queuing up

queuing up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Akeem.3271


Queuing up for raids and fractals would be better than LFG tool,I don’t like how it works if your in a guild cool but i solo and every guild i get into are dead…..Queuing up I could still run around do what ever i want while waiting for the Queue , idk im happy that we have something like LFG tool but i just think it could work better with Queuing in place. A lot of mmo’s have this in place they can leave it how they have it but just make it Queuing be much Easier to get the dungeon you what to play …..

queuing up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zerotwo.4731


I prefer to start a group and continue on what I am doing like selling loot or crafting. Once the group is formed I can then meet them in the dungeon.