your experience withPUGs?
My experience with pugs compared to my regular dungeon group is the dps is much slower. Most people are too scared to go into melee range so man mode doesn’t work very well. Everyone just spreads out and fends for themselves with ranged attacks.
That aside, I have been able to complete almost every dungeon that I have pugged. The only fail group I had was when it was low level characters that had too little dps to progress.
It has been very delightful. I’ve never had a group rage quit on me and the only time we didn’t complete a path was when it bugged out. I find that if you have at least 2 people who have done the dungeon before things will go well. The tricky part is when you only have 1 person and his solution to a particular part doesn’t work out its hard for the 4 new guys to make a new plan.
I have run AC 20 times, I have run with a variety of groups and players. I’m still not tired of the dungeon and I love teaching people the boss mechanics.
Not too bad. Every so often you get people that are just really annoying, but for the most part people are willing to listen, especially if they happen to be dying a lot and notice you aren’t (and you’re ressing them).
To be honest, though, I haven’t really done any organized runs, so it’s not like I have anything to compare my PuG groups to. Though I did have a really awesome CoE PuG group a few days ago where we knocked out two paths in about 25-30 minutes each, which was nice. No explaining necessary, just smooth runs and lots of random chatter.
I’ve PUG’d my way to Dungeon Master title, and run many more dungeons paths after that. Most PUGs have been pretty nice. Yeah, it’s usually slow, but what do you expect?
Almost every PUG I’ve been in has at least made it to the end of the dungeon (with the hardest being path 4 in Arah, failing my PUG twice…) Most people are pretty nice and decent, and ok players. Sometimes you get a jerk or a real noob, but they usually ragequit before the dungeon ends or gets himself kicked and replaced within minutes.
I usually run Dungeons with guildmates or friends but I have pugged Arah once. I was expecting trouble but actually had a great time, everyone pulled their weight and did an amazing job. The run turned out to be very smooth and everyone I think had a great time. I wish I could remember their names and post it here so you guys know who to invite to runs.
Sadly though being a long time MMO gamer I know a lot of bad pugs and usually I stay away from them. Occasionally you luck out like I did but they’re very rare from my experience. Still I wish you all the best of luck on your pugging endeavors.
FYI we had mostly rangers. /trollface
Overall: Good
Some are bad and some are just bad days. Otherwise it’s fine to me.
A little bit of everything from great and sensible people who know what they’re doing, and can listen to ways to overcome the content; to some who just simply act like jerks, cause problems, or otherwise leaves when a group wipes only once or twice. I’ve learned that the jerks would always be jerks and aren’t probably worth grouping with, though they have a tendency to drop from the group within the first few trash pulls.
I’ve also learned that pugs have a tendency to skip past everything and anything that is deemed “skippable” by all means necessary. I’m personally not a big fan of skipping huge packs of mobs and even bosses, or using cheesy exploits to beat certain bosses; but in most groups, I’m generally the one being invited to, instead of me inviting them. So I’ll let the designated leader run the show.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
I’ve also learned that pugs have a tendency to skip past everything and anything that is deemed “skippable” by all means necessary. I’m personally not a big fan of skipping huge packs of mobs and even bosses, or using cheesy exploits to beat certain bosses; but in most groups, I’m generally the one being invited to, instead of me inviting them. So I’ll let the designated leader run the show.
Actually a lot of PUGs I’ve joined don’t tend to skip mobs, unless it’s one of those paths that everyone and their dog farms (mostly TA), because no one even knows how to do these paths the intended way anymore.
Haven’t done too many, just a few.
Being a real noob myslef still carrying bad habits from 4.5 years of WoW, I find the people who have already done the dungeon very polite and patient.
I expected to be kicked after 3-4 mob groups, but no. People are really kind forgiving.
There was one group with a level 80 ranger who kept ordering me to tank and manage the pulls since I play guardian.
I was under the impression I was doing something wrong by rushing into a pack of mobs alone getting one shoted, and then seeing the group being mad for me not healing, since I’m also the healer, apparently, as well as the tank.
other than that, it’s a nice experience.
Usually I had really awesome PUGS just 1 or 2 were those: “GO THERE kitten #8221;
But overall really nice people, I have lot of em in my friend list!.
~Piken Square~
It has been great sometimes and very poor others. I have run AC ove 40 tines and have full monk gear and ghastly weapons. I try to help every party that I’m in by “suggesting” what I have found the best strat to be. Most people are very courteous and follow along because they realize that some people have more experience and can help move things along quickly without repairs. There are still the minortity that will rail against any help and demand that they know the best way even though they are lvl 50 and have barely run the dungeon. Last night for instance, we had a player commanding everyone to skip Koehler on path 1. The other 4 players had been running AC all evening and said “no we are going to kill him for the WP”. The player said “if you aggro him I am not helping” lol. Whatever, we pulled him and she quit. We promptly killed him and then went out to get another player. One other example I have is from last night as well on the ghosteater path. We were at the end and someone on our team refused to not rez Detha. The player rezzed Detha 2 times spawning 8 ghosts on top of the 3 already there and then rage quit leaving us with the me
All in all though, the good have outweighed the bad and I have many friends.. on my list now because of pugging.
(edited by BananaHammock.9718)
My experience with PUGs has been pretty positive. Haven’t had many terrible personalities, and most people I’ve partied with, take the time to listen if they haven’t done it before. I think they’re the best in terms of finding out all the little tips in a dungeon, as multiple experiences get pulled together, as opposed to if you were partying with the same people over and over.
I run arah (a lot) and mostly its with PUG groups. If you have players that listen to the veteran arah dungeoneers, then it goes well. if you have a leeroy jenkins type player who thinks he can do it on his own, or thinks that the dungeon is just another dungeon then it goes badly.
I have had a few groups where I have just left, especially when you wipe on the first difficult mob in a dungeon where the player is clearly not listening and just plain bad. When im new in a dungeon, I listen, ankittenep listening unless I have something that may be more efficient. In the event I do have something that may be more efficient, I discuss it withthe players, instead of just trying it out.
Dungeons are cake with people who communicate.
done AC+CM+TA+SE+CoF+HotW story mode with pug’s
done 1 explorable path in T.A and 1 in AC. with pug’s
only bad runs=2 where both times the leader had left(very 1st AC story attempt+CoE story today)
has always been random professions aswell, one run was 2 guardians+2 warriors+me(Mesmer) wich was my smoothest run to TA team was very good aswell, we communicated and even decided to pull “bomb” creatures to 1 side, evade, dps, n every1 did it….even wen people n i disagree, we choose to not let it effect the run, which IMO is GG’ing.
and since it’s mostly story, we have fun taking our time and learning.(unlike a certain guild:“ kitten Saleena skip vid’s we seen them already”
The best screening technique I’ve seen to get decent PUGs in a couple of MMOs now is to see if people can reply coherently to questions. The more members who can and will read a question in party chat and type a vaguely legible reply, the more likely you have people who will read instructions and respond to them in play.
We promptly killed him and then went out to get another player.
I’ve only been in one dungeon with guildmates so far, if someone leaves/DCs/etc. can you keep your progress so far and recruit someone new and get them in, or do you have to start over? Does someone have to stay in the dungeon to allow this?
The best screening technique I’ve seen to get decent PUGs in a couple of MMOs now is to see if people can reply coherently to questions. The more members who can and will read a question in party chat and type a vaguely legible reply, the more likely you have people who will read instructions and respond to them in play.
We promptly killed him and then went out to get another player.
I’ve only been in one dungeon with guildmates so far, if someone leaves/DCs/etc. can you keep your progress so far and recruit someone new and get them in, or do you have to start over? Does someone have to stay in the dungeon to allow this?
if leader leaves=party Kick,,, u get nothing besides, “come tell us on forum’s so, we can ignore the post”…
Even if you are the instance owner you can leave the dungeon portal to get another player. You just cant leave the party or disconnect; I do it frequently. Yes, have everyone else wait in the dungeon.
another day, another wonderful PUG.
> try and demand all group be lvl 80
> argue group into running the path you want claiming it’s so easy
> demand everything be skipped
> die on every trash pull that isn’t skipped
> don’t know the mechanics to any of the dungeon events
(edited by fony.5102)
another day, another wonderful PUG.
Another Signet warrior huh? I feel your pain.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
another day, another wonderful PUG.
Another Signet warrior huh? I feel your pain.
as i said in other posts, i was one before and i don’t dislike them now. only the bad ones…who show you they’re bad before the run even starts. hell, if they could dodge and kite and put GS #4 to use i will gladly jump head first into kitten with them as they do awesome damage. it’s just pugs in general so the times when my guild is not all on is a very painful time.
oh btw we took just under 30 minutes(and a combined 19 deaths by the warriors) to do this run with kholer, troll, spider and 3 graveling pulls entirely skipped. with my friends we clear path 1 in about the same time doing everything.
I personally think I am all that a team needs for a dungeon I don’t care about levels if they join me. I just hate people who join “my” group (like the heck, I’m the one who created it) and tells everyone what to do without explaining throughly (team effort yo). No problem though, cause I take the time to ask and explain to ppl who are new. It’s nice if people know how to res, I don’t care much about people constantly being downed unless they aren’t even trying. But seriously, people need to slow down sometimes and acknowledge the team instead of assuming we are npcs who will follow you around and do what you wish. Anyways, this is mostly referring to AC dungeon, others are much more foreign to me. If anyone is in Sanctum of Rall and wants to AC dungeon around 8pm-10pm est, hit me up—I don’t mind helping your new chars to victory as long as you are lvl35 though haha.
Sky Avalon
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
i’ve pugged the kitten out of dungeons this past week, after playing for a while with a solid dungeon team. and without a doubt the biggest difference is respect and communication. teams that are not on the same page are going to be wiped, repeatedly. often, the page we’re missing is dungeon 101. other than the specific dungeon knowledge their missing, the pugs that suck feature numerous players who:
1.) do not listen to more exprienced players. i always carry my tokens around with me when i’m dungeoning, so i can post them in chat and let people know that i’m not an idiot, but even then some players become angry when someone tells them what to do. that’s just childish. if your plan leads to wipes, it’s someone else’s turn. democracy and mutual respect are the magic weapons for any pug group. edit this includes the all important kill order!!! half the time what order is not as important as the fact that everyone has the /same/ order. nothing is sadder than wiping when every mob has 1/4 of their health left. focus fire, please!!! there’s a take target button for a reason!!!
2.) don’t know rez etiquette: players who don’t revive down players but do resurrect defeated players seriously hamper your dungeon. everyone has to know to respawn IMMEDIATELY upon being greyed out unless the encounter is basically in the bag, and even then, better safe than sorry. players who spend time defeated ruin dungeons.
3.) poorly specc’ed: i’m looking at you, people trying to revive the trinity. no, i don’t expect you research the dungeon before you dive in and make sure you’re geared and specc’ed to the T. but if you’re venturing into a dungeon for the first time, you should have a /robust/ strategy. that means it works well, but not perfectly, in a wide number of situations. carry ALL of your weapons, all the time. don’t spec entirely into condition damage, ever, because odds are you’re going to run into objectives that aren’t affected by them (seriously though, that needs to be fixed… AC’s burrows are incredibly unfair to some professions). a dungeon’s going to throw a lot at you, and specializing too heavily in any one direction will leave you with a vulnerability elsewhere. and when you die in two seconds because of that, your two million DPS goes down the drain.
but for real if a player can follow these three rules and has somewhat decent gear, the pugs will go smoothly. unless of course, someone leaves. which i’m almost the point of wanting to penalize, because in the eight dungeon paths i’ve run since i started keeping track of rage quits i’ve had to find 7 replacements. that’s almost every single run for two straight days, which is obviously somethingyou don’t run into playing with kids you know. does anyone else have this particular problem or am i just unlucky? cause i’d believe that, but if we’re all getting ditched i think it’s safe to do something about it.
(edited by kuroi.5467)
i’ve quit a run myself before, but that was only after hours of no one communicating/listening. they simply refused to try a different strategy beside “run around kittenless, attack different things and don’t revive anyone”.
oh btw we took just under 30 minutes(and a combined 19 deaths by the warriors) to do this run with kholer, troll, spider and 3 graveling pulls entirely skipped. with my friends we clear path 1 in about the same time doing everything.
Oh for sure, I have the same problems with them. For some reason a warrior running all signets tends to not be great in dungeons, I prefer to take them with a group orientated build with shouts or what have you.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
i don’t focus on the build so much. i think that instead of it being a bad choice, it’s more like the easiest choice for bad players.
i don’t get it either. all variants of the build allow for near constant evading(burst skill restores endurance bar). too much use of hundred blades and no use of arcing slice…lowest common denominator thinking. the burst skill has more utility than just damage with this build(otherwise the skill is not good for dps) and hundred blades will get you killed.
when i played it you would see dodge, dodge, WW attack(free dodge, huge damage), blade trail(my build had points in tactics so i had leg specialist and shrug it off) on mobs going for other members of the group or just straying from the melee, AS to refill endurance bar, only use HB on stunned mobs or ones that don’t it for much, rush situational.
had a swap of rifle or axe/shield.
(edited by fony.5102)
another day, another wonderful PUG.
Another Signet warrior huh? I feel your pain.
as i said in other posts, i was one before and i don’t dislike them now. only the bad ones…who show you they’re bad before the run even starts. hell, if they could dodge and kite and put GS #4 to use i will gladly jump head first into kitten with them as they do awesome damage. it’s just pugs in general so the times when my guild is not all on is a very painful time.
Your right it’s not the class or the build it’s the player.