starting solos
Staff ele can solo AC 1 & 3 easily.
Mesmer can do Arah 2 & 3 without much problems.
warrior is the solo king
I did enjoy my first experiences with ta forward. The only annoying part is Leurent. I was on my thief, dunno about elly but I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t struggle too much.
Afk range wurm, afk range archers….
Ele is excruciatingly challenging to solo with, at least Arah. I had to give up on Arah P4… couldn’t get past Lyssa and only killed Balthazar once on it because 1 of the fireball aoes = 1 shot. So irritating.
SEp1.. any profession. Pretty easy with guardian and mesmer. Good starter dungeon for soloing as most fights are one-on-one, and only one legendary boss so it doesn’t take forever.
+1 for TA forward. Pretty straightforward, though I grab guildies for the nightmare tree. The fight isn’t that hard, but it takes forever solo.
I consider TA up a little bit easier, but would say both TA’s are among the easiest paths solo.
Lupi solos on 9/9 professions
Wost Engi NA
Warrior is defnitely the easiest to start with (except for a couple of specific paths). Pick the dungeon path you feel you have most experience in and just try!
+1 for TA forward. Pretty straightforward, though I grab guildies for the nightmare tree. The fight isn’t that hard, but it takes forever solo.
Pre-patch I considered it a darn tough encounter. Nightmare tree on TA fwd was by far worse than Leurent was. The pressure from the veteran oakhearts was unbearable to the point where the only feasible way to kill the nightmare tree was very slowly. I had to use shake it off + warhorn offhand to stand a chance and it took like 20 mins lol.
Ah, I honestly never tried. I watched some videos on youtube and noticed that folks usually got to the nightmare tree about halfway through the video and said “kitten that, ‘/g Who wants a gold for 5 minutes of fighting?’” ;-)
5 minutes for nightmare tree with a 5 man team…? o.O
But yeah nightmare tree is a kitten. I did it myself on ele a few times and it always ends up as kiting the oakhearts while trying to dodge their immobilize and ranging the tree.
+1 for TA forward. Pretty straightforward, though I grab guildies for the nightmare tree. The fight isn’t that hard, but it takes forever solo.
Pre-patch I considered it a darn tough encounter. Nightmare tree on TA fwd was by far worse than Leurent was. The pressure from the veteran oakhearts was unbearable to the point where the only feasible way to kill the nightmare tree was very slowly. I had to use shake it off + warhorn offhand to stand a chance and it took like 20 mins lol.
Since you can’t crit the tree it might not be so bad with full PVT? Or maybe a even (gasp) condi spec.
Staff ele is very good for forward nightmare tree, meteor shower and frostbow hit it extremely hard, and has enough condi cure with 20 in water and ether renewal to get out of the immobilizes effectively.
Lupi solos on 9/9 professions
Wost Engi NA
+1 for TA forward. Pretty straightforward, though I grab guildies for the nightmare tree. The fight isn’t that hard, but it takes forever solo.
Pre-patch I considered it a darn tough encounter. Nightmare tree on TA fwd was by far worse than Leurent was. The pressure from the veteran oakhearts was unbearable to the point where the only feasible way to kill the nightmare tree was very slowly. I had to use shake it off + warhorn offhand to stand a chance and it took like 20 mins lol.
Since you can’t crit the tree it might not be so bad with full PVT? Or maybe a even (gasp) condi spec.
I love condi damage necro for bosses solo…. I melt them from distance
But uhhh, pvt is fine against the tree, but maybe for f-f you still want zerk. For the adds.
5 minutes for nightmare tree with a 5 man team…? o.O
What can I say, I’m a realist — we aren’t all in DnT/rT :-P
“kitten that, ‘/g Who wants a gold for 5 minutes of fighting?’” ;-)
uh… 5 mins? … To put it in perspective, dlonie, heads will roll in TeamSpeak if it’s a 20 sec kill, or God forbid, longer than that. Should be done in 14-18, assuming might-stack before engagement and proper use of Ele weps.
(edited by Anierna.6918)
Oh kitten… Brace yourselves…
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles
some good ideas above.
for what its worth here are mine.
the folks At DnT and rT have been nothing but helpfull in my own asking and pestering them occasionally. a lot of it is simply just knowing the chosen class you have decided to try it with. Each one will have its strength and weaknesses.
Warrior being a popular one due to its internal sustain. Wethsopu, Purple Miku, come to mind when i think if top notch warrior players. that know that class inside and out. And solo some of the hardest content in the game.
Sanderinoa comes to mind for Mesmer. and he has many solo vids up you can see what it is he does. He was the one way back when that inspired myself to really start looking at the classes and not just slapping on some gear and running. but to really think about what was happening.
Randomfightfan, may not be around as much as he used to be but he was the one that got the whole ball rolling for thief and the fact it was possible.
Spoj, hass been a voice in the Necromancer World and although we know that Necros are in a rough spot concerning PvE and dungeons. it doesnt change the fact that they are so much fun to play. So like many other we have joined Spoj safely tucking away our Necros for casual fun stuff waiting for the day they become something more.
not to detract from the original purpose of the thread but to encourage you to just try!
start with AC story. it simple. its really straight forward. choose a class you want to do it with and just start running. and REALLY look at what it is that they do. When you have completed AC story i would imagine you have a better idea of not so much what YOU are capable of, but what the chosen class can do. at that point you can think about another path. and start to break it down mentally and plot out how to pull it off, before you even set foot inside the run.
AC story, start there.
Still a newbie to GW2 but I’d also say that probably AC story and TA up is a good place to start. Let us know how it goes, I’m interested in soloing myself after some time
Good luck!
Thinking of soloing with specific classes, what I’d do is :
AC → Ele
CM → Thief
TA → Guard
SE → Warrior, maybe mes but I’d suck :<
CoF → Warrior, Thief, Mes I guess
HotW → hahawtfIdon’teven maybe Guard, defo warrior
CoE → Warrior or Guard
Arah → Warrior, Guard, Mesmer.
All in all, pick what you prefer, personally I’ve already chosen which classes I’d do dungeons solo with
Honestly, I’d say we can all agree that soloing is all about challenging yourself. Therefore I find threads like these a bit controversial :P most paths are soloable, except for a couple of obviously group gated areas such as the shoggaroth in arah path one, but once you come across these you can just invite some people for just that.
As for classes, soloing is all about adapting to situations in my mind, for this you need to know your class inside out, so the best class to solo anything with would be the class you’re the most familiar with.
And again, if soloing is about challenging yourself, why would you take the class which makes it the easiest? That’s like wanting to climb mount Everest and taking a helicopter to the top.
If you choose to take the easiest class for anything you won’t die as much in-game, but you’ll die of boredom outside
If you choose the class you wish to play, you may die more in-game but you’ll enjoy yourself a lot more.
In the end solos(initial ones) usually end up with dying a lot and being able to pick yourself up again and trying new things. There’s no party members to judge you, so do what YOU think you can and want to do, and do it on the class you want to do it on. Instead of asking us about what we think you should or can do.
If you REALLY end up in a pinch, the people at the dungeon forums will always be around to give you advice.
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
Ty guys.
I think I ll start with ac story it somehow makes sense. I hadnt thought about story modes, thanks!
Sandy, lets just say that if my goal is the Everst, Im just asking for some mountaind to get in shape first. About the sport shoes…yeah my call.
Ty guys.
I think I ll start with ac story it somehow makes sense. I hadnt thought about story modes, thanks!
Sandy, lets just say that if my goal is the Everst, Im just asking for some mountaind to get in shape first. About the sport shoes…yeah my call.
Understandable, though I find that due to different mechanics, mobs and other influences, dungeons are different enough from each other to the point that learning to do one perfectly solo does not actually grant you any better results in another, contrary to climbing different mountains first
If you want to practice global things like reaction time, specific mobs are a better idea.
But that’s just my view on the subject.
A good way to train for when you have a particular dungeon boss fight that you find hard is that there are high chances that a mob in open world uses the same skills or shares animations. You can thus try to train there
However, with Megakitten we can’t do it as calmly as before :s
I’ve never been a soloer and I’m not good at it; I’m a social player so I hate playing on my own and I never solo when I have my friends online, but yeah… I agree that the good thing about soloing is not feeling any pressure. You can experiment with (stupid) tactics and new weapon combos: if you die you can just restart and the only one judging is yourself.
My first (partial) solo was like a super bad – and long – TA f-f and it took me 10 mins only to figure out the tactic I liked the most for the wurm. Was that the best and the fastest tactic possible? Dunno, but nobody was bothering me about it. “Omg nub, I do that in 20 seconds!”
Meeeeh. Don’t care. I had a lot of fun and I was satisfied, especially because I didn’t play Google Wars 2, looking for videos on how to do it instead of doing it.
Even if I got bored at Leurent that time… Ah. I’m not really a soloer. I give up too quickly.
Solo players are sexy. ’Nuff said.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I agree with your mentality Sandy, but god _ammit soloing Arah P4 on Ele is equivalent to soloing it with no armor on warrior for some of the encounters. It’s for several reasons but mainly the lack of HP (and no healing signet lol); while it’s true that it makes things more challenging, I find warrior to have more fluid gameplay and that the class is just perfect for solos. It’s for sure the most fitting class for my gameplay, just as you seem to feel about mesmer. ^^
Truly, Ele = way way way more challenging to solo with though. I consider it pretty awful to solo Arah with, but by far the dominant team play class.
Well yeah we all know the warrior is the most self sustaining class, which makes it good for soloing most of the time, but it’s simplicity also renders it incapable of doing more complicated solos which would mechanics different from hitting things(not trying to offend anyone). The prime example would be the grawl fractal we talked about before. I enjoy the mesmer for solos just because it has something of everything, meaning that while my damage may be low, with enough determination I can get pretty much anything done.
All classes have their own reasons for being good in a solo setting, but they’ll only come to light in the hands of a skilled user(some more easily than others). A skilled thief soloer won’t complain about his low health because he has figured out how to handle it, just like a skilled warrior soloer won’t complain about his inability to stealth himself. I find this to be true in group play as welll.
Those who are really determined and skilful enough to be the best with their respective class don’t focus on what they cannot do, but on what they can do to make up for or work around it.
Well said.
I wish 100b would count as more than one attack for grawl fractal on imbued shaman’s shield -.-…
But then again now that I think about it, I benefit from it counting as only 1 when dealing with Lyssa’s clones on Arah P4 solos… so that I don’t inadvertently wipe from the 25 confusion stacks.
Imbued shaman = one of the most fun encounters in the game imo
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Scratch that…
OMG piglet!!!!!!!!! Now I can pigpigboarbow in all dungeons!!!!!! yessssssssssssss
(edited by deSade.9437)
Btw, this boss on an ele is like jumping rear-first into a factory of nails. Would’ve never known how much of an kitten this guy was had I not tried it on Ruby Miku before. Purple, on the other hand, wipes the floor with him.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
I don’t do solos for the challenge, I do it for the monies xD. I would however love for Anet to support soloing content through better rewards so I can try out areas other than Arah. But anyways I recommend to the OP to solo Arah path 2 with a warrior since you can make alot of money doing it and it is the easiest class to solo Arah path 2 with.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
(edited by EcoRI.9273)
Actually mesmer is easiest until you hit Brie.
Belka is a joke, abom is a joke, Lupi is Lupi, Alphard is a joke.
Brie is … an annoying DPS race.
Soloing Belka and Alpkitten warrior is just extremely tedious. On mesmer I can tab out against Belka and browse the internet while she dies.
No, not again.
Actually mesmer is easiest until you hit Brie.
Belka is a joke, abom is a joke, Lupi is Lupi, Alphard is a joke.
Brie is … an annoying DPS race.
Soloing Belka and Alpkitten warrior is just extremely tedious. On mesmer I can tab out against Belka and browse the internet while she dies.
Well its slower though, and if you’re gonna try alphy and abomination without proper strategy, you’re gonna have a bad time
Alphard is a piece of kitten. Buggy monstrosity of a boss. Did they fix the bone wall garbage yet btw?
On mesmer I can tab out against Belka and browse the internet while she dies.
How does this work?
On mesmer I can tab out against Belka and browse the internet while she dies.
How does this work?
Fight her underwater.
First dungeon I ever soloed was TA up on my engineer, hardest part was Fyonna I guess, the wurm is easy and predictable, Malrona is incredibly predictable (plus you get a huge damage buff when poisoned) and the end tree you can just range if you really want…
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”
At least on mesmer, IMO the hardest parts of TA up are the trash before Malrona, and the champ/silver duo before the tree.
On mesmer I can tab out against Belka and browse the internet while she dies.
How does this work?
Fight her underwater.
It’s called untrained wardens. What kind of bad do you think I am?
At least on mesmer, IMO the hardest parts of TA up are the trash before Malrona, and the champ/silver duo before the tree.
I tried a duo but Fyonna was wrecking us… that autoattack… ugh.
On mesmer I can tab out against Belka and browse the internet while she dies.
How does this work?
Fight her underwater.
It’s called untrained wardens. What kind of bad do you think I am?
But what about her teleports?
On mesmer I can tab out against Belka and browse the internet while she dies.
How does this work?
Fight her underwater.
It’s called untrained wardens. What kind of bad do you think I am?
But what about her teleports?
Other exploits which also answers his question (walk in an out of fight)
luv u colesy
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)
On mesmer I can tab out against Belka and browse the internet while she dies.
How does this work?
Fight her underwater.
It’s called untrained wardens. What kind of bad do you think I am?
But what about her teleports?
Other exploits
which also answers his question (walk in an out of fight)
luv u colesy
LOL! Kinda relieved… I thought I was missing some major mechanic all this time.
I don’t really consider it cheating to just run away and back. Seems like a logical thing for someone to do when they’re low on health. I’ve also duod p2 before with Dub and she still teleported when we ran behind the bone wall and back btw…
I don’t really consider it cheating to just run away and back. Seems like a logical thing for someone to do when they’re low on health. I’ve also duod p2 before with Dub and she still teleported when we ran behind the bone wall and back btw…
It’s not the running away that’s cheating, I often use the wooden contraption as well, but it’s the doing so intentionally to make sure she doesn’t teleport away, as it really prevents her from using her usual mechanics.(honestly I don’t know how this works, I just saw goku do it this way, the fire ele probably had sonething to do with it)
@colesy, that’s not afking that’s just killing her with untraited wardens.
(edited by Sanderinoa.8065)