2 accounts, one computer and IP address
Yeah, I wouldn’t assume otherwise. I think it’s only for 1 account, multiple ips that they would have a problem with.
Yes, you can have multiple accounts on the same computer. I have 2 Guild Wars 1 accounts on the same computer for example.
Yes you can. For a long while my daughter and I shared a computer. She has always had her own account and I’ve always had mine. We just logged into the game with our unique login details. Eventually we got her her own compy so that we could play together, though.
You’re good. You’ll probably have to confirm the IP the first time you log in and after that you’ll be fine. Just use a different email to set up the 2nd account and you won’t have any problems.
– Euripides
Is it possible to run 2 accounts in the same time on the same PC/IP without infringing the User Agreement?
Is it possible to run 2 accounts in the same time on the same PC/IP without infringing the User Agreement?
As long as you are only controlling one account at a time it’s fine.
Is it possible to run 2 accounts in the same time on the same PC/IP without infringing the User Agreement?
Yes as long as:
- you are running two seperate clients
- 1 keystroke on one character on only one account at a time(can’t control both account characters with the same keystroke)
- don’t run Macros to control either account’s characters
- there may be other restrictions that are not coming to mind at the moment
I wouldn’t think it would be easy though it is possible.
Multiple accounts are allowed (each account is defined by a separate e-mail address + product registration number > and thus separate username/passwords) and can be run at the same time* from the same IP (as in a home shared network). If you have a single PC, then you can’t play both at the same time, buy a second PC for that. Same install can be used, just log out from one account and log into the second. Certain settings could be shared (most, except key shortcuts), so keep in mind if one of you makes changes.
[*I think you are not asking about controlling multiple accounts at the same time, don’t know the rules for that.]
Is it possible to run 2 accounts in the same time on the same PC/IP without infringing the User Agreement?
Yes as long as:
- you are running two seperate clients
- 1 keystroke on one character on only one account at a time(can’t control both account characters with the same keystroke)
- don’t run Macros to control either account’s characters
- there may be other restrictions that are not coming to mind at the moment
I wouldn’t think it would be easy though it is possible.
From what I’ve read it take a third party thing to get multiple instances of GW2 to run on the same computer. I have two accounts and was hoping to run two instances, so I could leave my main account sitting there waiting for teq/wurm and still be able to do something while on the alt account, but I haven’t found a way yet.
Please give us a keyring…
Try this :
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Multiple instances (meaning run at the same time) on the same computer may not work without additional software and no ideea about the rules to run that legally.
But that’s not what the OP asks, at least in my opinion, not being logged in both accounts on the same computer, but one logs out and the next logs in – and that’s possible and allowed.
Sharing accounts are not allowed, so if you do that (in family), keep it secret. It’s not a criminal act, just not supported. This is again offtopic somehow.
So as other have said. its perfectly fine to have 2 account on one pc. However i would like to point out. Account sharing, is againt the ToS. So buying a character slot for your son actually could have gotten you in trouble. (Kids, ya never know what kind of thing they get up to in the 5 seconds you’re not wachting)
So yes, best is getting your son his own gw2 account.
Technically speaking, you are not allowed to share account.
Then again, they can’t determine if you sharing account either unless is different IPs, one from asia another from america with just seconds apart from each logon.
Though this rule is grey, what if friends are trying to help friends to do daily and then back to play their own account? Ermm…. that is sharing too and can be banned.
So, you can have multiple account in one IP.
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