100% World Completion
You have a good idea there OP, but that would then interrupt the flow of WvW, also people could use this to effectively spy on an enemy. Sadly you just need to be paitiont. Or next WvW torniment find a group that’kittenting these places. That’s what I did to get mine. Just played a lot of WvW.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
where have you been all week? HoD and FA have both had those objectives multiple times this week
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
Thanks BrotherBelial. It was at least reassuring to know that I wasn’t the only person in this dilemma and missing some technical game mechanic that others have used to get around this issue. It wouldn’t have been the first time to hear something like……“you mean you didn’t use the ‘7x’ maneuver to do the 100% World Area ?”
why not?
at OP, similar has been asked sooooo often, I do wish anet would make it so.
I can never remember if enemies can see your custom emotes. I would honestly try running by and emoting “/e just wants map completion, do not kill, for the love of god please do not kill!”
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I can never remember if enemies can see your custom emotes. I would honestly try running by and emoting “/e just wants map completion, do not kill, for the love of god please do not kill!”
they can.
Most of them will kill you for free loot bags.
tbh, what anet should do, is make the 3 maps count as “one”. They’re exactly the same, and getting that last poi will no longer be an issue if it treated the 3 maps as the same in terms of world completion.
there you go, I like Taygus’ idea the best.
and Draknar, I’m going to experiment with your idea :-)
Having done 100% map completion 8 times already…if you need WvW find time to WvW. Lots of times you’ll find a good group and they’ll take as much as they can on a map. I’m starting map completion on my 9th character and mapping WvW is the only challenge to finishing. I like that there is a bit of a challenge to completing. Still TONS more fun than scraping every edge of the map to try and get that last .01% of the map to finish cartographer in GW1.
I can never remember if enemies can see your custom emotes. I would honestly try running by and emoting “/e just wants map completion, do not kill, for the love of god please do not kill!”
to a person who’s inclined to help or hinder anyone in wvw, ally or foe, i might knock him off the cliff for the kitten of it. and trust me i’m not alone there.
do i get points for honesty?
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
I have waited months now, for one particular WvW arena to open so I could access 4 Vistas and 3 Points of Interest. That’s all that separates me and 100% World Completion. This particular area (Isle of Janthir Borderlands) has the Garrison, the Keep and one Tower that are perpetually red. I check it daily and have never observed a change.
Is it possible to do one of several options I have outlined below ?
1) Incorporate an emote signal or player status that makes them non-combatant so that they could access such elements ? For example the emote, “bow” is universally accepted as a gesture for dueling. What about a different emote that emulates the “white flag” which historically has meant “surrender”.2) Make such areas neutral for set periods of the day or week for the purpose of completing them for total world exploration.
or finally,
3) Design such installations so that they can be accessed at any time by the use of jumping puzzles and the like.
I have waited for so long that I have put off even gathering many of the other items I need to create a legendary weapon. It is a distraction that this game does not need.
A legendary require you to master all aspects of the game. WvW is a hostile place and you need to deal with it. The colors changes every week , be there at WvW reset and capture what you need. I have 5 100% world completion done and 5 ( soon 6 ) legendary. So yes it can be done … and please don’t tell me it’s hard or impossible. I just hope they never change it or make it easier…..
can’t believe no one mentioned this before:
1) buy a commander tag
2) gather a zerg
3) take those objectives by force
4) profit
another, less costly but less likely to happen way:
1) ask current commander if they could swing by those places
3) profit
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
Logging in just to agree with what buns said. Those objectives have been flipped MULTIPLE times in EVERY time zone this week for us. How you’ve missed then I don’t know.
mos.millenium.org/NA will let you have a live map— slightly behind compared to I game overlays but you should be able to get there in time.
Or ya know… Just log in and follow your karma train for probably 2.5 hours tips to get them.
WvW map completion is EXTREMELY easy if you just relax, have fun, and let the things come to you. Granted the same maps 3 times is quite boring at least I don’t just have to auto attack 3 or 4 times or sit afk on a skill point while I tab out an auto attack to get map comp.
I’ll be waiting for you….
signed: IoJ BL defender
I can never remember if enemies can see your custom emotes. I would honestly try running by and emoting “/e just wants map completion, do not kill, for the love of god please do not kill!”
they can.
Most of them will kill you for free loot bags.
Source? Because you’re wrong. Enemies can’t see custom emotes.
I can never remember if enemies can see your custom emotes. I would honestly try running by and emoting “/e just wants map completion, do not kill, for the love of god please do not kill!”
to a person who’s inclined to help or hinder anyone in wvw, ally or foe, i might knock him off the cliff for the kitten of it. and trust me i’m not alone there.
do i get points for honesty?
Yes, but it’s still worth the risk. It’s that or continue never getting it done.
I personally would let them go ahead and get the point, then promptly kill them. You know. Because.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I have found doing WvW mapping with a small group, avoiding attacking, and using the /sit generally works to avoid being killed. Of course there will always be kittens who will go for the free gank. But mostly those in a small group, and solo are mappers as well. Occassionally they are havoc groups, but tend to leave you alone. Actually did a JP with members of the other 2 worlds once, It was difficult to avoid attacking, but we managed it, bowed to each other at the end and went about our merry ways. So it can be done, just takes caution and patience…
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
I don’t like the way WvW POI/vistas are setup for world completion. I don’t think they are ever going to change it.
If you want a solution, hop in WvW on reset night. It’s likely HoD (you can’t be FA – we were red last week) will get those objectives at some point. Also Friday during the day is karma train day (unless IoJ wants to finish ahead of you) so if you can get a commander to play nice with FA, you’ll possibly see those flipped a few times and have some opportunities to ktrain them.
Or maybe you’ll end up red next week. Either way Friday’s probably your best chance for those spots.
Fort Aspenwood
can’t believe no one mentioned this before:
another, less costly but less likely to happen way:
1) ask current commander if they could swing by those places
3) profit
This has worked for me a couple of times. I waited until we’d just taken one objective and the one I needed was near by and a reasonably logical place for us to take next, then asked and everyone was up for it.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
The colors changes every week
just saying, the colors don’t change every week, it’s mostly based on how well you’re predicted to do based on your servers glicko… or something. (red is predicted loser, green winner, and blue is in between)
as for my advice,just play wvw and you’ll get there. if anything pull an all nighter and do it on off hours. depending on your tier you might be able to solo-ram down anything you need. I was able to do 100% on the lowest tier of EU, so it’s not impossible
I asked my guild for help and we got the maps done in a couple of days, much easier with a group instead of roaming alone, funner too.
Logging in just to agree with what buns said. Those objectives have been flipped MULTIPLE times in EVERY time zone this week for us. How you’ve missed then I don’t know.
mos.millenium.org/NA will let you have a live map— slightly behind compared to I game overlays but you should be able to get there in time.
Or ya know… Just log in and follow your karma train for probably 2.5 hours tips to get them.
WvW map completion is EXTREMELY easy if you just relax, have fun, and let the things come to you. Granted the same maps 3 times is quite boring at least I don’t just have to auto attack 3 or 4 times or sit afk on a skill point while I tab out an auto attack to get map comp.
Not everybody can be online at the “right time”. Knowing when something has flipped, doesn’t help much if you know you can’t get online for another 2 hours.
for the one who mentioned legendaryies are meant to be difficult or whatever. Isn’t there already a WvW exclusive gift for legendary? Alot of people who do World exploration aren’t going for ledgendary. just that 100% finished.
Just remove WvW from map completion there is already to much PvE in WvW, it never should have been part of the 100% mapping anyway.
This particular area (Isle of Janthir Borderlands) has the Garrison, the Keep and one Tower that are perpetually red. I check it daily and have never observed a change.
Not sure what server you’re on but the longest i’ve seen in recent history to go through all 3 colors is 7 weeks. If it hasnt happened in that amount of time then you’re due.
This is one of the oldest debates in map completion and I wouldn’t expect it to change any time soon, but if you’re feeling really fiesty maybe you could talk your map hoppers into taking that keep in exchange for some scouting time
Good luck!
~Dr. Seuss
This particular area (Isle of Janthir Borderlands) has the Garrison, the Keep and one Tower that are perpetually red. I check it daily and have never observed a change.
Not sure what server you’re on but the longest i’ve seen in recent history to go through all 3 colors is 7 weeks. If it hasnt happened in that amount of time then you’re due.
This is one of the oldest debates in map completion and I wouldn’t expect it to change any time soon, but if you’re feeling really fiesty maybe you could talk your map hoppers into taking that keep in exchange for some scouting time
Good luck!
when was the last time HoD was red
Fort Aspenwood
Just remove WvW from map completion there is already to much PvE in WvW, it never should have been part of the 100% mapping anyway.
This ^
As a PvE player I never liked the idea of esploring WvW but in the end always managed to do it.
I have 4 characters with 100% Map, never asked a commander or anyone with anything to do it but I still agree that WvW shouldn’t be part of exploration, the only times I go there is for the monthly jumping puzzles and when I needed to explore, nothing more.
ANet needs to get their facts straight, not everyone likes WvW and it can hardly be considered a PvE area. They can keep all the Points of interests, Vistas etc but at least do the PvE’ers a favor by removing it from the the map completion.
for the one who mentioned legendaryies are meant to be difficult or whatever. Isn’t there already a WvW exclusive gift for legendary? Alot of people who do World exploration aren’t going for ledgendary. just that 100% finished.
Yes and no.
You need badges of honor which are the WvW reward. However, I bought my Gift of Battle before I even started my WvW exploration and I don’t WvW. The badges of honor are given out in achievement point chests.
WvW maps as part of World Exploration for the Gifts of Exploration are now the only thing that forces people to do WvW to get the legendary.
What they could do is make 2 new achievements. WvW map exploration. PvE map exploration. Let the current one be a number of achievments done and it be the one that gives the Gifts of Exploration. Like they do for the LS meta for getting the reward after you do 15 meta achievements.
That way, those who only want to get their 100% can do that and not get stuck at 98%. And it doesn’t change how the legendary component is earned.
Just give an instanced version of the most ridiculous maps ever seen. 3 maps that are completely the same and are there in map completion only to make you swear. Remove every reward from completing the stupid map, give some silly XP and 1 transmutation charge as if it was a city and that’s it. Not everyone can be 24/7 (Mostly from 1am+) online to wait for those garrisons and such to be taken, is it so hard to understand? Or at least give a system of colors that swap every week with a different color and restarts each 3 weeks to make sure it doesn’t take you 3 months to finish map because you are to be 4 times green 19 times blue etc -.- /Rantingforeverabouttheworstdesignedpartofthegame.
best solution: Turn off the WvW completion from World completion (you dont even need southsun cove as part of world completion so why wvw?)
or else:
1 – guest other server
2 – wait a week and hope you change from color
3- probably mentioned above my post
I have been off of gw 2 for a couple of years and I decided to go ahead and get the map 100% but to my surprise I find I have to go into wvw to complete it, so I have to find a group, they have to take the forts with Poi that I need , that is utter garbage, it sounds like your just trying to have a gimmick to trick people into the pvp. This is not a rant against pvp I enjoy it however when I want to explore the last thing I need is to take down a fort just to get something done. Why was this included, why was it necessary it just seems arbitrary, you may see it as an added bonus to WvW but it’s more like I need to be in the WvW in order to get that achievement. It poorly planned I maybe get to play a couple of days and usually when there isn’t anyone trying to take WvW capture points which is why I never bothered. Until arenanet decides to remove the WvW maps as apart of the 100% map completion I am done playing this, I looked forward to the other classes I had but fail to see the point of continuing either remove the WvW maps as part of the completion or move the locations of the necessary Poi’s, vistas and skill points that maybe located inside of a fort until then goodbye areana.net
best solution: Turn off the WvW completion from World completion
(you dont even need southsun cove as part of world completion so why wvw?)
or else:
1 – guest other server
2 – wait a week and hope you change from color
3- probably mentioned above my post
I can see why removing WvWvW from map completion would be appealing, I didnt see it as an issue when doing my completion. Sure it took awhile, but it wasnt horrible. Just played off times and had no issues.
However as far as guesting is concerned, guesting doesn’t work for WvW. Upon entering this WvW you and sent back on your home server. Unless they changed it since last I tried a few months ago.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
1º color rotation is totaly based on Server rank wich is totaly unfair for ppl in this game.
2º server transferr costs €
3º ppl forced to pay € if they had bad luck and chosed a bad wvw server
easy solution to make ppl happy is to make color change randomly each reset, not depending or server Rank, but I guess is a good € income for anet or nsoft and wont gona let it go.
I think HoD has whatever it wants on red BL right now. ktrain choo choo
Fort Aspenwood
No. Just stop being bad and go take it.
for the one who mentioned legendaryies are meant to be difficult or whatever. Isn’t there already a WvW exclusive gift for legendary? Alot of people who do World exploration aren’t going for ledgendary. just that 100% finished.
Yes and no.
You need badges of honor which are the WvW reward. However, I bought my Gift of Battle before I even started my WvW exploration and I don’t WvW. The badges of honor are given out in achievement point chests.
WvW maps as part of World Exploration for the Gifts of Exploration are now the only thing that forces people to do WvW to get the legendary.
What they could do is make 2 new achievements. WvW map exploration. PvE map exploration. Let the current one be a number of achievments done and it be the one that gives the Gifts of Exploration. Like they do for the LS meta for getting the reward after you do 15 meta achievements.
That way, those who only want to get their 100% can do that and not get stuck at 98%. And it doesn’t change how the legendary component is earned.
then the first step would be to remove them badges from achieve chests. (like seriously, they aint hard to get, if someone wants them).
but yeah.
I’m not gainst keeping wvw & pve exploration fpr legendary..
just against keeping it for that shiny star on your name XD
Just remove WvW from map completion there is already to much PvE in WvW, it never should have been part of the 100% mapping anyway.
This ^
As a PvE player I never liked the idea of esploring WvW but in the end always managed to do it.
I have 4 characters with 100% Map, never asked a commander or anyone with anything to do it but I still agree that WvW shouldn’t be part of exploration, the only times I go there is for the monthly jumping puzzles and when I needed to explore, nothing more.
ANet needs to get their facts straight, not everyone likes WvW and it can hardly be considered a PvE area. They can keep all the Points of interests, Vistas etc but at least do the PvE’ers a favor by removing it from the the map completion.
The same could be said for PvE though. Not everyone likes Orr for example. Should mapping no longer be a requirement because not everyone likes it? There are certainly spots in Orr that you cannot map because you can’t get to it easily. Sometimes you have to wait for others to arrive to clear the area, or wait for an event to finish to gain access. How is that any different than WvW? Ok so you want to get that tower, well it’s not accessible right now because it’s owned by blue, either gather some people to take it, or wait for it to flip via zerg. The difference is minute. The only real difference is that there’s a chance a swarm of enemy players swoops in to kill you.
Treat WvW maps like it’s PvE and there’s really no issue. I’ve definitely had to suicide for POIs in both Orr and WvW, so whether a bunch of vets/champs kills you or enemy players kill you, it’s the same act you are accomplishing. For the most part mapping WvW is extremely safe as long as you only map your color. You know you need to map green, red, and blue territories. Ok so now you’re blue this week. Map all of blue BL that you can (the southern areas may flip more frequently, but at some point your side will own them guaranteed), then hop in EB and map your corner. If you own SMC even better, but that can be mapped later.
Then go back to PvE. Check back periodically to see if your color has changed. If so, map that BL and your corner of EB. Continue until it is mapped.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
I don’t know what you mean by orr map completion is hard to do. All you need is ash legion spy kit.
WvW on the other hand, you can wait a week or even month and if the tower didn’t flip, you have no chance on getting it.
People need to STOP waiting until the last second to do WvW. That would solve 99% of all this issue. But no. People do 97% completion (all PvE) then cry when they have to wait 3 months for some WvW stuff.
You could also join a guild that does a lot of WvW. You can be in more than one guild. Usually they will just ask that you represent them while you’re in WvW. That way you know you have lots of friendlies around and if you tell them you need something, odds are they will help you try and get it if possible. Additionally, they could call out in guild chat if they see something open in WvW that you need.
WvW mapping is not hard. At all. Just takes some planning and patience and being pro-active.