zerker elitist in COF

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sean.8921


You joined a team with “COF farm war zerk only gear check” or mostly something similar without reading carefully.

They aren’t elitist, you were just too lazy to read.

The deal is that my post on lfg.com was this exactly " lvl 80 war speed run path 1" end quote???? If this dungeon wasn’t so (well easy) i wouldn’t have bothered with this.

There’s a difference between “speed run” and “zerker only farm.”

You can “speed run” with any class or team as long as they know what they are doing.

Zerker war only farms require specific class and gear setup.

Oldman didn’t answer an ad. He was recruited from his own lfg.

Captain Charrmandre (SoR) Occasional streamnanigans @ https://goo.gl/9HZUb1

(edited by Sean.8921)

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

I’ve done runs which have taken less than 8 mins with no warriors.

The problem is that even PVT geared GS warriors do more damage than a Power necro. Correct me if I am wrong.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


You joined a team with “COF farm war zerk only gear check” or mostly something similar without reading carefully.

They aren’t elitist, you were just too lazy to read.

The deal is that my post on lfg.com was this exactly " lvl 80 war speed run path 1" end quote???? If this dungeon wasn’t so (well easy) i wouldn’t have bothered with this.

There’s a difference between “speed run” and “zerker only farm.”

You can “speed run” with any class or team as long as they know what they are doing.

Zerker war only farms require specific class and gear setup.

Oldman didn’t answer an ad. He was recruited from his own lfg.

If that is the case then whoever invited him lacks brain cells, not because they were elitist…

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xev.9476


You joined a team with “COF farm war zerk only gear check” or mostly something similar without reading carefully.

They aren’t elitist, you were just too lazy to read.

The deal is that my post on lfg.com was this exactly " lvl 80 war speed run path 1" end quote???? If this dungeon wasn’t so (well easy) i wouldn’t have bothered with this.

There’s a difference between “speed run” and “zerker only farm.”

You can “speed run” with any class or team as long as they know what they are doing.

Zerker war only farms require specific class and gear setup.

Oldman didn’t answer an ad. He was recruited from his own lfg.

If that is the case then whoever invited him lacks brain cells, not because they were elitist…

What was that about being too lazy to read?

Pot, meet Kettle.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


You joined a team with “COF farm war zerk only gear check” or mostly something similar without reading carefully.

They aren’t elitist, you were just too lazy to read.

The deal is that my post on lfg.com was this exactly " lvl 80 war speed run path 1" end quote???? If this dungeon wasn’t so (well easy) i wouldn’t have bothered with this.

There’s a difference between “speed run” and “zerker only farm.”

You can “speed run” with any class or team as long as they know what they are doing.

Zerker war only farms require specific class and gear setup.

Oldman didn’t answer an ad. He was recruited from his own lfg.

If that is the case then whoever invited him lacks brain cells, not because they were elitist…

What was that about being too lazy to read?

Pot, meet Kettle.

He didn’t state what his lfg contained. So your statement was more an admission of your own lack of reading comprehension.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gelltor.3015


For some bizarre reason,all the worst examples of the COF player base for me have come from the bezerker rangers who wind up running with normal groups,then kittening at everyone for not doing it fast enough….

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


For some bizarre reason,all the worst examples of the COF player base for me have come from the bezerker rangers who wind up running with normal groups,then kittening at everyone for not doing it fast enough….

Never had any issues with berserker rangers personally. In fact I never had any issues with anyone wanting full zerk setup in any normal team.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Flea Exercise.5098

Flea Exercise.5098

For some bizarre reason,all the worst examples of the COF player base for me have come from the bezerker rangers who wind up running with normal groups,then kittening at everyone for not doing it fast enough….

I have a zerker ranger, though, didn’t know anyone using them for speedruns. People surely can’t do the math.
The balance of this game is that in such a lame dungeon which is CoF p1 every single class cannot outdamage zerker warrior.
I run berserker gear on all of my characters (besides Guardian and Ele) for testing my skill. There is a huge difference in a gameplay between glasscannon Mesmer with 1800 armor and perma-protection/aegis Guardian with 2800 armor.

For those who were fed up with CoF elitists and want berserker gear: try CoE. With not so much experienced group of randoms it takes about an hour/an hour and a half to clear all 3 paths. Additionally, CoE is way more challenging and profitable (getting an exotic or charged lodestone in pretty much every run) than CoF.
And it’s hard to gather a group for CoE so it’s better for me if good players would be intersted in CoE:)


zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dess.4391


You spend far more time putting the perfect group together and not enough time actually making money. And the gain is not so huge to make up for the wasted time checking each person and kicking them.

This is sooooo true. Unless you plan to do A LOT of cof the couple of mins saved by being everyone in berserker gears and getting the “perfect” classes wont be eough to do more runs in the same time (considering start time when you decided you wanted to go). And of course if you do THAT many tuns DR will hit and wont be profitable anymore, not to mention fun…..

On the other hand elitism its getting quite insane in all. Only experienced, only serker gears, only exotics, only warriors, only guardians, next what only blondes?? And how is some1 suposed to learn a dungeon if no1 will take them with them??

Personally sometimes ive had better runs with unexperienced ppl of random classes that i have no clue what gears where using than with all super “pro” partys. Instead of trying so hard to min/max should be time to start playing the game for the only reason it exists, having fun.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kiraki.9761


The problem is no other class can dish out the same amount of damage so easily as a 100blades warrior (although recently I see one or two thieves or a guardian are considered acceptable replacements if they can’t find a full warrior group). Add in time warp and you are practically cutting the time it takes to do the run in half.

Overall I think this just shows that other classes are in serious need of some tlc.

I have no idea how these groups manage with dr, all I can assume is that they either have warrior/mes/thief alts and rotate them or that at the speed they are farming it they still get more out of it than if they did normal runs taking twice as long.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seabrook.6531


I’m glad there are gear checks in place. Usually in a party 1-2 people slowed it down.
People need to learn to read in gw2lfg.com. Example: “speed run” or “zerk war only”. Seems often times I get stuck with bad players.

I was in the a party once in COF path 1. Posted for “speed run”, person A joined and never did COF before, did not tell party till it was too late. Person B joined and decided to kill the enemies on the bridge while party kill the acos and went to brazier, needed 5 for the brazier, while person B was yelling at us for skipping content etc. Decided to kicked person B out of the party. Invited/posted for another, person C. I was defensive build guardian along with a dps friend. Last boss fight took 15 mins (that COF P1 run took 30 mins) others were constantly downed, probably were all in all blue gears and used the wrong skills.

A few days ago I was in a COF P1 farm party, 4 zerk wars and 1 mesmer. One war was in blues /greens.

I also had a few warriors who tried to be sneaky by having zerk gear and all their runes/sigils were magic find.

(edited by Seabrook.6531)