20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navarre.8164


That’s how much I want to play GW2.

At launch, I was super excited to play with a close friend. We had grand plans about what we were going to do and eagerly awaiting the launch. The day prior to it, she joins a guild via their website and completely ditches our plans in favor of playing with them (Something she says she now bitterly regrets. Sucks to be her.)

Completely killed any interest I had in GW2 at all. I leveled a Norn to like, level 3 and haven’t touched it since.

Now however, I want to play. We moved last month and there’s something wrong with our phoneline so that our internet is very slow. It’s going to take literally days at this speed to download the game. It also means I can’t do anything else while downloading. Forum pages take 30 seconds to load. Youtube doesn’t work. Good luck streaming TV shows when you buffer 11 seconds per minute of real time.

That’s how much I want to join you guys. So, wait for me! I’ll get there eventually.

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeathMetal.8264


Good luck, why not use installer cd and just download the patch? I’m not sure of how large the patch is though.

As for your friend, I don’t know what it is to regret for playing in a guild, she can always leave anytime.

And oh, if you ever decide to join Maguuma, let me know if you want join a guild and I can send you invite.

Lv80 Thief |Mesmer |Necromancer|Ranger|Guardian|Warrior|Elementalist|Engineer
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navarre.8164


Because I digitally pre-ordered the game. I have no physical copy.

The friend regrets what she did because the guild turned out to be a hat full of jerks.

No idea where I’ll be starting but thanks for the thought, I’ll keep it in mind.

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pink Porcupine.5461

Pink Porcupine.5461

My connection speed was 100KB when I first started. I waited days on days for this madness.

Honestly though, it was worth it. People are pretty volatile on the forums, but every time I go spend money on a MMO and come back somewhat dissapointed, I remember I can get the itch scratched here.

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alukah.2063


120KB/s when I downloaded this, just leave it on overnight for a few days, you don’t have to stop your normal activity :P

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


You’re not alone with a “slow” connection; my maximum download is around 175-185 kb/s. I know “slow” is relative, but 180/s is just fine with me. I’m of the generation where downloading a single song taking days or even a week over dial-up was the norm, and if the line dropped or someone called in (the new “call-waiting” feature on phones lol) then I had to start all over again.

I recommend playing a single player game while it downloads so you are entertained with something that does not require the internet connection: lots of solitaire, the Dead Spaces, DmC, Sins, Empire Earth, billion others…

Or try your hand at drawing armor designs or character portraits, or coming up with your own background stories for your characters that you will act out once in-game.

Or give a book a try to pass the time.
I highly recommend these fantastic space opera novels. Check your local library for them. If you prefer audio books, the audio versions narrated by the fantastic John Lee are great as his voice fits the characters so well:

  • The “Void” series.
    Author: Peter F. Hamilton
    Book 1: The Dreaming Void
    Book 2: The Temporal Void
    Book 3: The Evolutionary Void
  • The “Revelation Space” series.
    Author: Alastair Reynolds
    Book 1: Revelation Space
    Book 2: Chasm City
    Book 3: Redemption Ark
    Book 4: I didn’t like book 4 that much so I don’t recommend it :P

Also, I highly recommend that, after you are fully downloaded and patched up, you make a backup copy of your installation folder/files someplace else on your drive so you do not need to re-download the entire thing in the future if something happens with your current installation so you can just copy the files over again.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Protoavis.9107


I was in the beta’s, I never had to wait, amusingly (noticed the other week) my current game is still installed in the folder I called Gw2_Beta

Let us buy vendor mats (eg spools of thread) in 250 stacks, end the excessive clicking.

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Yeah. Slow connection is awful. I don’t remember now exactly how long it took me, but it was about 2 days of continuous downloading.

Too bad about your friend. The game is a lot more fun if you are playing with someone. You couldn’t have joined that guild also back then and played with her and the others? Being in a guild can have lots of advantages. Guildies call out the world bosses, it’s easier to get dungeon partners and you don’t have to worry about being kicked by trolls at the final boss, as well as other advantages.

(edited by Astral Projections.7320)

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


My speed is somewhat better, but whenever I need/want to download something big, I’ll just leave on my PC at night. And during the day when I’m at work, if it takes longer than 8 hours. At least with this game you can stop the download and continue where you left off…

But (re-)read the books in the mean time!

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shanaeri Rynale.6897

Shanaeri Rynale.6897

If you have access to a friend with GW2 you can copy their GW2 directory onto a USB stick (32gb or more) and then copy it into your smaller installation. The game will then sort itself out and you wont need to download it all.

Guild Leader of DVDF www.dvdf.org.uk since 2005

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


If you have access to a friend with GW2 you can copy their GW2 directory onto a USB stick (32gb or more) and then copy it into your smaller installation. The game will then sort itself out and you wont need to download it all.

That would work. Even if that friend has stopped playing, it would cut a large chunk off the download…

20 Gigabytes at 150kb per second.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navarre.8164


Yeah. Slow connection is awful. I don’t remember now exactly how long it took me, but it was about 2 days of continuous downloading.

Too bad about your friend. The game is a lot more fun if you are playing with someone. You couldn’t have joined that guild also back then and played with her and the others? Being in a guild can have lots of advantages. Guildies call out the world bosses, it’s easier to get dungeon partners and you don’t have to worry about being kicked by trolls at the final boss, as well as other advantages.

Yeah, we had planned to start our own. Getting in at the ground level (can’t get more ground level than launch) with someone who I was rather close with at the time was what appealed to me. Taking that away just killed all the luster of the game.

But oh well. My adventure should start tomorrow. I think, judging by the download at least.