raids are annoying

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jumpin Lumpix.6108

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

I am an experienced raider with 15 yrs of experience in multiple mmo’s including ffxi, ffxiv, wow – vanilla, bc, wotlk, cata expansions (did hard mode 25 man in all expansion packs w/top guilds). also played gw1, got gwamm did speed clears with the guild LOD, for domain of anguish (which had world record) as well as UW, FOW, and the deep/urgoz warren. I also have been playing gw2 since launch, lvl 100 fractal level, spvp legend in 2 seasons, part of tier 1 blackgate wvw, have over 20k+ gold from playing the tp, 5 characters fully ascended, and 4 legendaries.

yet i cannot find a raid group.

Why might you ask? because every time I ask to join one they say EXP ONLY.

Well I’ve seen the video’s on youtube and learned meta builds + rotations on 5 classes as well as updated for last weeks patch and followed meta updates as per the guild qT

there is no way for anyone to know that I’ve done any of these things. I get a litany of crap from people saying – go get a training run, which is a joke because half the people who show up are lost or don’t care about beating the content. and exp groups won’t take me because I have no LI’s so catch 22 right there. Then I get asked to make my own group, which is tantamount to saying why don’t i just form my own guild – which I don’t want to do, its way too time consuming for such little pay off. Would be nice if there was some way to make this process easier.

I also don’t like that such a casual game (which is why i somewhat liked it) decided to make raid content that is ultra gimmicky. Bring X builds or you run out of time or are one shot by some mechanic because you didn’t bring X. THAT’S NOT DIFFICULTY. that’s a gimmick. Difficulty is like playing a game like binding of issac. Random elements that are just difficult to handle and you have to adapt spur of the moment. That’s difficulty. Make a boss where 99% of the floor is fire and only 1% isnt and it moves around fairly quickly – THATS HARD, no class would give u an advantage to that just pure movement and reflexes. Instead we get ZERK only meta, oh CONDI meta only on this part, oh need healer blah blah blah. (which is fine for me I have all of those things but its still gimicky as in not hard). Or how about a boss where u can dps it while having to navigate a jumping puzzle, that’s difficult again no class would really give you an advantage there.

When we all complained about wanting harder content (myself included) why did anet interpret that as being we need more difficult GROUP CONTENT. I waste HOURS standing around trying to find a group. HOURS talking to ppl on discord and TS only for raids to fall apart or ppl not showing up (even when I try to form a static group). I’ve even read from others that as soon as they train someone to do a fight they usually quit, and don’t keep raiding and the process of training new ppl starts all over again which makes exp players not want to raid.

Its too hard and inconvenient in this day and age to organize 10+ ppl. The fact that we have to use third party voice coms is a testament to that. In addition this is why raiding in mmo’s in general is not as popular as it once was, who has patience for this. I’m not succeeding at raids because I CANT find Groups, not because they are hard or challenging.

I also like when ppl say things like OH YOU JUST don’t want to put in the time. I guarantee that as someone who is starting raiding, that i have put in probably 1000x’s more work into “GETTING READY TO RAID” then 99% of most people who get started. If I didn’t want to put in the time, I’d just buy a raid run, because screw it I have tons of money, I already put the time in and it has paid off with nothing. Would be more efficient for me to play the TP harder and just buy it. (I use to sell HM fights in FFXIV to other players so I’m no stranger to this type of transaction). It’s even more funny because i played FFXI, I used to wait sometimes 3-4 hours just for an experience party, I once fought a boss in that game for 12 hrs straight, so ya, I’d say I have the patience.

I’m like 2 seconds away from just buying the entire run because dealing with group forming/matching/meeting up is just too much of a hassle, and it would be cheaper/less time for me to buy the entire run. (freaking sad, and i’m dissapointed in this).

at least games like wow and ffxiv made the effort with large raids. WOW has LFR which auto joins you with other players. nobody would probably use that here because the LFR system would probably not match you with a person w/the correct build/stats/exp because again the fights are too precise and gimmicky. So they would just rely on the same “show me your LI exp only” LFG messages rather than use a system like this.

FFXIV i think found a balance they have auto joining LFR but they made the raids that are somewhat challenging (not really they’re pretty ez, they could be harder though but not gimmicky) but you get to do it w/strangers and no voice com, so the fights are straightforward, you get nice rewards, you experience the content w/a lot of ppl and most raids are a win. They could modify this to make it harder, more challenging or random but at least w/this it’s not a painful approach to forming up.

Now they could modifiy this system to some extent, by adding more players to the raid 15 man’s + auto grouping. But as it is now its too hard (gimmicky (+ it’s not hard for me, its just hard enough that ppl won’t take ppl who are new)) w/10 man and it limits TONS Of potential players who would LIKE TO RAID, but can’t.

again I have been turned off and discouraged from doing content I Want to do, and am ready to do, countless times because of the matching and human aspect, of forming a group combined w/how the encounters and raids are structured as well as lack of an auto-grouping feature.

I wish they had made difficult solo, or duo content, or perhaps 5 man content that is even more difficult than fractals. Organizing and dealing with the petty human aspect of this game is not only the most difficult its the most painful and time consuming barrier to a game which is supposed to be fun.

Either make the raid itself easier, so ppl require less from PUG’s, add auto group feature so we don’t have to deal with the hassle of finding players or, increase player cap in raids to require less from PUG’s or make hard smaller group content instead of raids, Or make raid fights ACTUALLY DIFFICULT yet STRAIGHTFORWARD, w/no requirement of certain builds, instead of this gimmicky garbage so that ppl lighten up on raid requirements. Also make more viable builds, and try to balance raid dps so all classes are on par not specific classes so that you see stuff like “LF DPS TEMPEST ONLY” cuz its at 44k dps atm and other classes are at like 29k. (tall order but whatever).

TLDR: raid content is too gimmicky (not hard but filled w/specific cheese mechanics + you need specific builds), makes players discriminate against pugs and not take/teach new players. No way of really telling who is good vs bad, your’ either EXP or NOT. Dunno why they chose 10 man content to be difficult, why not 2 or 5 man content? No auto join system, trying to get a group and organize is painful if your not in a raid static/guild

aka. “The Complainer”

(edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108)

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


part of tier 1 blackgate wvw

bg is tier 2 dude

Nalhadia – Kaineng

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: domness.6719


You can complete the raids with any build pretty much, so half of your argument is void from the very beginning; going to ignore half of what you said because you don’t even have a clue.

I’ve joined and completed raid encounters on another account without having to show any exp at all, so again, something unique to you.

I don’t really know what else to say.

raid content is too gimmicky (not hard but filled w/specific cheese mechanics + you need specific builds)

… I have no LI’s

[OP] Optimise

(edited by domness.6719)

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jumpin Lumpix.6108

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

part of tier 1 blackgate wvw

bg is tier 2 dude

wasn’t during wvw season

aka. “The Complainer”

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jumpin Lumpix.6108

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

You can complete the raids with any build pretty much, so half of your argument is void from the very beginning; going to ignore half of what you said because you don’t even have a clue.

I’ve joined and completed raid encounters on another account without having to show any exp at all, so again, something unique to you.

I don’t really know what else to say.

raid content is too gimmicky (not hard but filled w/specific cheese mechanics + you need specific builds)

… I have no LI’s

guess your just lucky? I keep getting players in my group who lose, so You must be god since you can control how others play, or you multibox all other players accounts? or your prob playing w/exp players already. I believe you when you say that other players can complete it w/any build. But in LFG ppl want specific builds and they won’t take you unless you have exactly what they want. (i never said the content was hard, i could prob solo the bosses w/a stick if i was allowed too) Its the human matchmaking aspect that is the problem, how does one get w/said EXP players w/out a ton of pain and grief?

I also like that the only thing you quoted was that I HAVE NO LI’s therefore i must not KNOW wHAT IM TALKING ABOUT right? even though i have all this crap:

I am an experienced raider with 15 yrs of experience in multiple mmo’s including ffxi, ffxiv, wow – vanilla, bc, wotlk, cata expansions (did hard mode 25 man in all expansion packs w/top guilds). also played gw1, got gwamm did speed clears with the guild LOD, for domain of anguish (which had world record) as well as UW, FOW, and the deep/urgoz warren. I also have been playing gw2 since launch, lvl 100 fractal level, spvp legend in 2 seasons, part of tier 1 blackgate wvw, have over 20k+ gold from playing the tp, 5 characters fully ascended, and 4 legendaries.

yet i cannot find a raid group.

Well I’ve seen the video’s on youtube and learned meta builds + rotations on 5 classes as well as updated for last weeks patch and followed meta updates as per the guild qT

aka. “The Complainer”

(edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108)

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OnizukaBR.8537


Raids on GW2 is far from gimmick, and if you want you can pug VG any day. And seeing your tone on this post, i’m sure this is a player behavior problem, not an entry raid problem.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jumpin Lumpix.6108

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

Raids on GW2 is far from gimmick, and if you want you can pug VG any day. And seeing your tone on this post, i’m sure this is a player behavior problem, not an entry raid problem.

right not having auto join feature is a player behavior problem right…

aka. “The Complainer”

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Raids on GW2 is far from gimmick, and if you want you can pug VG any day. And seeing your tone on this post, i’m sure this is a player behavior problem, not an entry raid problem.

right not having auto join feature is a player behavior problem right…

There are quite a few training guilds that clear bosses frequently they post on the forums, also a lot of pugs that don’t have requirements, or you know you can start you own raid, having the game force a group together is not needed and will cause more problems and toxicity within groups, do to player cohesion or lack there of if they are forced to group. Raiding in this game is not difficult, also PUGs were never the intended target audience, it was always organized raid groups, it just so happens the raids can be completed by PUGs also try joining a raiding guild that provides training runs, normally they take about 4-5 inexperienced raiders with 5 of their more experienced ones to teach and clear which have great success, try getting into the TTS raiding guild

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HoneyBadger.5691


I am an experienced raider with 15 yrs of experience


TLDR: raid content is too gimmicky (not hard but filled w/specific cheese mechanics + you need specific builds), makes players discriminate against pugs and not take/teach new players. No way of really telling who is good vs bad, your’ either EXP or NOT. Dunno why they chose 10 man content to be difficult, why not 2 or 5 man content? No auto join system, trying to get a group and organize is painful if your not in a raid static/guild

You make a lot of good points. Can’t really disagree on anything, anet class balance is beyond atrocious for pve and if they’re going to have raids, they need to implement raid specific balance (that does not affect other pve/wvw/pvp) to tweak dps. It’d be as easy as altering damage from each ability.

I don’t think you’re going to find a way around players’ attitudes without having tiered difficulty. In their current iteration, raids are basically a glorified farm/grind for some skins people haven’t seen, and no matter how mechanics are changed to de-cheeze/de-gimmick raids, I think you’ll still have a meta that farms LIs fastest.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Absurdo.8309


In addition to the advice above (join a guild, groups aren’t that hard to join), you can always make your own group with whatever requirements you want.

I have formed/joined several groups (and beat the boss) with descriptions ranging from:

LFM Sloth
LFM VG, exp
LFM Xera, ping 50+ insights.

It also seems you’re having some problems getting your class/build into groups. What classes do you bring? Things like power scrapper are not in high demand for pug groups.

Finally, some self-reflection never hurts. The one common factor across all your attempts is you.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: domness.6719


Guys, asking him to make his own LFG is apparently too much:

Then I get asked to make my own group, which is tantamount to saying why don’t i just form my own guild – which I don’t want to do, its way too time consuming for such little pay off

Seems like the standard “give me everything on a silver platter” person / troll. Let’s stop the conversation here.

[OP] Optimise

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Absurdo.8309


I am an experienced raider with 15 yrs of experience


TLDR: raid content is too gimmicky (not hard but filled w/specific cheese mechanics + you need specific builds), makes players discriminate against pugs and not take/teach new players. No way of really telling who is good vs bad, your’ either EXP or NOT. Dunno why they chose 10 man content to be difficult, why not 2 or 5 man content? No auto join system, trying to get a group and organize is painful if your not in a raid static/guild

You make a lot of good points. Can’t really disagree on anything, anet class balance is beyond atrocious for pve and if they’re going to have raids, they need to implement raid specific balance (that does not affect other pve/wvw/pvp) to tweak dps. It’d be as easy as altering damage from each ability.

I think all classes have raid builds they can bring. There are probably 10-20 builds you could bring across all classes seems pretty good to me.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


part of tier 1 blackgate wvw

bg is tier 2 dude

Yeah, but how does it feel being ranked below a t2 server on the overall scores? :b

(ok I really just wanted to comment because your post made me laugh very hard because it is technically true, the best kind of true)

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dinosaurs.8674


I am an experienced raider with 15 yrs of experience


TLDR: raid content is too gimmicky (not hard but filled w/specific cheese mechanics + you need specific builds), makes players discriminate against pugs and not take/teach new players. No way of really telling who is good vs bad, your’ either EXP or NOT. Dunno why they chose 10 man content to be difficult, why not 2 or 5 man content? No auto join system, trying to get a group and organize is painful if your not in a raid static/guild

You make a lot of good points. Can’t really disagree on anything, anet class balance is beyond atrocious for pve and if they’re going to have raids, they need to implement raid specific balance (that does not affect other pve/wvw/pvp) to tweak dps. It’d be as easy as altering damage from each ability.

I think all classes have raid builds they can bring. There are probably 10-20 builds you could bring across all classes seems pretty good to me.

I love raids and do them all the time, but honestly the class balance for raids is pretty meh. Druid + warrior + chrono is optimal in every fight with the same roles. Revenant is used only because of the F2 button. Engineer is optimal for nothing but VG. Thief has DPS + breakbar and abokittene crap besides that. IMO ony ele, guardian, and arguably ranger are in a decent place for raids with multiple builds and utility options that are useful and unique and don’t trash their usefulness to bring. Everything else is a one trick pony (even if that trick happens to be really good).

To be fair the classes besides maybe revenant were designed a long time ago when raids as we know them would never have been expected. But that doesn’t change the reality of the situation, so I also think it would be great to have raid specific balance changes.

Regarding the OP, the only advice I can give you would be to join a guild with a raiding community. This doesn’t have to be a strictly raiding focused guild, just a guild that has people that raid. I don’t pug very often so I can’t comment on finding pug raids as a new raider, but joining a guild worked out quite well for me. Good luck dude.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pompeia.5483


We did a successful raid with five tempests, three reapers, a ps, and a chrono just the other day, on vg, as a training run. Druids and revenants are not needed. You can do the content with any group of classes if you have people in good gear, using food, and not dying all the time.

The reasons pugs take the “meta comp” is to increase chances of success. It is unfortunate that this exists but it has always been a state of the game in all modes you are not soloing, especially in other mmo’s, so hope that fact is not somehow a surprise.

As to forming a group. Search the forums and reddit or make your own are both the valid response to that.

Amanda Corsiva – Revenant && Katereyna – Chillomancer
Jenna Gracen – Scrapper && Merit Sullivan – Guardian
Daenerys Ceridwen – Druid && Vexia Gracen – Chronomancer

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Absurdo.8309


I am an experienced raider with 15 yrs of experience


TLDR: raid content is too gimmicky (not hard but filled w/specific cheese mechanics + you need specific builds), makes players discriminate against pugs and not take/teach new players. No way of really telling who is good vs bad, your’ either EXP or NOT. Dunno why they chose 10 man content to be difficult, why not 2 or 5 man content? No auto join system, trying to get a group and organize is painful if your not in a raid static/guild

You make a lot of good points. Can’t really disagree on anything, anet class balance is beyond atrocious for pve and if they’re going to have raids, they need to implement raid specific balance (that does not affect other pve/wvw/pvp) to tweak dps. It’d be as easy as altering damage from each ability.

I think all classes have raid builds they can bring. There are probably 10-20 builds you could bring across all classes seems pretty good to me.

I love raids and do them all the time, but honestly the class balance for raids is pretty meh. Druid + warrior + chrono is optimal in every fight with the same roles. Revenant is used only because of the F2 button. Engineer is optimal for nothing but VG. Thief has DPS + breakbar and abokittene crap besides that. IMO ony ele, guardian, and arguably ranger are in a decent place for raids with multiple builds and utility options that are useful and unique and don’t trash their usefulness to bring. Everything else is a one trick pony (even if that trick happens to be really good).

To be fair the classes besides maybe revenant were designed a long time ago when raids as we know them would never have been expected. But that doesn’t change the reality of the situation, so I also think it would be great to have raid specific balance changes.

I respectfully disagree. True, some classes have only one good build for raids. But across all the classes, there’s plenty of diversity. Since there’s no gear grind, you can maintain multiple classes with little/no continual investment.

Here’s builds that I would accept into a raids group:

Ele: staff dps, fresh air dps, healer
Mesmer: tank, boon share
Necro: condi (death or blood magic)
Ranger: Healer, condi
Engineer: condi
Thief: staff dps, d/d dps, condi
Revenant: power dps (with any off-legend)
Warrior: power ps, condi ps
Guardian: Hammer build, other dps symbol builds

There’s a lot to choose from if you don’t limit yourself to one class.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chaos.5072


The great thing about LFG is you can use it to make your own group with your own requirements.

If you’re too impatient to wait a few minutes for a groups to fill, raids are probably not right for you.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pompeia.5483


You should add tempest tank to that list. My best tanking ever was on a tempest. Basically auramancer that uses earth instead of fire. Roughly 50-60% damage reduction the whole fight with plenty of self sustain and damage.
They also do a decent job with all Viper gear if you know what you are doing (for condi) and need a non-reaper condi option.

Amanda Corsiva – Revenant && Katereyna – Chillomancer
Jenna Gracen – Scrapper && Merit Sullivan – Guardian
Daenerys Ceridwen – Druid && Vexia Gracen – Chronomancer

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I am an experienced raider with 15 yrs of experience


TLDR: raid content is too gimmicky (not hard but filled w/specific cheese mechanics + you need specific builds), makes players discriminate against pugs and not take/teach new players. No way of really telling who is good vs bad, your’ either EXP or NOT. Dunno why they chose 10 man content to be difficult, why not 2 or 5 man content? No auto join system, trying to get a group and organize is painful if your not in a raid static/guild

You make a lot of good points. Can’t really disagree on anything, anet class balance is beyond atrocious for pve and if they’re going to have raids, they need to implement raid specific balance (that does not affect other pve/wvw/pvp) to tweak dps. It’d be as easy as altering damage from each ability.

I think all classes have raid builds they can bring. There are probably 10-20 builds you could bring across all classes seems pretty good to me.

I love raids and do them all the time, but honestly the class balance for raids is pretty meh. Druid + warrior + chrono is optimal in every fight with the same roles. Revenant is used only because of the F2 button. Engineer is optimal for nothing but VG. Thief has DPS + breakbar and abokittene crap besides that. IMO ony ele, guardian, and arguably ranger are in a decent place for raids with multiple builds and utility options that are useful and unique and don’t trash their usefulness to bring. Everything else is a one trick pony (even if that trick happens to be really good).

To be fair the classes besides maybe revenant were designed a long time ago when raids as we know them would never have been expected. But that doesn’t change the reality of the situation, so I also think it would be great to have raid specific balance changes.

I respectfully disagree. True, some classes have only one good build for raids. But across all the classes, there’s plenty of diversity. Since there’s no gear grind, you can maintain multiple classes with little/no continual investment.

Here’s builds that I would accept into a raids group:

Ele: staff dps, fresh air dps, healer
Mesmer: tank, boon share
Necro: condi (death or blood magic)
Ranger: Healer, condi
Engineer: condi
Thief: staff dps, d/d dps, condi
Revenant: power dps (with any off-legend)
Warrior: power ps, condi ps
Guardian: Hammer build, other dps symbol builds

There’s a lot to choose from if you don’t limit yourself to one class.

Engi’s power build is only slightly behind their condi build (with alacrity that gap increases a bit though). Thing is in many cases (when you can epidemic bounce or transfer your condi’s) necro beats out condi Engi. And, of course Thief beats out Power Engi, and Ele on large hitboxes.

Engi is solid, it’s just a solid number 2/3 (in both builds), which apparently most people find unacceptable <insert eyeroll emoji here>

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dinosaurs.8674


I respectfully disagree. True, some classes have only one good build for raids. But across all the classes, there’s plenty of diversity. Since there’s no gear grind, you can maintain multiple classes with little/no continual investment.

Here’s builds that I would accept into a raids group:

Ele: staff dps, fresh air dps, healer
Mesmer: tank, boon share
Necro: condi (death or blood magic)
Ranger: Healer, condi
Engineer: condi
Thief: staff dps, d/d dps, condi
Revenant: power dps (with any off-legend)
Warrior: power ps, condi ps
Guardian: Hammer build, other dps symbol builds

There’s a lot to choose from if you don’t limit yourself to one class.

I would take most of that and more (there is no way in hell I would take a Shiro Revenant to anything), in fact I’ve played mostly condi rev in raids for the last few days lol. But that isn’t really the point. All sorts of crap is viable if you know what you’re doing. I’m not usually one to start with the “play how you want” crap for raids but it would be nice if there was some balance to classes being good at some bosses and bad at others. I guess really there are a couple distinct issues:

1.) Certain classes are so effective that playing without them is objectively suboptimal against every raid boss (namely druid, chrono, and warrior) while others are suboptimal in nearly every situation (engineer).
2.) Certain classes are so inflexible that they would fall to engineer tier or lower if a single skill or ability were to be removed. Examples include necromancer with epidemic, revenant with facet of nature, and arguably mesmer with signet of inspiration.

And come on man, that’s 17 builds for 9 classes, and you’re stretching it by counting those mesmer builds as different. But whatever let’s ignore that because I think power engi is better than you give it credit for. You’re still at an average of less than two builds per class in raids. That’s horrible. Just the fact that you have to say “across the classes, there’s plenty of diversity” implies that in-class diversity is so bad that you might have to swap classes just to get some variety.

Teamcomp diversity and build diversity within individual classes are both severely lacking.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rashy.4165


Join a raiding guild. Forget LFG. Once you’re raiding consistently with a raiding guild, then look into LFG.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


The thing is, the second you bring this up on these forums, one of two things will happen -

1.A small group of people will tell you that it is all in your head and you need to learn to play.
2. If you persist, they will tell you that it is a self-imposed problem and you are bad for not trying to fix it yourself. They do not understand that many just don’t play the same way they do – and that those people would actually enjoy a different kind of raiding experience in the game.

The reality is that there comes a point when things like this make the game less fun for some people – even some who love to raid.

Class balance for raids are a mess because of the HUGE gap in dps between certain professions – meaning raids will probably continue to be balanced in a way that makes a large number of builds/playstyles detrimental to the success of the group (or else risk making it faceroll for the upper end dps professions). While some mechanics encourage diversity and strategy, others (most notably enrage timers and other kill fast gimmicks) reinforce the meta and just constrict the ability of some players to play professions and builds they might actually enjoy.

While there is some personal responsibility on players to meet certain thresholds, raids (without tiered or scaled difficulty) in their current form take it further than this game – which has always reveled in and supported player choices – should have.

It is the single biggest issue with raids – and one I, unfortunately, don’t see going away anytime soon.

(edited by Blaeys.3102)

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


The thing is, the second you bring this up on these forums, one of two things will happen -

1.A small group of people will tell you that it is all in your head and you need to learn to play.
2. If you persist, they will tell you that it is a self-imposed problem and you are bad for not trying to fix it yourself. They do not understand that many just don’t play the same way they do – and that those people would actually enjoy a different kind of raiding experience in the game.

The reality is that there comes a point when things like this make the game less fun for some people – even some who love to raid.

Class balance for raids are a mess because of the HUGE gap in dps between certain professions – meaning raids will probably be balanced in a way that makes a large number of builds/playstyles detrimental to the success of the group (or else risk making it faceroll for the upper end dps professions). While some mechanics encourage diversity and strategy, others (most notably enrage timers and other kill fast gimmicks) reinforce the meta and just constrict the ability of some players to play professions and builds they might actually enjoy.

While there is some personal responsibility on players to meet certain thresholds, raids (without tiered or scaled difficulty) in their current form take it further than this game – which has always reveled in and supported player choices – should have.

It is the single biggest issue with raids – and one I, unfortunately, don’t see going away anytime soon.

Or 1. a small group of about 4 people will say it’s an issue nobody else sees, there are more people that want raids to stay the same.

2. The raids were designed for one target audience, just like how every other part of the game is for specific target audiences but people don’t want to put the effort to meet the goal of what the raids provide, mostly tied to the rewards the raids offer.

The fact is making raids easier trivializes what raids represent and were designed for, it has been proven that raids are extremely easy, but people won’t take time to learn fights, make their own groups, or build classes appropriately most classes have quiet a bit of diversity to be able to successfully down bosses, and last everything in this game has some requirements to compltete content raids being one of the more lenient.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fishball.7204


You can make your own group and ask for other people who are pro raiders from other games but have 0 LI in GW2 raids and are good enough to raid but just can’t find a group due to reasons.

I’m sure since there are so many of them out there the group will instafill.


raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Soon.5240


When we all complained about wanting harder content (myself included) why did anet interpret that as being we need more difficult GROUP CONTENT.

Preach, brother.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OneUP.3024


When we all complained about wanting harder content (myself included) why did anet interpret that as being we need more difficult GROUP CONTENT.

Because this is an MMO? If you want Solo hard content play hard single player games. Don’t understand your problems tbh. I think raids are fine, they are fun and It’s not hard at all to find groups.

Quantify [qT]

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


You cannot have difficult group content without drama though, unfortunately. I’ve seen this time and time again in PvE, PvP and even WvW.

It does not matter how straightforward the mechanics are, what builds and classes are optimal – as long as there is a significant chance of failure people will (a) seek out the best players to group with and/or (b) become insufferable kittens when things go wrong.

The bottom line though, is that no matter what route you take (I recommend finding a good guild) raiding will require you to put in a lot more effort than anything else in the rest of the game. It can be pretty annoying, but the target audience for this type of content need this in order to enjoy it.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


The fact is making raids easier trivializes what raids represent

I think you are over glamourizing raids a bit here. The only thing they represent is something (hopefully fun) to do in a video game.

There is no logical reason to design them around a subset of PVE-ers outside of – maybe – developer resource issues. If they can economically develop multiple tiers or scalable difficulties (that take nothing away from the challenging content modes), then they should. It would reduce the worries about content droughts, justify continued investment in raids and deepen the pool of potential raiders (again, without taking anything away from the challenging content modes).

The idea that raids represent or signify anything more than video game content is either patently absurd or born of unrealistic ego trips.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OnizukaBR.8537


The fact is making raids easier trivializes what raids represent

I think you are over glamourizing raids a bit here. The only thing they represent is something (hopefully fun) to do in a video game.

There is no logical reason to design them around a subset of PVE-ers outside of – maybe – developer resource issues. If they can economically develop multiple tiers or scalable difficulties (that take nothing away from the challenging content modes), then they should. It would reduce the worries about content droughts, justify continued investment in raids and deepen the pool of potential raiders (again, without taking anything away from the challenging content modes).

The idea that raids represent or signify anything more than video game content is either patently absurd or born of unrealistic ego trips.

It certainly wouldn’t you, would see post "A-net stop making raids, we want more LS, we want more maps, we want more … " Because there a lot of people that dont want to raid, be it easier mode or hard mode. I think the smallest part of the community is the one that still wants to raid, and only want if its an easier mode. Most want to raid at the current difficult or dont want to raid at all, so yeah waste of time and resource.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


It certainly wouldn’t you, would see post "A-net stop making raids, we want more LS, we want more maps, we want more … " Because there a lot of people that dont want to raid, be it easier mode or hard mode. I think the smallest part of the community is the one that still wants to raid, and only want if its an easier mode. Most want to raid at the current difficult or dont want to raid at all, so yeah waste of time and resource.

I think you are making assumptions here that probably aren’t true.

PVE-ers love new content – any new content – especially if it ties (even remotely) into lore or story they enjoy. It’s why people grind collection achievements or log on and hunt down every tiny corner of every single map.

If raids are more accessible, then more people will raid – I’m sure of that (especially if the raids are more amenable to a wider range of playstyles/builds/etc).

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


The fact is making raids easier trivializes what raids represent

I think you are over glamourizing raids a bit here. The only thing they represent is something (hopefully fun) to do in a video game.

There is no logical reason to design them around a subset of PVE-ers outside of – maybe – developer resource issues. If they can economically develop multiple tiers or scalable difficulties (that take nothing away from the challenging content modes), then they should. It would reduce the worries about content droughts, justify continued investment in raids and deepen the pool of potential raiders (again, without taking anything away from the challenging content modes).

The idea that raids represent or signify anything more than video game content is either patently absurd or born of unrealistic ego trips.

by your logic why should they make any content targeting specific Audiences? Remove pvp it is such a small subset of the population? Why have Dungeons it’s such a small subset of the population that plays it?

They have target audiences that they release content to draw more players, you having them implement something will take away from somewhere else which will cause more content droughts, something no one wants, if they did implement easy mode raids it would have to have a lot less in terms of rewards so that it does not detract from the reasons to do normal raids, and by that point there would be next to no reason to do those easier raids causing a hold up in resources that could have been used elsewhere. It wouldn’t make the pool of potential raiders bigger if we base raiding off of the current standard which the raids are so easy that you can do them in suboptimal groups i.e. By gear, by having less than half the required members, by having sub optimal classes with suboptimal gear i.e. Stacking 10 of one class in tank gear.

If they can’t get the raids because they are too hard now and all you need to do is learn mechanics and have a basic understanding of classes and performing a basic rotation then they won’t be able to when they go to try the “hard mode” raids in a tiered raid system.

And no ego trip here I don’t raid O.o, I PvP and WvW I have done a total of 6boss kills out of 6 attempts 2 from pugs when raids were released and the other 4 helping my casual guild fill slots, no ego trip here I took 5 minutes out of my day to learn mechanics through guides/ vids if it was a new boss and then knew my role and profited. I don’t hardcore PvE in gw2, my character is always in the mists otherwise.

So it won’t affect me in the slightest if they change this but why force something that was never intended for you in the first place?

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

You make a lot of good points. Can’t really disagree on anything, anet class balance is beyond atrocious for pve and if they’re going to have raids, they need to implement raid specific balance (that does not affect other pve/wvw/pvp) to tweak dps. It’d be as easy as altering damage from each ability.

I don’t think you’re going to find a way around players’ attitudes without having tiered difficulty. In their current iteration, raids are basically a glorified farm/grind for some skins people haven’t seen, and no matter how mechanics are changed to de-cheeze/de-gimmick raids, I think you’ll still have a meta that farms LIs fastest.

The point of raid builds isn’t to get the fastest time, and that differs a lot from the dungeon builds of olden days. The point of raid builds is to get the fastest time while also having the highest success rate. It’s why you have lower damage builds like Chronomancer with Distortion share and the like being popular. Furthermore, regardless of what Metabattle says, for instance, the single most popular PUG raid Druid build is a pure healer in Magi gear because it results in people not dying and it can compensate for a lot more individual mistakes made by other members of the team.

Also, I will say that most people who raid aren’t doing it as a LI farm, they’re doing it because they enjoy the challenge, the necessary coordination, and the content overall. I have more than enough LI for a legendary armor set, and I continue to raid and do old bosses for no reason other than it’s fun. I’ve killed VG and KC four times each this week alone with assorted groups and using different builds. I’ll no doubt kill them another couple times before the week’s end.

Finally, I just want to say that PvE balance is great. Raids offer the greatest breadth and depth of build diversity that is seen anywhere in the game. Every single class gets used regularly, with the only class currently suffering a little in the current meta being an Engineer (only gets regularly used for VG, but competes with Necromancer). Beyond just class balance, you’ve also got gear diversity far above any other PvE content. Magi healers, Commander boon sharing Chronomancers, Berserker DPS, Viper condition DPS are all used and are successful. Compare that to old days where the only thing that existed was power DPS and you can clearly see how much better things are now.

Anyway, I think raids are just great.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Talindra.4958


btw, don’t loose hope, it is never easy. the time that I can raid is hard because I am oceanic players, and I play with average ping 400-600 being in EU server. but I still able to raids I raid during my night time when there are less chances to get group in EU. still I am able to get myself into raids. I am sure you can too. just hard to start with .. I have been kicked once only so far that was because they remembered me raged quit their team (and before I raged I called out noob team lol) but I have my reason why I did that and it was my first time raging at people. I am usually patience even with super failing group.
from exp in pugging raids, I think, if you want to get into raids, it is best for you to join a raid guild. try all other ways too.. talk to people and etc to get yourself into a steady team.. you can also get a roaster team.. they don’t have to be super good but as long as you have the numbers, as long as people willing to spend the time and have the patience, the more training the better. not everyone is lucky to get into good group and be carried until they become exp. girls with sweet voice usually has better chance :P

Champion Magus & Phantom, Demon’s Demise, The Archdesigner.
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Raids are the best pve content the game has to offer. I want more of it

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Raids are the best pve content the game has to offer.

That’s a really pessimistic look on the game.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OnizukaBR.8537


Raids are the best pve content the game has to offer.

That’s a really pessimistic look on the game.

Only if you are anti raid

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


Raids are the best pve content the game has to offer.

That’s a really pessimistic look on the game.

Sorry that I do not find the “spam 1 on guard staff to win” content entertaining.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mXz.4512


Raids are the best pve content the game has to offer. I want more of it

“Best” is completely subjective. “Most challenging” would be more appropriate to describe it as many peeps don’t or wouldn’t agree.

And until the day I’m able to find a group to get into it, it also isn’t the ‘best’ content on my list.

Yes I’m a vet, yes I’m salty. Problem?

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


“Best” is completely subjective. “Most challenging” would be more appropriate to describe it as many peeps don’t or wouldn’t agree.

What do you think is the ‘best’ PvE content in the game?

Nalhadia – Kaineng

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fishball.7204


“Best” is completely subjective. “Most challenging” would be more appropriate to describe it as many peeps don’t or wouldn’t agree.

What do you think is the ‘best’ PvE content in the game?

ERP. Definitely ERP.


raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draco.9480


the raids are a joke compared to raids in cataclysm (wow) and yet people tryhard on ‘em.
first it was the ap and the zerk meta toxic mentality. now it’s li and wannabe pro/delusional tryhards.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TexZero.7910


“Best” is completely subjective. “Most challenging” would be more appropriate to describe it as many peeps don’t or wouldn’t agree.

What do you think is the ‘best’ PvE content in the game?

ERP. Definitely ERP.

The man, or woman, or charr raises a very valid point.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


the raids are a joke compared to raids in cataclysm (wow) and yet people tryhard on ‘em.
first it was the ap and the zerk meta toxic mentality. now it’s li and wannabe pro/delusional tryhards.

Then go back to WoW if you love it so much? Oh wait it’s a joke now too.

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


the raids are a joke compared to raids in cataclysm (wow) and yet people tryhard on ‘em.
first it was the ap and the zerk meta toxic mentality. now it’s li and wannabe pro/delusional tryhards.

What are we talking here? LFR? Normals? Heroics? What about mythics now? 10v 25?

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

raids are annoying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Draco.9480


the raids are a joke compared to raids in cataclysm (wow) and yet people tryhard on ‘em.
first it was the ap and the zerk meta toxic mentality. now it’s li and wannabe pro/delusional tryhards.

Then go back to WoW if you love it so much? Oh wait it’s a joke now too.

Those comments “then go back to zis game” are made by anet fanboys.
It’s called to criticize a game so maybe a hope a developer see zis and do something about it. IF you only praise the game they won’t do kitten.