stop speed runs
I have fun skipping. Running past inquest technicians requires more thought than fighting them. Why should I have to enjoy the game your way?
Saladtha (Lv 80 salad sidekick to bears) | Dunelle (Lv 80 eviscerating muppet)
Karmell (Lv 80 human might dispenser) | Vast says hi~.
The only thing that is skipped is a waste of time seeing how those mobs offer no reward other than vendor quick sell trash. The faster you can finish a dungeon the better , not vice versa . If you love slicing and dicing a worthless mass of hp so much then just park your character on a training dummy with auto attack turned on and let the dungeon runners be efficient
Learn to do the dungeons the proper way. Since you’re doing it with PUGs you can’t dictate HOW people should do it, so you might as well learn to speedrun for kitten’s sake.
Or you can find a group of similarly minded people.
Why Anet should bother with something that you can fix on your own.
There’s a way to stop dealing with speed runs: Don’t join them.
This topic has been discussed numerously.
Solution: start your own non-skipping group
I also do not enjoy speed runs, but I also would not want to fight every mob(specifically in Arah). Speed runs are there due to how the dungeons are designed. If they really wanted you to fight every mob they would not have allowed you run past them. Don’t blame the players for this one.
Why is this issue for you make a party with like minded people and hell even skip all bosses u can and just spank trash if u so enjoy it. Why should rest of the party waste their time just to please u if they dont want to?
People skip to save time. This means that a large portion of the dungeon players think that trash wastes times (myself included). We don’t hate trash for no reason. The rewards from it aren’t worth the time to kill it. If trash in all dungeons dropped level appropriate materials (T6 at 80), then we would of course have no reason to skip it.
Why waste time? Fun? Bosses/Events are the fun part in my opinion.
Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng
How about, YOU FIND a group that doesn’t run past the mobs because YOU don’t find running fun. How about I FIND a group that does run past mobs because I don’t find wasting my time fun.
time=money for most ppl
trash mobs give trash drops.
Eh, I don’t think most people would be complaining.
It seems the #1 thing people say in these threads is that fighting trash mobs isn’t rewarding enough. And, it seems the current strategy on the table to reduce skipping is to make fighting trash more appealing from a risk/reward perspective. People asked for something, and they’re getting it. How the blue blazes could people possibly complain about that?
Why do you care what others are doing so much?
If you dont like skipping then that is just fine. just create your own group and find people who dont like skipping to play with. There is a lot more people who prefer skipping over killing everything in dungeons, so dont come and force ppl to play the way want to.
and it also requires more skill to skip rather than just stand and fight everything that comes at you. for instance in AC you have mobs that knocks you down by jumping on you and easily kill you if there is more than 1 mob around. or have a scream that do the same for a long time and many times instant down people.
You gotta love the elitists saying don’t force us to play your way by making us not skip…when they think it’s ok to force everyone else to play THEIRS by making people skip.
I almost spat my drink at the screen when i read that part:
“Learn to do the dungeons the proper way. Since you’re doing it with PUGs you can’t dictate HOW people should do it, so you might as well learn to speedrun for kitten’s sake”
It seems that they now believe their way is how it was meant to be!
I mean, those mobs were not put there for a reason or anything.
Come on people, let’s stop playing dumb for a minute.
You can go on and claim it’s one way of doing it and that’s true but claiming it’s how it was meant to be done is just plain playing stupid.
Those mobs were designed and put there for a reason.
Unless they’re invincible, they we’re by default designed to be killed. I’m sorry but that’s how video games work.
Now i can understand skipping some parts due to difficulty and such but skipping ridiculous amounts of pulls is just non sense.
If your time is so precious…what the heck are you doing playing a video game instead of curing cancer or finally inventing a hoverboard?
Who wants to skip skips, who doesn’t doesn’t. Generally speaking, if you find yourself in disagreement with your party about skipping or not, then find another one. It’s not that hard.
However, if the rewards for killing such “trash” mobs were better probably less people would be skipping them.
Go and look for a Thread called “Will the new update stop skipping?”. There is a nice posting form a Content Designer who pretty much said skipping is a valid way to play the game. Forcing players not to skip isn’t a “viable solution”, which means, skip the trash and get rewards. Players who do not want to skip are a minority. You don’t have to ask a group to skip, you have to ask NOT to skip. Most of the playerbase and the Designers seems to like the way it is now. Either leave the game, adapt or find those few people who don’t want to skip, but will start skipping someday anyway. It’s unlikely going to change.
Doesn’t sound good, but it seems that’s the way it is. I don’t like it either.
It seems that they now believe their way is how it was meant to be!
It’s the default way of doing dungeons nowadays. Why can’t you understand this?
I may not like it, but when I join a PUG I’m excpecting it to be speedrunning. And I don’t ruin the run for everybody by trying to kill the mobs they skip. And I don’t whine on forums to force other people to play my way.
When I wanted to do a no-skip run, I’ve created a special LFG on the gw2lfg site and said that it would not be a speedrun. Surpisingly there were a lot of people who joined me quite quickly. That’s how you solve your problems. Creating useless topics on forums won’t help you in any way.
So yeah – speedruns is how dungeons are meant to be completed. Deal with it.
The mobs shouldn’t leash in instances, dunno why they designed them to. They are encouraging this behavior.
The mobs shouldn’t leash in instances, dunno why they designed them to. They are encouraging this behavior.
Players will simply use stealth.
The mobs shouldn’t leash in instances, dunno why they designed them to. They are encouraging this behavior.
Players will simply use stealth.
Short of making stealth unusable in dungeons, nothing they can do really. Perhaps if they made it so killing mobs was worth it, skipping wouldn’t be a problem.
The mobs shouldn’t leash in instances, dunno why they designed them to. They are encouraging this behavior.
Players will simply use stealth.
True, how stealth works in PVE is another conscious design choice of theirs that encourages this behavior. I disagree with it, but it is what it is.
You can’t stop speed running, nor should you. That’s the way some people choose to play the game and they shouldn’t forced to play at your speed if they don’t want to.
That said, I would never join a speed run group because I’m not interested in the loot kitten style of play. That’s dull for me. I typically make sure I’m not with such a group before I get started and if the group had any common sense, they’d make sure they were advertising a speed run before taking on random PUGers.
Always better to get to know a group of players who approach dungeons the same way you do and then stick with them. PUGing is always an experiment in chemistry and sometimes it’s just too volatile to be worthwhile.
how about you dont join speed runs if you dont like em…
Short of making stealth unusable in dungeons, nothing they can do really. Perhaps if they made it so killing mobs was worth it, skipping wouldn’t be a problem.
Imagine if the end dungeon reward was based on how many mobs were killed in the dungeon…
As in, speed runners get less than people who clear dungeons. Rewards for PLAYING the game… How horrifying.
You say skipping trash is "fun for no one ". I disagree. I find completing dungeons as fast as possible while being rewarded for the effort is a lot of fun!
People that are against speed runs fail to see this appeal I suppose. It’s about racing against the clock, executing the kills as fast as possible, and moving on. All of this while being able to survive running distances through enemies.
Fast runs are more skillful in my opinion over mindlessly spam killing trash that give little to no beneficial loot.
Most people don’t mind speed runs. What seems to get people hot is the “Only taking all of x class w/ y gear”." This seems to usually be only warriors with berserker gear link gear when invited. Some dungeons they want a mesmer for portal but other than that… :/
Seems to me this means some part of warrior needs nerfed if so many people only want them All they are doing is giving Anet a reason lol
If the majority of people you’re interacting with prefer to speed run; chances are the majority of people have more fun doing a speed run than killing everything.
Also, how do you propose they stop speed running? Get rid of swiftness? Increase mob speed? Get rid of tethers? Force you to keep NPC’s alive (or at least res them)? Increase drop rate/rewards to entice players to kill more mobs?
No matter how you did it the reward (or drops) would have to be drastically increased.
It’s an oversight on ANet’s part, but that doesn’t mean players should stop looking for the most efficient methods.
Bosses shouldn’t spawn or be open to attacks until certain mobs are dealt with. But this isn’t the case, so until its fixed, speed runs will continue and whining won’t stop it.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
I wonder why Anet doesn’t increase the money dropped by these mob(3s maybe) and decrease the coins from boss and complete.(5s and 15s is ok)
Let boss and complete give tokens and mobs give coins, seems fair to me.
Speed runs won’t stop
i think most people skip because its actually harder to fight the trash, then it is to run through it.
Example: TA First Set Of Nightmare Hounds. Many teams have at least 1-2 players go down if fought, however, running past and dodgeing once, you will only take 1 hit.
Now why should I fight and risk hurting my armor when I can merrily pass through, especially when the drops are sub-par. Sure, fighting might be fun, but if I want to kill stuff, Ill goto Cursed Shore where I get rewarded heavily for killing mobs, not a dungeon.
Most people don’t mind speed runs. What seems to get people hot is the “Only taking all of x class w/ y gear”." This seems to usually be only warriors with berserker gear link gear when invited. Some dungeons they want a mesmer for portal but other than that… :/
Seems to me this means some part of warrior needs nerfed if so many people only want them
All they are doing is giving Anet a reason lol
What dungeon except CoF requires mesmer with portal?
i think most people skip because its actually harder to fight the trash, then it is to run through it.
Weird, I always thought they skip it because it’s faster than killing.
Harder to fight…faster to skip….isn’t that the same thing?
Even CoF doesn’t require a portal on a speed run.
Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng
Harder to fight…faster to skip….isn’t that the same thing?
Tell that to the people dying while trying to skip trashes that they later kill with no effort. For me skipping is all about time. For example guerilla boss in arah p1 is just begging to be skipped, so is kholer.
i think most people skip because its actually harder to fight the trash, then it is to run through it.
Example: TA First Set Of Nightmare Hounds. Many teams have at least 1-2 players go down if fought, however, running past and dodgeing once, you will only take 1 hit.
Actually, for me its the other way round. If the party is weak, I will suggest fight more of those trash mobs. Cause chances is some of the team mates will need to respawn and run back to rejoin the party.
The hounds for TA does knockdown and if the person skipping cant dodge or got no stability or stunbreakers, might as well get the party to kill those trash.
Kholer is an easy 15-30 silver (not counting drops) for like 2-3 minutes of fighting. Kholer is the perfect example of boss you don’t want to skip.
If all trash were like kholer (quick to die, generous reward) it would’ve been a lot less skipping.
Kholer is an easy 15-30 silver (not counting drops) for like 2-3 minutes of fighting. Kholer is the perfect example of boss you don’t want to skip.
If all trash were like kholer (quick to die, generous reward) it would’ve been a lot less skipping.
Unfortunately, for some players Kohler is a hard fight, so they skip it instead of getting better, thus forever staying bad at fighting Kohler and other fights similar to Kohler…
I just don’t know what’s the point of running AC without Kholer/Troll. Useless tokens? Alt levelling?
I just don’t know what’s the point of running AC without Kholer/Troll. Useless tokens? Alt levelling?
Alt leveling
I just don’t know what’s the point of running AC without Kholer/Troll. Useless tokens? Alt levelling?
Alt leveling
I just don’t know what’s the point of running AC without Kholer/Troll. Useless tokens? Alt levelling?
Are PVT tokens useless now?
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I just don’t know what’s the point of running AC without Kholer/Troll. Useless tokens? Alt levelling?
Are PVT tokens useless now?
Yep, first zerker gear is available in CoF.
Skipping is usually faster and not time consuming, but its noobish. Over and out.
I had this same problem so I started a guild. Advertised it as focusing on “traditional content completion free of mob skipping and exploits.” Turned out to be a pretty popular concept. We focus on getting everyone dungeon master. You’d be surprised at how easy the “hard” paths are when you are patient and work together.
(I wont turn this into a recruitment thread, but if you are interested, message me on here and I’ll give you our guild site)
I’ve found skipping to be more trouble than its worth. Especially in an uncoordinated PUG, it can quickly become a horrible headache.
I personally would rather clear the way so everyone can keep together and alive. I agree there should be some positive incentives to not speed run, but I wouldn’t force a dedicated speed run team to not do it (I’d just not join them).
I’ve found skipping to be more trouble than its worth. Especially in an uncoordinated PUG, it can quickly become a horrible headache.
The problem isn’t with skipping itself but with the lack of skill to do it properly. Some teams will do it clean and easy, but some shouldn’t try it at all.