100% map comp?

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KyeXema.9370


Hey guys! i’ve been on this game for like 2 months now and i’m loving the pvp aspect of it, go double kit engis XD. But i was wonder what exaclty do you get out of 100% map comp? i was doing it before because i had heard you could get 2 legendaries out of it and seeing as i only want 1 from the game (the shield) i would be willing to keep doing it. I’m on 40% now and it’s such a pain but, is this true? do you get legendaries off the bat? anything else worth mentioning out of the achievement? thanks for your responses

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vavume.8065


You don’t get 2 legendary weapons, what you get is 2 legendary gifts of the explorer, which are just a tiny fraction of what you need to create a legendary. Another thing you get for 100% world complete is a star by the side of your name.

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mr Grimm.2049

Mr Grimm.2049

Nope, you won’t get a legendary for map completion. What you get are 2 exploration gifts wich are needed to make a legendary. You need 1 per legendary among lots of other stuff.

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


You do get two Gifts of Exploration for completing the map. You are not given 2 legendaries for completing the map.

It does require all four WvW maps (3 borderland maps and and Eternal Battlegrounds). If you aren’t the really patient type, don’t leave WvW for last. Depending on how good your server is in WvW could leave you waiting several weeks to get a certain color or to get Stonemist Castle in Eternal Battlegrounds.

Here’s the Wiki page that lists the requirements for The Flameseeker Prophecies (the legendary shield): http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Flameseeker_Prophecies

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KyeXema.9370


So is it even worth doing? I mean the little star sounds nice but what drove me the most was the Shield :/, and i’m not rich to get other materials, 32 gold atm :p

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiol.6415


It’s a little harder: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary
the link show the materials that you need to craft a legendary weapon

Wyrdfell Guild Leader | Forum Wyrdfell

An italian guild on Seafarer’s Rest

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KyeXema.9370


Thank you for all the replies, what about ascended gear? do you have to craft it? because i tried crafting and i failed miserably. it’s complicated even with guides

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yalora Istairiea.6287

Yalora Istairiea.6287

KX: it seems like your expectation is if you do the map completion you are almost to a Legendary. I am sorry to say but someone has grossly misinformed you.

I have map completion on 2 characters and have been playing for 2 1/2 years and I am not even close to a Legendary.

It it the Precursor that is going to be your biggest hold up. I still have not got one to drop. Seeing that you only have about 32 gp, if you were looking to buy one it will be about 10 times your current gold holdings.

If you only tend to do PvP then you will have an issue with the required dungeon tokens too.

Then there is the T6 materials required which you will probably be no where near having enough.

In conclusion: Map completion is just a miniscule part of getting a Legendary.

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KyeXema.9370


KX: it seems like your expectation is if you do the map completion you are almost to a Legendary. I am sorry to say but someone has grossly misinformed you.

I have map completion on 2 characters and have been playing for 2 1/2 years and I am not even close to a Legendary.

It it the Precursor that is going to be your biggest hold up. I still have not got one to drop. Seeing that you only have about 32 gp, if you were looking to buy one it will be about 10 times your current gold holdings.

If you only tend to do PvP then you will have an issue with the required dungeon tokens too.

Then there is the T6 materials required which you will probably be no where near having enough.

In conclusion: Map completion is just a miniscule part of getting a Legendary.

Real eye opener that was, i guess it’s not really worth it since i hate pve, i guess i’ll just have to settle for the skins i have now, thanks tho

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Thank you for all the replies, what about ascended gear? do you have to craft it? because i tried crafting and i failed miserably. it’s complicated even with guides

Ascended weapons and armor can be obtained by crafting or as drops. The drop rate, however, is abysmal, and even if you get a drop there are many stat combos and the chance you’ll get the stats you want are also exceedingly low. Thus, drops do not represent a viable alternative to crafting, unless you’re lucky beyond all belief.

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Lets phrase it like this: if your not doing anything else that you consider vital, its worth it.

World completion give you gold, loot and the flexibility to move anywhere in the world (needed if you do events, guild missions etc).

If you dont plan to build a legendary tomorrow (ie got 2-3K gold to spend on mats) then rushing it is pointless.

I have world completion on 3 characters now (70% on my ongoing 4th I think) and find it rather relaxing work compared to WvW raiding.

100% map comp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazuli.2098


Luckily you do not need ascended gear for most of the game. They really help in the higher levels of Fractals, which is where you will get the most ascended drops I think. If you do want ascended gear the first goals with the most payoff in stats are the trinkets. You can get those with laurels from the laurel vendor. The next would be the weapons, leaving armor for the last.