15+ Bots in Fireheart Rise - All Grouped Together

15+ Bots in Fireheart Rise - All Grouped Together

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siliconhobbit.4361


So I am currently running through Fireheart Rise clearing the zone. I came up to the Skill Point located Southeast of the Simurgh Waypoint and just West of Breaktooth Waypoint. All of a sudden I see whats got to be 15 or more Botting players running back and forth killing the Embers that continually spawn here.

Whats more impressive is the number of pets they have out. The races run the gamut from humans to asura and at any one time when they all activate their Golem pets, it’s like a menagerie of animals and mechanicals all running back and forth in unison.

The sight is just incredible to see. I’ve spent some time here trying to report all of these bots one by one but there are SO MANY bots here I do not think I can get every single one of them.

I’d take pictures and FRAPS them, but I’d get in trouble for it if I posted them here.

PLEASE come to Fireheart Rise at the above location noted to see these bots in action…it’s simply astonishing.

(edited by Siliconhobbit.4361)

15+ Bots in Fireheart Rise - All Grouped Together

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GranoblasticMan.2514


ANet has the bot situation under control.


15+ Bots in Fireheart Rise - All Grouped Together

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cappy.2786


You should have filmed it.Im interested to see bots in their natural habitat.

15+ Bots in Fireheart Rise - All Grouped Together

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Varzon.9483


I found some quite odd bots in WvW earlier today. In the lake south of the Quaqqan temple (Gunnar’s Hold Borderlands) there were 5 bots with similar names, all were rangers that looked completely like each other. The odd thing was, they were all stacked spamming underwater ability 1 on the krait going past. Never seen any bots doing something like that. (they were basically grinding kraits in WvW while stacked underwater)

15+ Bots in Fireheart Rise - All Grouped Together

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega Mayhem.7163

Omega Mayhem.7163

Report them.

Move on.


15+ Bots in Fireheart Rise - All Grouped Together

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.3406


Please find more information on this issue in this thread. The thread is closed.