(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
1 B.L.T.C NPC near Craft Stations in LA pls
What are you talking about? They are all really close to the tp. It takes like an extra 5 seconds to run.
What are you talking about? They are all really close to the tp. It takes like an extra 5 seconds to run.
I am a Leatherworker and an Armorsmith and it takes 10-11 seconds (with a 25% speed buff, no less) to get to the nearest Black Lion NPC, and then it takes another 10-11 seconds to run back to my crafting station(s). It may not sound like much time to you, but over time that 20-22 seconds adds up that could be better spent crafting at a more efficient pace.
THAT is what I am talking about, and yes, it is annoying having to walk all that way in case I forgot and/or need a specific material when I am not in the mood to farm it.
P.S. From the Master Chef, it takes exactly 4 1/2 seconds to get to the nearest Black Lion NPC. From the Master Tailor, it takes a little less than or equal to 5 1/2 seconds to get to the nearest Black Lion NPC.
To me, that is a big difference vs. the other crafting stations in LA.
There is no excuse why a Black Lion NPC cannot be placed on that grass-covered rock in the middle (where the bonfire is located) where all the other crafting stations are.
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
In all honestly, if a couple of extra seconds of walking time means that much to you, invest in some of the Black Lion Trader Express consumables. They are right there, in the gem store, made specifically for people that cannot take the time to walk to a BL NPC in static locations.
Why should the map be cluttered with a BL NPC right next to every crafting station, just to appease the few people who find it wasted time to walk a few extra feet to the nearest one?
If they did that, then we would have people complaining the map is too cluttered with BL NPCs.
You cannot make everyone happy, no matter what you do. So, you compromise, and design something the best way you can, to satisfy the most people at once, which I think they did a fairly good job of.
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)
If you want convenience I suggest you buy
Your time must be realy precious …
I want a Trading post following me around becouse it takes alot of time to WP to a map with a trader when I need to buy food and other stuff.
btw, I think you even wasted more time making a post here then running back and forth to that TP a few times.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
(edited by EdgarMTanaka.7291)
In all honestly, if a couple of extra seconds of walking time means that much to you, invest in some of the Black Lion Trader Express consumables. They are right there, in the gem store, made specifically for people that cannot take the time to walk to a BL NPC in static locations.
Why should the map be cluttered with a BL NPC right next to every crafting station, just to appease the few people who find it wasted time to walk a few extra feet to the nearest one?
If they did that, then we would have people complaining the map is too cluttered with BL NPCs.
You cannot make everyone happy, no matter what you do. So, you compromise, and design something the best way you can, to satisfy the most people at once, which I think they did a fairly good job of.
For the love of pancakes… I did not say there needs to be a Black Lion NPC near ‘every’ crafting station. I said there just needs to be ONE Black Lion NPC near the other crafting stations opposite of the Master Tailor and Master Chef.
P.S. Investing in Black Lion Trading Company Consumables to waste in a town, that is to say, the very place where things should be convenient, is not only a complete waste of gems, yet it is also a terrible thing to suggest someone do. You can’t be serious… Those consumables only make sense to use in places outside of towns.
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
The thing I am saying is, there is no way to please everyone. If they were to do as you suggest, and place three new BL NPCs around the crafting areas in LA, then someone else will still complain that it’s faster “from this crafting station to the BL NPC by 1.3 seconds!”, or “the new BL NPC here is .4 seconds closer for a weaponsmith than me!”, and we will still have the same problem you are talking about.
Besides putting a BL NPC right next to every single crafting station, or making it accessible through the crafting stations themselves, there is no way to please everyone. Even if they did that, they would not please everyone.
And, I think mentioning a consumable made for people who hate wasting time is a perfect suggestion for someone like you who hates wasting time.
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)
If you want convenience I suggest you buy
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trading_Post_ExpressYour time must be realy precious …
I want a Trading post following me around becouse it takes alot of time to WP to a map with a trader when I need to buy food and other stuff.
btw, I think you even wasted more time making a post here then running back and forth to that TP a few times.
It is comments like these that are the reason why things are not improved in GW 2, in this case, when it comes to towns.
On another note, this entire thread took me maybe a good 10 minutes to put together at best. Therefore, the 20-22 seconds wasted each time I have to walk to and walk back from the crafting stations on the opposite side in Lion’s Arch takes more time than 10 minutes, especially if you have been playing GW 2 since release, crafting throughout that time.
It adds up.
Conclusion? Your exaggeration(s) did absolutely nothing for your argument.
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
P.S. From the Master Chef, it takes exactly 4 1/2 seconds to get to the nearest Black Lion NPC. From the Master Tailor, it takes a little less than or equal to 5 1/2 seconds to get to the nearest Black Lion NPC.
At Lion’s Arch Mystic Forge crafting areas, if you’re a tailor and have access to a blink skill, it’ll take you simply 1/2 second to get to the BLTC NPCs above.
Like others mentioned, if you’re really that spoilt to move your character a few steps, there’s always the option of Trading Post Express consumables.
Least in GW2, crafting stacked items is quickened. All other mmorpg’s I’ve experienced, you have to walk to other side of the map for materials and park your character there for 15mins to finish crafting 100x of same item…
(edited by Akikaze.1307)
The thing I am saying is, there is no way to please everyone. If they were to do as you suggest, and place three new BL NPCs around the crafting areas in LA, then someone else will still complain that it’s faster “from this crafting station to the BL NPC by 1.3 seconds!”, or “the new BL NPC here is .4 seconds closer for a weaponsmith than me!”, and we will still have the same problem you are talking about.
Besides putting a BL NPC right next to every single crafting station, or making it accessible through the crafting stations themselves, there is no way to please everyone. Even if they did that, they would not please everyone.
And, I think mentioning a consumable made for people who hate wasting time is a perfect suggestion for someone like you who hates wasting time.
*Facepalm followed by a sigh * You guys just like to argue for the sake of arguing it seems. This is not a matter of whether or not Anet can please everybody, or how good or not good Anet can please everybody. This is merely a common sense thing for towns that are big as the ones in GW 2 and how accessibility can be made better for all players, including the very developers that made the game itself.
P.S. Who said anything about adding 3 new Black Lion NPCs? I said only one should be added to the area where those other crafting stations are. Simple.
wtf did I just read, why dont you ask to put all bosses in one map next time? Or all dungeon entries right next to another…
Some of these lazy kitten people…….
There are 3 different sets of crafting stations in LA. Unless I missed it, you never really said which specific set of crafting stations you were talking about, so I included them all in the discussion.
And, yes, I do enjoy arguing for the sake of arguing. It’s a thing. I can have things. Don’t judge me. :P
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)
wtf did I just read, why dont you ask to put all bosses in one map next time? Or all dungeon entries right next to another…
Some of these lazy kitten people…….
If it were up to you guys who push away suggestions meant to improve gameplay experience for all players (in this case convenience in towns, which only makes sense), and game developers were to agree with and go with your way of thinking vs. the thinking in people like me, Guild Wars 2 and other games would not have maps for you to rely on to get around, among other features that make our online gameplay experiences much easier.
So since you want to be sarcastic, I can play that game, too. How about we start a petition to get rid of the mapping system in the game, make Anet revert the Black Lion Trading Company back the way it used to be AND the Crafting System back the way it used to be, and let’s also suggest to Anet to undo countless other improvements implemented to make everyone’s gaming much smoother.
You talk about laziness, yet what little do you guys know, everybody is utilizing various systems and things not available in much older games, so sit down, and hush. We are all lazy. How about that? We’re even using computers to send messages back and forth to one another. Oh man! How about we just exchange addresses and mail each other our responses from hereon instead with pen and paper like the old days… Just to prove how not lazy you are? Pfft.
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
But….I actually am lazy. Why do you think I am playing Guild Wars instead of getting up and doing the dishes? It requires less movement!
Leader of Looking For Gandalf [LFG]
Worst Commander of Ferguson’s Crossing (Self Proclaimed)
It really is kind of silly that you should have to walk away just to pick stuff up from the TP. You should be able to pick up anything you bought from the TP so long as you’re in a town, or at least it should be built into the crafting stations like the bank is.
It really is kind of silly that you should have to walk away just to pick stuff up from the TP. You should be able to pick up anything you bought from the TP so long as you’re in a town, or at least it should be built into the crafting stations like the bank is.
Whoa! Finally someone who has a brain and knows how to use it. I was actually thinking the same thing at one time. However, because such a system you speak of takes longer to implement since there is more game code involved (even though it is a much better idea), and since the system you brought up is just too good for the likes of these other players commenting in this thread, that is why the idea will never get implemented.
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
P.S. From the Master Chef, it takes exactly 4 1/2 seconds to get to the nearest Black Lion NPC. From the Master Tailor, it takes a little less than or equal to 5 1/2 seconds to get to the nearest Black Lion NPC.
At Lion’s Arch Mystic Forge crafting areas, if you’re a tailor and have access to a blink skill, it’ll take you simply 1/2 second to get to the BLTC NPCs above.
Like others mentioned, if you’re really that spoilt to move your character a few steps, there’s always the option of Trading Post Express consumables.
Least in GW2, crafting stacked items is quickened. All other mmorpg’s I’ve experienced, you have to walk to other side of the map for materials and park your character there for 15mins to finish crafting 100x of same item…
Common sense, it seems, is a super power. Everything you bring up is besides the point and does absolutely nothing for your argument. Since only the Mesmer (correct me if I am wrong) has access to the ‘Blink’ skill, it makes no sense to bring that up in this discussion if it does not benefit other classes. All you guys are for is for Anet to do absolutely nothing to improve accessibility to certain things in towns (only towns!)
My simple idea does not give anyone a gameplay advantage so as to imbalance anything. Say it isn’t so, followed by an explanation regarding how…
And yea, crafting stacked items fast as is done in GW 2 is an improvement for a reason, just like what I am suggesting to Anet is also an improvement for a reason, yet you guys like to bring up irrelevent things like there not being any Black Lion NPCs in combat zones all the way down to the ‘Blink’ skill. Those bunny trails of exaggerations and off-topic things have absolutely nothing to do with the main idea in this thread.
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
Actually, before the destruction of Lion’s Arch, the tailoring station was farthest away from the trading post, so I guess it’s just fair that they get the short route for a while now . Who knows what LA will look like once it’s rebuilt?
Also, what about the poor Charr and Norn, who have a considerably longer way from the crafting stations in the Black Citadel and Hoelbrak to their respective BLTP representative?
How about the people storing excess stacks of crafting materials (or worse, intermediate cooking results) in their personal guild banks? The guild bank access in LA is horrible for crafters if you compare it to BLTP and regular bank access.
See, there’s a lot of convenience you might consider when talking about the distance between crafting stations and their respective sources of ingredients. Personally, I’m fine with the way things are. I try to plan ahead with what materials I might need from the trading post and/or the personal guild bank, and I enjoy walking through the living towns whenever I need something from someplace else. I actually prefer towns outside of LA often (Rata Sum comes to mind for its convenient commerce center on the middle level) because they feel more “alive” than LA most of the time .
Disclaimer: I’ve been crafting heavily since I started this game two and a half years ago, and don’t intend to stop anytime soon. In fact, I’m currently leveling a second set of crafters to max on my alt account . Still, I prefer to craft in a “living” enviroment even if that means to walk a few steps.
Actually, before the destruction of Lion’s Arch, the tailoring station was farthest away from the trading post, so I guess it’s just fair that they get the short route for a while now
. Who knows what LA will look like once it’s rebuilt?
Also, what about the poor Charr and Norn, who have a considerably longer way from the crafting stations in the Black Citadel and Hoelbrak to their respective BLTP representative?
How about the people storing excess stacks of crafting materials (or worse, intermediate cooking results) in their personal guild banks? The guild bank access in LA is horrible for crafters if you compare it to BLTP and regular bank access.
See, there’s a lot of convenience you might consider when talking about the distance between crafting stations and their respective sources of ingredients. Personally, I’m fine with the way things are. I try to plan ahead with what materials I might need from the trading post and/or the personal guild bank, and I enjoy walking through the living towns whenever I need something from someplace else. I actually prefer towns outside of LA often (Rata Sum comes to mind for its convenient commerce center on the middle level) because they feel more “alive” than LA most of the time
Disclaimer: I’ve been crafting heavily since I started this game two and a half years ago, and don’t intend to stop anytime soon. In fact, I’m currently leveling a second set of crafters to max on my alt account
. Still, I prefer to craft in a “living” enviroment even if that means to walk a few steps.
Well if that is what you like to do, walking all that distance because you like the ‘scenery’ on your way to a BLTC NPC, you can still do that even if my simple idea were implemented into the game because my idea does not suggest to remove the old BLTC NPCs. My idea just suggests Anet (notably in Lion’s Arch) to add at least 1 BLTC NPC near the other crafting stations opposite of the Master Tailor and Master Chef.
With that being said, sure, Anet can definitely improve accessibility to at least 1 nearby BLTC NPC in other towns with crafting stations, yet I only used Lion’s Arch as an example to test the waters to see what you guys thought.
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
What are you talking about? They are all really close to the tp. It takes like an extra 5 seconds to run.
I am a Leatherworker and an Armorsmith and it takes 10-11 seconds (with a 25% speed buff, no less) to get to the nearest Black Lion NPC, and then it takes another 10-11 seconds to run back to my crafting station(s). It may not sound like much time to you, but over time that 20-22 seconds adds up that could be better spent crafting at a more efficient pace.
THAT is what I am talking about, and yes, it is annoying having to walk all that way in case I forgot and/or need a specific material when I am not in the mood to farm it.
P.S. From the Master Chef, it takes exactly 4 1/2 seconds to get to the nearest Black Lion NPC. From the Master Tailor, it takes a little less than or equal to 5 1/2 seconds to get to the nearest Black Lion NPC.
To me, that is a big difference vs. the other crafting stations in LA.
There is no excuse why a Black Lion NPC cannot be placed on that grass-covered rock in the middle (where the bonfire is located) where all the other crafting stations are.
Are you SERIOUSLY suggesting that the BLTC NPCs be moved because it takes you 10-15 WHOLE SECONDS longer than a different crafting profession?
Boggles the kittening mind.
If you want convenience I suggest you buy
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trading_Post_ExpressYour time must be realy precious …
I want a Trading post following me around becouse it takes alot of time to WP to a map with a trader when I need to buy food and other stuff.
btw, I think you even wasted more time making a post here then running back and forth to that TP a few times.
It is comments like these that are the reason why things are not improved in GW 2, in this case, when it comes to towns.
On another note, this entire thread took me maybe a good 10 minutes to put together at best. Therefore, the 20-22 seconds wasted each time I have to walk to and walk back from the crafting stations on the opposite side in Lion’s Arch takes more time than 10 minutes, especially if you have been playing GW 2 since release, crafting throughout that time.
It adds up.
Conclusion? Your exaggeration(s) did absolutely nothing for your argument.
Well maby this is an “improvement” I do not approve so yea ofcourse my reply was a reason to why some stuff doesn’t get improved.
And about the time … I dunno if I missunderstand you or if you missunderstod me becouse if this post took you 10min to write… I am not good with math but I am going to try… 10min = 600 seconds and it takes you ~20sec to get back and forth once so 600 / 20 = 30 … So if you never wrote this post you would have managed to run back and forth 30 times. If a few seconds are so valuble to you I mean.
I think the trading posts are well placed. I have all my crafting above 400 and Hunstman, Armorsmith and Tailor at 500 … I do all my crafting in DR … Nice close WP to crafting and Trading post and less loading time than in LA.
Oh and if you don’t wanna buy trading express stuff… then this is another choice : http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Captain%27s_Airship_Pass_
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Are you SERIOUSLY suggesting that the BLTC NPCs be moved because it takes you 10-15 WHOLE SECONDS longer than a different crafting profession?
Boggles the kittening mind.
Quote me if you can that my idea suggests Anet remove the current BLTC NPCs from their current locations. Quote me if you can that my idea suggests Anet move the current BLTC NPCS from their current locations to another.
You see? You cannot quote me I suggested such things because you guys are just putting words in my thread I never said.
P.S. And tell me… What part in what I said implies more than one BLTC NPC? What part in what I said implies removing or moving BLTC NPCs?
There is no excuse why a Black Lion NPC cannot be placed on that grass-covered rock in the middle (where the bonfire is located) where all the other crafting stations are.
See where a is in bold? It is bold for a reason, so you figure it out…
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
And about the time … I dunno if I missunderstand you or if you missunderstod me becouse if this post took you 10min to write… I am not good with math but I am going to try… 10min = 600 seconds and it takes you ~20sec to get back and forth once so 600 / 20 = 30 … So if you never wrote this post you would have managed to run back and forth 30 times. If a few seconds are so valuble to you I mean.
Okay, technically at this point, my thread all together has taken me over 10 minutes to get my message across. (Happy now that you proved your point?)
Therefore, even if you were correct (hypothetically) that the time it has taken me to write this thread amounts to more time than all my time walking back and forth from crafting station to BLTC NPCs since the beginning of my playing GW 2, that to me is not time wasted because if my idea were implemented it would benefit all players because I actually gave a kitten to sit down and write this thread to help improve accessibility to a BLTC NPC near other crafting stations.
You know, there comes a point where it is not necessarily so that a suggestion benefits one person (me) but benefits everyone, including the developers who play the game, too.
That is where you guys have it all wrong. This suggestion was not made to benefit myself only. This suggestion was not made for the sake of complaining just to complain. This suggestion was made to benefit every player so we can gather our materials we need more efficiently in towns only when near crafting stations.
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
Well it’s true that you say indeed.
What I couldn’t understand is that a few seconds means so much to you… I would not beleave that Devs would move an NPC becouse a few (I don’t think you are the only one) thinks that Trader is to far away from crafting stations in LA. I can be wrong, I have been many times and I can’t decide what Anet thinks about this suggestion. Do you honestly think that this is something they would do when they have so much to do and the Captain’s Airship Pass is for people who wants convenince?
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Well it’s true that you say indeed.
What I couldn’t understand is that a few seconds means so much to you… I would not beleave that Devs would move an NPC becouse a few (I don’t think you are the only one) thinks that Trader is to far away from crafting stations in LA. I can be wrong, I have been many times and I can’t decide what Anet thinks about this suggestion. Do you honestly think that this is something they would do when they have so much to do and the Captain’s Airship Pass is for people who wants convenince?
Considering the Black Lion Trading NPC is already coded, designed, etc. yea, I believe Anet would (and should) consider ‘adding’ —- not moving or removing the current BLTC NPCs —- just 1 BLTC NPC near the other crafting stations in Lion’s Arch (and perhaps other towns where this is an issue).
And yea, 5 to 6 seconds more to get to a BLTC NPC (10-11 seconds total, even with a 25% speed buff) is a big deal to me because that 10-11 seconds adds up over the course of a player’s gameplay time. It is like I said, it may not seem like a lot of time to you, yet that is because you guys aren’t seeing the math in the big picture like I am over a long period of time. You guys’ criticism merely stops at the definition of ‘seconds’ and nothing beyond that. Seconds turn to minutes, and minutes turn to hours.
Frankly, this argument should not have dragged on as long it did, yet it did, and I hope you guys have a better understanding where I am coming from as a player who crafts very often on several characters at a time.
P.S. Captain’s Airship Pass? You can’t be serious… How did that get into this discussion? The ’Captain’s Airship Pass’ has absolutely nothing to do with making a BLTC NPC more accessible in towns where crafting stations are located. The Captain’s Airship Pass is strictly for traveling using Waypoints.
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
Accountancy Waypoint is love, Accountancy Waypoint is life.
Save the Bell Choir activity!
Accountancy Waypoint is love, Accountancy Waypoint is life.
I have no idea how what you just said ties into this discussion since this discussion has absolutely nothing to do with Waypoints. This is why I cannot take you guys’ criticism/comments into consideration because they either make zero sense or are totally irrelevant to the main idea in this thread.
(edited by Eidolonemesis.5640)
Common sense, it seems, is a super power. Everything you bring up is besides the point and does absolutely nothing for your argument. Since only the Mesmer (correct me if I am wrong) has access to the ‘Blink’ skill, it makes no sense to bring that up in this discussion if it does not benefit other classes. All you guys are for is for Anet to do absolutely nothing to improve accessibility to certain things in towns (only towns!)
Blink as in reference to teleportation, not the skill name itself.
Thief – Shortbow 5, Shadowstep
Mesmer – Blink
Elementalist – Lightning Flash
Guardian – Merciful Intervention (if there’s other players next to the npc).
That’s 50% of the playable class, how is that irrelevant?
P.S. The Chefs can utilize this as well by moving slightly closer.
We don’t need Anet prioritizing on this because someone is lazy to move their characters to save seconds for a craft. Instead I’d rather prefer Anet spend that time to give players something more practical (and highly requested) like Build Trait saver/switcher.
(edited by Akikaze.1307)
wtf did I just read, why dont you ask to put all bosses in one map next time? Or all dungeon entries right next to another…
Some of these lazy kitten people…….If it were up to you guys who push away suggestions meant to improve gameplay experience for all players (in this case convenience in towns, which only makes sense), and game developers were to agree with and go with your way of thinking vs. the thinking in people like me, Guild Wars 2 and other games would not have maps for you to rely on to get around, among other features that make our online gameplay experiences much easier.
So since you want to be sarcastic, I can play that game, too. How about we start a petition to get rid of the mapping system in the game, make Anet revert the Black Lion Trading Company back the way it used to be AND the Crafting System back the way it used to be, and let’s also suggest to Anet to undo countless other improvements implemented to make everyone’s gaming much smoother.
You talk about laziness, yet what little do you guys know, everybody is utilizing various systems and things not available in much older games, so sit down, and hush. We are all lazy. How about that? We’re even using computers to send messages back and forth to one another. Oh man! How about we just exchange addresses and mail each other our responses from hereon instead with pen and paper like the old days… Just to prove how not lazy you are? Pfft.
Are you kittened? Is that it? Is that you corky…
Accountancy Waypoint is love, Accountancy Waypoint is life.
I have no idea how what you just said ties into this discussion since this discussion has absolutely nothing to do with Waypoints. This is why I cannot take you guys’ criticism/comments into consideration because they either make zero sense or are totally irrelevant to the main idea in this thread.
It’s the waypoint in the Interdisciplinary Accessium (aka Rata Sum center), the same one I mentioned above as being the most convenient for me. Just waypoint there if you need any of the services, and walk the few steps back to the crafting station (all of which, incidentally, are about equally away from said waypoint and services).
This is why I find it hard to argue your points, since you show no interest in even looking into the suggestions and arguments that are made in this thread. I stick with the point of my initial argument (possibly not clearly enough expressed), that to me, there now is a good balance of organically placed services that “fit” into their surrounding instead of being sprinkled to every corner of the map to make things convenient to the point where it’s no longer remotely about playing an rpg but only how to most conveniently go through a mechanical process optimized to the last second.
Take a look at the crafting stations throughout the game. They are a part of the virtual world of Tyria, and as such, each has a unique place in this world. Some of them are closer to certain services than others. Ask around, you will find that most players have their favourite crafting centers that are most convenient to them. Your preferences apparently are strongly towards time-saving layout (which btw the captain’s airship provides best if I’m not mistaken, thus making comments about aquiring an airship pass very relevant in the context of this thread).
SO recapping
we have (Fastest to slowest options)
- The Royal Terrace,
- The Captain’s Airship
- Black lion TP Consumables (Trading Post Express)
- BLTP’s close to a waypoint or near all crafting stations in cities where travel is FREE
If you find ’m too far away check another city… It might save a few seconds.
This should allow easy acces now I guess… just make a list so you do not have to run for each seperate item…. When I forget something I need to run twice as well.. but it is my own fault.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
Rata Sum is far more convenient for fast crafting/TPing, as you can almost instantly WP to pick up TP goods then take a short jog back to the craft station. Plus the craft vendors are in reach of the craft machines.
It drives me crazy in DR how much careful fiddling I have to do to get the vendor and craft windows open at the same time. The NPC’s are just one step too far away so the window of one auto closes as you approach the other. I like to buy vendor mats only as needed for immediate crafting, so I need both windows open.
If ANet’s going to move NPCs around for convenience, the DR craft vendors are the ones in need of help!
Common sense, it seems, is a super power. Everything you bring up is besides the point and does absolutely nothing for your argument. Since only the Mesmer (correct me if I am wrong) has access to the ‘Blink’ skill, it makes no sense to bring that up in this discussion if it does not benefit other classes. All you guys are for is for Anet to do absolutely nothing to improve accessibility to certain things in towns (only towns!)
Blink as in reference to teleportation, not the skill name itself.
Thief – Shortbow 5, Shadowstep
Mesmer – Blink
Elementalist – Lightning Flash
Guardian – Merciful Intervention (if there’s other players next to the npc).
That’s 50% of the playable class, how is that irrelevant?
P.S. The Chefs can utilize this as well by moving slightly closer.We don’t need Anet prioritizing on this because someone is lazy to move their characters to save seconds for a craft. Instead I’d rather prefer Anet spend that time to give players something more practical (and highly requested) like Build Trait saver/switcher.
Well then you should have been more specific and said every class has some form of speed boost, some being better than others, yet that is still beside the point and does not change the fact that seconds turn to minutes and minutes turn to hours over an extended period of a player’s gameplay time, even if it is (to you) a distance to walk that is no big deal.
That is your opinion, and you’re entitled to it (just like me and everyone else), but that does not mean I agree for already stated reasons explained in more ways than one.
That being said, as for what you would rather see be suggested vs. what I am suggesting here, there are already threads that exist for such things, so what sense does it make for me to write up a thread about things already brought up?
Everyone’s opinion on what is most important is different, and the things I often bring up in discussion are things that pertain to what can be polished and what can be done to make things more convenient or better for other players.
Like I said to someone earlier… There is nothing in my simple idea here that gives anybody an unfair advantage so as to imbalance anything or break the game, yet you guys make it out like that is the case, and you guys make it out to be a thing of laziness when it is really not.
It is called us getting together in the GW 2 community (imagine that!) to help improve GW 2 in every way possible beyond just what many call more important, bigger things (according to majority opinion), because sometimes the small things can make a big difference, that which is why I do not see anything negative in my idea.
What I don’t understand is some of you in the comments here make it out that adding 1 BLTC NPC near the other crafting stations in LA (and other towns where this is happening) is an enormous amount of work when it is not.
The BLTC NPC is already coded, designed, etc. and all the developers have to do who manage the tools within the game engine used to build the game is bring up the ‘units’ window (with units already created linked to their rightful game code) and place a BLTC NPC where they want on the map in town. It is not like I am asking Anet to design a totally new NPC that functions in a different, complicated way, yet you guys who shower my simple idea with ridiculous embellishment make it seem so.
wtf did I just read, why dont you ask to put all bosses in one map next time? Or all dungeon entries right next to another…
Some of these lazy kitten people…….If it were up to you guys who push away suggestions meant to improve gameplay experience for all players (in this case convenience in towns, which only makes sense), and game developers were to agree with and go with your way of thinking vs. the thinking in people like me, Guild Wars 2 and other games would not have maps for you to rely on to get around, among other features that make our online gameplay experiences much easier.
So since you want to be sarcastic, I can play that game, too. How about we start a petition to get rid of the mapping system in the game, make Anet revert the Black Lion Trading Company back the way it used to be AND the Crafting System back the way it used to be, and let’s also suggest to Anet to undo countless other improvements implemented to make everyone’s gaming much smoother.
You talk about laziness, yet what little do you guys know, everybody is utilizing various systems and things not available in much older games, so sit down, and hush. We are all lazy. How about that? We’re even using computers to send messages back and forth to one another. Oh man! How about we just exchange addresses and mail each other our responses from hereon instead with pen and paper like the old days… Just to prove how not lazy you are? Pfft.
Are you kittened? Is that it? Is that you corky…
Says the guy who wrote a poor one-liner response to what I said. That explains a lot.