1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zil.3071


lovely add on for some skills, however, totally ruins the skill for others. PLEASE PUT AN OPTION TO ENABLE IT OR NOT. something like fast autoground target single click.

Into the Void: This skill now has a 1-second recharge before it can be used after placing Temporal Curtain.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

some one complained about this skill’s instantaneous pulling ability and viola 1 second recharge time

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


Well, at least people who like to spam their keys can now actually gain swiftness before they accidentally destroy the curtain!

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Well, at least people who like to spam their keys can now actually gain swiftness before they accidentally destroy the curtain!

haha this too!

but i wonder, did they fix it?

those who already has swiftness will not get swiftness reapplied if they run through the curtain.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yenn.9185


If this is for PVE, no big deal. If for sPVP, it’s to give player time to dodge, whatnot. Without the 1s recharge mesmer can interupt/control players almost instantaneously.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordByron.8369


so you think there s no difference between a 1/4 seconds cast and a 1 second + 1/4 in pve?

sure it makes a lot of difference, now its no more an Emergency pull you can use when you are risking to die.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyber.1798


If they fixed the speed stacking of temporal curtain, then i don’t really mind… the pull is quite strong. and able to affect multiple enemies.
Considering that the offhand sword takes roughly the extra second to cast the dazing shot, i don’t think it’s a big problem to force the 1 second delay…

granted i wish it we could toggle that “luxury” feature…

That being said… if they HAVENT fixed temporal curtain’s speed stacking , then i’m rly disappointed that they would go through lengths to add a “fix” that no one requested over a HUGE known problem in the same skill…

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: serialkicker.5274


If this is for PVE, no big deal. If for sPVP, it’s to give player time to dodge, whatnot. Without the 1s recharge mesmer can interupt/control players almost instantaneously.

It’s a huge dfference in pve.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LHound.8964


Those sneaky Mesmers in the WvW Instantly dumping Curtain → Void to pull the Wall defenders down…

… if they HAVENT fixed temporal curtain’s speed stacking , then i’m rly disappointed that they would go through lengths to add a “fix” that no one requested over a HUGE known problem in the same skill…


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1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zil.3071


there is no 1 sec warning with other control skills like knockback or pull. so thats not a valid reason.

there should be an option to use the feature or not, cant just force is up my kitten.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zerorogue.9410


Like said this is mainly a fix for WvW Mesmer’s would instantly pull unsuspecting players off walls and ledges many times to their deaths. A one second timer gives alert players a chance to dodge it.

In the level of pulling into the void is top tier by a mile. Name any other terrestrial skill that can pull a group of enemies instantly. I’m actually surprised they didn’t nerf it further.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nretep.2564


If this is for PVE, no big deal. If for sPVP, it’s to give player time to dodge, whatnot. Without the 1s recharge mesmer can interupt/control players almost instantaneously.

Seriously … what is the point of an interrupt of you have to publicy announce it 1s before you pull it off?
Do other classes have to wait until they can interrupt ?

Like said this is mainly a fix for WvW Mesmer’s would instantly pull unsuspecting players off walls and ledges many times to their deaths. A one second timer gives alert players a chance to dodge it.

In the level of pulling into the void is top tier by a mile. Name any other terrestrial skill that can pull a group of enemies instantly. I’m actually surprised they didn’t nerf it further.

Yeah … it’d be wierd if they’d give Mesmers one-stage skills. Even phantasms can be dodge on the cast or after you see them spawning. Just like any other profession …

Why don’t we make Thief glow brightly 1s before they stealth? And please, add this 1s to their activation time.
And if you’re at it, do the same for hundred blades, arrow barrage, all immobilization skills and all knockdown skills.

(edited by Nretep.2564)

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sabelle.2159


lovely add on for some skills, however, totally ruins the skill for others. PLEASE PUT AN OPTION TO ENABLE IT OR NOT. something like fast autoground target single click.

Into the Void: This skill now has a 1-second recharge before it can be used after placing Temporal Curtain.

Honestly, speaking as a mesmer, the temporal curtain nerf is barely anything dramatic to complain about.

The whole point of the nerf is so we can’t insta pull people without them having an opportunity to avoid the void.

If you’re really having such a big problem with this change, you’re probably not using your curtain efficiently to begin with.

(edited by Sabelle.2159)

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delryn.7235


This is a ridiculous complaint. I have a mesmer and I use the focus with him and I’m 100% fine with this, no other class has such a powerful CC skill that can be used instantly to pull multiple targets.

Don’t pretend like this is the mesmer’s only CC skill either saying that the mesmer is the only class that has to announce 1 second before they use a CC skill, mesmers have dozens of instant CC skills.

(edited by Delryn.7235)

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sabelle.2159


This is a ridiculous complaint. I have a mesmer and I use the focus with him and I’m 100% fine with this, no other class has such a powerful CC skill that can be used instantly to pull multiple targets.

Don’t pretend like this is the mesmer’s only CC skill either saying that the mesmer is the only class that has to announce 1 second before they use a CC skill, mesmers have dozens of instant CC skills.

@ Sabelle; that’s what he’s complaining about the swiftness boon not stacking when you already have swiftness.

I must have misunderstood the context of his post, my mistake. Regardless, I 100% agree with you, this is a pointless complaint.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordByron.8369


guardian doens t have way to pull stuff and stop stuff withot waiting?

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sabelle.2159


guardian doens t have way to pull stuff and stop stuff withot waiting?

If you’re truly comparing the GS pull to this, I have no words. They aren’t even comparable.

I’m a mesmer, and even I can admit that the curtain nerf was actually more fair to other classes for player vs player purposes. Most insta-curtains were able to throw a person/a large group of people before they could even respond.

The 1 second CD is fine. I don’t mind taking that hit, I barely feel it during my usage of curtain.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nretep.2564


Make the curtain 400% higher and lower the inbetween CD to 0.6s

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yenn.9185


Too much fail if your comparing mesmer’s nerf on one of its utility to other classes’, not to mention mes is already one of the biggest offenders on CC/utility in the entire game having the most useful ones in BOTH PVP and PVE.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic.5934


speaking as a mesmer:
- I haven’t checked yet, but I’ll be puppied if they changed a skill without fixing the world-known bug it’s had since day one.
- the 1s delay makes almost no difference in WvW. I still pull people just fine. does dodge even prevent it from pulling you? haven’t noticed. only thing I have noticed is stability, those jerks. (you can always just wait 0.5s for their dodge to end)
- why does this one spell and only this one spell need to be telegraphed? mesmer GS 5 has zero delay before kb, why are they singling out temporal curtain for telegraphing your intent?
- all stealth should be telegraphed, about 1s charge-up before they are invisible. so long as things that make sense to be telegraphed are telegraphed, then the next most likely things to be telegraphed can also be telegraphed (stealth SHOULD be, temporal curtain was optional, so it should be added to stealth before temporal curtain)

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Seriously … what is the point of an interrupt of you have to publicy announce it 1s before you pull it off?
Do other classes have to wait until they can interrupt ?

Yes they do. Other pulls like magnet pull and magnet bomb have a pretty long cast time.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I hated this skill as a Ranger pulling me off walls to end me in a zerg, it’s Kitten..

But adding 1 sec “hello i’m about to pull you of the wall with my skill” is just dumb as, makes this game feel like its Hello Kitty Online now…

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


I hated this skill as a Ranger pulling me off walls to end me in a zerg, it’s Kitten..

But adding 1 sec “hello i’m about to pull you of the wall with my skill” is just dumb as, makes this game feel like its Hello Kitty Online now…

well welcome to everyone’s point of view now Everyone but mesmer’s pulls had a cast time and they are single target not AoE. plus 1 sec is all you’d need in wvw

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nretep.2564


Seriously … what is the point of an interrupt of you have to publicy announce it 1s before you pull it off?
Do other classes have to wait until they can interrupt ?

Yes they do. Other pulls like magnet pull and magnet bomb have a pretty long cast time.

There a huge difference in “long casttime” and “additional time after casting to do something”. Then they just had to increase Curtains casttime.
The point is that skills like magnet pull and magnet bomb don’t glow a full second before they pull you.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: miriforst.1290


Seriously … what is the point of an interrupt of you have to publicy announce it 1s before you pull it off?
Do other classes have to wait until they can interrupt ?

Yes they do. Other pulls like magnet pull and magnet bomb have a pretty long cast time.

There a huge difference in “long casttime” and “additional time after casting to do something”. Then they just had to increase Curtains casttime.
The point is that skills like magnet pull and magnet bomb don’t glow a full second before they pull you.

No, the magnet just requires LOS, can’t be ground targeted, don’t pull aoe, does not provide swiftness and cripple and it telegraphs with a vibrating string between you and your (single) target (in los) for the rather long cast time before it pulls. And it is not like the aoe of the magnet bomb is tiny, it has a delay of 3-4 sec before going of and is created at your feet when you switch to a kit on a 20 sec internal cooldown shared by all kits by a trait no one seriously uses anymore because of the 20 sec icd. And it does not frickin launch people through it and out on the other side, its a tiny aoe that pulls you into the center of the bomb after a long delay. A bomb on the ground for 3 secs not telegraphing?

And who has the more reliable access to stealth?

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I’d argue that the act of a Mesmer switching a weapon set would que for a potential temporal curtain; it wasn’t too much of a problem for most people. However, I’d argue that the skill was overpowered because you had to pay so much attention to it.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


there is no 1 sec warning with other control skills like knockback or pull. so thats not a valid reason.

there should be an option to use the feature or not, cant just force is up my kitten.

There is usually a 1 second warning on most aoe cc skills though, like binding blades, and warrior hammer’s burst.

I wish we had the option to toggle balance changes too, I would love to have 1200 range back oin ny clusterbomb

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

some one thief complained about this skill’s instantaneous pulling ability and viola 1 second recharge time

Fixed that for you. Focus 4 already has a fairly long cool down time. This wasn’t necessary.

Some Anet dev on his favorite thief probably got pulled out of a shadow refuge a few times and wasn’t able to stealth spike his next victim. One dev hissyfit later and this gets “fixed”.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

(edited by Herr der Friedhoefe.2490)

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


Seriously … what is the point of an interrupt of you have to publicy announce it 1s before you pull it off?
Do other classes have to wait until they can interrupt ?

Yes they do. Other pulls like magnet pull and magnet bomb have a pretty long cast time.

There a huge difference in “long casttime” and “additional time after casting to do something”. Then they just had to increase Curtains casttime.
The point is that skills like magnet pull and magnet bomb don’t glow a full second before they pull you.

Engi OP nerf pls

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


speaking as a mesmer:
- I haven’t checked yet, but I’ll be puppied if they changed a skill without fixing the world-known bug it’s had since day one.
- the 1s delay makes almost no difference in WvW. I still pull people just fine. does dodge even prevent it from pulling you? haven’t noticed. only thing I have noticed is stability, those jerks. (you can always just wait 0.5s for their dodge to end)
- why does this one spell and only this one spell need to be telegraphed? mesmer GS 5 has zero delay before kb, why are they singling out temporal curtain for telegraphing your intent?
- all stealth should be telegraphed, about 1s charge-up before they are invisible. so long as things that make sense to be telegraphed are telegraphed, then the next most likely things to be telegraphed can also be telegraphed (stealth SHOULD be, temporal curtain was optional, so it should be added to stealth before temporal curtain)

I always run focus on my mesmer and i have to admit the change was a needed one. I would pull group of 4-6 people near a cliff and just double tap focus 4 for an instant curtain→void that was literally undodgeable (spell?) if you didn’t have stablity on. The range on the pull was very large and it was too easy to pull people off cliffs, walls, or into your burst without giving them a chance to react . I think a .5sec delay would have been fine, but a 1 sec delay is definitely more fair than no delay.

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


This has nothing to do with double tapping accidentally. The sPvP people where complaining because it allowed for an “instant” pull without warning. The one second is to enable a guardian on point to pop stability or dodge.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


the only valid reason to do this is because pvper hates mesmers and thieves, i think the next most hated class in pvp will be guardian and they will see how it feels to be us…

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1-second recharge b4 it can be used !?!??!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finale.5281


some one thief complained about this skill’s instantaneous pulling ability and viola 1 second recharge time

Fixed that for you. Focus 4 already has a fairly long cool down time. This wasn’t necessary.

Some Anet dev on his favorite thief probably got pulled out of a shadow refuge a few times and wasn’t able to stealth spike his next victim. One dev hissyfit later and this gets “fixed”.

I…never thought about that. This makes a lot of sense especially since house is supposedly one of thieves few interruptible stealths . I wouldn’t be caught dead using a focus in most pvp situations (pistol fan), but this definitely seems/seemed like a good use for curtain.