2 Missing Systems = Fishing & Housing
I have wanted ANet to expand on the home instance and turn it in to a proper housing system for a long time, now.
The guild hall system proves this can be done, now all I can do is wait and hope.
Two systems im glad are not ingame.
No housing. While it looks nice, it adds nothing in an MMO. Guild halls are much more important. As for fishing, what does it add? Do you have a food supply shortage. If not, it adds nothing to the game. If you want it for relaxation between heavy contends, you might want to close gw2 and instead try games like minecraft or fishing simulator, where relaxation is thr purpose
thats your personal opinion. Housing and fishing adds a lot for players who enjoy worlds that allow good immersion and have historically been enjoyed by many in great titles. See Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO, Wildstar, LOTR, Rift, Archeage, BDO, WOW amongst others. Not everything needs to have an Adrenalin hit/reward to be fun. Older players get this more than younger players perhaps.
“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize
But, I already have Minecraft… why would I want to play an inferior Minecraft in any game when I could just play Minecraft?
A lot of players have platform games but that has not prevented A-Net from implementing those mini-games that are called “Adventures” and that are inferior to a real platform game.
Housing and fishing adds a lot for players who enjoy worlds that allow good immersion and have historically been enjoyed by many in great titles. See Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO, Wildstar, LOTR, Rift, Archeage, BDO, WOW amongst others. Not everything needs to have an Adrenalin hit/reward to be fun. Older players get this more than younger players perhaps.
Actually, if I valued combat outside of considering it a flavor and thinking that it is okay sometimes I could go play some combat game. I understand there are many that have nothing but combat. Rather, I am drawn to online worlds.
Two systems im glad are not ingame.
No housing. While it looks nice, it adds nothing in an MMO. Guild halls are much more important. As for fishing, what does it add? Do you have a food supply shortage. If not, it adds nothing to the game. If you want it for relaxation between heavy contends, you might want to close gw2 and instead try games like minecraft or fishing simulator, where relaxation is thr purposethats your personal opinion. Housing and fishing adds a lot for players who enjoy worlds that allow good immersion and have historically been enjoyed by many in great titles. See Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO, Wildstar, LOTR, Rift, Archeage, BDO, WOW amongst others. Not everything needs to have an Adrenalin hit/reward to be fun. Older players get this more than younger players perhaps.
Oh look, all these games have it, this game must have it too!
This is not an argument to have it added. If you want things like this added to the game you have to show how ANet could make money out of it. Or how it would bring in new players, so far everyone wanting added to this game are just “it would be cool”. Something being “cool”, is no reason to add it, the same as not liking something is not a good enough reason not to add something.
As I have said, these would add nothing to the game in the long run, and would be a system that would have to have a purpose to them out side of “I just want to fish and make my house look nice” ANet wants people to be active on maps, not all crowed around a lake/river not doing events, or making a “living world” where people help each other.
I can imagine it now,
“Champ on my tag”
(a few minutes pass)
“champ on my tag if anyone wants to kill it”
“No thanks, I’m fishing. Going to get me some loot”
I remember when you could get a seahorse mount in wow by fishing. Everyone was doing it. You would see people all standing at the shore fishing, it was world of fishing craft.
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Housing gw need it !! No more stupid story and gem shop update.
Two systems im glad are not ingame.
No housing. While it looks nice, it adds nothing in an MMO. Guild halls are much more important. As for fishing, what does it add? Do you have a food supply shortage. If not, it adds nothing to the game. If you want it for relaxation between heavy contends, you might want to close gw2 and instead try games like minecraft or fishing simulator, where relaxation is thr purposethats your personal opinion. Housing and fishing adds a lot for players who enjoy worlds that allow good immersion and have historically been enjoyed by many in great titles. See Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO, Wildstar, LOTR, Rift, Archeage, BDO, WOW amongst others. Not everything needs to have an Adrenalin hit/reward to be fun. Older players get this more than younger players perhaps.
Wow has fishing. When was the last time you saw someone fish in wow?
As for most of those titles, theyre singleplayer games. In those games survival minigames and player housing are very good assets. But wow and gw2 are multiplayer games. Wow has fishing, but its not an enjoyed pasttime. And neither gave personal lodging.
Guilds over personal housing in an mmo. Personal housing is valuable more so in singleplayer games
I tried taking the fishing rod away from this guy, but he won’t give:
Wow has fishing. When was the last time you saw someone fish in wow?
Oh, you see it all the time, because they made it valuable enough in terms of food for buffs for end-game content. What you pretty much don’t see is anyone who gives a kitten about it because … it’s boring.
No MMO has yet figured out a better minigame than “click to cast, click when it wiggles” for fishing. It’s not … really interactive, or fun, it’s like a game of solitare with one card.
If you really want fish based content, advocate for being able to get into the water and murder fish for their tasty flesh instead.
Housing gw need it !! No more stupid story and gem shop update.
No more stupid housing/mounts/open world dueling
story gw need it
Two systems im glad are not ingame.
No housing. While it looks nice, it adds nothing in an MMO. Guild halls are much more important. As for fishing, what does it add? Do you have a food supply shortage. If not, it adds nothing to the game. If you want it for relaxation between heavy contends, you might want to close gw2 and instead try games like minecraft or fishing simulator, where relaxation is thr purposethats your personal opinion. Housing and fishing adds a lot for players who enjoy worlds that allow good immersion and have historically been enjoyed by many in great titles. See Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, ESO, Wildstar, LOTR, Rift, Archeage, BDO, WOW amongst others. Not everything needs to have an Adrenalin hit/reward to be fun. Older players get this more than younger players perhaps.
Oh look, all these games have it, this game must have it too!
This is not an argument to have it added. If you want things like this added to the game you have to show how ANet could make money out of it. Or how it would bring in new players, so far everyone wanting added to this game are just “it would be cool”. Something being “cool”, is no reason to add it, the same as not liking something is not a good enough reason not to add something.
As I have said, these would add nothing to the game in the long run, and would be a system that would have to have a purpose to them out side of “I just want to fish and make my house look nice” ANet wants people to be active on maps, not all crowed around a lake/river not doing events, or making a “living world” where people help each other.
I can imagine it now,
“Champ on my tag”
(a few minutes pass)
“champ on my tag if anyone wants to kill it”
“No thanks, I’m fishing. Going to get me some loot”I remember when you could get a seahorse mount in wow by fishing. Everyone was doing it. You would see people all standing at the shore fishing, it was world of fishing craft.
Yeah because farming champs the upteenth time becomes more interesting than the last hundreds of times, right? Once you hit max level you have basically nothing major to do but to farm champs for open world stuff. If you truly enjoy it, who am I to ruin your personal fun? It’s that easy. So there would be technically <nothing> wrong in adding something like fishing. Rest assured, you don’t need to like it. And there’s no hard rule that other players on the same map as you would do it 24/7 either. If they were to still ignore your cheerful plea to kill the champ, there are probably other reasons for it.
Fishing>champ farming
I want fishing like this though, it was very enjoyable and required effort and skill https://youtu.be/S8eR8PghHE0 (and the fish were very colorful and beautiful)
(edited by Ellie.5913)
I want housing like Dark Age of Camelot had/has. Always enjoyed building my own houses, upgrading them, choosing the outside looks, putting decor inside showing achievements, and having a place to go to craft and whatever that avoided the city populations. Was nice to have a guild pick out a block to build houses next to each other and have a community of sorts.
Fishing is fun, nice side activity when you’re wanting to be active in game but not think too much while watching netflix on the other monitor.
Fishing>champ farming
I want fishing like this though, it was very enjoyable and required effort and skill https://youtu.be/S8eR8PghHE0 (and the fish were very colorful and beautiful)
That actually looks better than most implementations in MMOs. Thanks for the example!
Fishing>champ farming
I want fishing like this though, it was very enjoyable and required effort and skill https://youtu.be/S8eR8PghHE0 (and the fish were very colorful and beautiful)
Huh, that’s an interesting way of fishing I’d actually though be opposed to this way, as what I enjoy most is the scenery around me as I fish, so if I was forced to go underwater to literally pull the fishes out, that’d not be quite what I’m looking for in fishing.
But then there’s always the magical ‘make it an option’ :P One or the other.
I mean to the point of ‘jump underwater and hit fish with the spear’ – that’s not fishing to me, it’s the sitting in a little boat bobbing on the waves listening to gulls/watching the sun set/watching the surroundings, or sitting on the shore – that’s what it’s about for me
Fishing>champ farming
I want fishing like this though, it was very enjoyable and required effort and skill https://youtu.be/S8eR8PghHE0 (and the fish were very colorful and beautiful)That actually looks better than most implementations in MMOs. Thanks for the example!
Yea they went all out to make fishing a very wonderful thing in that game, I loved it so much. Too bad the game shut down :/ Some one really needs to make fishing like this in a game again.
Fishing>champ farming
I want fishing like this though, it was very enjoyable and required effort and skill https://youtu.be/S8eR8PghHE0 (and the fish were very colorful and beautiful)Huh, that’s an interesting way of fishing
I’d actually though be opposed to this way, as what I enjoy most is the scenery around me as I fish, so if I was forced to go underwater to literally pull the fishes out, that’d not be quite what I’m looking for in fishing.
But then there’s always the magical ‘make it an option’ :P One or the other.
I mean to the point of ‘jump underwater and hit fish with the spear’ – that’s not fishing to me, it’s the sitting in a little boat bobbing on the waves listening to gulls/watching the sun set/watching the surroundings, or sitting on the shore – that’s what it’s about for me
Yes I know, most people probably prefer your typical afk fishing like they have in most games where you don’t really engage in the fishing or put forth any effort to catch them. I never cared for that type of “fishing” myself. ( and he wasn’t under water, he was in a boat, the camera was under water though so you could see the fish that you were catching and fight with it to get it reeled in)