No Chests For Guests
Although you may think it sounds like a good idea, you’re still going to encounter overflow. Now, you will be forced to wait 3 hours to try again rather than guesting to another server. If you didn’t bother staying or showing up early, you’re going to encounter overflow again and again until it’s no longer your server’s prime time.
This sounds like a simple answer, and maybe even effective. I agree!
Sounds like a brilliant idea to me
that doesn’t make sense tbh, a person might want to guest to do world bosses with friends…
an easier and similar solution is: ONE chest per character, regardless of world, so, if you got 1 in your home world, guesting for it wouldn’t work, but you could still guest for chest if you didn’t on your home world
@Harain.9137, that’s already the case, but most players who guest have multiple 80 chars, and with guesting they have the possibility to do 3 Jormags in a row just by watching the timer to see where it is active. I’d prefer the solution to kick a guest to let the homers in because guests should still be able to be rewarded if there’s nobody else doing the event, in the night for exemple.
an easier and similar solution is: ONE chest per character, regardless of world, so, if you got 1 in your home world, guesting for it wouldn’t work, but you could still guest for chest if you didn’t on your home world
As someone already said, it’s probably how it is actually.
Most “guesting” overflows seem to happen because some players don’t want to/can’t wait until these bosses spawn in their server. Not really because they found some exploit to the daily chest per character rule.
They should have made some map cap nerf since yesterday. To avoid what ? That’s a good question.
But here it is, and I really hope the new map cap is reached beacause of guests, because if it’s not, they just ruined 1/3 of the lvl80’s fun by creating a map cap that make a server unable to bear its own population.
So assuming these overflows are made by too many guests (we can be 100% sure of that), the “No world chest for guests” solution seems to be the most viable temporary solution, even if it would be unfair to guests (but between home’s population and guest population of a server, no need to think a lot to know which one should be prioritized over the second).
But let’s hope they find a permanent solution which whould fit with everyone’s needs.
But let’s hope they find a permanent solution which whould fit with everyone’s needs.
Best solution is to put the loot tables back to where they were. The overflow issue happened when that changed, NOT when guesting came. Guests should have the same chance as everyone else.
Put the loot tables back to pre patch and make the chests on a one per account basis not per character basis.
The overflow issue happened when the loot changed, not when guesting changed.
Put the loot tables back to pre patch and make the chests on a one per account basis not per character basis.
Then no one would ever fight a world boss again, because a handful of blues and greens aren’t remotely worth the effort.
And since the temples in Orr are among the chests improved, enjoy having them never be uncontested again.
No chests for guests!
I’m curious if they couldn’t just make the events start at the same times across all servers. Instead of the spawn windows and different servers popping at different times, the events could have a hard and consistent spawn schedule. Then, even if you get placed in overflow — the event still happens.
It may be a more rigid solution than the developers are hoping for, but I think it may be the simplest and most effective.
Then no one would ever fight a world boss again, because a handful of blues and greens aren’t remotely worth the effort.
And since the temples in Orr are among the chests improved, enjoy having them never be uncontested again.
I’m not even on a high pop server and we had no problem in Orr and the Dragon events almost always had plenty of people before this patch.
Changing the loot tables back to before the patch is just as easy and just as annoying a fix as making it so guests don’t get chests. I’d rather not screw over guesting.
I hope the idea of making the timers universal is a practical fix for Arenanet. I’d like to see if that can fix the issue. Especially if it can occur the same in overflows. That way nobody gets screwed.
No chests for guests!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, this is one of the worst ideas presented, next to the whole solution of " just disable guesting".
Guesting isn’t the real problem here, it isn’t making that big of a dent to be causing all of these overflows. But for a minute let’s assume that it’s not helping the situation either. So then let’s come up with a solution that doesn’t punish people for playing the game as intended, doesn’t punish them for wanting to play with friends.
Make chests once per day per account, make events completely random (make dragon timer sites obsolete), make guests invite only (not too excited about this but still an okay suggestion). Any of these are far better than removing chests for guests, or disabling guesting as a whole.
how about adding good chest roots to dungoens..(last boss chest) so.. every one
can choose to do dungoens or DE
I’m curious if they couldn’t just make the events start at the same times across all servers. Instead of the spawn windows and different servers popping at different times, the events could have a hard and consistent spawn schedule. Then, even if you get placed in overflow — the event still happens.
It may be a more rigid solution than the developers are hoping for, but I think it may be the simplest and most effective.
This could be another “solution”. But that’s not a problem easy to solve.
If the servers can’t even manage their home population (and the guests are not causing the overflows), it will be hard to solve.
Fixed timers could work, but then there would be farming patterns… not sure that would be awesome…
Fixed timers could work, but then there would be farming patterns… not sure that would be awesome…
It depends on if ArenaNet wants them to be farmed and if they want to split people up.
If all the dragons were on the same timer, you would have to choose which one you wanted to do. Some events are shorter than the others, so it would be possible to go from one to the next, but you’d have to be quick.
If they wanted them to be farmed and didn’t care about splitting up the population, each dragon could occur roughly 30 minutes after the previous one started. You could then do the dragon events all day with a short downtime if you so desired.
Wouldn’t an easier solution be to have the same event at the same time on each server?
That’s the only reason I could see for someone to guest, it will take another 2 hours on your server to spawn and it’s up in 15 minutes on another server.
It’s one chest per event per character per day, regardless of server, correct?
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
I guest to a server, help some friends with dragon events for fun only to not be rewarded? Ye….no thanks, guesting is not the problem.
The problem is that servers wanted everyone in the game to transfer to their server before free transfers ended thus OVERPOPULATING your own server pushing you into overfow as everyone on server wants a piece of the action.
My solution?
Instead of making rewards account bound (making the game even more alt unfriendly) or only having rewards on home server and not get rewards for guesting , simple.
Increase capacity per map before overflow is triggered (right now lag & skill lag = Culling & hardware capacity will be “eliminated” soon).
I guest to a server, help some friends with dragon events for fun only to not be rewarded? Ye….no thanks, guesting is not the problem.The problem is that servers wanted everyone in the game to transfer to their server before free transfers ended thus OVERPOPULATING your own server pushing you into overfow as everyone on server wants a piece of the action.
My solution?
Instead of making rewards account bound (making the game even more alt unfriendly) or only having rewards on home server and not get rewards for guesting , simple.Increase capacity per map before overflow is triggered (right now lag & skill lag = Culling & hardware capacity will be “eliminated” soon).
Playing with your friends was your reward. Better you get nothing than I get stuck in an overflow on my own @#$% server. Want a chest? Get it on your own server. Not being able to get to events on your own server is a deal killer.
Playing with your friends was your reward. Better you get nothing than I get stuck in an overflow on my own @#$% server. Want a chest? Get it on your own server. Not being able to get to events on your own server is a deal killer.
Make the chest account based instead of character based. Then all your home server campers won’t be taking up your spot either
I still say the best solution(if it’s even possible to do) may be to make the timer universal or totally random.
Make the chest account based instead of character based. Then all your home server campers won’t be taking up your spot either
I still say the best solution(if it’s even possible to do) may be to make the timer universal or totally random.
If by ‘universal’ you mean Overflows as well, then I agree. However, at this point it’s getting completely out of hand and something needs to change. Fact is, people can’t do the events at all because they’re getting dropped into the overflow at all hours of the day, between guesting, improved loot, and slashed population limits, it’s a train wreck. Change is needed and fast. Random big events would SUCK, since they’re all already semi-random and getting stuck waiting for over an hour for Jormag is already boring and dumb(happened 2 days ago, he didn’t spawn until the last 3 or so minutes of his window). All it would mean is people would park characters/guildies in zones and nothing would change except that people not humping the dragon spawns would completely lose out on dragon events. You wanna see a dead world? Unless every zone in the game got a random dragon chest event stapled to it, no level 80’s would leave the 3 dragon event zones again.
Also, MrInfinit.1864, if given the choice, I’d much rather punish the people who play on the servers that aren’t their home than constantly punishing everyone just trying to get into events on their HOME SERVER. While guesting isn’t the only cause, ‘unwanted people’ from other servers hogging our event spots because they don’t want to wait for their own server events(where in they’d then get kicked to the overflow because guests are hogging their spots, because those guests likely had their spots taken by people who’s spots were taken by people who’s spots were taken… see where I’m going with this?) certainly aren’t helping. I don’t care if guesters don’t want to wait 3 hours for their dragon spawn, because them cutting in line now means I can’t do my dragon fight because I’m stuck in an empty overflow instead and won’t get to fight the dragon AT ALL for the rest of the day due to work. If it’s not YOUR server, you should play with your friends in the OVERFLOW, not hogging space in other peoples home worlds, especially not when those spaces are as extremely limited as they are now.
No chests for guests!
This guy is a boss
One chest per character per day – NOT PER SERVER, per day
For those of you who guest to do events with friends – is that all you do? From what I’ve seen the events resolve rather quickly, so do you leave the guest world after? If you were my friend I wouldn’t ask you to come play with me just to do a chest event. If you do it on your own server, play other things with your friends. At the very worst, HELP your “friend” complete his daily chest – out of the goodness of your own heart: maybe he’ll do the same for you.
Not only do the overflows create massive problems with completing the important events for homeworlders – this chest guesting creates MASSIVE lag in the zone. Although I can get some hits in on the dragons, the lower level chest event bosses have less health and the players have better gear: yes the player is lowered for the zone, but a level 80 in exotics is going to do a lot more damage than a level 20 with blues/greens in a 15 zone. Today I tried killing the fire elemental in Metrica and did not get a chance to hit the thing once, due to lag and the ele going down in almost 10 seconds flat. I was level 21, reduced to level 14. I find that completely unacceptable, and you would too in my place. I should not be punished because of excessive lag due to guesting. For those of you who suggest me getting a better computer – send me the cash.
I like the no chests for guests, but then I also like the one chest per account across all servers (I have 3 level 80’s and while I never guest I do feel I have to hit all chest events with all chars daily on my server … which is getting monotonous).
It may however be easier to just leave things as they are and make guesting chargeable, then those that want to move to another server to be with friends can and will get full rewards once they do but have to pay for the move which will discourage server hopping. Maybe 200gems per server move or similar would be about right.
I would also support no chests for guests. It is getting quite terrible. I haven’t been able to do a single dragon event since the patch.