tempest defense at gorseval?

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


Hey guys, quick question I couldn’t find an answer to online.

For a staff ele at gorseval, is tempest defense really worth it? I know its a big 20% buff, but when you break gorseval’s bar he is only down for maybe 2 or 3 seconds? Is there up-time on the buff that I am missing?

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Generally no, it’s not worth it.

It can be if i suppose if you’re lacking and still doing traditional method of breaking and running to walls, but the general state of raids i’ve seen has more no updraft being done than break method.

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rayden.3695


Generally no, it’s not worth it.

It can be if i suppose if you’re lacking and still doing traditional method of breaking and running to walls, but the general state of raids i’ve seen has more no updraft being done than break method.

You can easily do no updraft without really delaying CC. However to OP: Taking tempest Defense isn’t really worth it in Gorseval, you gain more use from reduced CD on Glyph of storms so take inscription(or whatever the 1 trait on that line is called)

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Generally no, it’s not worth it.

It can be if i suppose if you’re lacking and still doing traditional method of breaking and running to walls, but the general state of raids i’ve seen has more no updraft being done than break method.

You can easily do no updraft without really delaying CC.

Not something i’ve seen done, usually you’re just sustaining through the tantrum attack. It wouldn’t surprise me if its possible though.

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


Ok, thanks everyone. I will stick with the glyph buff trait.

My group generally tanks through tantrum and then breaks at the very end (which buys you an extra second or two). But we don’t currently have the classes to play 5-5, and are running 8-1-1 which is probably optimal for the classes we do have currently, so our dps is not high enough to do fast break no updrafts, but we can do slow break no updrafts. I imagine more optimal groups would find fast breaks more enjoyable, especially if their druids are not magi.

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tarasicodissa.7084


Ok, thanks everyone. I will stick with the glyph buff trait.

My group generally tanks through tantrum and then breaks at the very end (which buys you an extra second or two). But we don’t currently have the classes to play 5-5, and are running 8-1-1 which is probably optimal for the classes we do have currently, so our dps is not high enough to do fast break no updrafts, but we can do slow break no updrafts. I imagine more optimal groups would find fast breaks more enjoyable, especially if their druids are not magi.

Based on the video you posted in another thread I can tell you your group has way more important stuff to be concerned about than one little trait. Tell your tempests to NOT spam signet of fire off cooldown, improve their rotations and dodge Gorseval’s smash at least once in a while. Dunno if everyone has that problem, but this person gives me the impression of buying the kill rather than actually participating in it.

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tornupto.2304


Dunno if everyone has that problem, but this person gives me the impression of buying the kill rather than actually participating in it.

Oh. My. God.
That tempest is hilarious. Did he really spam signet of fire, didn’t use lavafont and meteor off cd and even spammed ice bow #1?

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Oh. My. God.
That tempest is hilarious. Did he really spam signet of fire, didn’t use lavafont and meteor off cd and even spammed ice bow #1?

I almost didn’t believe you until I watched the video myself. That Tempest is painfully bad.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ranael.6423


Oh. My. God.
That tempest is hilarious. Did he really spam signet of fire, didn’t use lavafont and meteor off cd and even spammed ice bow #1?

I almost didn’t believe you until I watched the video myself. That Tempest is painfully bad.


tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


I’m aware of the problems demonstrated in that video. Unfortunately that isn’t my ele play your watching, so there is only so much I can do to fix it.

This is a run done by a guild that happens to do ‘training runs’ 3 nights a week. Usually about 6 -10 of the spots are taken up by regulars, but sometimes we have players join us who have very little experience. Because of the casual nature of these runs, I don’t feel comfortable trying to critique everyone, as I would come off as a jerk most likely, and these guys are my friends. The best I can do is optimize my own personal play, and try to gently nudge everyone towards improving.

I will point out though, this group has shown good progress. A month ago we would wipe for hours at vg. We can now reliably finish off escort and vg in one or two attempts, and gorse is going down more and more reliably. If I want to get full clears quickly, I can always pug (which I did to get envoy 1 done), but seeing my group of friends progress has been a lot more meaningful to me.

Also, please don’t be critical without being constructive of that ele, as he was very generous in recording and posting the video for us, and we all appreciated that work.

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: gin.7158


Hmmm.. if I remember correctly, with no updraft, usually you can only cast glyph of storm once before the spirit phase. The 12s cd reduction wont make any difference because you won’t use the glyph during the spirit phase (save it to dps gorseval instead).

So it doesn’t really matter whether you take the cd reduction of not, but at least tempest defense will give you dps boost for like 2s at least.

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408


I mean yeah, they won even in spite of that personal failure! I’d call that accessible!

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ranael.6423


Actually I really think this is a good example of the fact that you do not need to be [KING],[qT] or [DnT], to name few, to finish raids.
In fact I am super jealous because while we regularly kill Gorseval in my guild, it always finishes during the last World eater beyond the enrage timer, with updrafts…
And people keep on talking about fine details about rotations… there is obviously something wrong with us when you see that not good rotations may lead to a kill.

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: gin.7158


Yoo, they did no updraft with 8-1-1 squad and that ele.

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

In fact I am super jealous because while we regularly kill Gorseval in my guild, it always finishes during the last World eater beyond the enrage timer, with updrafts…
And people keep on talking about fine details about rotations… there is obviously something wrong with us when you see that not good rotations may lead to a kill.

It’s funny you say that! My guild oftentimes has similar situations, though it’s usually a one-shot so I don’t mind. We actually insist on using updrafts because my guild’s Chronomancer really likes tanking and having the job of pulling Gors to a wall.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


Actually I originally shared this video specifically to demonstrate the point that regular guilds could run off-meta strategies and still be ok. 5-5 is great if your group can produce 2 good chronos/ps/druids, but if you don’t have that combination available, then improvising as best you can, can still get you kills.

Hmmm.. if I remember correctly, with no updraft, usually you can only cast glyph of storm once before the spirit phase. The 12s cd reduction wont make any difference because you won’t use the glyph during the spirit phase (save it to dps gorseval instead).

So it doesn’t really matter whether you take the cd reduction of not, but at least tempest defense will give you dps boost for like 2s at least.

This may be true, I will have to pay attention next time I am there and test it out.

tempest defense at gorseval?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Antinomy.8456


Pretty sure what gin said is right, if you break his bar relatively fast. Otherwise you should be able to squeeze in a second glyph. Either way I don’t think it makes that big of a difference, if you know your party breaks it fast you are probably better of taking Tempest Defense though.
On a side note I think people overestimate how much damage a party has to do in order to do a fast CC, no updraft Gorseval. You could in theory do Gorseval with 3 druids, 3 chronos (yes druids and chronos, not base condi versions), and only 1 warrior, with the rest DPS and still kill it with no updraft and fast CC. Even then there is some leeway for bad rotations.