I am just listing 10 things that I feel Guild Wars 2 did better than World of Warcraft. They are not listed in any specific order; it’s not a top ten. By no means am I trying to say that Guild Wars 2 is a better game but there are definitely improvements ArenaNet has introduced to the genre.
1. Monsters do not get tagged in GW2. When you hit a monster, any other player that is there can also hit the same monster and still benefit from helping you fight this monster. It encourages cooperation between players and keeps things flowing. In WoW, once you hit the monster it gets tagged by you. It appears grey to other players and they do not benefit from attacking this monster. Such a system, while not by design, discourages cooperation and only encourages selfish behaviours amongst players. You might argue that this encourages people forming parties. I’ll concede on that point; however, it breaks the flow of the game. It’s just not spontaneous like it is in GW2.
2. Everyone has the ability to revive other players. While this is a blessing in dungeons it is also amazing for the open world. There is rarely a time when players passing by would not revive a downed player. You are rewarded experience for reviving other players too so there’s really no reason not to unless it puts you at risk. Even level 80s that have very little to gain will revive you because they have been conditioned to right from the start. WoW’s resurrection system requires that you have the right class. There are nice people that will resurrect you every now and then but a lot of people will just run past your corpse because it reduces their leveling/grinding efficiency.
3. Everything you do rewards you with experience. You get experience for crafting, for exploring, for WvW, gathering, getting achievements, and all the other things that normally reward experience in most MMORPGs. Yes, WoW does reward you for revealing the map but not to the same extent that GW2 does. You don’t have to check every nook and cranny in WoW and you definitely don’t have to do some crazy jumping puzzles, which by the way are a lot of fun and add a whole new dimension to world exploration.
4. Most damage is avoidable. Room wide AOE (area of effect) attacks, DOT (damage over time) spells, and enemies hitting you with melee attacks from 10 feet away are a thing of the past in GW2. When I say most damage is avoidable I mean that there are some attacks that you can’t avoid once you’ve used up your energy doing rolls and what not. There is a lot more skill involved when you can actually avoid damage altogether and whether you lived or died depended less on a healer and more on your own reflexes.
5. You don’t need a target selected in order to perform an attack. This was one of the more annoying things about WoW that I got used to but never really enjoyed. If you use any melee attack it will hit the closest enemy if your target is out of range. You can swing your sword, axe, daggers, etc, and cast spells whenever you want. The satisfaction of being able to do so like in any action game goes a long way to adding enjoyment to the game. Target runs out of LOS? The spell will still complete but it will miss. True, you just wasted your spell but you get the satisfaction of being able to fire it off.
6. There is no holy trinity. The first problem with this setup is putting a group together for a dungeon or raid. You just have to have a certain number of tanks and healers in the group. It’s great for tanks and healers because they’ll always be needed unless there are too many of them which is rarely the case. The DPS (damage per second) classes end up suffering because they become expendable. Getting into groups as a result is a lot more difficult because DPS are a dime a dozen. The second problem is over reliance on both the tanks and healers. As mentioned above, most damage in GW2 is avoidable. In any MMORPG like WoW, making this so would take away the need for the holy trinity. It is based on the outdated perception that without roles you would have no cooperation and only chaos. Why do I say it is outdated? Games have had co-op play in them for a great number of years and most don’t have tanks and healers. They work perfectly fine. Hell, the Diablo series (a Blizzard franchise) is a perfect example of this. If anything, the holy trinity limits creative freedom for the designers of any game. GW2 isn’t just doing something truly revolutionary, it is doing what should’ve been done from the very start.