20% off Shared Inventory Slots
Aw, they still max out at 5? It would be rather classy of ANet to offer an expansion of the number available along with discounting them.
Yep, five is still the max.
Krait iss going to be everywhere now.
I want ten
Fight the queens
I’d been saving up to get these with a mix of cash and gold (because I think they’re too expensive for cash alone), when I saw this I decided to get them now and pay myself back after the gold > gems price goes down a bit.
Now I just have to decide what to put in them. I don’t use most of the items most people suggest like the Royal Terrace Pass and the salvage kits, and I still have a lot of frostbitten tools to use up so I don’t need to move my infinite ones around just yet.
For now I’ve thrown in revive orbs, the quaggan tonic, pirate sword and the infinite continue coin in case I decide to do SAB on another character.
Oddly enough I think this would actually be easier if I had more slots, because then I could throw in all the things I think might be useful in there.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Would buy 5 more even at full price
Thanks for the heads up
how do I unpoor so I can buy dem?
how do I unpoor so I can buy dem?
I feel your poor pain.
Kinda want/need to get more than 5, since they apparently don’t want to give us a keyring like system for all the chests…
Please give us a keyring…
Noooooooooo … I am going out of town and won’t be back until Monday. When does the sale end?
I bought 5 when they first came out. First two slots are for the copper and silver salvage o trons.The other three are a really handy way of transferring stuff to/from toons who are parked at various places.
I’m completely happy with my purchase but I’m wondering if I should join the unreasonable forum mob that always seems to demand a refund or compensation whenever any price changes.
(Boo hoo. It’s so unfair etc etc.)
Bummer. Bought these a week ago, woulda waited had I known. Ah well
dag nabbit rabbit!
Thanks for the heads up. It was invisible to me since I had already bought it. Put it in my thread.
ANet may give it to you.