power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


description says +10% damage vs damage vs. Toxic Alliance, Watchwork, Aetherblade, and Molten Alliance

does that work for cof or se or dredge fractal? I’m not sure if those count as scarlet armies.

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


I’m not sure about the Dredge Fractal, but it DOES work for the Molten/Aetherblade Fractals as well as the Molten Boss/Mai fractals.

There also used to be a bug in the past where all krait seem to be counted as Toxic Alliance, but they may fixed that now.

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: captainteemo.6537


Why should that be a bug? Krait were part of the alliance. So was the nightmare court. It would be great of someone officially could test/tell us if there’s actually a buff while fighting them? In dungeons and the open world?

The only ones that worked with Scarlet but weren’t officially part of the alliance was the inquest?

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


It works against Nightmare Court.

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: captainteemo.6537


It works against Nightmare Court.

Thanks! can get rid of those nightmare court potions then! More inventory space!

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dakota.4591


The way I understand it (and someone might have done the testing to back me up or disprove me) is:

Scarlet’s Slaying potions work on the base species. So they work on regular Dredge, Flame Legion, Nightmare Court, and Krait.
Base species potions do not work on those specifically in Scarlet’s Armies. So Dredge or Flame Legion potions do not work on Molten Alliance, and Krait/Nightmare potions do not work on Toxic Alliance.

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Esmee.1067


Why should that be a bug? Krait were part of the alliance. So was the nightmare court. It would be great of someone officially could test/tell us if there’s actually a buff while fighting them? In dungeons and the open world?

The only ones that worked with Scarlet but weren’t officially part of the alliance was the inquest?

It would be a bug since not every Krait, nor every Dredge, nor every Nightmare Court member is part of the Molten, Toxic or Aetherblade Alliance. (Definitly due to the time-line, but from the Nightmare Court I’m 99% sure it was only a splinter faction that joined the Toxic Alliance.)

Doesn’t mean it doesn’t work that way though. I’m quite curious now. I’m drowning the those potions. I can back up that the other way around it doesn’t work.

(edited by Esmee.1067)

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: captainteemo.6537


Well, I think we’re thinking about this in different ways.

1) Lore wise – yes, not every member was part of the alliance. So timeline wise, it might not make sense for certain dungeons and areas.

2) Game wise – I’m guessing each unit has a ‘marker’ to denote a type for that unit. So assuming all krait are marked as ‘krait’ and the potion triggers against anything marked ‘krait’ etc.

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Ok boys, girls and the rest, I will go test it out.

Nightmare: Works
Dredge: No effect
Krait: Works
Flame Legion: No effect

Kind of what was expected.

(edited by Wethospu.6437)

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: captainteemo.6537


Good to know! Thanks, so apparently not all flame legion and dredge are part of the molten alliance, but all nightmare court and krait are!

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Lore-wise that’s not true, but that’s good to know. Thanks for testing, Wethospu. Good thing I have 2 stacks of Scarlet potions left for Fractals then!

power potion of slaying scarlet armies?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: One Note Chord.5031

One Note Chord.5031

Thanks for doing the tests!

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