zerker elitist in COF

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: x per fection x.2096

x per fection x.2096

Don’t join a group asking for a zerker or one doing a speed run if your not in zerker gear then. Their not at fault you are. There is still plenty of posts on lfg that simply say lf2m cof p1. Join one of those instead. It’s not them being elitist it’s you joining a group that you shouldn’t be so they got rid of you so they could get what they asked for.


zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Based on his post, it seems like he posted LFG and this elitist group, for some reason, assumed he met their criteria and picked him up.

Given that, I don’t see why people post LFG when you can self invite to a LFXM group that meets your needs, avoiding situations like this. There’s already enough posts flooding the gw2lfg site that have blank descriptions or don’t tell you anything useful (i.e. description just says “Join Fast!!”). Sorry if I sound harsh, but I’m honestly not trying to attack you or anything. I’m just not sure why posting LFG is effective at all when you can just /join <name> the group you want on the site. At least when you /join, you know what kind of group you’re getting into.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


This is what happens when you make a dungeon where the enemies prove absolutely zero resistance but you still get the same amount of gold as every other dungeon, people will abuse that fact. If you’re not running full zerkers you’re not running at peak efficiency.

Try not joining a speedrun group.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shlamorel.8714


Serious question: does speed run mean berserker gear is expected?

If so thats news to me. I always thought it meant they were looking for people familiar with the dungeon so that they could skip the explanations and just jump to killing the bosses. Oh and that they’d be skipping trash whenever possible.

Learn something new every day!

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


Doesn’t the OP’s post say that they picked him up from LFG? Everyone keeps saying he joined the group on purpose. He even explains that the elitist group should pick someone with the proper LFG description.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flameseeker.1563


Speed run means you’re setup to play at maximum efficiency.
If that meant being nude and run past everything you better do it or get kicked.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rozcinana.7249


I have never been asked to link my armor yet for a cof speed run group. If I was, I would probably leave. CoF farming groups can get pretty nasty.

i didn’t think full berserker gear was a must for cof speed runs anyway. my mesmer uses berserker weapons and valkyrie armor and i’ve done just fine on the many, many speed runs i’ve done there.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sinoran.9140


I’ve speed ran CoF many times without any zerkers in the group in just a few minutes. People requiring zerks for this easy dungeon is ridiculous.


zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shlamorel.8714


Never been asked to link gear either… I’ve formed many speed runs myself and feel that performance on a certain few pulls to be more indicative than gear linking, hehe. But to each his own when forming their own group.

Odd thst they’d invite OP then demand such rules though…. Seems backwards

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DancingPenguins.9875


The deal is that my post on lfg.com was this exactly " lvl 80 war speed run path 1" end quote???? If this dungeon wasn’t so (well easy) i wouldn’t have bothered with this.

People were expecting a full glass cannon for that. It happens, just make your own group.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kumakichi.2583


Interesting that they required zerkers gear. Stuff in CoF dies so quickly I didn’t think it would be an issue but I guess you never can tell. Does running a CoF p1 in 6 minutes or running it in 7 minutes make any difference in the world…. when you come back out of CoF and the gate is contested? I’ve seen the gate close in as little as 4 minutes so…. maybe someone can help explain this to me?

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dan.8709


How annoying haha.
If people ever asked me to link my gear I’d just straight out leave, even if I have the exact gear they desire on me/my inventory.
The funniest thing is that I bet some of those zerkers just stayed down/defeated sometimes on the floor because lack of skill/care

Thankfully I never saw anyone asking to link gear. It’s pretty stupid.

Daniel Cousland – Darkhaven

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tom.7468


If they were all zerkers they probably wiped on first group anyway nothing to worry about.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


If they were all zerkers they probably wiped on first group anyway nothing to worry about.

This is CoF1… not something challenging.

Everyone runs berserker, you fight 2 silver mobs, a super easy boss, and another super easy boss, that’s it. The faster you kill it the more runs you get in to maximize omnom bars since most people do 1-1-1-2 cycles and even run path 1 indefinitely.

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


If they were all zerkers they probably wiped on first group anyway nothing to worry about.

This is CoF 1 bro.. and it’s quite common too.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moritsune.6789


You’ll be surprised there are jerks that will ask you to link ur gear. I’ve been running dungeons since release till now, done Arah lupicus countless times and have not encountered such a thing till recent.

So i got bored one day with nothing to do and i saw a post on gw2lfg that reads “LF3M DPS Wars only COF farm no noobs, don’t ask which path you should know” and i joined to my surprise this guy ask me to link every single piece of my equipment, frankly speaking i was pretty offended but i wanted to see how good they were and how his toons looked like so i link all my zerk stuff and was invited to the group. When i saw his toon i kinda chuckled, he wasn’t even on any dungeon gear just karma exotics.

this elitist started to bark out orders like he’s some kind of super pro forcing me to take up war banner or banner of discipline. Than i told him i would rather go signet of rage as i do more dmg. he said no and still forces me to pick a banner, so i took war banner.

At the 1st boss encounter, i purposely did not put out my banner n this guy guy began to throw his weight around and ask y u no use banner? than he ask if i wanted to take banner of discipline instead, i say i’ll stick to war banner than he goes y u no use banner? getting really annoyed i said ok i’ll use banner on the next boss.

so we finish the path in like 7mins and i left straight way. After that n he pm me, calls me noob asking me if i knew what farm was and blocks me.

well i know what is farm but i don’t like this jerks attitude so i left.

I have done farms with other pugs and can achieve the same speed without elitist attitude, so the next time if someone ask me to link my stuff i’ll give it a pass instead and for goodness sake its only COF PATH 1 the easiest dungeon path in the whole of GW2. If they were doing Simin i would understand the need to link your armor.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kurtdg.2370


I’ve never been asked to link my armor for any CoF run. Granted I do have a zerk set, and another build i swap over. If someone ever did ask me to link, here is what I’d do:

I would slowly link all my armor piece by piece, and then immediately after, ask him to link all his armor. Once it’s done and everything is settled, feel free to drop group and find a different one.

Nothing rage’s out “elitist” mentality like wasting a lot of there time, and then dropping group.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

…Do we really have to pick up that old Runescape slang? I’m not sure I can call somebody that and keep a straight face.

So a bunch of guys ended up wasting your time with an utterly avoidable miscommunication and for some reason felt they had a license to be really smug about it?

Sounds like you dodged a bullet, OP.

(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Interesting that they required zerkers gear. Stuff in CoF dies so quickly I didn’t think it would be an issue but I guess you never can tell. Does running a CoF p1 in 6 minutes or running it in 7 minutes make any difference in the world…. when you come back out of CoF and the gate is contested? I’ve seen the gate close in as little as 4 minutes so…. maybe someone can help explain this to me?

Try 6 minutes versus something like 15-20. In the worse case scenario I may be the only person in the group actually dealing damage. I’ve had it happen plenty of times and it’s downright ridiculous to watch a PUG (who usually insists he is omg god tier dps because warrior longbow deeps so good) take ten minutes to kill the gate controller. Then die. Because of course.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

I have never been asked to link my armor yet for a cof speed run group. If I was, I would probably leave. CoF farming groups can get pretty nasty.

i didn’t think full berserker gear was a must for cof speed runs anyway. my mesmer uses berserker weapons and valkyrie armor and i’ve done just fine on the many, many speed runs i’ve done there.

When it comes to a mesmer in CoF speed runs, no one really cares what kind of gear you use. As long as you can use timewarp, and portal through rocks, you’re good to go.

Anet make Rev great again.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Interesting that they required zerkers gear. Stuff in CoF dies so quickly I didn’t think it would be an issue but I guess you never can tell. Does running a CoF p1 in 6 minutes or running it in 7 minutes make any difference in the world…. when you come back out of CoF and the gate is contested? I’ve seen the gate close in as little as 4 minutes so…. maybe someone can help explain this to me?

Try 6 minutes versus something like 15-20. In the worse case scenario I may be the only person in the group actually dealing damage. I’ve had it happen plenty of times and it’s downright ridiculous to watch a PUG (who usually insists he is omg god tier dps because warrior longbow deeps so good) take ten minutes to kill the gate controller. Then die. Because of course.

it’s much more about skill than it is about gear. A person in Berserker exotics over regular exotics will only do 100 damage more. CoF is super easy and even with killing every single mob (I do normal runs with a necromancer (kitten compared to a warrior) geared for condition damage) takes 15 minutes at most.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NewTrain.7549


I have never been asked to link my armor yet for a cof speed run group. If I was, I would probably leave. CoF farming groups can get pretty nasty.

i didn’t think full berserker gear was a must for cof speed runs anyway. my mesmer uses berserker weapons and valkyrie armor and i’ve done just fine on the many, many speed runs i’ve done there.

When it comes to a mesmer in CoF speed runs, no one really cares what kind of gear you use. As long as you can use timewarp, and portal through rocks, you’re good to go.

Not entirely true. As a mesmer I was kicked from a group (on the 4th run no less) because a warrior died on the first encounter. I was told it was my fault because I “should have pushed the mobs against the wall earlier”. So while mesmers might not kicked for gear, they do get kicked for other ridiculous things.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeoli.3402


I have never been asked to link my armor yet for a cof speed run group. If I was, I would probably leave. CoF farming groups can get pretty nasty.

i didn’t think full berserker gear was a must for cof speed runs anyway. my mesmer uses berserker weapons and valkyrie armor and i’ve done just fine on the many, many speed runs i’ve done there.

When it comes to a mesmer in CoF speed runs, no one really cares what kind of gear you use. As long as you can use timewarp, and portal through rocks, you’re good to go.

Not entirely true. As a mesmer I was kicked from a group (on the 4th run no less) because a warrior died on the first encounter. I was told it was my fault because I “should have pushed the mobs against the wall earlier”. So while mesmers might not kicked for gear, they do get kicked for other ridiculous things.

My Rules in dungeons are:

If you get killed, Its your own fault. (you have 2 dodges and other skills)
Skill>Gear (because a crafter who has never been inside a dungeon could craft the exotic gear)
Make a mistake… oh well we all have to learn and proceed together.

I built my guardian to last. I may not have the highest DPS… but at least I don’t have to run away or spend less time in a downed/dead state which actually means my overall damage done should be higher. I also support others by dodge rolling to them (and healing) CC and providing buffs when they need it the most. I have replaced other players who left due to the group dying on X boss… and we completed the dungeon and rather smoothly.

Really hate elitists who demand X gear…

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seren.6850


well by the sounds of it your better off, didn’t seem like a good group

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


One thing to note. The reason why groups prefer zerker warriors/1mesmer combo is for efficiency and speed. I don’t doubt the ability to do a dungeon for most people who run other builds or classes, but lack of the dps can really screw a team of glass canons over because if dps is high enough, you don’t need to worry much about lasting in the fight because it’s over before you run out of small survivability options.

1. If you want to join a zerker group, I’d suggest leveling up a warrior.
2. If you don’t want to join a zerker group, I’d suggest starting your own cof p1 group.

You aren’t being forced to join these groups. But dungeoning for awhile now; you don’t need anything in COF p1 except DPS. May be sad, but true.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Excursion.9752


It really is laughable how people are. I can’t say I’ve had this happen to me but I really hope it does. I have two sets of gear out of spite I would change to my power precision toughness gear just to lower the dps and make it go just a tad bit slower for them. Then put it on them at the end “I cant believe it took you all this long” and leave.

| 80 (Guardian) Rusty Tooth | 80 (Warrior) Razer Tooth | 80 (Ranger) Eir Stegallkin |
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Whoofe.7643


I’ve never been asked to link my armor for any CoF run. Granted I do have a zerk set, and another build i swap over. If someone ever did ask me to link, here is what I’d do:

I would slowly link all my armor piece by piece, and then immediately after, ask him to link all his armor. Once it’s done and everything is settled, feel free to drop group and find a different one.

Nothing rage’s out “elitist” mentality like wasting a lot of there time, and then dropping group.


zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


OP sees lfg with “lf1m cof p1 speedfarm, berserker gear required”
OP does not have berserker gear
OP joins anyways
OP gets kicked for not having berserker gear
OP creates rage-thread

Actually, OP posted that he was LFG… his LFG post description said nothing about zerker gear, only that he wanted a speed run, and a bad group picked him up asking for zerker gear and kicked him for not having it, hence, the rage post.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jzl.8715


I think what you need is simply a clearer sense of the “CoF culture as of now”. First off this is the most popular of any dungeons because it is the easiest.

When it comes to speed runs, there are currently 2 kinds of groups: P1 farming groups and P1/P2 token groups. The unofficial best farming group composition for P1 is 4 warriors with 1 time warp mesmer. So your message is quite misleading, “Warrior” and “Fast P1 run”, I would guess most would assume you are looking for a farming group. What they should do is whisper you first instead of invite you to part first. So fault on both sides, if I’m completely unbiased.

The more knowledge and experience you have the less you become tolerable, so beware when joining a CoF group. I’m personally not a big fan of CoF farming 4War1Mez either, but hey, people play how they want to play, and group with people who they want to group with. If the berserker warriors and mesmers have to have something to make them feel special, just let them have this round. An in my humble opinion, them discriminating you and you complaining about them really doesn’t make much difference to me. Play how you want to play.


(edited by Jzl.8715)

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

just a random group of nerds… if they kick, join another group and forget the others even existed.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nozdrum.2894


OP sees lfg with “lf1m cof p1 speedfarm, berserker gear required”
OP does not have berserker gear
OP joins anyways
OP gets kicked for not having berserker gear
OP creates rage-thread

Actually, OP posted that he was LFG… his LFG post description said nothing about zerker gear, only that he wanted a speed run, and a bad group picked him up asking for zerker gear and kicked him for not having it, hence, the rage post.

Ups you are right, seems like I can’t read. I take everything back and apologize to OP.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rin.2094


Just out of curiosity oldman, what exotic armor did you show them?

Crystal Desert — Keepers of the heart (Koth)

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stigma.7869


I formed a CoF P1+P2 party with some guild mates who don’t really run dungeons much (Guardian and Ele) and I was a berserker warrior. Got 2 more players from gw2lfg.com who was another zerker warrior and a guardian.

After the P1 boss fight, he starts going off on us about not using the +10% potion and how this 10min run could’ve been done in 5min by 5 Warriors and rage quits the party.

Needless to say there are a lot of CoF elitist pricks in the game. We didn’t specify it was a speed run nor did we have the classes for a speed run.

When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tulinor.6745


Even tho I have the berserker warrior I don’t care who joins. It is just a personal preference. I have begun posting that any class can join and it fills in under a minute. The runs are a few minutes longer but I don’t really care.

As far as someone saying the damage is only 100 more that is so wrong. When you have a 94% crit chance you get things done. Normal mobs in orr I am hitting for 2K. On bosses with the GS I am hitting for 21k+ when there are vuln stacks with the final swing on hundred blades. I was a more balanced build but as my play improved and guildies were talking about their dps I thought I would give it a try. I had at least a 20% increase in damage.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


I hate elitists with a passion. Sorry your experience sucked there, OP. :/ Just remember that these people are being elitists on an online game because they can’t succeed on anything important RL. Feeling superior to others online is all they have going for them… Kind of sad really.

Anyways if anyone ever asks me about my gear I will quite honestly tell them off and leave the party. >.>I have berzerker’s gear but really…

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

I hate elitists with a passion. Sorry your experience sucked there, OP. :/ Just remember that these people are being elitists on an online game because they can’t succeed on anything important RL. Feeling superior to others online is all they have going for them… Kind of sad really.

Anyways if anyone ever asks me about my gear I will quite honestly tell them off and leave the party. >.>I have berzerker’s gear but really…

Wow, what a horribly constructed statement that does nothing but display your own ignorance.

You act like just because someone wants to do something efficiently then they “have nothing going on for them in Rl” and that “feeling superior to others is all they have going for them.”

You say this without knowing anything about the people you perceive to be “elitist” and have nothing but your own prejudice. This post shows you to be nothing more than ignorant and I would run with a group full of “elitists” that demand nothing less than full ascended/exotic berserkers gear any day before running with you.

Anet make Rev great again.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DancingPenguins.9875


I hate elitists with a passion. Sorry your experience sucked there, OP. :/ Just remember that these people are being elitists on an online game because they can’t succeed on anything important RL. Feeling superior to others online is all they have going for them… Kind of sad really.

I’m really surprised people would even think this way. Your conclusion makes no sense logically and is not supported empirically. Research in the last 7-12 years actually disagrees. Adults behaving such ways is more a result of impulse control or narcissistic tendencies. There are plenty reviews of recent literature on similar topics that will affirm my outlined summary which you may access via your corporate or academic librarians.

Do you actually hate “elitist” or “narcissists”? Nobody likes a narcissist, and a quick look through gw2lfg.com and you can just tell which ones fit the shoes. Because otherwise, this is what you remind me of:


I’m sure it’s just a miscommunication , isn’t that right?

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I hate elitists with a passion. Sorry your experience sucked there, OP. :/ Just remember that these people are being elitists on an online game because they can’t succeed on anything important RL. Feeling superior to others online is all they have going for them… Kind of sad really.

Anyways if anyone ever asks me about my gear I will quite honestly tell them off and leave the party. >.>I have berzerker’s gear but really…

Wow, what a horribly constructed statement that does nothing but display your own ignorance.

You act like just because someone wants to do something efficiently then they “have nothing going on for them in Rl” and that “feeling superior to others is all they have going for them.”

You say this without knowing anything about the people you perceive to be “elitist” and have nothing but your own prejudice. This post shows you to be nothing more than ignorant and I would run with a group full of “elitists” that demand nothing less than full ascended/exotic berserkers gear any day before running with you.

In my book a friendly run is always better than an efficient one. What’s the point of playing the game if instead of enjoying the content and meeting people all you want to do is to grab the shinny at the end as fast as possible?
What’s the point on asking for a person to link their gear when skill > gear in this game?

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DancingPenguins.9875


I hate elitists with a passion. Sorry your experience sucked there, OP. :/ Just remember that these people are being elitists on an online game because they can’t succeed on anything important RL. Feeling superior to others online is all they have going for them… Kind of sad really.

Anyways if anyone ever asks me about my gear I will quite honestly tell them off and leave the party. >.>I have berzerker’s gear but really…

Wow, what a horribly constructed statement that does nothing but display your own ignorance.

You act like just because someone wants to do something efficiently then they “have nothing going on for them in Rl” and that “feeling superior to others is all they have going for them.”

You say this without knowing anything about the people you perceive to be “elitist” and have nothing but your own prejudice. This post shows you to be nothing more than ignorant and I would run with a group full of “elitists” that demand nothing less than full ascended/exotic berserkers gear any day before running with you.

In my book a friendly run is always better than an efficient one. What’s the point of playing the game if instead of enjoying the content and meeting people all you want to do is to grab the shinny at the end as fast as possible?
What’s the point on asking for a person to link their gear when skill > gear in this game?

The reality is though, people are friendly for the most part. Being friendly and being efficient are not mutually exclusive. In fact, most of the time you can bet that the jerk in the group is the one who fails the most.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


Hmm struck a nerve now, have I?

I hate elitists with a passion. Sorry your experience sucked there, OP. :/ Just remember that these people are being elitists on an online game because they can’t succeed on anything important RL. Feeling superior to others online is all they have going for them… Kind of sad really.

Anyways if anyone ever asks me about my gear I will quite honestly tell them off and leave the party. >.>I have berzerker’s gear but really…

Wow, what a horribly constructed statement that does nothing but display your own ignorance.

You act like just because someone wants to do something efficiently then they “have nothing going on for them in Rl” and that “feeling superior to others is all they have going for them.”

You say this without knowing anything about the people you perceive to be “elitist” and have nothing but your own prejudice. This post shows you to be nothing more than ignorant and I would run with a group full of “elitists” that demand nothing less than full ascended/exotic berserkers gear any day before running with you.

You don’t understand what I mean by an elitist (or you are one yourself). An elitist on an online game is a bully. Elitist =/= skillful player. They taunt people because of their own insecurities. I was angry and used a poor choice of words admittedly, and I should have been more clear on what I was saying.

Do we all have different ideas on what an elitist is, or what? I come from a game that was overrun with the lot of ’em. Most of the elitists all went to one or two guilds, botted to outclaim special monsters, bought gold with actual money, and constantly pos-hacked across the map just to have “bragging rights.” They had NO skill on that game whatsoever and yet they would mock other players constantly across the map. Calling them noobs or idiots, or whatever. I think by this point most of the normal people left the game and they mostly just create their own drama within themselves now. I hope GW2 NEVER becomes that way. :<

Also succeeding in life is a subjective thing. To me someone is not succeeding in life if they feel the need to belittle others in such a way as they do. Bullying is something I really, really hate. Sorry if I came out insulting you because you like to play “pro” or whatever, but playing pro to me does NOT mean being an elitist. You can still be a great player and not be a kittenheat about it. >.>

In my book a friendly run is always better than an efficient one. What’s the point of playing the game if instead of enjoying the content and meeting people all you want to do is to grab the shinny at the end as fast as possible?
What’s the point on asking for a person to link their gear when skill > gear in this game?

I love you 5-eva because that is more than 4-eva! No seriously; I agree with you soo much. <33 We all love a speed run every now and then, but sometimes it’s awesome to just go with cool people who just like to have fun.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: pepebart.5187


i wanted to check that zerker elitism new metagame of guild wars 2 and its really disappointing.
no offense but guild wars 2 seems to become more like league of legend on the way ppl should have to play and gear themselves. maybe we need a little more balance between the class or nerf that speed run/skip mob to make people learn to play the way wanted to be as the Devs stated.


zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kanyon.9182


I run a full zerker War Axe+Sheild/GS combo and got booted today from a party because I didn’t only use GS. Full Zerker Exotic Equipment doesn’t cut it anymore.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xavori.3768


I run a full zerker War Axe+Sheild/GS combo and got booted today from a party because I didn’t only use GS. Full Zerker Exotic Equipment doesn’t cut it anymore.

You are better off. GS has only one attack, 100h, that is worth anything DPS wise, and it’s only frontal cone. I run sword/axe on my zerker warrior because axe 5 hits everything near you, and more importantly, is a combo finisher that spits out 15 bolts if you use it with a mezzie’s time warp. You also get an extra sigil this way, sword can get 10% bonus crit chance, offhand makes all attacks 5% higher, and sword adds just enough bleed stacks that you aren’t wasting condition damage, and since everyone is screaming For Great Justice, those bleed stacks really start to hurt (my adorable little asura zerker routinely gets 20+ stacks of might going in CoF speed runs)

So if you’re group wanted greatsword only, they lack creativity and/or basic math skills.

Hey I just met you – And this is crazy –
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jordy.1570


This is anets fault…. i dont get why they dont see it…. all changes they made with the latest to patches forced ppl to become more elitist since content is getting harder and loot is getting less….
WP change, spy kit change, cursed shore change…ppl need to become more effectiv to achiev their goal, since farming for a legendary has always been pain in the a….
farming gold has become harder so im forced to optimize my gaming style…. ppl ignored veterans at events already and now there r even more. so ppl just tag them to get loot and run somewhere else…. loot for veterans and champs is just a joke. takes ages and they sometimes dont drop anything….

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Cutting to chase, posted on lfg.com for COF speed runs path 1. Got a group and first thing they did was ask me to post my gear??? I didn’t think it would matter since I’ve got full exotics so i posted. They kicked me right there after one of them posted Boom on the party chat? No explanation just like that. I had to whisper them and ask them what there superspeacial armor was? And they said were zerkers and your not one.. that was it. Enough said some of us don’t use zerker armor in wvw. Cof is a viable quick solution to the money issue that gw2. Zerker elitist if your on lfg.com try getting people who in their description post DPS WARRIOR. And another thing its called a mesmer, be nice to them and get one to play COF with you. If you have a good mesmer no excuse for not running cof path 1 under 10 mins (unless you’ve never done it before) ….

You joined a team with “COF farm war zerk only gear check” or mostly something similar without reading carefully.

They aren’t elitist, you were just too lazy to read.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ioflux.4369


Cutting to chase, posted on lfg.com for COF speed runs path 1. Got a group and first thing they did was ask me to post my gear??? I didn’t think it would matter since I’ve got full exotics so i posted. They kicked me right there after one of them posted Boom on the party chat? No explanation just like that. I had to whisper them and ask them what there superspeacial armor was? And they said were zerkers and your not one.. that was it. Enough said some of us don’t use zerker armor in wvw. Cof is a viable quick solution to the money issue that gw2. Zerker elitist if your on lfg.com try getting people who in their description post DPS WARRIOR. And another thing its called a mesmer, be nice to them and get one to play COF with you. If you have a good mesmer no excuse for not running cof path 1 under 10 mins (unless you’ve never done it before) ….

You joined a team with “COF farm war zerk only gear check” or mostly something similar without reading carefully.

They aren’t elitist, you were just too lazy to read.

This thread was made 1month ago by the guy you quoted. Chances are he isnt going to read what you just posted.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


You joined a team with “COF farm war zerk only gear check” or mostly something similar without reading carefully.

They aren’t elitist, you were just too lazy to read.

This thread was made 1month ago by the guy you quoted. Chances are he isnt going to read what you just posted.

His problem stems from the inability to read in the first place, so my expectation wasn’t high no matter how recently the post was.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ratty.5176


To be honest there are 3 things I think you really need for a successful CoF farm

1. people that know what they are doing
2. people that are willing to do multiple runs in one go
3. people in multiple servers

the real things that slow down farms are
1. Not finding 5 people fast
2. The dungeon being locked

and this is why I don’t get the Zerk farming group. You spend far more time putting the perfect group together and not enough time actually making money. And the gain is not so huge to make up for the wasted time checking each person and kicking them. I’ve done runs which have taken less than 8 mins with no warriors.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sean.8921


You joined a team with “COF farm war zerk only gear check” or mostly something similar without reading carefully.

They aren’t elitist, you were just too lazy to read.

The deal is that my post on lfg.com was this exactly " lvl 80 war speed run path 1" end quote???? If this dungeon wasn’t so (well easy) i wouldn’t have bothered with this.

Captain Charrmandre (SoR) Occasional streamnanigans @ https://goo.gl/9HZUb1

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


You joined a team with “COF farm war zerk only gear check” or mostly something similar without reading carefully.

They aren’t elitist, you were just too lazy to read.

The deal is that my post on lfg.com was this exactly " lvl 80 war speed run path 1" end quote???? If this dungeon wasn’t so (well easy) i wouldn’t have bothered with this.

There’s a difference between “speed run” and “zerker only farm.”

You can “speed run” with any class or team as long as they know what they are doing.

Zerker war only farms require specific class and gear setup.