24 Hours Later
I don’t have a problem with the expansion. I got almost 3 years of entertainment from my first $50; it has paid for itself many times over. I don’t see paying another $50 now for an expansion as ‘paying double’.
Anet’s real mistake here was in the way it was communicated; they screwed up the presentation in a way that made a lot of existing players feel like they were being ripped off (even though they aren’t).
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court
Well, i’ve seen the upcoming changes in skills and traits, and so far that has been a serious issue for a lot of players. That isn’t “resolved” and they already announce a ‘pre-order’ that really p..ses a LOT of players off.
And consider this : what does pre-order mean ? It simply means you pay for something you don’t have a clue what ‘s in it. It also means you’re buying something without current issues being resolved in some way or another and without those ‘issues’ being tested ingame….
In my opinion, anyone preordering BEFORE the new update is rolled out (23rd) and thouroughly tested, is paying no attention or just plain stupid.
Suppose you get a testdrive of a car. Ohh nice, but it doesn’t have as much power as i’m used to, but no matter, i’m going to buy the new model based on this engine anyways, cause i’m probably going to like it without even knowing if its the color or interior I even want.
We got an expression : “buying a cat in a bag”. You don’t know what kind or color, hell, you don’t even know if it’s a real cat. Still going to buy it ? Right : stupid.
If you want the company to pay attention and actually listen : don’t preorder.
On a side note : i’d advise the big honcho at Anet to fire the genius who came up with the current ‘preorder’ promotion bundles.
I’ve got a car.
“Buy a caravan, you get the car for free”
Dude, i HAVE a car.
“Buy a caravan but we won’t say what’s inside, get a car for free and a coffee mug.”
Dude, i HAVE a car. And i don’t give a crap about the mug.
It is now the next day and I have read a lot of post and had time to think. In the process I have had time to research and actually talk to people playing other MMORPG’s
It seem that the roll out of HOT is actually typical for most other games.
Look, we had a lot of fun moving from GW1 to Gw2. Anet gave the veteran players a reward for sticking with them and moving on to the new version.
So when the roll out for HOT came out the players were crushed. They expected an similar experience from the past. They were treated in both pricing and perks like they were new customers and not people that helped Anet prosper.
In my opinion if they would have included a character slot and made a $10 cheaper upgrade (price of the last sale) they would have been heroes now.After all is said and done it is Anet’s call on how they want to roll out a new game. If ANET want to be like all the other games that show no connection to their player base then they just become like all the other games.
You can all the pretty graphics in the world but you do not connect with you base, they will not connect with you.
I agree with your points but I feel compelled to point out that the reasons some of us stopped playing and (incidently were not surprised in the slightest with this latest news) is because we experienced the deep deep disappointment from this team too many times before.
It’s one thing to be new to the MMO scene and entirely another to continue to make blunder after blunder of the same type alienating your playerbase over and over again and expecting a different result than people rightfully being disappointed and angry about your product.
This is nothing new I’ve had years of being disappointed one right after the other. I’ve moved on. The only reason why I’m here now is to finally say goodbye.
I’ve found my home, it’s not with Tyria. As much as I’d love to love this game their leaders and developers are not acting in the best interests of the very people who supported them all these years with cash money.
If they are interested at all in trying to mend ties with the community they can find me on other titles out there in which the developers have actually made mistakes and done right by the players and helped many of the players alot in their quest to find an MMO home.
This place is just not for me. I will miss my early days as an explosive engineer but after seeing this I won’t be back, this was the final straw.
Anet’s real mistake here was in the way it was communicated; they screwed up the presentation in a way that made a lot of existing players feel like they were being ripped off (even though they aren’t).
Old player has A.
New player buys B, gets A for free (bonus).
Old player buys B, gets A for free (bonus).
New player has A+B
Old player has A , A+B. (if he doesn’t connect expansion with 1st core)
So, basically, the old player wonders why he needs to get A again in order to play B. No matter if it’s included or not.
Old player wants B. and if possible an extra slot for the new class. Nothing else. That is the problem. They see it as a rip-off.
IF the guys at marketing at Anet were smart, they should have said :
Buy B , you get A for free.
Buy B, you get A for free, BUT if you already have A installed, you will get…‘something’…
(even if it were only a title)
But oc, they miscommunicated. I’m still confused …if i don’t connect my new version with my old game, will i be able to play the old WITHOUT the expansion AND play B with my new game A ?….
Just give a fourth package with just the expansion that is $10-15 cheaper. That’s it. Don’t include a character slot or gems. Just the expansion. I don’t care if new players get the core game for free. With all the attempts to break the game that ANet has pulled, they can have it for free. It’s a training MMO now and worth a give away.
Asking for just the option to purchase the expansion isn’t unreasonable.