100% Representation and HoT.
There aren’t requirements that force a player to do something against their own will.
My community has a 100% rep rule, but the trick is to advertise clearly, and recruit people where this rule never needs to be enforced. If someone decides to submit an application regardless of the clear notifications, and still wishes to not represent 100%, or reckons we’re going to make an exception for them, then they’re wasting their own and our guilds time.
Simple solution, only join guilds that don’t require you to represent them 100% of the time if you don’t want to, there’s plenty of them out there. If you want to be in an environment with very high representation, be prepared to also do the same.
Rep is so people can actually get to know eachother/connect.
The guild I run(albeit small) is 100 rep and nobody seems to have a problem with it as we all pretty much interact.
On the outside looking in, without knowing and participating in the interaction, a lot of people find 100 rep offputting.
Until they realise why, that is.
The questions:
1- What is exactly representation? What is the reason to need 100%?
2- If the game allows you to join 5 guilds, why it seems to encourage you to stay in only one?
3- Will this change with Guild Halls and the new HoT Guild mechanics?
4- How would you deal with a situation like this?
Lots of replies, but I figured I’d chime in as a co-leader of a similar 100% rep guild.
Why do we ask 100% rep? This is basically to keep up a friendly community for the people that log in. We run a lot of similar events to what the OP mentioned and we’re able to do this because everyone is always on and repping.
If people didn’t always rep, we would have 2 choices:
1) Increase our guild size so that we had enough people on at once. In this case, it dilutes the community and results in a group where people don’t know each other very well except for a few small niches.
2) Run less events/have bad attendance to events.
100% rep can seem like a frustrating requirement from an individual perspective, but when you understand the effect of multi-repping on the guild as a whole, you can see hinders the potential of each guild.
Some guilds are ok with multi-repping and some aren’t. There’s no wrong or right, but I think understanding the impacts of repping is important for finding out what environment is best for you.
Well, I participate on the events on my main guild whenevr I can connect. The vast majority of those events are held in a fixed time: close to the saturday reset. There are other instances when we gather to work, like thursdays for WvW and sundays for PvP private turneys, and sometimes Dungeons late night in wednesday. Those are also held on mostly fixed times.
I’m drawn to these activities with the guild because I like doing them with the guild, not because im forced to, and I really don’t need any rule to connect to the TS at those hours when I can.
On the contrary, the rest of the time I spend mostly solo or with my girlfriend crafting, leveling alts or simply exploring, and I barely even see the guild chat. During that time, my repping doesn’t really add anything to the big guild. But it could be very valuable for RPing or sharing with the tiny guild.
This is why I think the 100% rep rule is flawed, and I’m grateful Anet seems to be discouraging it.
Another thing I must mention is those “plenty of different guilds” you take for granted are not true for everyone. Here in my country (I would dare to say, in all Southamerica), good natured, active and welcoming guilds aren’t common. My guild is a notable exception, and I must say, I doubt it have to do with the 100% rep, because I’ve seen the same rule on very bad guilds.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Ok, guys.
First I want to thank you all for sharing your opinions and going deep on this topic. I’ve learned a lot just by reading these few posts.Second I want to make clear why I stated I felt the game encourages people to stay in one guild:
I felt this because rep transform into relevant currency (Influence). This means having someone rep has a concrete, cold numeric value for guilds, and so guilds would naturally compete for that. 100% rep requirement is a logical result of this system.
Now I see there are also other aspects behind rep: advertising, ease to make activities on the fly, control the space available in the guild, number of faces on chat, etc. I can understand much better now why our guild leader consider this so important, and that is not only about influence.
Sadly, understanding it doesn’t make the system any better, because there is a huge inconsistency in its core.
The system reward guilds for having people to passively rep, allow guilds to arbitrarilly put 100% rep rules, and allow people to have multiple guilds. Problems are inevitable. One of these 3 should go.
I know the 100% rule “is up to each guild to decide”, but I see it like commercial monopoly: law watch over and discourages it, because it is nocive for the economy. If Anet were to actively combat the practice I probably would support them.
Other possibility is to completely remove the option of multiple guilds. This would be difficult because the extremely diverse playstyles the game offers. I think no guild can offer all of them, even a really big and organized one.
The last option is to stop rewarding currency for passive representation. This, I think, is the best option, because then guilds would try to get players to actually DO specific, concrete and time-limited things, instead of trying to rule over the whole time the players are connected.
Third I must mention the 100% rep is problematic not only for players, but for guilds too:
There are a lot of people that doesn’t understand what rep is. Agreeing to a 100% rep rule doesn’t make sure people actually observe it, less when they don’t know what they are doing. While I choose to investigate thoroughly before making any choice, most players I know would simply break the rule whenever they want and eat the warnings later. This means the leaders have to be constantly confronting people.Also there is the recruiting issue: of the last 5 guys that ask me to enter the guild, only one choose to stay. The other 4 don’t like the 100& rep rule, so they left asap. While it could be true that the ones who left were “not fit” for the guild, I think the guy that stayed do so only because he doesn’t really care about rules. So which is worst?
What Im trying to say is rules too strict tend to not be respected, and that is worse in the end.
Personally, I feel my problem is bigger. I was almost prepared to judge my guild leaders as the baddies on the movie and left for good, but now I see their standing (if “monopolizing”) is totally legit.
My ideal solution was to convince the leaders to soften the rule to a 90% rep, but they stayed square in their “rules don’t change” policy (Wich they have the right to do).
So, for now, I will wait. if the incoming changes make the currency less associated with dumb time and more with specific activities, maybe they relax the rule. If they don’t, I think I will have to say goodbye.
Thank you again for your opinions, and please, keep the words rolling.
Changes are coming with HoT. For example, one of the big problems with multiple guilds is having to choose which guild to participate in guild chat with. You’ll be able soon to make a tab to chat with all your guilds at once.
The removal of influence is probably due to the way that influence forces people to insist on 100% representation, but that said, my guild has well over 800,000 influence and half our people aren’t repping at any time. We’ve never been a 100% rep guild.
800,000 influence with everything unlocked forever. As long as you have a core of a hundred people playing, it doesn’t matter if a hundred people don’t.
You might ask, well aren’t the 100 people carrying the other 100. Not really. It’s like saying 15% of the people carry the forum, and so no one else should read it. That’s how all things work in life.
If you have a successful business. it’s likely a handful of people making it successful. Some see the guild as an end to itself, but I see the guild as a service to others.
Here’s the guild., I’m offering a service. A place to meet with friends (mumble and guild chat), a place to get your guild commendations, a place to get some buffs, but in our case, a place to hang out with like minded people, often while doing your own thing. It’s a service we offer, that a very very small percentage of the guild makes possible.
This week, on social night, we did jumping puzzles, for people who don’t enjoy them. We had mesmers everywhere. People who hate jumping finally got some of those achievements.
The amount of people involved in making that happen was half a dozen, and one person led it. Last week we did the diving goggles run. The week before we did the diving goggles in Not So Secret, because it’s a pain to do alone. And the week before that we did living story achievements. The same half a dozen people ran events for those who don’t run events.
We didn’t require anyone to rep to get that stuff. We don’t care if someone shows up for guild missions and never reps again.
But the real value of my guild isn’t that someone got an achievement or a diving goggle. The real value of the guild is getting to know these specific guildies. The banter and camraderie. The personal touch.
Yes there are well over 200 people in my guild (usually around 230). Yes 100 people log in each and every week.
But there are under 30 core members, who keep it going for everyone else.
And we have plenty of influence to keep it going, even on days when only a handful of people are repping and everyone is working on their personal guild banks, or helping others work on theirs.
Do I care if there are 6 people repping. Not really. Because the core people find their way into mumble.
This may or may not help the OP
Breaking Down Barriers
In the current guild system, there’s tension between being expected to represent a guild 100% of the time so that it can gain the benefits of your representation and having the freedom to use all five of your available guild memberships to socialize with different groups of friends. When we looked for overall improvements we could make to guilds, resolving this conflict stood out as having the greatest potentially positive impact on the social experience for guild members.
As of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, this will no longer be a problem; we’ll be introducing cross-guild chat. From your main guild panel, you’ll be able to assign which guilds you can chat to with new channels, /g1 through /g5. You can then decide which channels will be visible in your chat tabs. The existing guild chat channel, /g, will continue to chat to your currently represented guild.
“ANet. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to not mess up.”
Mod “Posts created to cause unrest with unfounded claims are not allowed” lmao
In HoT, you will be able to rep one guild at a time, but you will be able to see (and use) the guild chat of all your current guilds.
Is that not a fair compromise?
Guild Upgrades cost influence. Influence is only earned by members that represent the guild 100%. Everyone who doesn’t represent 100% is just abusing the work of others and has to be kicked. Sadly anet does support such toxic behavior with their 5 guild system.
So if I represent 80% I do not earn any influence for a guild? Never heard that before.
Anyway, I do not mind a guild organized around something asking people to rep them while doing it. Not requiring it 100% of the time of jumping down people’s throats if they switch to another guild for 5 minutes to do something.
A guild that requires 100% rep is just desperate for influence. End of story. A guild should make it so you WANT to represent them. Tell me it is 100% or the door and I will say seeya. I guess 0% rep from my not being there is better than partial representation?
Any group of people who will exclude you over a handful of digital currency were never your friends in the first place. Edit: under me, I would have put up an sarcasm sign if I would have found one…
The guild system is changing drastically with Guild Halls so if possible wait to see if that changes the situation, but if you are forced to choose I would stick with my IRL friends if I were in your shoes.
Guilds are not for friends. For friends you have the friendlist. Guilds are for people to get together for a common goal.
But yes, I hope for the guild change with HoT too. Alot if what has been anounced is effectively to remove the current system problems. If we really can represent 5 guilds at the same time, and guild currencie is only ganied with guildmissions and raids and that the overall guildschat works, well then the guild system is pretty close to be perfect.
Guilds can not be both? I rep the large guild I am in most of the time, but one of my others is a small group of people who know each other elsewhere on the net.
You could say we are a social group, but we are there to help out anyone else in our group if they need someone. Even while repping another guild we can call up that other guild’s list and message a name we recognize and ask if they want to do a dungeon or whatever.
Someone who knows that a guild calls for 100% rep, chooses to join under that condition, and then refuses to comply or complains about it is in the wrong. Period.
It is really quite simple. If you don’t want to 100% rep, don’t join a guild calling for it. Not joining a specific guild is really very very easy.
From what people is saying, influence is being removed. And you’ll be able to talk with guilds that you are not representing in the expansion.
So weather you represent your 5 man guilds of friends wont’ matter that much anyway IMO. Unless you want to do missions with them.
So you’re saying my thought process is logical? I can live with that. And you can maintain a relationship with multiple guilds at different times a lot like you can 500 people at different times. Do you think the 50 people you see in prime time are consistently the same you see during off hours? You’re still maintaining relationships with different people.
linear thinking is a systematic step-by-step kind of thinking and many people call this way of thinking logic
while non-linear don’t follow the step-by-step thinking and many people call this way of thinking creative and innovative
creating a community, relationships aren’t something you write from A to Z, in a step by step manner. theoretically, you can do certain things in certain ways but in practice, it doesn’t work perfectly so. a community isn’t compose of just logic but also human factors like behaviours, thinking, culture, emotions etc.
a guild can be built by luck, got lucky and recruited a good group of nice people who are repping and not only that, also contributing to your guild. a guild can also be built by hardwork and bad luck, recruiting bad group of people who don’t bother to rep or even when they do rep, they don’t bother to contribute and create troubles instead, filtering through different kind of people to get the right people. a guild can also be built by backstabbing another guild and taking their members away, even if is a small portion.
there is no one answer to everything because the world is such a big place. non-rep guild can be successful with the right situation, right timing, right members, right places but that doesn’t happen for every guilds in every regions.
by not accepting and disagreeing with certain things even if these things are logical in another perspectives, you are limiting your views to just a few perspectives like everything is this perfect in this world.
Henge of Denravi Server
(edited by SkyShroud.2865)
So you’re saying my thought process is logical? I can live with that. And you can maintain a relationship with multiple guilds at different times a lot like you can 500 people at different times. Do you think the 50 people you see in prime time are consistently the same you see during off hours? You’re still maintaining relationships with different people.
linear thinking is a systematic step-by-step kind of thinking and many people call this way of thinking logic
while non-linear don’t follow the step-by-step thinking and many people call this way of thinking creative and innovativecreating a community, relationships aren’t something you write from A to Z, in a step by step manner. theoretically, you can do certain things in certain ways but in practice, it doesn’t work perfectly so. a community isn’t compose of just logic but also human factors like behaviours, thinking, culture, emotions etc.
a guild can be built by luck, got lucky and recruited a good group of nice people who are repping and not only that, also contributing to your guild. a guild can also be built by hardwork and bad luck, recruiting bad group of people who don’t bother to rep or even when they do rep, they don’t bother to contribute and create troubles instead, filtering through different kind of people to get the right people. a guild can also be built by backstabbing another guild and taking their members away, even if is a small portion.
Exactly. It is why I offered an alternative multi-guild option for having active players at all hours when you only offered a 100% rep option. I created an alternative using my creativity. I’m sure others could create more. Creativity doesn’t have to be an abstract thing, many breakthroughs are developed through creative use of logical thinking.
I’m perfectly fine with a big guild requesting majority/“most of the time” representation. In fact I think majority rep is required if you want your big guild to remain useful.
But mega-server and account-based guilds make it clear 100% rep does NOT work.
I have a shared guild bank with a few RL friends. I rep only when I open that bank. No problem because 1) I’m not earning any influence while doing so 2) it’s a few minutes every few days … but it’s already enough to get kicked from a 100% rep guild.
When I WvW I rep a WvW guild on my homeworld, because even though we’re a 400 person guild, there’s maybe half a dozen from my homeworld. And you know what? My main guild doesn’t care, they’re fine seeing me in WvW fighting against them. But again, it would get me kicked in a 100% rep guild.
You wanna talk about guilds in other games? Well, other games don’t have the mega-server and WvW combination that forces you to team up with players outside your guild unless you want to spend RL cash on switching servers (not like I even can, guild’s main server has full pop IIRC). And most other games allow me to join a different guild on a different character too.
So you’re saying my thought process is logical? I can live with that. And you can maintain a relationship with multiple guilds at different times a lot like you can 500 people at different times. Do you think the 50 people you see in prime time are consistently the same you see during off hours? You’re still maintaining relationships with different people.
linear thinking is a systematic step-by-step kind of thinking and many people call this way of thinking logic
while non-linear don’t follow the step-by-step thinking and many people call this way of thinking creative and innovativecreating a community, relationships aren’t something you write from A to Z, in a step by step manner. theoretically, you can do certain things in certain ways but in practice, it doesn’t work perfectly so. a community isn’t compose of just logic but also human factors like behaviours, thinking, culture, emotions etc.
a guild can be built by luck, got lucky and recruited a good group of nice people who are repping and not only that, also contributing to your guild. a guild can also be built by hardwork and bad luck, recruiting bad group of people who don’t bother to rep or even when they do rep, they don’t bother to contribute and create troubles instead, filtering through different kind of people to get the right people. a guild can also be built by backstabbing another guild and taking their members away, even if is a small portion.
Exactly. It is why I offered an alternative multi-guild option for having active players at all hours when you only offered a 100% rep option. I created an alternative using my creativity. I’m sure others could create more. Creativity doesn’t have to be an abstract thing, many breakthroughs are developed through creative use of logical thinking.
Not before you disagree the rep rule, that doesn’t sound alternative to me, more like, I want it this way, it has to be this way.
Henge of Denravi Server
Not before you disagree the rep rule, that doesn’t sound alternative to me, more like, I want it this way, it has to be this way.
Well then that’s your linear thinking narrowing your interpretation of what I was saying. I have already said “it works for you, not for me” “not that it’s better or worse, just that there are other ways” etc.
If that comes off to you as “I want to take away the kind of group you have fun in and make them all the kind of group I have fun in” then you are seriously stretching my words sir.
Or if you mean I want to play with flexible rep guilds, then yes I do. And for me to join those guilds, yes I want them to be that way. Obviously I don’t join otherwise. That doesn’t mean I don’t want you to play with 100% rep guilds.
You should have fun the way you want to have fun as long as you don’t intrude on other people’s fun, whether that’s with a 100% rep guild or not. I hope I’ve made that clear now.