty of each dungeon path respectively and b) add some indirect gold rewards to the final and daily chest, like 2 guaranteed rares with the chance for exotics or something like that, for compensation.

On a more positive note, I get the impression that since the reward nerf way less baddies and rude people are doing dungeons now, which is great for PuGers like me.

(edited by Skoigoth.9238)

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jockum.1385


Some time ago players complained about dungeons only giving good rewards for completing them. Chests and enemies on the path usually only drop worthless junk.

I think trashmobs should drop better, more rewarding, loot. COE has groups of fast dying enemies which are usually worth killing.
Maybe it helps to increase droprates or improve loot of veterans/elites in dungeons. Or add some easy to kill trashmobs. Or let bosses drop more than one champ bag.
But….I don’t think Anet cares about dungeons. Imho they are great teamcontent (GW2 has a lack of it), a great way to learn about gameplay mechanics/improve your skill, more “casualfriendly” content. When raids really are targeted at the hardcore players: I doubt its a good idea to offer some easy zerg-play content (open world) and raids and nearly nothing in between. There should be a huge variety to team focussed content with different difficulties, so players can become better players. Find content which meats their skilllevel.
But…well…thats nothing new, 2012 arguments. Anet never cared and kept focussing only on huge open world events.

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


theres still a reward for dungeons: skins.

please, place a value on having a skin you like before kittening about how dungeons no longer offer you enough gold.

its really too bad the skins are easier to get from pvp though. thats a real issue.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: saturn.4810


The people that did a daily dungeon tour for some time will have all skins unlocked anyway, so for them that doesn’t matter.

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


The people that did a daily dungeon tour for some time will have all skins unlocked anyway, so for them that doesn’t matter.

the people that did a daily dungeon tour after unlocking the skins did it for the gold. and now the gold has moved elsewhere (and has generally become material based instead of liquid based). its time for them to follow. farmers gotta farm.

it sucks that their fave gold farm got nerfed. get over it and find the next one. there is always another.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

the people that did a daily dungeon tour after unlocking the skins did it for the gold. and now the gold has moved elsewhere (and has generally become material based instead of liquid based). its time for them to follow. farmers gotta farm.

it sucks that their fave gold farm got nerfed. get over it and find the next one. there is always another.

I don’t think you understand. A very non-negligible portion of the playerbase enjoys instanced 5-man content. Running around Silverwastes or farming Flax Seeds is not as enjoyable for these players—The idea that they used to be able to play dungeons with their friends and make solid gold per hour was great. Now that is gone, and it’s certainly not like Fractals can bridge that gap. These players are being told that they can’t make money playing their favorite content. It’s a real shame.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: timmyf.1490


A very non-negligible portion of the playerbase enjoys instanced 5-man content. … These players are being told that they can’t make money playing their favorite content. It’s a real shame.

This. I don’t really enjoy open world stuff. I do enjoy instanced PvE, WvW, and occasionally some sPvP. I guess I just don’t enjoy enough of the game to deserve to make decent gold anywhere now?

I’m looking forward to raids, but it’d be nice to still have a more casual option as well.

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


the people that did a daily dungeon tour after unlocking the skins did it for the gold. and now the gold has moved elsewhere (and has generally become material based instead of liquid based). its time for them to follow. farmers gotta farm.

it sucks that their fave gold farm got nerfed. get over it and find the next one. there is always another.

I don’t think you understand. A very non-negligible portion of the playerbase enjoys instanced 5-man content. Running around Silverwastes or farming Flax Seeds is not as enjoyable for these players—The idea that they used to be able to play dungeons with their friends and make solid gold per hour was great. Now that is gone, and it’s certainly not like Fractals can bridge that gap. These players are being told that they can’t make money playing their favorite content. It’s a real shame.

fractals were my jam pre-hot. did 50s at least half of the days, did 50+40 about a quarter of the days. now theyre just another dungeon without those kinda uncommon ascended chests. i quite understand. instanced content got hit hard. i dont like it much either, but im not dwelling on it.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

playing dungeons is like mining iron ore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


only your hammering on something that’s already dead.