starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sunspear General.7964

Sunspear General.7964

Biggest problem I’ve seen so far and I’m sure a day like this will come but what happens when people stop doing dungeons and there’s the 1 person who wants dungeon weapons/armor?

So i know some of the dungeons CAN’T be soloed due to the fact that they require teamwork and the mobs are too much. Also because of the teamwork required like in Arah having 4 people stand on a water pipe you can’t add henchmen like in the first games.

I’d hate to see such a day so would it be possible to create like 2 or 3 single player version dungeons for each dungeon. So the 1 person who wants to do the dungeon CAN do the dungeon and not hunt around for months on end looking for 4 people that may never show up. You could even make it optional and have it to where 5 people can do them too.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


I think making them readily soloable would only worsen the problem of finding parties.

I have the advantage of having added people for over a month now, so I always have people I can invite if I need to.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

I guess he wants heroes on gw2. God bless us. How to kill a community not giving you a reason to be even guilded or socialize. If you don’t find any group for an armor, one day, change server to a high population one. Surely someone will join you. If it’s an underrated dungeon, your mission will be to collect a contact list of farmers of the dungeon you like. I’m doing it with arah.
Think about create a guild of farmers of the dungeon you like, the day noone will join you even spamming the chat

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nuke.7924


Anyone is exectied about doing dungeon lvl 50? pls contact me!

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Macero.6934


for 3 silver? nothnx

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sunspear General.7964

Sunspear General.7964

Eh nah way they got the game setup heroes wouldn’t work…if anything it would be more like story mode…but a little harder. Thing is though let’s say we have a kid named Jim he been on thew game for quite a long time got lots of friends all on a server if this kid switches he’d have to wait a whole nother day just to switch back so he can explore areas an do stuff with friends on the previous server. Then he’d have to switch servers again to get the tokens for the dungeon. It’s a hassle and a bit of inconvenience. Jim doesn’t want to switch servers every so often just for a single dungeon.

And just cause your in a guild or have friends…doesn’t mean you’ll be able to get them to group with you for a dungeon. Keep in mind they got their own stuff they would like to do or they may very well hate that dungeon.

All this would be is an alternative in case said person couldn’t find a group for a dungeon. Anyways at times I enjoy playing by myself, at least that way if something goes wrong it’s all on me and not someone else who did something they know they shouldn’t of done, or someone leaves midway through dungeon and you have to take an extra 5-15 minutes to find another.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: miya.5160


If they could make heroes work in Guild Wars 2, I think I’d rather have them spend that time, effort, and ingenuity on dungeon and boss design.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eli Stormstrike.8637

Eli Stormstrike.8637

If this happens they will add a Dungeon Finder. Happens in all games once the dungeoneering population saturates and declines.

So, once most people have their weps and armors, and people stop running dungeons, you can be sure that an LFG-finder will be added.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mr Prismatic.9578

Mr Prismatic.9578

This will change Monday. Most people are avoiding dungeons due to the DR bug.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BrightSoul.1843


Then please add a Dungeon Finder as soon as possible because I cant’ find anyone to do Caudecus Manor. I’m playing on Fissure of Woe and when I go to Lion’s Arch, I can hardly see other players walking around or standing at the bank. Has our server population declined, already?

(edited by BrightSoul.1843)

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jim Travakh.7495

Jim Travakh.7495

There’s always people that want to do dungeons, since they’ll want tokens to gear alts or start building legendaries. What you’re actually asking for is a competent, server-wide LFG system with stated reasons, so you can pick people up from the LFG list and know that they’re interested in doing the dungeon you want to do.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BrightSoul.1843


Yes, that would be tremendously useful to have. Also, I would like to see an auto-group feature that goes like this:
You enlist for a dungeon, selecting between story or explorer mode, optionally choosing a path. Then you go back to what you where doing and forget about it. Soon enough, when at least 5 people have enlisted, a dialog would show up asking whether you’re ready to start the dungeon or not. If you and other 4 people are, then a group is formed and everyone is automatically teleported inside the instance (for a fee).
In case you were not ready, then you get the chance to click a button “ask me again in 5 minutes” or “leave the queue”.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rafkin.8923


People generally do things based on risk vs reward and right now dungeons are a money sink.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Artorous.8573


People generally do things based on risk vs reward and right now dungeons are a money sink.

Maybe your first time through and with a group of enexperienced player. After you get accustomed to the dungeon and learn what’s going to happen you may spend a few silver on repairs but you make some pretty decent coin. I took a group of guildies through AC last night. I was the only person that had actually cleared it, first time for everyone else. We wiped a few times, as is to be expected, but in the end we all made more money then we actually lost on repairs.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KJBRAY.5671


People are probably alittle discouraged atm due to the reward bugs. Just give it time (hopefully).

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: patasde.6087


this is because ppl cant enter dungeons screw badges but if u even cant go in its bigger problem

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tenicord.9803


Yeah, the mean reason you aren’t seeing people for dungeons is because most people, like myself, are disgruntled with them for the time being. Parties get split, not getting proper rewards, ect… why bother at this point?

“Our Time Is Now”
Waylon- lvl 80 Guardian
Trism – lvl 80 Engineer

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Killua.8041


A party search system would be pretty good to do dungeons.

O Killua O – Asura Mesmer | Killuas – Asura Engineer
Bookah Protector – Asura Guardian | Trapped Spirit – Asura Necromancer

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Catnog.1468


The very thing that excites me for MMO’s and for this game, is sadly the one thing that’s very hard to get anyone to do. I played wow for a many number of years because I loved the dungeons and it’s system, ah well, guess I’ll go back to CoE and wait for enough people to build interest.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327

Dr Ritter.1327

It takes me forever to find a CM exp group now, nobody wants to do it…

ANET should have an option to join an overflow for dungeons so we can find more people across all servers

The Paragon
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sunspear General.7964

Sunspear General.7964

yea there’ a party search option but not many people use it…the “lfg” or “glf” search they had in the first GW’s was awesome it cut down on spamming an made it easier for people to grp up for what they wanted. Cause even though it may not be an issue once they fix the DR and rewards. There are the late bloomers who may join up like a year from now or whenever Anet releases their expansion.

Also not everyone (like myself) are having problems with dungeon rewards.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: krookie.6378


Personally, I stopped doing dungeons because most people I ran into while doing them were dbags. The dungeons are like an antithesis to the rest of the game. You get kicked for watching cutscenes, people leave if they die and to make things worse, without a dungeon finder tool, you spent 30+ minutes just hanging out in a particular zone spamming /map to find a group.

I wouldn’t really even care about the dungeons but I can’t finish my personal story without running Arah story mode and I can even find a group for it because everyone either wants to run explorer mode or people leave or kick you for watching cutscenes… In freaking story mode!

Edit: I’m starting to get a feeling that we may need GW1 heroes, specifically for dungeons. At least for story mode. Make exp mode give better loot/XP, but at least let us finish the story mode on our own terms. Plus it would be a great time/gold sink for us to gear up our heroes.

(edited by krookie.6378)

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: miya.5160


Welcome to Free-to-Play.

While there are many nice people, there are way more not-so-nice people. You could say it’s just the internet and would probably be right, but F2P games generally have some of the worst people. I attribute this to them not caring as much because of the lack of subscription, but I also realize that F2P games are especially attractive to younger audiences.

This isn’t to say that all younger people are awful, but even those who might be offended by my comment have to admit that their age group has some unsavory elements.

My advice is to find a good guild.

And, yes, I understand that Guild Wars 2 has a entry fee and is, technically, not free. Pretty darn close, though.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: krookie.6378


It’s not just because the game is buy-to-play (free-to-play is a different animal). It’s about the overall design of the dungeon experience. Plenty of subscription games suffer from the same problems, World of Warcraft being the prime example.

As a matter of fact, I quit WoW because of the same issues I run into while running GW2 dungeons. There is a need for a redesign.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasselin.1235


Personally, I stopped doing dungeons because most people I ran into while doing them were dbags. The dungeons are like an antithesis to the rest of the game. You get kicked for watching cutscenes, people leave if they die and to make things worse, without a dungeon finder tool, you spent 30+ minutes just hanging out in a particular zone spamming /map to find a group.

I agree! They state that their design goals is for the game to be fun moment to moment. No waiting around to have fun. Unfourtantely dungeons couldn’t be further from that. A lot of the dungeon design “undoes” the visceral nature of combat because very often the “best” way to do something is to run past it or cheese it somehow.

“Please find my dear friends… Dead or Alive” -redmakoto

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


I think Anet should to add a solo mode but have it being a separate story from explorer mode or continue the story of explorer mode.

Basically make Solo mode like a personal story instance and have a separate story from explorer mode but the token rewards are less than Explorer mode.

for example:

(1st runs of the day)
Explorer path complete= 15 tokens +15 tokens found in chests.
Solo Path complete = 5 tokens + 10 tokens found in chest

(Extra runs)
Explorer path complete= 5 tokens +15 tokens found in chests.
Solo Path complete = [Random Mastercraft, rare, or exotic weapon or armor scaled to your level range (small chance of getting any exotic weapons or armor )] + 10 tokens found in chest

(Note: when I mean any Exotic I mean any Exotic. Even the Exotics you need for the Legendary weapon)

(edited by EdwinLi.1284)

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Winterds.7458


Make badges universal so you can do any dungeon and pick the armor you want regardless of the dungeon you do and make the world wide group lfg like in wow.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lokai.7850


Problem is that rewards dont justify the time invested, and difficulty involved in completing the dungeon. Along with rewards being bugged, and entire one shot design of dungeons i think people are turned off of the experience right now, along with WvWvW being far more appealing in design.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Personally, I stopped doing dungeons because most people I ran into while doing them were dbags. The dungeons are like an antithesis to the rest of the game. You get kicked for watching cutscenes, people leave if they die and to make things worse, without a dungeon finder tool, you spent 30+ minutes just hanging out in a particular zone spamming /map to find a group.

I agree! They state that their design goals is for the game to be fun moment to moment. No waiting around to have fun. Unfourtantely dungeons couldn’t be further from that. A lot of the dungeon design “undoes” the visceral nature of combat because very often the “best” way to do something is to run past it or cheese it somehow.

This is generally because bosses/champion type mobs don’t “broadcast” their power moves well enough to bring a great deal of skill into dungeon play, and I additionally find a great deal of abilities which should be avoidable in theory will fly out so fast you don’t really get a chance to dodge them.

Stupidity should be punished, surely, but people need the chance to react to what’s being thrown at them.

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HellHound.5480


Personally, I stopped doing dungeons because most people I ran into while doing them were dbags. The dungeons are like an antithesis to the rest of the game. You get kicked for watching cutscenes, people leave if they die and to make things worse, without a dungeon finder tool, you spent 30+ minutes just hanging out in a particular zone spamming /map to find a group.

I agree! They state that their design goals is for the game to be fun moment to moment. No waiting around to have fun. Unfourtantely dungeons couldn’t be further from that. A lot of the dungeon design “undoes” the visceral nature of combat because very often the “best” way to do something is to run past it or cheese it somehow.

This is generally because bosses/champion type mobs don’t “broadcast” their power moves well enough to bring a great deal of skill into dungeon play, and I additionally find a great deal of abilities which should be avoidable in theory will fly out so fast you don’t really get a chance to dodge them.

Stupidity should be punished, surely, but people need the chance to react to what’s being thrown at them.

Please give me a boss that doesnt telegraph their moves..

(You better not tell me Lt. Kholer from AC EM)

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Anet does want people to play their dungeons. When people complained there weren’t enough tokens being dropped, they increased the drop amount. Unfortunately it’s bugged and hopefully being patched Monday.

If they see enough of a drop off in participation in dungeons, they’ll do something about it. After all, they play the game too. If it wasn’t fun, why would they play it?

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


“Please give me a boss that doesnt telegraph their moves..
(You better not tell me Lt. Kholer from AC EM)”

Why not mention him? There are other examples but this is an especially good one, as you have two adds, either of which might be the center of attention for a given player, so they won’t see the visual cues and suddenly find themselves dead.

(this, of course, would be less of an issue if ANet gave us better control and more flexibility with camera distance)

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HellHound.5480


(hate when the forums goof up and cant reply..)

The reason I mentioned him is because, out of all the bosses in dungeons that I have seen, he has the LONGEST windup cast animation (somewhere along 2 – 2.5 seconds, way more than enough time)

I do understand about the adds, but you shouldnt be so focused on them that you ignore the boss. The room is round and big enough that you can keep him in your sights at all times. I never have a problem with the camera. And FYI: When you first enter the room, he will immediately cast his harpoon attack as his first action, so I use that to show new players what it looks like.

Hes stupidly easy though, and his move is hugely telegraphed.

Click here to see a 3-man clear of AC EM. You can watch how they react to when he telegraphs (that poor mesmer kept getting caught though LOL). And this is a perfect video as it shows how you have to change your skills up for the fights. (Notice how the Guardian swaps out his skills to give him Wall of Reflection, which does block the harpoon, his stability skill to break out of a possible pull, and his “Retreat!” skill, which provides Aegis, which also blocks his harpoon)

starting to see a lack of people for dungeons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dogblaster.6713


The reason why some of my friends dont run dungeons is because rare drops are really low there and they are not profitable. Not because they are hard or badly balanced.

By farming events in orr you can make about 10-20g per day ..