what is up with dungeons ?

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: necrofobic.6975


failed at doing a simple cm story run, mobs hitting us for 3.2k on a regular basis!! thats with 4k hp, something must be wrong this is just silly. snipers in the tree hit for 2.5k bombers 2k ish , the liut at the tree ambushed for 2.6k

scaled down from 80 to 40 btw, rest of grp was around 60ish

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Halcyon Havoc.7305

Halcyon Havoc.7305

They are way too difficult and the rewards aren’t worth it. But anytime I see someone complain about them on these forums, they’re jumped on for being a bad player. It’s frustrating.

Don’t forget to dodge.

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LaronX.8079


CM is just really kittened up a s dungone. Stuff hits like a truck, has high Hp or some big amount of CC.


what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


I for one, struggle with CM, but I doggedly throw myself at it when the hatred and memories of pain fade enough amongst my static group that it feels ‘refreshing’ to do something different.

the only advice I can give is to look at anti-projectile defense…. Mesmers and Guardians can reflect, on a Thief pack Smoke Screen…. focused fire is key and identifying priority targets.

There are viable stratagies in CM… but to be honest, it takes far more planning and coordination, along with specific skill needs, than many of the other dungeons. HotW Story is not as punishing as CM can be.

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zoey Hellry.7298

Zoey Hellry.7298

I ran AC twice. First time the team failed quickly. Although our squad was filled with skilled guildies we quickly realized our team set up was to squishy and we had a few tions that were leveling and in masterwork gear.

Later that day we formed another guild group and we took our lvl 80’s in exotc gear. We brought a shout heal warrior and a healing guardian, a mesmer, necro, and me the power, heal engi. With no problem cleared path 1 and 2 explorable in 45 minutes. Not a speed run by any means.

It is based on the groups skill, team build and took builds. It was certainly harder than pre patch but we adjusted.

Nothing better than a new challenge.

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sowin.5187


When it takes a full group of level 80’s in exotics to do what is supposed to be doable by a group of level 40’s, it’s a bit too difficult in my humble opinion.

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Luuppi.5162


Agree with the xp reward not being worth the time. Would gain a lot more by just questing and adventuring alone. What comes to item drops i can’t say yet since i haven’t tried dungeons at lvl80 but i hope there’s some serious EPIX to be found. :P

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Yeah dungeons really suck in GW2. That’s why I quit. It’s a part of MMOs I really enjoyed. I went back to WoW and ran some Heroics – tons of fun where effort => reward.


My Life in Tyria: http://lankygw2blog.blogspot.com/
Updated every Monday

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zamalek.2154


I for one, struggle with CM

To be honest I thought Anet designed it to teach players graveyard zerging (considering how the one waypoint is close to er, everything and how ranged enemies 2 hit you at level 80).

When it takes a full group of level 80’s in exotics to do what is supposed to be doable by a group of level 40’s, it’s a bit too difficult in my humble opinion.

Couldn’t agree more. I think the only dungeon that is requirement level balanced is AC, and that’s with the boss exploits (personally, I did do it without the exploits the first couple of times – but luckily the PUGs were extremely skilled the boss was generally a walk-over, but I don’t see some of the level 35’s I have helped through it being able to do that).

Although maybe that’s level scaling doing its job (I highly doubt it).

Edit: I just realised that with the cost of death, level 30-79 characters won’t be able to run dungeons because they will be marginalized by players uninterested in helping newbies.

Epistemic.8013: Guys this is bullkitten a sentient plant creature is hitting these
wooden doors with fireballs and it’s working

(edited by zamalek.2154)

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


CM is harder than most other dungeons tbh.
Hell besides 1-2 bosses in arah I have never had a problem with it. CM on the other hand… the trash groups have

1. snipers who can and will 2 shot players (oh and they’ll both shoot at 1 player!)
2. Bomb throwing kitten, chain knockdowns are super fun!
3. an enemy who heals his allies, while maintaining protection and regeneration full time, making him the one you have to prioritize despite being the tankiest because Anet decided on making everything silver and thus impossible to burst before they get the fullheals.
4. Bosses that would be well designed if you werent forced to fight them in stupid locations. Low ceilings and small spaces do NOT mesh well with giant AOE’s. I can solo/duo the plague cloud boss in a relatively easy fashion, but if that bomb throwing jerkface decides I need to die then im dead with no doubts about it.

A revamp to CM imo would see

1. lower damage on trash (you should never be 1 shot from 2000 range. That hilariously bullkitten. Even worse when you then have to walk through the hallway, fight another group of trash with these same snipers shooting you, before you can kill them. Not even a 5 man guardian team has enough reflections to deal with that bullkitten)
2. Either make the healers non silver, or the rest of the monsters non silver. There’s no strategy to the fights beyond pile on the one who can heal and hope we get him before we’re obliterated. Having non silver trash (besides him) would give you the option to burst targets inbetween his heals, or stick to the pile on the healer method. Giving players more tactical options = good
3. Lessen the AOE of some bosses. Tight spaces and AOE is bad design. There’s really no two ways about that.
4. Lessen the stunlocking of some bosses. A player should be punished for being hit. Of that there’s no doubt. A player should not however be forced to sit there unable to do anything for 10 seconds as the boss stunlocks them and slowly kills them, and anyone who attempts to assist. It also turns the fight into a luckfest. Even running 3 stunbreaks and dodging and kiting like crazy if the boss is just stuck to you aggrowise you are completely and utterly boned. Part of this problem is the lack of concrete aggro mechanics, if there was some way for another party member to get the boss to stop hitting you and instead chase them you could swap aggro based on stunbreak cooldowns. But no, you (anet) went with weird kitten aggro rules that dont seem present for bosses, and so we’re (again) deprived of a tactical solution to our problems.

I’ve been a dungeon master for months, and I will not touch any path beyond the one with the plague boss at the end.

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Koga.7215


what the holy fark is up with dungeons ?

They are too kitten easy and provide no real challenge… thats whats up with them.

almost no mechanics involved in just about every boss fight, learn how to dodge and how to res people in downed state (not wait till dead) and everything is so easy… You do not need 80’s in exotics to do any dung, you just need to pay attention and know what weps and utilities to bring.

the main advantage that an 80 has is that they likely have each wep combination and all their utility skills to use and the experience to know quickly what wep/skills to equip for a dung or fight. When leveling you may not have those skills yet, or have made wrong choices based on solo play when purchasing skills. With weps, I do not know many who buy each wep each time they re-equip every few levels. Those who do keep one of each when leveling typically only upgrade the ones they dont use every 10-20 levels making it about as good as just not bringing them at all.

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Halcyon Havoc.7305

Halcyon Havoc.7305

When it takes a full group of level 80’s in exotics to do what is supposed to be doable by a group of level 40’s, it’s a bit too difficult in my humble opinion.

You said it.

Don’t forget to dodge.

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hoju.7852


I concur. At least nerf story mode. Getting knocked around like crazy, attacks taking off half our health. It seems like we need the coordination of a well grounded team for story mode when it should just be relatively easy going fun. Do what you will for the other modes.

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vespers.1759


CM has always been bad. i have around 4k hp but with 3 mobs each hitting 1k… yeah….

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

what is up with dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: badges.1583


When it takes a full group of level 80’s in exotics to do what is supposed to be doable by a group of level 40’s, it’s a bit too difficult in my humble opinion.

There is an intelligent man!