

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659



I love dynamic events. They make my questing go so fast. Events overlap with quest hearts very often, and I feel as though I am advancing at twice the rate. However, many of them pop up too frequently to feel special or of consequence. Some of them I actively avoid because they’re boring.

Kryta has too many centaur-themed events. Half or more of Kryta revolves around the Harathi centaurs. Thus, a significant amount of human zone content from levels 1 to 45 is centaurs. Players spend days fighting higher-level versions of the level 1 foes they fought in the tutorial.

I don’t want to spend every minute of my time fighting to kick centaurs out of town so that I can repair my armor that was damaged fighting centaurs in another town. Please make some more events to replace or share spawn chances with centaur events. Every zone feels the same and Kryta sucks by the time you reach level 30.

Everywhere you look, everywhere you turn. Every time you poke your head into a new zone seeking out new adventures and new challenges.


Just… god kitten centaurs. Everywhere.

I would be completely shocked to discover that Zhaitan is anything other than a super secret Harathi shaman in an oversized zipper suit.

A centaur
A Krytan
A centaur
I can’t remember anymore

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: AliceJutta.3824


I would be completely shocked to discover that Zhaitan is anything other than a super secret Harathi shaman in an oversized zipper suit.

A bit of my milk escaped from my mouth.

Now, what if you tried another area for a change?

Alice Suyeong – Mesmer, Ruins of Surmia


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: monepipi.5160


You think you can outrun us centaurs?? ahahahaha * evil laughter *

You think its bad, wait till you get to higher levels. Risen everywhere.

3 most common things in Tyria:

(edited by monepipi.5160)


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


I actually spent three days in Lornar’s Pass assisting my Order, the Durmond Priory; I also contributed to the Mad King’s defeat during this time. I had hoped that by travelling to a new region devoid of centaur life I’d rekindle my spark and reignite my passion to defend my Queendom.

This did not happen. Each night I dreamed terrible dreams, nightmares even. Centaurs were in my home, in my room, shouting curses at me in their heathen tongue. I ran away as fast as I could each time, trying to flee them and their filth…

… but I am Krytan. Any time I gain swiftness I lose control of my vocal chords and shout out, “I could outrun a centaur!” against my will. Even when centaurs are not around, they still haunt me. For three days I saw not one centaur, but they were still with me, taunting me, stalking me, calling me home to Kryta to meet my fate.

I returned to Kryta with a hopeful heart, and traveled north from Lion’s Arch toward the Harathi Hinterlands. I understood that I was about to enter the heart of the centaurs’ homelands, but surely they wouldn’t be waiting for me at the gate?

I was wrong. There were so many centaurs, everywhere. It… It was horrible. I fear for my sanity. I am not fit for the Seraph.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


You think you can outrun us centaurs?? ahahahaha * evil laughter *

You think its bad, wait till you get to higher levels. Risen everywhere.

3 most common things in Tyria:

I await the inevitable. With the release of the Lost Shore content update, we will finally have the ultimate villain: Risen Centaurs.

“You think you can outrun death?”
“Us centaurs. Good.”

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast

(edited by Kerithlan.1659)


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Flyntlok.1584


Each time I see one, all I can think of is Zhed calling me “Two-legs”. Dang Centaurs…


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

@AliceJutta:There were so many centaurs, everywhere. It… It was horrible. I fear for my sanity.

In the human lands, it’s Centaur spam for infinity. However I’d argue that it still isn’t as bad as the Ghost spam from the Charr lands. Both of these races seem to have an over kill of their “racial enemy” mob type and it really gets old.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


@Wiser with Age:
But do charr constantly reference their ethereal foe while activating skills, acquiring boons or earning achievements?

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kerithlan.1659


Tonight I ventured deep into the Harathi Hinterlands seeking out new skills. In the far northeast reaches of the region, in an area known as the War King’s Greatcamp, I discovered such skill… but at a terrible and unforgivable cost. While I did soldier on and complete my task, I feel as though I expended more effort than was reasonably required for such a paltry reward.

While journeying toward the challenge point in question, four different events spawned all within that same small area. The first event kicked off while I was on my way up the first dirt hill into the challenge cluster. I ended up slaying no less than 30 centaurs personally, while the other 3-4 players that were in the area were responsible for equal numbers on their own.

As soon as this event ended, we began making our way toward the skill challenge. However the absurd centaur spawn rate did not lower, and each time we chopped a centaur down it respawned in less than 10 seconds. Advancing forward was futile, and so we retreated. During this retreat, a mere 40-60 seconds after securing victory in the first event, a second event started.

Even though we were successful in accumulating a force of no less than ten players to confront this challenge, the amount of condition spam, knockbacks and interrupts were overbearing. The fact that we were required to battle all three beasts at once made it nearly impossible to maintain health, and all of us were defeated at least twice during this encounter.

After clearing the three champion foes, we entered the second phase of this event: a gold-bordered centaur shaman. While we fought valiantly against the shaman, and while we all tried to adhere to the npc’s instructions to avoid fire and dodge whirlwinds, it ultimately did not matter at all. Almost 40% of the ground was on fire, and there were so many rapid-moving whirlwinds that even if we did dodge one we’d either crash into another one or into a pit of fire. We were in a losing battle due to the mechanics of the fight.

While this event was going on, the nearest waypoint had a challenge event take place, and we lost our nearest spawn point during a casualty-heavy battle. This was crippling, especially due to the fact that we were on a timer. We ultimately failed both events; in the case of the shaman, there came a point where all of us had so much armor damage that his phoenix spell was dealing over 5000 health to each of us, prompting instant defeats.

When we did eventually find a hole in the lines to break through, our numbers had dropped to a paltry three as our comrades grew frustrated. I presume that they wished to change up their experiences, and thus went to be swarmed to death by risen, dredge or ghosts instead. As our group pressed onward, I ultimately found myself as the lone soldier confronting the force driving itself down upon me. My allies had all left for repairs or for greener deathswarms.

Nevertheless, I pressed on. I plunged deep into the camp and ultimately battled my way up the hill and toward the wooden ramp structure. The respawn rate was unbearable at this point, but despite the centaurs’ efforts to turn my posterior into paste I persevered. Despite the grueling pace the game was requiring me to commit myself to, and despite respawns catching up with me almost instantly, and despite the centaurs’ horrible horrible horrible skill-set design constantly immobilizing me and causing me to bleed and causing me to be knocked back and stunned and all manner of shenanigans that was decidedly not fun and not exciting, I reached my skill challenge.

I had seen this type of thing before. After an intensely heated fight, a skill challenge would be nothing more than a short channel duration. My prize for overcoming the regions’ baddest baddies was surely an easy skill point, right? After all, I had already braved four events, slain at least 500 centaurs, committed at least two hours and invested no less than 25 silver into this campaign. Surely I was about to be gifted a much-desired respite for once in my character’s miserable life?

Haha yeah right, so totally wrong! In order to obtain my skill point, I then had to battle one veteran centaur dog minion and four normal ones. In the middle of an absurdly high density centaur-populated area. With absurdly high respawn rates. I ultimately succeeded but let me tell you right here and right now: I will never, ever, ever, ever ever ever on any other character ever ever again even think about entering this zone. It is terrible. Nothing about it is fun. It is grueling. It is tedious. It is stressful. It is frankly not balanced.

I was in a level 43-44 corner of the map. I was level 43/44 during these encounters. Nothing about this was fun, or a reasonable challenge. I implore you, ArenaNet. Get rid of the kittening centaurs.

Fosthe — Sylvari Elementalist
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: FalconDance.1637


In the far northeast reaches of the region, in an area known as the War King’s Greatcamp……..It is terrible. Nothing about it is fun. It is grueling. It is tedious. It is stressful. It is frankly not balanced.

It is HORRID, this place. I was there last night with a guild-mate and later with two (first to get our own skill points and later to help the other get his). Multiple events spawned in too rapid succession – and this was with a large group of players both times. At one point, there were two events happening simultaneously with corresponding groups in battle – and with the skill point challenge activated in the mix and respawns of everything occurring so quickly, the battlelines were blurred – literally.

Centaurs do not reproduce this quickly, Anet. Seriously. I watched centaurs respawn before the body of the ones just killed hit the ground! After the event(s), we had to constantly fight our way back out of the area with immediate respawn of all the cursed horses. Challenge is great, but this is not challenge. This is ridiculous wrapped up in stupid.

BirchFlower [RBW] – Sylvari ranger, Isle of Janthir
Lili BirchFlower, Adjutant, Royal Black Watch


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

@Wiser with Age:
But do charr constantly reference their ethereal foe while activating skills, acquiring boons or earning achievements?

No, they mostly just reference it when using their Battle Roar racial skill (which got nerfed down into obscurity during the final days of Beta). Battle Roar gives a Charr specific line out of around x4 random choices. “Remeber Ascalon!” “To avenge the Foefire!” “Remember Pyre!” “The Charr need no gods!”

You are correct that the Centaur line spam does cover all races and classes. However the mob populations are about the same and the Charr do have a racial skill that is basically devoted to talking about the events involving the human ghosts. So I think that it starts to balance out in the end.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)


in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Euler.3259


I think it’s a bigger in-game problem.
For a game that has ‘daily kill variety,’ too many zones have majorly dominated enemies. Orr with the Risen and Human lands with the Centaurs just happen to be the worst. The Charr land with the Ghosts are pretty bad too.
The land is so beautiful and varied, you’d think the enemies would be too.