Karka email from GW2

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Crazyhorse.3529


I just logged into my account and guess what I rec an email with the Karka chest in it with 5 items
2 exotic and 3 rare
Thank You so MUCH GW@ TEam

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Budchgon.2108


? how come? i disconnected too but got no chest?

Lyssia Iceblood of Gandara – I sometimes win… but not often :-(

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Philmanov.9318


I heard this was for people that didn’t get to participate in the sunday event… however I didn’t get to do the event, nor did I receive the mail

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vagnur.9678


it seems like they just sent this out to random people. i did participate and so did alot of my friends, some recieved a new chest, but i didn’t get one, along with others.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: CforKat.8701


lol I love how a few days ago people were complaining and saying how they have given up on any compensation at all, and how it was all just a PR spin, we are never going to receive any rewards at all. Now that we do receive the rewards people complain about how people who did not participate in the event got rewards.
Human nature, sad.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blackmon.1903


it seems like they just sent this out to random people. i did participate and so did alot of my friends, some recieved a new chest, but i didn’t get one, along with others.

Maybe they’re sending them out in waves? I have yet to get one too.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DJisGOD.7045


i did the whole thing.had it crash on the last battle ,opened a support ticket got s reply saying i would get a reward early this week..seems others have got the, but still none for me

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Gazgaz Accidental God.7681

Gazgaz Accidental God.7681

I got a box with 1 lvl 80 exotics the Ring a 20 slot bag 2 lvl 79 exotics ( I thought it was all 80 stuff ) 1 lvl 80 rare and 1 lvl 78 rare.

Just saying I thought the stuff was to be lvl 80. Oh well.

Thanks for the chest of goods.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dand.8231


I just got my chest in the mail a few minutes ago, several hours after the first people started getting them.

Seems they are sending them out in waves, so I would suggest being patient for a short time. Their plan is probably not to blow up their mail server by sending out several thousand at once.

@Anet: Thanks for keeping your word, and resolving this issue. It certainly too longer than I’d hoped or expected, but I’m quite happy with the end results.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


Just logged in, and mine was waiting for me.

Many thanks, Anet! You kept your word.

Respect y’all.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mistmira.9014


I wasn’t able to do the event either. Was frustrating.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

I also got a chest this morning. Contents:

exotic ring L74
exotic shortbow L74
exotic acc L80
20 slot bag
rare axe

very happy. Kudos, Anet! What other MMO keeps an issue like this alive to resolve weeks after the furor has died down? It’s why I’ll keep playing GW2 for the foreseeable future.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Feersum Endjinn.4179

Feersum Endjinn.4179

i did the whole thing.had it crash on the last battle ,opened a support ticket got s reply saying i would get a reward early this week..seems others have got the, but still none for me

Same as this, well kittened off with A-Net at the moment.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Drauger.2158


I also got a chest this morning. Contents:

exotic ring L74
exotic shortbow L74
exotic acc L80
20 slot bag
rare axe

very happy. Kudos, Anet! What other MMO keeps an issue like this alive to resolve weeks after the furor has died down? It’s why I’ll keep playing GW2 for the foreseeable future.

Lol, solved the issue? I am still waiting! Some people got their rewards at the event and got their rewards a second time with mail. This is not a solution. They messed this thing up real bad!

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Aurelian Omenkind.2470

Drauger, I didn’t say they “solved the issue”. I said they’ve kept the issue alive to resolve it long after other game companies would find it justifiably ignorable. I think it’s a credit to Anet that they don’t just drop the issue and cut their losses.

As for their solution, my personal opinion is that it’s a decent solution. I don’t care that others got 2 rewards (some did through just playing the event). If everyone who participated in the event gets a karka chest, I won’t complain that others got more than me.

Karka email from GW2

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Feersum Endjinn.4179

Feersum Endjinn.4179


Thank you for updating us regarding the recent delivery of the Lost Shores reward chest. We are currently investigating some reports that some reward chests were not properly distributed. Once we have completed our investigation, we will update your ticket with more information.

Thank you,
GM Alura
Guild Wars Support Team

This is their latest reply..