wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pigwig.9813


Before anybody reads this, I am not complaining, I just want data to confirm or disprove my theory.

So I’ve finished my third daily at 10-14 bracket and I’m still ring-less. Reading another thread about people complaining that they aren’t getting rings while others are getting multiple, and through my own experience from running with people with no rings not getting rings either, I’m wondering if maybe there’s a bug in the RNG. Maybe there is something that biases your RNG on the daily rewards after the first one to whatever you got. I’d like to know if it’s a bug or just my dumb luck.

Of course I by myself don’t have enough data to support anything, I’d like to ask that people contribute. So here’s the format. Give me three things:
1. Whether you got a ring on your first run.
2. How many total daily runs you have had in the 10-19 bracket(including first run).
3. How many rings you have gotten.

So for me it’s:
1. No
2. 3
3. 0


wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bongo.4853


2. not sure but got lvl 10 on the first day and havnt missed a daily

PS, im on lvl 27 and I’ve done the lvl 20 daily 3 times and no rings from there either, kinda sucks since i always have to be rezd@maw but w/e

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eldiora.5836



on an additional note. It does seem somehow that the lootformula is totally bugged (at least to me) Because the last 30 fractals. EVERY chest except the boss chest contained exactly 2 green 1 blue items. No variation. Simply 2 green 1 blue every chest from the fractals. Boss chest is exactly 2 yellow 1 green (havent done as many of those maybe 6)

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Targuil.3741



15charactler limit

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
I think I should remove this quote given the recent developement.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hawt.9425


got ring on first, done two did not get on last run.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BUTTERBLUME.3217



But I do not feel like pushing the number any higher.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Today got 2 of my characters to level 10 in Fractals, neither received a ring from the daily chest. Will post again tomorrow with results when I do dailies again.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Exercise.5106


1. no
2. 6
3. 0

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shaikhob.2863


Do you want to include the 20 – 29 bracket also if yes then..
1. no
2. 6
2b (20 – 29 bracket). 4
3. 0

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nightshlin.5234


1. no
2. 6
2b. 2 dailys in the 20-29 bracket
3. 0

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hexgame.4802


1. No
2. 6
3. 0

Lynsey – 80 Human Mesmer
Perky – 80 Norn Guardian
Soapie – 80 Human Ranger

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eldiora.5836



another day without a ring drop. Its getting stupid

I tried now every day for a full week and had no drop running the 10-20 bracket daily.

Someone in my guild who does it daily got 8 rings so far…

There has to be a code error somewhere.

This stupidity is draining my will to login and do it again, because deep down I know it will be another try in vain.
Already had some of my guild quit because of that dungeon.

(edited by Eldiora.5836)

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dani.1956


Fail this daily to me , got no ring or anything at all my 4th day for daily !
1. 0 (10)
4.0(18) today just finished ! GG GM/Devs for your random loot system , some players got 3+ ascended and some got none ! Tyvm , have a nice day !

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moritsune.6789


Gonna share my data as well

1. no
2. 3
3. 0

Just a question to the Devs, why should the rings be RNG? can you even sell the rings? i don’t see it on the TP. What’s the point of making it RNG if it can’t even be sold??
This is suppose to reflect some kind of achievement as the higher lv u go up in fract the better the items you will get, including the rings. Not everyone will be interested in fotm and those that are interested in unlocking higher lv scale should be rewarded accordingly as it reflects your dedication to the dungeon.

Same as Arah, not everyone can grid arah for tokens to buy full set, only those that are dedicated enough would be able to obtain it. If im wearing a full set arah gears+weapons i want it to reflect an achievement i can be proud off. Do you get my point here?

Anet seriously if your gonna RNG stuff this is not the way to do it..feels like DiabloWar2 now with all the RNG going on and its disappointing.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nazgul.6394


1. yes
2. 2
3. 2

I was the only one from our party to get the ring on the first day, on the second day only one was left without.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: noir.6392


I havent gotten one myself, but two members of my static party got it on the 4th daily we did. So theory disproved. The answer to the question for them would be:

1. no
2. 4
3. 1

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dookies.2718



Really annoying system wish it were token based. If they eere concerned about people grinding lower fractals put the vendor in 10 or above and the infused ring vendor in 20 orabove

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Renegade.6325


Sry to say but this is surely prone to bias. The kinds of people checking this thread will inevitably have a vested interest in it, and probably because they are on a significant side of the RNG; ie. people are drawn here when they are screwed over.


wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Azelroth.6801


1. No
2. 7
3. 0

I hope people who did get their rings add to this discussion so we can get an overall idea of success rates.

EDITED: To update results.

Azelroth [MoM] – Methods Of Mayhem
Commander @ Tarnished Coast

(edited by Azelroth.6801)

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437



Message Body length must at least be 15.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kobi.5236


Whine Whine Whine ! ..
Guys why do u need the rings ? You can easy go further into the dungeon without any Agony resist . I know it feels kitten that u all got no rings and maybe its not fair , but this is life ! We arent liveing on a poneyfarm !

I am on level 26 and still I got zero rings from my daily !. U can dodge nearly every agony debuff !.. Just get skill and stop complaining !

I bet I will finish level 30 maybe today Even without agony so stop whine and play better .

( and just a notice I play with green amulets and rings and until level 22 I played with yellow / green / exotic armor on MF )

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

That’s something will be addressed way before the ring RNG. There MUST be a reason to use agony resistance, a simple “trick” dodging would make the entire fractal structure useless and pointless, and us, no more interested to farm nor craft any ascended item at all.

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pigwig.9813


I realize that the data is going to be super biased so I will soon be closing this thread. I have yet to get my ring on 4th but I will keep trying.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ashanae.9362


2.14 ( I got few lvl 80 in fotm )

@Kobi tell me how to dodge Jade Maw agony scream and i will be fine…

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kobi.5236


@Kobi tell me how to dodge Jade Maw agony scream and i will be fine…

U can dodge nearly every agony debuff !..

The jade Maw boss is the ONLY one u cant dogde , I said nearly so yes this one is the only u cant avoid but if you try to heal each other or for example u use different skill for this fight . the ingeniur use the rezz bomb for people who dies rly fast , mesmer can cast his illusion where he gets a life again , ele got a signet for rezz , necro aswell , warrior a banner , so just try to change a skill before u start this fight and u and your group will be fine .. Of course if everyone got 0 resist will it be impossible but if at least 1 got some few resist then u can do the dungeon easy.

And every other agony attack is able to be dodged , someone are more difficult then others but If u are good enough u will have no problems .
So please dont try to complain before u never tried some different tactics or tried to Watch the bosses animation.

other questions ?

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Just did my 3rd daily (2nd on this character, did my 1st daily on another character), and just got my 1st ring.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ashanae.9362


And where i complained?

I’m just sayn if you have 5 or less agony ressistance you will more like will be dead at jade maw and also its not only boss with undodgable agony fyi.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


2.14 ( I got few lvl 80 in fotm )

@Kobi tell me how to dodge Jade Maw agony scream and i will be fine…

Elixir S, Endure Pain, using group-wide AoE heals (Toss Elixir R, Super Elixir, the healing banner’s 2, healing spring, elementalist water fields, well of blood, etc etc etc).

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Targuil.3741


2.14 ( I got few lvl 80 in fotm )

@Kobi tell me how to dodge Jade Maw agony scream and i will be fine…

Elixir S, Endure Pain, using group-wide AoE heals (Toss Elixir R, Super Elixir, the healing banner’s 2, healing spring, elementalist water fields, well of blood, etc etc etc).

Good luck healing necro’s hp with those. And no, Deathshroud wont help, it takes double damage from agony and gets kittened in 1-2 ticks.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
I think I should remove this quote given the recent developement.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ivonbeton.6814


Keep at it. I have done every daily possible and only got one yesterday at the level 20+ bracket. I’d advise you not to try lvl 20 with anything less than 15 agony resistance though. Or atleast have two people with that amount in your team.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Targuil.3741


i update my info:
1. no
2. 10
3. 1

I finally got normal ring on 10th try on lvl 20 daily.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
I think I should remove this quote given the recent developement.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BUTTERBLUME.3217


Yet another run without a ring, if I at least got vials dropped to craft a backpiece, but NO, I do not even get those.

Seriously, this some kind of bad bad joke?!

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cinaed.2649


Stupid question, but what are you guys referring to as “daily”?

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BUTTERBLUME.3217


You get a daily chest (blinking in the right bottom corner of your screen) for finishing Jade Maw on even numbered levels.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


1. No on first 10, Yes on first 20
2. 6
3. 2

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

(edited by Strifey.7215)

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


1. No
2. 8
3. 0

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rickets.1386


1. no
2. 2
3. 1

rickets 80 elementalist
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eldiora.5836


ok got an update. I played another character up to lvl 10, my mesmer and did the daily now 2 times guess what?



so my guardian did not get a ring on his first and has never so far seen one in this whole week of doing dailies.

my meser got on the first run one, second run another one.

Will post more tomorrow.

But yeah, coincidence? I doubt it highly.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wookalar.8952



Got lucky on my first run I guess.

Nanuuk (80 Mes), Guardian Nuuk (80 Guard),
Warrior Nuuk (80 War)
[ALS], Anvil Rock

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Toast.6459


4 or 5, can’t remember

From what I’ve observed, it always seems like the person who gets the most crystals ends up getting a ring. I don’t carry around crystals with me, because heaven forbid I’m trying to actually kill the tentacles, and seems more often than not the only reward I get is more repair costs. Gotta love those great team play rewards.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hexgame.4802


Finally got my ring earlier today. I did 8 level 10 dailies and 3 level 20 dailies. Got my infused ring from the level 20 today.

Lynsey – 80 Human Mesmer
Perky – 80 Norn Guardian
Soapie – 80 Human Ranger

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bregah.7365


1 – No
2 – 6 or 7 – can’t remember when 1st day was
3 – 0

I’m guessing it’s just dumb RNG (is there a worse design philosophy for key drops that are required to progress?).

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stridix.4260


So far I got 2 rings from 14 and 16 in 5 runs.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Grav.4790


every day

Seems it doesn’t drop for guardian, maybe it’s bugged and connects to overall damage dealt and support will never get it, i don’t know.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cinaed.2649


You get a daily chest (blinking in the right bottom corner of your screen) for finishing Jade Maw on even numbered levels.

Thanks, that’s what I thought you all were referring to. The bonus chest, not a daily fractals achievement chest.

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BUTTERBLUME.3217


It is a bonus chest, achieved in the fractals bonus level. Not to be confused with your daily reward chest.