what's the expected for pugs?

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


just did SE exp P1 P2 with a few random people. they were nice and laidback we got through after maybe. . . a dozen or so teamwipes in total (LOL). we only had 2 people quit and 1 guy had to leave at the last 2 champ golems.

overall it wasn’t easy but it wasn’t incredibly hard. think we spent over 2 hours in 2 paths. do organized groups that run dungeons achieve overall faster clears or does that come down to skill/classes?

also yes we were carried by a guardian with wall of reflection.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


P1 is under 10 minutes in a barely competent group, and down on like 6-7 minutes in an organized speedclear. P2 is pretty long even with a speedclear group, maybe 25-35 minutes? Last time I went in with a PUG I think it took us about 40. P3 is like 15-20 in an average PUG but speed groups should be able to do it in 10-12.

A lot of that is organization, but a lot of it is also group composition and gear/builds/classes.

Retired. Too many casuals.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

…not sure what the question is here.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


p2 can be done in <20mins if you know it really, really well and you run with a group of people that does so as well…

Unfortunately, no one does SE p2, so no one cares about it. But yeah, with a decent group of individuals, that path shouldn’t take longer than 25-30mins.

p1 6-7min and p3 like 10-15min.

If you’re with a PUG, things aren’t going to be smooth… If you’re doing a PUG, on most dungeon paths, the time you’ll take is about 2-4 times longer than any organized group. In Arah, it could be more than that.

It mostly comes down to skill, running specific classes certainly helps (1 guard/2-3 war/1 mes/1 optional random is ideal), but is far from necessary.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

Expect nothing and anything. Sometimes be pleasantly surprised.

Normal Pug Composition:

U & 4 *’s

Who is the * depends on your perspective.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


Sometimes running solo is faster than pugging. I lately carried a group through path 3 Arah (soloed Crusher in the time they killed Hunter, soloed Mage Crusher, started soloing abomination, got wiped because guys drag 3 risens to me, soloed aboms, started soloing lupicus, got wiped because someone pulls champion warrior to me, started soloing lupi again, got wiped because someone felt like bugging him (he starts shadowstep, person he aims on come close to him → he goes stealth) and have finally been kicked for rushing like a horse. It took 45 minutes, usually i solo path 3 twice in that time…

Also i lately got the by far worst guardian (and player overall) into my "competend (experienced&skilled) group. He did wipe about 20 times before reaching Ooze, died 5 times running to Entitys, died another 10 times when he was supposed to use a portal directly at wp and even wiped our mesmer by drawing all aggro in an area of 3000 to the waypoint. Finally was unable to stand on a fountain at Tar Elem, so we kicked him. And i do almost never kick people.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


p2 can be done in <20mins if you know it really, really well and you run with a group of people that does so as well…

Unfortunately, no one does SE p2, so no one cares about it. But yeah, with a decent group of individuals, that path shouldn’t take longer than 25-30mins.

The thing that always kittens up my p2 time is the NPC getting bugged all to kitten after you kill the 4 bosses. Swear I’ve spent like 5-10 minutes just waiting for him to stop pacing back and forth.

Retired. Too many casuals.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


Swear I’ve spent like 5-10 minutes just waiting for him to stop pacing back and forth.

I’d like to introduce you to Agent Spire…

I feel like after the SS update, they gave her a lobotomy or something. She was pants-on-head-kittened from the start of the game, but it’s like they started hitting her AI with a bat, just to make sure she will never graduate from kindergarten…

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Swear I’ve spent like 5-10 minutes just waiting for him to stop pacing back and forth.

I’d like to introduce you to Agent Spire…

I feel like after the SS update, they gave her a lobotomy or something. She was pants-on-head-kittened from the start of the game, but it’s like they started hitting her AI with a bat, just to make sure she will never graduate from kindergarten…

’Don’t let the enemy see me bleed.’ I figured she would only say this once a month, but it seems her cycle is 24/7. Poor girl, can you really blame her for being so crazy?

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


Swear I’ve spent like 5-10 minutes just waiting for him to stop pacing back and forth.

I’d like to introduce you to Agent Spire…

I feel like after the SS update, they gave her a lobotomy or something. She was pants-on-head-kittened from the start of the game, but it’s like they started hitting her AI with a bat, just to make sure she will never graduate from kindergarten…

I just did a full CoE run last night and I swear you’re right, it feels like she’s even slower now.

Retired. Too many casuals.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


just did SE exp P1 P2 with a few random people. they were nice and laidback we got through after maybe. . . a dozen or so teamwipes in total (LOL). we only had 2 people quit and 1 guy had to leave at the last 2 champ golems.

overall it wasn’t easy but it wasn’t incredibly hard. think we spent over 2 hours in 2 paths. do organized groups that run dungeons achieve overall faster clears or does that come down to skill/classes?

also yes we were carried by a guardian with wall of reflection.

I’ve done that dungeon a ton of times with many different combinations as well as different alts of mine.

You must’ve just gotten stuck in a team with bad players and\or new players.

A good way to tell is to look at their achievement points. If it’s only in 3 digits it means they are probably totally new and/or under geared and don’t know what they are doing.

While a good group can carry someone like that if you get more than one player like that in your team then it will become very hard.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HuntsForge.3260


It depends on a lot of things. None have done it before, one has but expects all to know the run and runs off, and leadership someone needs to take charge especially if there are newbies to the run.
Two hrs for two paths probably isnt bad if you are all newbies. I know p2 can take ages and the 3 golems on p1 are a real pain for the unprepared and can easily partywipe.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jaga.2084


What I expect from PuGs? People who have no clue where their own nose is. Guys who pull everything and wipe the group as often as they can. 1-4 people running full MF gear and expect to be carried. Don’t forget the watch-every-video-and-don’t-vote-people. Or people who started the dungeon and try to relog to their lvl. 20 twink at 2% final boss hp. If you don’t care for your time, armor and fun, play with pugs.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


What I expect from PuGs? People who have no clue where their own nose is. Guys who pull everything and wipe the group as often as they can. 1-4 people running full MF gear and expect to be carried. Don’t forget the watch-every-video-and-don’t-vote-people. Or people who started the dungeon and try to relog to their lvl. 20 twink at 2% final boss hp. If you don’t care for your time, armor and fun, play with pugs.

Those types can be easily dealt with or avoided though. The key is to look for signs of it at the beginning so you can either kick them or leave in order to not waste time.

Generally you can tell what gear they are wearing by just looking at them.

There are few exceptions where people like to customize their skins by transmutation, but in those cases you can easily see they are vets or new by looking at their achievement points.

I usually don’t mind people that leaving and rejoining at boss if they let your team know first in the beginning. If they didn’t just vote kick them when they try it.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Morbyd.3761


Just curiously, based on achievement points, what do you consider new vs vet?


what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Just curiously, based on achievement points, what do you consider new vs vet?

There are always exceptions. One new guild member was a very good guardian and had under 1K points. He had just picked up the game and straight leveled a guard in a couple of weeks.

With that being said, i like to see over 2.5K, as I’m sitting at 5.6K

RIP in peace Robert

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Morbyd.3761


I suppose that seems fair. Been playing at 80 for about three or four months and i have 2.2K


what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Afya.5842


My expectation is simple. Just don’t be deaf.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397



No magic find.
Exotic gear set. Or at least rare if you are a new player. (not hard to get)
If inexperienced, listen to instruction/ inform party when you need instruction on what to do. I find most people are happy enough to explain and help you out, if they aren’t well, they aren’t worth grouping with anyway.
If you are high AP, and experienced, do not waste anyone’s time running PVT gear.
Don’t camp ranged entire dungeon.
Don’t run bullkitten special snowflake builds, full signets, rifle/bow camping, scepter camping, condition guardians, useless racial skills and mistfire wolves etc.
Place combo fields on allies, I’m looking at you, ranger with the healing spring right in the back where no one can combo it.
Use blast finishers accordingly. I am shocked by the amount of people, who when given a water field and need health do not blast finisher it even when they have the weapon skills at hand to do so.
If you are switching at the end, let people know. Please. I don’t mind. Just for the love all things sacred, don’t open the instance.

Be nice. Always treat your team how you would want to be treated. Kindness and understanding goes a long way.

Think that covers everything.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HELLruler.4820


“what’s the expected for pugs?”

I’d say that being friendly, patient, and know how to play the game is enough. Lvl 80 full exotic is just an extra, so is experience with the dungeon.
“Know how to play the game” means dodging, attacking, supporting, kiting. Things you can only learn playing

MFind gear doesn’t really bother me, but I’d expect the person to change it if we face a harder part

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laharl.8435


What I expect from PuGs? People who have no clue where their own nose is. Guys who pull everything and wipe the group as often as they can. 1-4 people running full MF gear and expect to be carried. Don’t forget the watch-every-video-and-don’t-vote-people. Or people who started the dungeon and try to relog to their lvl. 20 twink at 2% final boss hp. If you don’t care for your time, armor and fun, play with pugs.

Bahahaha!! I’ve seen all of those people. The first time I did Arah p4, with a full team of newbs btw, the instance owner decided switch to his warrior at Simin. Ugh…

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Just curiously, based on achievement points, what do you consider new vs vet?

0-1000 is new. I wouldn’t do any fractals or arah with these types. Most people in this range are on their first char, will have substandard gear unless they have outside help. They will most likely not have experience with most dungeon runs.

1000-2000 is moderately new. Most likely have gone through story mode once, probably not fully geared and moderately knowledgeable about some of the dungeons. If they listen to feedback can get through any dungeon without much trouble. Probably not high fractals since they probably won’t have enough agony resist.

2000+ is experienced. Probably ran most of the exp dungeons a few times, fairly experienced. Should have at least full exotics on one of their chars at this point. As long as they listen to feedback on encounters they haven’t done any dungeons can be done easily.

4000+ is vet. Probably ran all dungeons and maybe even have world completion. I very rarely see any bad players in this group, maybe just a few with bad attitudes. Everything these people do is like clockwork, they rarely if ever need to be told what to do since they already know what to do.

The above is my estimation of how people are according to their achievement points and my own experience with grouping with people.

Having said that, my expectations for pugs is simply that it doesn’t fail. I don’t expect very much from people and I am rarely ever disappointed.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


Just curiously, based on achievement points, what do you consider new vs vet?

0-1000 is new. I wouldn’t do any fractals or arah with these types. Most people in this range are on their first char, will have substandard gear unless they have outside help. They will most likely not have experience with most dungeon runs.

1000-2000 is moderately new. Most likely have gone through story mode once, probably not fully geared and moderately knowledgeable about some of the dungeons. If they listen to feedback can get through any dungeon without much trouble. Probably not high fractals since they probably won’t have enough agony resist.

2000+ is experienced. Probably ran most of the exp dungeons a few times, fairly experienced. Should have at least full exotics on one of their chars at this point. As long as they listen to feedback on encounters they haven’t done any dungeons can be done easily.

4000+ is vet. Probably ran all dungeons and maybe even have world completion. I very rarely see any bad players in this group. Everything these people do is like clockwork, they rarely if ever need to be told what to do since they already know what to do.

The above is my estimation of how people are according to their achievement points.

I’d say you need to revise all of your numbers up by 1500 or so. Especially with all of the easy cheesy living story garbage out lately, achievements have been flying around.

You really don’t see rock-solid players until over 5000.

Retired. Too many casuals.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


Judging people’s ability by that silly number. I put a large amount of people with >6k on block list while I know few very good players with <4k.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Judging people’s ability by that silly number. I put a large amount of people with >6k on block list while I know few very good players with <4k.

Relax man, we all know there are exceptions, but it’s a decent indicator before you get in and start playing with somebody.

If I’m in a group with 3 people that are 4K+ points and one person that is 800 points. I’m going to ask that person if they’ve done it, if they need help, give pointers, tips, explain what we are doing, etc.

RIP in peace Robert

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


Judging people’s ability by that silly number. I put a large amount of people with >6k on block list while I know few very good players with <4k.

I really don’t understand why people so highly praise that silly numbers. I can understand what that numbers indicating when it’s below 1.5K but above that? I can silly afk wrongbow myself to 8K of achievement in 10mos of playing at the maw and still a lousy player in a dungeon. Man, even a dungeon master title is still a lousy player in Arah, in my experience if he just ran a couple runs to get his title.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


You really don’t see rock-solid players until over 5000.

You will never be invited to my party again until I get to 5K achievement.
I was around 4K for 2 mos and just got to 4.8K lately because I have to run w/ my relatives who are new to the game so I ran alot of wrongbow events and exploring maps w/ them. And I really don’t know how that improves my skill.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


-enters group
-bf joins
First run of P1 hotw. Pug guard is crap/no virtues, warrior also camping rifle. Necro running all minions. I asked why, he said because they give poison when they die.

They told us off for meleeing the boss at the end.. even through we didn’t get downed once. Then complained that his HP bar was too big and taking too long lol /irony.

We’re like whatever, I got a divinity rune armor from the chest so was happy to go again with these bumbling idiots for P2. We load in, guard switched to his warrior. It’s 5 signets. I was like oh come on…But didnt say anything. My bf asked him if he was srs. He was like ’It’s how i wanna play, you cant tell me otherwise.’ The rifle camping warrior was like " are you guys serious!? let him play how he wants!’ I told him it was not the best for team play. He ignored me. We both laughed and then left before starting the next path.

All were around 5k achieves. Sad pug day.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


You really don’t see rock-solid players until over 5000.

You will never be invited to my party again until I get to 5K achievement.
I was around 4K for 2 mos and just got to 4.8K lately because I have to run w/ my relatives who are new to the game so I ran alot of wrongbow events and exploring maps w/ them. And I really don’t know how that improves my skill.

Oh you know you’re an exception! Yeah, it’s not a completely useful guide, but if I see a thief with 5K points join my dungeon party I don’t automatically cringe the same way I do for a thief with 2K.

Retired. Too many casuals.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


I’d say you need to revise all of your numbers up by 1500 or so. Especially with all of the easy cheesy living story garbage out lately, achievements have been flying around.

You really don’t see rock-solid players until over 5000.

Because all competent players have high Achievement points?

I know I don’t give a crap about achievement points… I’ve got like 4.2k points.

Judging people by achievements is a terrible standard.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


I’d say you need to revise all of your numbers up by 1500 or so. Especially with all of the easy cheesy living story garbage out lately, achievements have been flying around.

You really don’t see rock-solid players until over 5000.

Because all competent players have high Achievement points?

I know I don’t give a crap about achievement points… I’ve got like 4.2k points.

Judging people by achievements is a terrible standard.

Why does everyone take such offense to the idea that it gives you a rough idea of how well a player might do? It correlates roughly with hours played, and people use that as a yardstick all the time…

Retired. Too many casuals.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


Why does everyone take such offense to the idea that it gives you a rough idea of how well a player might do? It correlates roughly with hours played, and people use that as a yardstick all the time…

I just think that it’s a stupid standard…

A guildy of mine started playing the game, had ~800 achievement points, was playing for 4 weeks and was doing 15min Arah paths and melee’ing lupi with us.

Granted, he is a good player in any game, and he had us to explain him everything, but just to point out your standard isn’t what I’d call universal.

I’m just suspicious about most people with like <1-2k achievement points, but other than that, meh.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delay.6908


I’d say you need to revise all of your numbers up by 1500 or so. Especially with all of the easy cheesy living story garbage out lately, achievements have been flying around.

You really don’t see rock-solid players until over 5000.

Because all competent players have high Achievement points?

I know I don’t give a crap about achievement points… I’ve got like 4.2k points.

Judging people by achievements is a terrible standard.

Why does everyone take such offense to the idea that it gives you a rough idea of how well a player might do? It correlates roughly with hours played, and people use that as a yardstick all the time…

i have around 2k hours played and 900 on my warrior. Im only at 4.8k points. I wouldn’t say im the best player NA but im pretty competent in speed clearing and recently started learning to melee lupi, achievement points dont really mean anything.

Dr Winston | [DnT]

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deSade.9437


Why does everyone take such offense to the idea that it gives you a rough idea of how well a player might do? It correlates roughly with hours played, and people use that as a yardstick all the time…

Elitist! ELITIST!!!!!! RACIST!!!
Aha. Anyway, the bigger they are the harder the fall. I had a 7200 achievement points warrior in a CoE party.. “Ahhh we got dis!” I said to my buddy. It was the most kittened kitten I’ve ever seen. We promptly quit the dungeon after he refused to wait for everyone to coordinate the hacking part and caused the party to wipe twice.
This game seriously lacks a way to reliably recognize decent players. Among the other things. Achievement points are unreliable but the only acceptable way… if you’re an elitist, heartless prick like me of course. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a little kid to flail. He just won’t tell me where he hid the candies. AND he mains a ranger.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


It doesn’t correlate with hours played. I almost only do dungeons. I run, breath, live in dungeons. My achiev score hasn’t moved from 4K+ for months. It only started to get close to 5K+ because I’m finally bothering doing the extremely boring and dumb map completion because I finally made the decision to build a legend.

The only thing 5K+ shows is that you love the crappy content in this game enough to have ran it as much as you did dungeons or PVP.

I know not all hours played are equal in terms of granting skill and experience. But I’d be willing to bet that /age and achievements have a (Pearson) correlation coefficient of at least .5 and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it much higher. Got a weekend coming up, maybe a quick survey is in order.

Retired. Too many casuals.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Just curiously, based on achievement points, what do you consider new vs vet?

0-1000 is new. I wouldn’t do any fractals or arah with these types. Most people in this range are on their first char, will have substandard gear unless they have outside help. They will most likely not have experience with most dungeon runs.

1000-2000 is moderately new. Most likely have gone through story mode once, probably not fully geared and moderately knowledgeable about some of the dungeons. If they listen to feedback can get through any dungeon without much trouble. Probably not high fractals since they probably won’t have enough agony resist.

2000+ is experienced. Probably ran most of the exp dungeons a few times, fairly experienced. Should have at least full exotics on one of their chars at this point. As long as they listen to feedback on encounters they haven’t done any dungeons can be done easily.

4000+ is vet. Probably ran all dungeons and maybe even have world completion. I very rarely see any bad players in this group. Everything these people do is like clockwork, they rarely if ever need to be told what to do since they already know what to do.

The above is my estimation of how people are according to their achievement points.

I’d say you need to revise all of your numbers up by 1500 or so. Especially with all of the easy cheesy living story garbage out lately, achievements have been flying around.

You really don’t see rock-solid players until over 5000.

Doing living story still counts as some form of experience of the game I would think. Besides it’s a limited time thing so not everyone is going to farm that for achievements.

For example I have like no achievements from living story because I just simply didn’t bother with it since aside from ascended infused stuff for my alts I don’t really need anything else.

In the dungeons I’ve done recently my numbers seem to still check out roughly.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ruruuiye.8912


The most important thing for pugs isn’t skill, gear or even coordination, it’s morale. You cannot fail a dungeon without deciding to give up and leave so the higher the team spirit, relaxation quotient and good humour, the longer you will stick around and the greater your chances of getting it done. It doesn’t matter if the group can fight well or fight well together, they need to above all be willing to fight together. It can help to have someone who knows the dungeon but is willing to go along with whatever strategy the group decides to follow. It does NOT help to have an elitist no matter how good they are (just as it doesn’t help the elitist to pug with you if they can solo it). One side wants you to listen to them because they think they know better and you don’t want to listen because you don’t like being pushed around and the problem is exacerbated by the fact that high end groups that achieve the fastest and most efficient clears will promulgate strategies that are utterly unworkable in a pug. Learn to get a feel for your group. Be conversational in chat, lol at jokes and aim to get people around your own skill and experience level.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

The most important thing for pugs isn’t skill, gear or even coordination, it’s morale.

i have to agree with this
also; as to

Just curiously, based on achievement points, what do you consider new vs vet?

0-1500 (though really… no one has 0 AP); id assume thats their first char and its relatively new; so they likely wouldnt have a great idea of class synergy or much experience in dungeons
~1500-5000; probably has a decent amount of experience; average
~5000-7000; probably knows classes and dungeons extensively (though… im currently sitting at 6.9k; and havent touched arah exp – but ive done every other dungeon alot)
7000+; Gw2 god/extreme no lifer… i always take note of people i see with extremely high AP; and it likely means they have a ton of experience (branching to different parts of the game)… this personal threshold will probably go up once i reach it… because then it would be wildly inaccurate xp

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

(edited by Linguistically Inept.6583)

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


~1500-5000; probably has a decent amount of experience; average
~5000-7000; probably knows classes and dungeons extensively (though… im currently sitting at 6.9k; and havent touched arah exp – but ive done every other dungeon alot)
7000+; Gw2 god/extreme no lifer… i always take note of people i see with extremely high AP; and it likely means they have a ton of experience (branching to different parts of the game)… this personal threshold will probably go up once i reach it… because then it would be wildly inaccurate xp

This is entirely bullkitten in my opinion. Anyone can grind achievements. It takes no skill, it takes time. Getting DM isn’t hard, you can get carried if you want. There are plenty of 7000+ achievement players that are total kittenters, whereas there are plenty of <5000 players who’ll wipe the floor with you when it comes to dungeons.

Anyone that thinks high achievements = probably good player needs to get their head out of their behind. All I get from achievements is <1500: risky, probably bad, kick if needed. But that goes for any PUG. I never check achievements. If they’re bad, they’ll get booted. If they’re good, I don’t care if they got 9.2k achievements or 400.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


~1500-5000; probably has a decent amount of experience; average
~5000-7000; probably knows classes and dungeons extensively (though… im currently sitting at 6.9k; and havent touched arah exp – but ive done every other dungeon alot)
7000+; Gw2 god/extreme no lifer… i always take note of people i see with extremely high AP; and it likely means they have a ton of experience (branching to different parts of the game)… this personal threshold will probably go up once i reach it… because then it would be wildly inaccurate xp

This is entirely bullkitten in my opinion. Anyone can grind achievements. It takes no skill, it takes time. Getting DM isn’t hard, you can get carried if you want. There are plenty of 7000+ achievement players that are total kittenters, whereas there are plenty of <5000 players who’ll wipe the floor with you when it comes to dungeons.

Anyone that thinks high achievements = probably good player needs to get their head out of their behind. All I get from achievements is <1500: risky, probably bad, kick if needed. But that goes for any PUG. I never check achievements. If they’re bad, they’ll get booted. If they’re good, I don’t care if they got 9.2k achievements or 400.

^ this. I find that if they are really low, the likelihood of them being bad increases, but that never means 100% that they are bad, I’ve been pleasantly surprised from time to time.. and I’ve also had some absolute awful players at 5K +.. I’ve even seen someone at 8K… 8K man… and he was running a bar full of signets on a Guardian and had a luck sigil…Wtf happened to him Idk lol.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

~1500-5000; probably has a decent amount of experience; average
~5000-7000; probably knows classes and dungeons extensively (though… im currently sitting at 6.9k; and havent touched arah exp – but ive done every other dungeon alot)
7000+; Gw2 god/extreme no lifer… i always take note of people i see with extremely high AP; and it likely means they have a ton of experience (branching to different parts of the game)… this personal threshold will probably go up once i reach it… because then it would be wildly inaccurate xp

This is entirely bullkitten in my opinion. Anyone can grind achievements. It takes no skill, it takes time. Getting DM isn’t hard, you can get carried if you want. There are plenty of 7000+ achievement players that are total kittenters, whereas there are plenty of <5000 players who’ll wipe the floor with you when it comes to dungeons.

Anyone that thinks high achievements = probably good player needs to get their head out of their behind. All I get from achievements is <1500: risky, probably bad, kick if needed. But that goes for any PUG. I never check achievements. If they’re bad, they’ll get booted. If they’re good, I don’t care if they got 9.2k achievements or 400.

high achievement points definitely imply a player is experienced; no one is saying its an exact science, but more experience with something tend to improve their ‘skill’ (‘practice makes perfect’); i too have met some amazing<3k achi point players (yet i havent met a bad 7k+ player yet… until i get there >=D); i was just sharing the impression i get when i join a group
- also; only 10%(well; slightly less) of players have 7k+ achi points

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethics.4519



You should read this before coming in “This one guy has 5K points and he’s bad so you’re all wrong”

RIP in peace Robert

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bitterjo.1695


I pug 90% of my runs. Even those on my friend list are wonderful players I met though pugging. All I expect are common sense and a good attitude. Jerks get kicked, plain and simple. Be nice, have fun. That’s the only rule in any dungeons I start.

If someone is new to a dungeon, I fully expect them to confess BEFORE the start and not midway when everyone is fighting for their lives. Silence = we’ll assume you know what to do. I’ve had a 12k ach pt (no kidding) Guard in Arah on full Staff mode and died over 10 times in P3. You gotta be kidding me.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delay.6908


If someone is new to a dungeon, I fully expect them to confess BEFORE the start and not midway when everyone is fighting for their lives. Silence = we’ll assume you know what to do. I’ve had a 12k ach pt (no kidding) Guard in Arah on full Staff mode and died over 10 times in P3. You gotta be kidding me.

The highest achievement points at the moment is only 10319.. so he couldn’t have 12k.

Dr Winston | [DnT]

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


If someone is new to a dungeon, I fully expect them to confess BEFORE the start and not midway when everyone is fighting for their lives. Silence = we’ll assume you know what to do. I’ve had a 12k ach pt (no kidding) Guard in Arah on full Staff mode and died over 10 times in P3. You gotta be kidding me.

The highest achievement points at the moment is only 10319.. so he couldn’t have 12k.

A guildy of mine used to have 27k or something achievement points before they hardcapped Agent of Entropy. He made a lot of money buying stuff from the TP and salvaging it.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


5K AP = experience. Experience of what? running from pt A to pt B? And beat some dumb mobs while gathering, doing heart contents, daily group events, special events and more craps like that?
I’m pretty sure that if a person has 7K of that kind of experience would wiped the floor in hard contents more than those w/ 3K experience who’re doing dungeons days in & days out. Any objection to this?

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: obal.3218


5K AP = experience. Experience of what? running from pt A to pt B? And beat some dumb mobs while gathering, doing heart contents, daily group events, special events and more craps like that?
I’m pretty sure that if a person have 7K of that kind of experience will wipe the floor in hard contents more than those w/ 3K experience who doing dungeons days in & days out. Any objection to this?

Given the recent direction the game is going, people with those high numbers are probably very good at locating the F key.

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tinni.4351


This is probably only tangentially related but I have been meaning to bring-up the topic of gear requirements for PuGs ever since I was confronted with what I consider to be a truly, truly unreasonable gear requirement.

I have been working on the gift of light and so need 100 charged lodestones. Naturally this means a fair few CoE runs. Generally I have had good experience and no one really questions what gear I am running or why. The other day however, I joined a CoE group on my engineer. This was a normal “lfm CoE” and they made not mention of it being a speed run or anything. I was on my way to CoE when suddenly one of them asked “do you have full zerker and at least 5 ascended accessories” o.O

5 ascended accessories for COE? As it so happened my engineer was in full zerker (full COE zerker at that) but only had 2 ascended accessories. In fact, only my main (Guardian) has 5 ascended accessories (soon to be 6) but she’s not in full zerker (she wears knights).

I think in terms of gear, it is reasonable to expect a PuG member to be wearing level appropriate gear. If it is a speed run and advertised as such, of course zerker gear would be required. But IMO, at some point the gear requirements are just a sign of incompetence on the part of the requirement setter! CoE can be tough but 5 ascended accessories will not magically grant a person the ability to dodge Alpha AoE.

5K AP = experience. Experience of what? running from pt A to pt B? And beat some dumb mobs while gathering, doing heart contents, daily group events, special events and more craps like that?
I’m pretty sure that if a person have 7K of that kind of experience will wipe the floor in hard contents more than those w/ 3K experience who doing dungeons days in & days out. Any objection to this?

Given the recent direction the game is going, people with those high numbers are probably very good at locating the F key.

I don’t think the achievements were ever meant to be anything more then a gauge of personal progress. A way for you to look back on your GW 2 playing life go “I remember that!” etc. I understand the desire to to want a way to evaluate a player before stepping into a dungeon with them. But even the dungeon master title isn’t a good indicator of a player’s dungeon ability.

Only solution I can think of is a “experience inspect” feature that gives stats like dungeon paths attempted, dungeons paths completed, maybe average time taken etc. The raw achievement number means very little.

My brain is shagging under the weight of changes… having six characters was not a good idea!

(edited by Tinni.4351)

what's the expected for pugs?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bitterjo.1695


As for gear, by the time a player gets into CoE I expect exotics. Sure, ppl may QQ going ’It’s skill blah blah’ but you can’t deny having exotic stats and accessories increase your survivability exponentially. At least rares, right??

MF gear kittens me off. I don’t care if you have on opal accessories or sigil of luck, but if you die a lot and I find out you’re in MF armor, out you go. I don’t do Fractals, I keep a zerker, knight and clerics set of accessories to swap whenever. All paths of CoE daily for a month and so far so good.