24 hour availability screwed me

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


I would assume that the sales are specifically targeted to people that actually plays more or less every day though.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oldirtbeard.9834


24 hour availability screwed ANet as far as I’m concerned, I get paid every two weeks; now I’m much more likely to spend that money I’m getting paid else where next Thursday because ANets not going to have any thing I want to buy.

Hey it’s only money, except some one else is getting it not your company next week.

(edited by Oldirtbeard.9834)

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GreatWoolf.3412


I’ll probably have to wait weeks possibly months for a skin that due to having a existence outside of a video game I missed….

but you’ll still be able to get it. And the trend will die down so you’ll be more unique while wearing them than people that are wearing them right now

Right now I feel more unique for NOT having them….lol… go figure.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


24 hour availability screwed ANet as far as I’m concerned, I get paid every two weeks; now I’m much more likely to spend that money I’m getting paid else where next Thursday because ANets not going to have any thing I want to buy.

Hey it’s only money, except some one else is getting it not your company next week.

Here in Sweden we get paid once a month. Does that mean they should only ever do sales once a month (usually around the 25-28th)?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brokenangel.1389



They gave advanced notice it was a one-day sale. If you missed them, well, that’s how it goes.

Flash sales are excellent revenue generators for a game & Anet would be wise to continue them.

Also, the wings are simply an aesthetic. They’re not pay to win, they’re pay to wing.

If it annoys you that much that you’re willing to skip out on dalies & such because you missed, the equivalent of a scarf…

Bye, I guess?

And besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder. They’re comin back, it’s not like it was 24 hours & that’s all folks.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkness.9732


Hey man listen to me.
Remember that Anet.. loves coping and pasting their objects.
Look at the Tier 3 Armor copy and paste…let’ s call it..accident… ( which was in my opnion the most incredible fail i ve ever seen in a game since I play (nearly 15 years ).

They will bring back the wings again don’ t worry.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


1. Wings appear in wardrobe. Generate hype.
2. Wings release day announced. Generate more hype.
3. Wings are released to overwhelming hype.
4. Insert key words and phrases such as, “sale” and, “limited time offer” to prompt quick action.
5. Hundreds of players see skin on gem store and, driven by the sneak-peak sale, prepare to buy it.
5.1. Players check the gold conversion, see gems are 800 for ~150 gold.
5.2. Hundreds of players panic that they don’t have the gold and reach for their wallets.
6. Hundreds of players happy with their skin, and Anet has made $10x(number of players who bought 800 gems on the gem store).

Result: resounding success.

See, what Anet did was create a cool* skin and quickly convince a large percentage of their playerbase that they NEED IT NAO. So, they turn a decent profit, while simultaneously convincing players that they just scored on an excellent deal.

Nice list, although, I have to admit that it highlights just how easily manipulated people in general are, which has scary connotations for more important scenarios.

We knew it was coming like a week in advance. I did a couple of Orr runs, gathering stuff and converted the gold into gems ahead of time.

Didn’t really feel the “pressure” or need to reach for my wallet. If you missed it, it’s coming back. Now you know it’s 500gems, go get some gold and save it up till gem price goes down a bit again and convert. It was around 66g for 500gems.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


They will bring back the wings again don’ t worry.

Of course they will bring them back. They outright stated it in the very blog post about it, and it was also restated in this very thread by Gaile.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


It’s all just marketing. When you use a cash-shop for income you don’t focus on making the best game and earning money that way (because game-sales are not substantial enough if you come with an expansion once every +- 3 years as Anet does) but you try methods to sell your cash-shop items.

Usually not really helpful for the game itself, and in many cases even harmful (you know, like making the ‘other way’ of getting items a boring grind) but that is how it works. Doing this should create a buzz. People who did not have the gold to buy it might have spent money to be one of the early birds to have this items. When it get released again maybe also more people might get it being afraid it will go away again.

Now you can dislike that, I agree, I would also rather have them focusing on the game and earning money that way instead of having to do these sorts of things. But then again, you say yourself “as a long time supporter of Gw1/Gw2 and the Gem Store in which I have put a lot of money into I am very angry and disappointed by this..”. As a longtime supporter of that cash-shop and with putting in much cash in it you supported this behavior.

If you don’t like such things you should not have supported in the first place. Or maybe you didn’t oversee the consequence and believe in the dream ‘I support the game by throwing my money at their cash-shop’. Anyway, it’s your own behavior that resulted in this. So don’t blame Anet, blame yourself.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I am prepping my house to sell so I can get married. I was busy stripping paint, removing wallpaper, patching walls, cleaning to prep for painting and changing air registers. Excuse me if Guild Wars was not on my mind.

I’m glad your life is so incredibly simple that you can think to yourself, daily, ‘oh yeah, let me log into Guild Wars real fast!’. Congratulations. The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.

I have a husband, two kids (and one of them is too young for school, so he stays home), a dog, and two cats. I often miss fun in-game items due to the various responsibilities of adulthood. You’re not the only person in-game with real-life responsibilities, but most of us in that category are mature enough to realize that missing a temporary sale (especially for an item that WILL be back in the future) isn’t really all that important in the grand scheme of things.

As you said, the world does not revolve around any one person.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheMagickDoll.7594


24 hour? Even if “preview,” it is an unhanded marketing tactic that is unfriendly to our community and unfriendly to us as a consumer. Weapons behind RNG boxes and now this? PLEASE STOP THIS NON-SENSE!

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


24 hour? Even if “preview,” it is an unhanded marketing tactic that is unfriendly to our community and unfriendly to us as a consumer. Weapons behind RNG boxes and now this? PLEASE STOP THIS NON-SENSE!

They have done 24 hour flash sales before. This isn’t some new thing for them. It’s not “unfriendly to our community”.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


1. The wings, though very nice to look at by themselves, are imo scaled somewhat too large to adequately match any race (though weirdly enough, Charr look the best imo).
2. New skin hype trends. Most people with the skin look as though they just hopped on the hype train, to ride until the next fad hits. It’s like the blade pack all over again. We’ll have to wait until this fad dies out before we start really seeing people who have coordinated a character look specifically to compliment the wings.

Actually I’ve had a devil themed Necromancer for a long time now
once I have the wings its unlikely that I will be changing my Necros appearance again.. unless something more demonic looking comes into the game

my Gw1 Necro was devil themed as well using a Raiment of the Lich and the Demonic Horns

I’ve been working on trying to recreate this in Gw2 since its launch and these Wings were the last thing I needed to complete it
so considering I’ve been waiting for such a skin to come into the game since the game launched I think I can be forgiven for being just a bit angry that I missed out because of a dumb 24 hour availability cap.
that 24 hour availability cap that I wasn’t even aware of either btw considering the only notifications I got about the Wings being available now were from the Gw2 facebook group.. and I got these notifications a whole day after they were posted thanks to the crappy newsfeed..

so despite being someone who logs in every day and uses social media every day I still missed this..
and as many have said as well.. there have been transaction issues as well as Gem Store crashes that have made them miss out on this item as well

there are just too many things that prove why a 24 hour availability is a bad idea
it should be at least 48 hours.. and I can gurantee that had it been 48 hours they would have sold a lot more and had a lot less complaints about it

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teratus.2859


If there is truly someone whose life is so busy that they cannot spare five minutes to indulge in their hobbies any given day, then, well…

I get that real life is important, but few excuses short of “no computer” or “no internet” are adequate to explain why any person absolutely had literally zero spare time in a 24-hour period.


A second-semester college senior working on his thesis

I was actually online both days
Teusday morning before they were available and Wednesday evening after they had been removed

thanks to RL circumstances I was not able to log in when they were available because I was not even at home during that time
this was a very small and easy timeframe to miss and a lot of RL circumstances could have gotten in the way for a lot of people
saying if you can’t spare 5 minutes to log in is a poor argument specially since I did log in both days during the time when I actually had that option

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I read the forums everyday and so i had a heads up the wings were on the tp that day.
I guess a lot of people dont read the forums and so missed out on the wings.
Maybe in the future when other items are on 24 hour sales maybe a few days early warning would be better maybe at the login screen.

I think this is a great idea.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


24 hour availability screwed ANet as far as I’m concerned, I get paid every two weeks; now I’m much more likely to spend that money I’m getting paid else where next Thursday because ANets not going to have any thing I want to buy.

Hey it’s only money, except some one else is getting it not your company next week.

Here in Sweden we get paid once a month. Does that mean they should only ever do sales once a month (usually around the 25-28th)?

Absolutely not! In no way should ArenaNet cater to their paying customers, that would be foolish!

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


I read the forums everyday and so i had a heads up the wings were on the tp that day.
I guess a lot of people dont read the forums and so missed out on the wings.
Maybe in the future when other items are on 24 hour sales maybe a few days early warning would be better maybe at the login screen.

Still not ideal though an advance announcement would have helped me personally, so it’d be something at least.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Panites.6798


I don’t here you guys complaining when you miss the FREE items on the gem store. But now you don’t get to spend money and you complain. Logic.
Grow up. Its just a kitten cosmetic item you DON’T need, you need nothing in this game. You only want.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustInuYasha.5908


I feel you pain man. I didn’t see your thread before I started my own. My only RL issue that kept me from getting the wings was that my internet service provider decided to poop on our house and the internet went out a little over 27 hours. I log in the following night only to see what I’ve missed. Thanks to this, I’ve basically given up on GW2 which is a shame since I’ve been playing GW2 since release and several years worth on GW1.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


I want a-net to give us new pvp achievement “bird hunter”. For every wings backpack player killed you progress on this achi:>

Seriously though, we got so many “crows” and “ravens” in there now I’m glad they shut it off. Little more and it will turn into agry birds, or “bird wars 2”.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melanie.1240


I feel you pain man. I didn’t see your thread before I started my own. My only RL issue that kept me from getting the wings was that my internet service provider decided to poop on our house and the internet went out a little over 27 hours. I log in the following night only to see what I’ve missed. Thanks to this, I’ve basically given up on GW2 which is a shame since I’ve been playing GW2 since release and several years worth on GW1.

Doesn’t sound you’re into the game too much anyway if you leave over not being able to buy a cosmetic item that will return later anyway.

24 hour availability screwed ANet as far as I’m concerned, I get paid every two weeks; now I’m much more likely to spend that money I’m getting paid else where next Thursday because ANets not going to have any thing I want to buy.

Hey it’s only money, except some one else is getting it not your company next week.

Here in Sweden we get paid once a month. Does that mean they should only ever do sales once a month (usually around the 25-28th)?

Absolutely not! In no way should ArenaNet cater to their paying customers, that would be foolish!

Okay in that case I don’t want Anet to come out with any gem store items for the next few months because I will get my internship (and thus my salary) in a few months. They should cater to me right?

I should add that yes, I do think they should have given a heads up beforehand because not everyone pays attention to Reddit or checks the wardrobe for new upcoming skins every now and then.

(edited by Melanie.1240)

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


24 hour? Even if “preview,” it is an unhanded marketing tactic that is unfriendly to our community and unfriendly to us as a consumer. Weapons behind RNG boxes and now this? PLEASE STOP THIS NON-SENSE!

Weapon SKINS* Behind RNG boxes that offer nothing to gameplay at all and are merely Aesthetics while are also TRADEABLE meaning you can purchase them from other players, what’s the problem here? There is none.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA