New character. First time to uncover Rhiann’s Respite in Bloodtide Coast. Let’s make a potion for Cessellia, shall we?
Go to any random item…mushrooms, perhaps. Wait…it says I already have them in my potion? How can that be, it’s the first thing I tried? Okay, in my basic capabilities slots (1-5), I see one slot (#2) has a potion listed, and it has mushroom spores and sparkfly essence. Incompatible ingredients, it tells me. How did the sparkfly essence get in there? I didn’t put it there, I just got here. And I didn’t choose to put mushroom spores in slot #2…if it’s going to automatically put things in places, why did it choose slot 2, which had an incompatible ingredient?
No matter, I go back to Cessellia. She will take things out. Oh, wait, she will only take out the mushroom spores. Then the potion disappears from my list. What about the stupid sparkfly essences, which I didn’t even put in in the first place? Guess I can’t get rid of them. Well, let’s try coral.
“You already have coral flakes in your potion.” I do?!! I haven’t touched the coral before… Oh, look, slot 3 now has a potion, with coral flakes and eagle feathers, which it says are incompatible. Who put eagle feathers in there? And why wasn’t the potion with eagle feathers listed just a few seconds before, when slot 2 was showing? Why can’t I see all these invisible potions with items already in them, which will be incompatible with what I’m going to choose? How do I choose something without knowing which slot it will fill or what ingredients are already there without my choosing? Talk to Cessellia; she’ll take out only the coral flakes and not the eagle feathers, of course, and start over.
Let’s try that strangler vine. It goes in slot 4, where it’s listed as the only ingredient, but it’s got incompatible ingredients. How can it be incompatible, there’s only one? Okay, I get the idea, it’s not a valid ingredient, and the interface can’t tell me that properly. Cessellia takes it out.
But wait, I go back and get some mushroom (goes to slot 2), and then get strangler, and then grab a coral flake—that’s 3 ingredients, which go to 3 different slots, but now all of a sudden all 5 slots are full of potions. Where did those other 2 come from? Ah, I see, they list no ingredients, but have incompatible ingredients. That makes no sense, of course, but it’s at least consistent with the preceding nonsense. Why didn’t it show all 5 slots with any existing ingredients to start with?
Just to see what happens, I go “talk” to a frog and get presumably a full set of frog legs. Now all my icons for potions are green. But frog legs aren’t listed on any more of the potions. Well, still, it’s clear we need to get rid of something. Go back to Cessellia, and now she gives me a choice of things to get rid of (only the things I added, though, not the eagle feathers or sparkfly essences). Let’s try getting rid of the strangler vine. She tells me I still have incompatible ingredients, which I do in 2 slots, but 3 slots should be empty now. The green goo icons remain for all 5 (why do the 3 empty slots have that icon? either they actually are empty, or they have something that would give me the green goo icon?), and the strangler vine is still listed in slot 4 despite Cessellia claiming to have taken it away. I must have inadvertently picked the wrong item. Talk to Cessellia again, and lo! no strangler vine available as one of the choices. But it’s in my vial 4! Hmm, maybe this isn’t a puzzle, but a $#%!ed up linked list or poor item destructor or bad garbage collection? Can’t solve that without violating the terms of service.