24 hour availability screwed me

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

you can if they didn’t know that the game existed back then

Except I’m not talking about new players, I’m talking about players who once played, then stopped playing for over a year.

or if they didn’t have enough skills to do SAB hard mode

Comparing lack of skill to an inability to play for just one day because of RL reasons is still a poor comparison.

or if they didn’t repeat it daily enough times to even get 1 skin (likely to happen)

Their own fault. Still a poor comparison to not being able to play at all.

or if they ran out of continue coins.

Same as above.

This content will come back. SAB skins? Tough luck if you want yellow and green ones.

Colin already confirmed the SAB will return in this interview (around the 17 minute mark).

The green/yellow skins were obtainable from the 3rd of September to the 10th of December. If there are really people out there unable to play for months due to RL reasons then they have my sympathy, but it’s still not comparable to not being able to play for just a day, as that is far more common than not being able to play for months.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


you can if they didn’t know that the game existed back then

Except I’m not talking about new players, I’m talking about players who once played, then stopped playing for over a year.

or if they didn’t have enough skills to do SAB hard mode

Comparing lack of skill to an inability to play for just one day because of RL reasons is still a poor comparison.

or if they didn’t repeat it daily enough times to even get 1 skin (likely to happen)

Their own fault. Still a poor comparison to not being able to play at all.

or if they ran out of continue coins.

Same as above.

This content will come back. SAB skins? Tough luck if you want yellow and green ones.

Colin already confirmed the SAB will return in this interview (around the 17 minute mark).

Yes, Mirta is aware of that. However Mirta said the yellow and green skins won’t be coming back.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

you can if they didn’t know that the game existed back then

Except I’m not talking about new players, I’m talking about players who once played, then stopped playing for over a year.

or if they didn’t have enough skills to do SAB hard mode

Comparing lack of skill to an inability to play for just one day because of RL reasons is still a poor comparison.

or if they didn’t repeat it daily enough times to even get 1 skin (likely to happen)

Their own fault. Still a poor comparison to not being able to play at all.

or if they ran out of continue coins.

Same as above.

This content will come back. SAB skins? Tough luck if you want yellow and green ones.

Colin already confirmed the SAB will return in this interview (around the 17 minute mark).

Yes, Mirta is aware of that. However Mirta said the yellow and green skins won’t be coming back.

But do we know that for sure? I can’t recall a Dev saying those skins will never return.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


Still waiting on bunny ears… at least these items will come back at some point. >.<

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Keep in mind colin also said they’re waiting for the right time to reintroduce SAB. Combine that with saying “it will return” and you still have no idea if it’s going to return in the next few months or if it’s going to be a few more years.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


or if they didn’t repeat it daily enough times to even get 1 skin (likely to happen)

Their own fault. Still a poor comparison to not being able to play at all.

if not being able to log in daily to do the daily run is the players fault, then so is the inability to log in trough the 24 hour period.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

or if they didn’t repeat it daily enough times to even get 1 skin (likely to happen)

Their own fault. Still a poor comparison to not being able to play at all.

if not being able to log in daily to do the daily run is the players fault, then so is the inability to log in trough the 24 hour period.

Except you did not say “not being able to log in daily”
You simply said “they didn’t repeat it daily enough”. Implying they did play the game, they just didn’t bother to work on getting their weapons.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Except you did not say “not being able to log in daily”
You simply said “they didn’t repeat it daily enough”. Implying they did play the game, they just didn’t bother to work on getting their weapons.

well sometimes I log in to say hi, but don’t actually have time to do the dailies, or can’t log in at all. The situation back then was the same as here, except that OP will still be able to buy his item later, instead of having to buy a gem store item to participate in temporary content and invest significant amount of time daily in order to do the extra difficult stuff from that content.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yakubyogami.7586


I just wanted to thank ArenaNet for screwing some of us out of an actually decent item by having a ONE DAY sale. Whether it returns later or not is irrelevant, not everyone logs on daily because some of us actually have lives to live.

I, for one, don’t particularly care to wait 6 months for an item that actually interests me because some tool in the office said ‘hey, let’s do it for one day only and see how many rush to give us money!’.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I just wanted to thank ArenaNet for screwing some of us out of an actually decent item by having a ONE DAY sale. Whether it returns later or not is irrelevant, not everyone logs on daily because some of us actually have lives to live.

I, for one, don’t particularly care to wait 6 months for an item that actually interests me because some tool in the office said ‘hey, let’s do it for one day only and see how many rush to give us money!’.

well if they didn’t do that you would be waiting for 6 months for that item regardless.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


well if they didn’t do that you would be waiting for 6 months for that item regardless.

Again people, this isn’t an actual item they have to manufacture or ship, it’s a virtual item and once it’s developed there is limitless supply of it. They can release it right now if they valued their customers more than some marketing gimmick – we wouldn’t have to wait at all expect that someone at Anet decided we should.

And they’d still make money regardless, after all we are complaining about missing the chance to give Anet our money. Sure it’s business but you can be customer oriented without trying to milk out every cent.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andred.1087


Sure it’s business but you can be customer oriented without trying to milk out every cent.

If you think this is milking out every cent, you should really check out a F2P game.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WelshCat.1306


Lol. I just spent 5 minutes yelling at the screen. Somewhere along the lines of “I don’t log in and check the black lion for a day and this happens!” and “why 24 hours! A week surely would have been more ideal!” But anyways it is just a skin in a game after all.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Again people, this isn’t an actual item they have to manufacture or ship, it’s a virtual item and once it’s developed there is limitless supply of it. They can release it right now if they valued their customers more than some marketing gimmick – we wouldn’t have to wait at all expect that someone at Anet decided we should.

And they’d still make money regardless, after all we are complaining about missing the chance to give Anet our money. Sure it’s business but you can be customer oriented without trying to milk out every cent.

items are planned to come out with content updates to make sense of them in the world. So yes, they could release an item with no context, but besides giving a 1 day sneak peak they wouldn’t have done so. So why complain that you have to wait 6 months, if you would have had to wait 6 months regardless?

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yakubyogami.7586


Mirta, you seem to miss the point: they released it for ONE DAY

Your whole ’you’d have to wait 6 months regardless’ stance is pointless. The fact is simple – ArenaNet pulled a stunt to milk habitual players for money and left the players with actual lives to live out in the cold. If they sold it for a week and people missed it then OK, I see how no one has room to whine but that’s not what happened.

The issue is not with whether we have to wait for a re-release of a skin or not, it’s with the marketing stunt that ArenaNet pulled specifically designed to milk money out of people and slap casual players in the face.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


The issue is not with whether we have to wait for a re-release of a skin or not, it’s with the marketing stunt that ArenaNet pulled specifically designed to milk money out of people and slap casual players in the face.

Casual, doesn’t mean that you can’t log in. I log in, even if just for 5 minutes at a time.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Mirta, you seem to miss the point: they released it for ONE DAY

Your whole ’you’d have to wait 6 months regardless’ stance is pointless. The fact is simple – ArenaNet pulled a stunt to milk habitual players for money and left the players with actual lives to live out in the cold. If they sold it for a week and people missed it then OK, I see how no one has room to whine but that’s not what happened.

The issue is not with whether we have to wait for a re-release of a skin or not, it’s with the marketing stunt that ArenaNet pulled specifically designed to milk money out of people and slap casual players in the face.

I think you missed the point that Anet is a for-profit business, and that marketing tactics like this are not unethical or predatory. The people who missed buying it would still not have it if Anet decided not to provide a 1 day preview event.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yakubyogami.7586


I am prepping my house to sell so I can get married. I was busy stripping paint, removing wallpaper, patching walls, cleaning to prep for painting and changing air registers. Excuse me if Guild Wars was not on my mind.

I’m glad your life is so incredibly simple that you can think to yourself, daily, ‘oh yeah, let me log into Guild Wars real fast!’. Congratulations. The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I am prepping my house to sell so I can get married. I was busy stripping paint, removing wallpaper, patching walls, cleaning to prep for painting and changing air registers. Excuse me if Guild Wars was not on my mind.

I’m glad your life is so incredibly simple that you can think to yourself, daily, ‘oh yeah, let me log into Guild Wars real fast!’. Congratulations. The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.

I had a time when I got stuck in a hospital for 6 months, I have a university to go to, bills to keep up with and family life to get on with too. Don’t act as if nobody else has a life. If I missed something, oh well, I wasn’t there, I’m not entitled to it.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

I am prepping my house to sell so I can get married. I was busy stripping paint, removing wallpaper, patching walls, cleaning to prep for painting and changing air registers. Excuse me if Guild Wars was not on my mind.

I’m glad your life is so incredibly simple that you can think to yourself, daily, ‘oh yeah, let me log into Guild Wars real fast!’. Congratulations. The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.

  • If the wings were so important to you, you would have found time to log in.
  • If the game were so important to you, you would have been checking the GW2 homepage daily so you wouldn’t miss any news.
  • If real life is so important to you, then you shouldn’t be upset that you missed the opportunity to buy an item that will come out later on.
  • If the game “wasn’t on your mind” while you were attending your real life responsibilities, then congratulations, you set priorities to what’s truly important to you.

FYI – you aren’t the only one married, has a family, has a life, etc.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


Lol this thread. It’s like all of you complaining are conveniently missing the point that you’ll get your item eventually. Pulling out phrases like “Anet made a mistake by missing the opportunity to take our money” don’t help your case as much as you might want it to. The fact is, you’re going to pay for it later on, so no, they’re not missing out on your money. The gold —> gem ratio spiked way high because of this item, causing others to buy it with a card. The next time it comes out, it probably won’t be as high, making a lot of players more inclined to just use gold instead of a credit card. Literally, you’ll end up paying as much cash as you originally would have, or less gold than you would have.

And the complaints about this being a blatant cash grab are irrelevant. I’m aware that businesses do this, and no it doesn’t please me either. Had this been a one-time-item I would also be extremely upset, but it’s not. Had the sale lasted more than one day, it’s quite possible that a lot more people would have just farmed some gold up and paid that way. And note that although some of you state that no player benefits from this, you’re wrong. This was an excellent time to convert gems —> gold, and many players took advantage of that.

Are you all ignoring the fact that the ENTIRE basis for your argument is literally the same as a tantrum-throwing child who didn’t get exactly what they wanted when they wanted it? If you really quit the game for this reason, cash grab or not, I’m amazed you’ve lasted as long as many of you claim.

TL-DR: Stop whining and get over it, really.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Are you all ignoring the fact that the ENTIRE basis for your argument is literally the same as a tantrum-throwing child who didn’t get exactly what they wanted when they wanted it? If you really quit the game for this reason, cash grab or not, I’m amazed you’ve lasted as long as many of you claim.

You really threw down the gauntlet on that one.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


I am prepping my house to sell so I can get married. I was busy stripping paint, removing wallpaper, patching walls, cleaning to prep for painting and changing air registers. Excuse me if Guild Wars was not on my mind.

I’m glad your life is so incredibly simple that you can think to yourself, daily, ‘oh yeah, let me log into Guild Wars real fast!’. Congratulations. The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.

  • If the wings were so important to you, you would have found time to log in.
  • If the game were so important to you, you would have been checking the GW2 homepage daily so you wouldn’t miss any news.
  • If real life is so important to you, then you shouldn’t be upset that you missed the opportunity to buy an item that will come out later on.
  • If the game “wasn’t on your mind” while you were attending your real life responsibilities, then congratulations, you set priorities to what’s truly important to you.

FYI – you aren’t the only one married, has a family, has a life, etc.

This response is a helluva lot politer than the one I was going to give.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blair.3796


“Anet is kittening us.”

Top lel. This kind of thing is proof that what they did with the wings was a fantastic idea from a business standpoint:

1. Wings appear in wardrobe. Generate hype.
2. Wings release day announced. Generate more hype.
3. Wings are released to overwhelming hype.
4. Insert key words and phrases such as, “sale” and, “limited time offer” to prompt quick action.
5. Hundreds of players see skin on gem store and, driven by the sneak-peak sale, prepare to buy it.
5.1. Players check the gold conversion, see gems are 800 for ~150 gold.
5.2. Hundreds of players panic that they don’t have the gold and reach for their wallets.
6. Hundreds of players happy with their skin, and Anet has made $10x(number of players who bought 800 gems on the gem store).
7. Fear not, those who missed it! They will be re-released in the future (at which point we can repeat many of the above steps again).

Result: resounding success.

See, what Anet did was create a cool* skin and quickly convince a large percentage of their playerbase that they NEED IT NAO. So, they turn a decent profit, while simultaneously convincing players that they just scored on an excellent deal.

*note: matter of opinion. Some people love them, some hate them.

The complaints by those who didn’t get the skin just justify this business practice; those who are complaining will likely shell out their money for the skin once it’s released again. In the meantime, more players will be sure to be prompt when checking the gem store this week for more exclusive releases. Result: even more profit.

I personally refrained from buying the skin for two reasons:

1. The wings, though very nice to look at by themselves, are imo scaled somewhat too large to adequately match any race (though weirdly enough, Charr look the best imo).
2. New skin hype trends. Most people with the skin look as though they just hopped on the hype train, to ride until the next fad hits. It’s like the blade pack all over again. We’ll have to wait until this fad dies out before we start really seeing people who have coordinated a character look specifically to compliment the wings.

(This is why, for example, I avoided the blade pack when everyone and their mom were wearing them. Now that that fad has long-since past, I’m about to finish making my own, to go with a character whose look compliments the blade pack skin.)

No, nobody is entitled to this skin, and Anet has no obligations to make things available for a duration that suits every individual players’ needs (read: indefinitely). If you got it, good for you. If not, deal with it, life goes on, and you can buy it later if you still want to.

Once a little over a year ago, I found out the day after that I had missed a Lindsey Stirling concert in my town. My reaction was not to phone her up and complain about how she unfairly cheated me out of a concert by only holding it one night.

To Anet: awesome marketing job. Proof you guys know what you’re doing.

To disgruntled players: if you still feel you really want it when it’s re-released, then you’ll actually look unique instead of “just another one of the crowd.”

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

I am prepping my house to sell so I can get married. I was busy stripping paint, removing wallpaper, patching walls, cleaning to prep for painting and changing air registers. Excuse me if Guild Wars was not on my mind.

I’m glad your life is so incredibly simple that you can think to yourself, daily, ‘oh yeah, let me log into Guild Wars real fast!’. Congratulations. The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.

Translation: “Everyone who had the time to get these wings has no life.”

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gesolrolmar.3690


kitten this is stupid only reason I was logging in past week was to get these with all my gems. Well, I guess I’m done with this game until something worth doing is here or another game to play

[War] [NoQQ] [BB] [ÆÆÆÆÆÆÆ] [Holy]™ [XMAS]

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blair.3796


I am prepping my house to sell so I can get married. I was busy stripping paint, removing wallpaper, patching walls, cleaning to prep for painting and changing air registers. Excuse me if Guild Wars was not on my mind.

I’m glad your life is so incredibly simple that you can think to yourself, daily, ‘oh yeah, let me log into Guild Wars real fast!’. Congratulations. The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.

Translation: “Everyone who had the time to get these wings has no life.”

If there is truly someone whose life is so busy that they cannot spare five minutes to indulge in their hobbies any given day, then, well…

I get that real life is important, but few excuses short of “no computer” or “no internet” are adequate to explain why any person absolutely had literally zero spare time in a 24-hour period.


A second-semester college senior working on his thesis

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


I rolled into Tequatl last night and thankfully only saw three of the things. I dunno what I would have thought if the whole army there was clad in these things.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I can’t believe people are making such a huge deal about not getting an item that’s coming back that has nothing at all to do with game play. Looks like the instant gratification crowd is alive and well.

How can wings make such a difference to gameplay that they’re worth leaving the game over. Anyone who leaves the game over this was leaving anyway.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pyrasia.9281


Pro Tip: Check GW2 Reddit at least once a day. Just read the topics and move on. You will never miss anything.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: abbetd.5912


Taco Bell has these amazing things called Club Chalupas. They’re chicken chalupas with a special club sauce and bacon bits. They’re delicious; my favorite thing Taco Bell has ever done. Unfortunately, they’re not a permanent menu item. They come back once in a while, for a limited time only, then they’re gone. I never know when they’re going to start selling them again (if I did, I’d be planning ahead to ensure I had enough money to buy at least one every day, they’re that good.) The last time they had them, it was during a period of time where I hadn’t gone to Taco Bell for a while due to a number of different circumstances. I had no idea they were selling Club Chalupas again until my friend called me and told me he’d gotten one the day before.

Of course, I immediately rushed to my local T-Bell and ordered half a dozen Club Chalupas, only to be told that they were a limited time item and they were no longer available.

Taco Bell completely screwed me over with their limited-time-only item. I’m sorry I can’t swing by my local Taco Bell every day to check and see if they happen to have the Club Chalupas for sale. Sometimes, my wife wants Burger King; sometimes my kids want me to actually cook dinner at home.

Seriously, it makes me want to quit eating Taco Bell forever.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: abbetd.5912


I can’t believe people are making such a huge deal about not getting an item that’s coming back that has nothing at all to do with game play. Looks like the instant gratification crowd is alive and well.

How can wings make such a difference to gameplay that they’re worth leaving the game over. Anyone who leaves the game over this was leaving anyway.

Everyone knows this game is really nothing more than a fashion show, and the most important part of fashion is to wear the exact same thing everyone else around you is wearing. /s

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Taco Bell has these amazing things called Club Chalupas. They’re chicken chalupas with a special club sauce and bacon bits. They’re delicious; my favorite thing Taco Bell has ever done. Unfortunately, they’re not a permanent menu item. They come back once in a while, for a limited time only, then they’re gone. I never know when they’re going to start selling them again (if I did, I’d be planning ahead to ensure I had enough money to buy at least one every day, they’re that good.) The last time they had them, it was during a period of time where I hadn’t gone to Taco Bell for a while due to a number of different circumstances. I had no idea they were selling Club Chalupas again until my friend called me and told me he’d gotten one the day before.

Of course, I immediately rushed to my local T-Bell and ordered half a dozen Club Chalupas, only to be told that they were a limited time item and they were no longer available.

Taco Bell completely screwed me over with their limited-time-only item. I’m sorry I can’t swing by my local Taco Bell every day to check and see if they happen to have the Club Chalupas for sale. Sometimes, my wife wants Burger King; sometimes my kids want me to actually cook dinner at home.

Seriously, it makes me want to quit eating Taco Bell forever.

Taco Bell should just put the Club Chalupa on the menu all the time. That way, they could make more money! I don’t understand why Taco Bell doesn’t want my money.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bellizare.5816


Taco Bell has these amazing things called Club Chalupas. They’re chicken chalupas with a special club sauce and bacon bits. They’re delicious; my favorite thing Taco Bell has ever done. Unfortunately, they’re not a permanent menu item. They come back once in a while, for a limited time only, then they’re gone. I never know when they’re going to start selling them again (if I did, I’d be planning ahead to ensure I had enough money to buy at least one every day, they’re that good.) The last time they had them, it was during a period of time where I hadn’t gone to Taco Bell for a while due to a number of different circumstances. I had no idea they were selling Club Chalupas again until my friend called me and told me he’d gotten one the day before.

Of course, I immediately rushed to my local T-Bell and ordered half a dozen Club Chalupas, only to be told that they were a limited time item and they were no longer available.

Taco Bell completely screwed me over with their limited-time-only item. I’m sorry I can’t swing by my local Taco Bell every day to check and see if they happen to have the Club Chalupas for sale. Sometimes, my wife wants Burger King; sometimes my kids want me to actually cook dinner at home.

Seriously, it makes me want to quit eating Taco Bell forever.

That would be a good move health wise.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Radio Isotope.3045

Radio Isotope.3045

They said it was a sneak peak and they will be back.

post source.

(TLE) The Legendary Eternum, Devona’s Rest
Guild Founder

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

While I sympathize with the OP’s disappointment, I find it hard to be outraged, since this is a cosmetic item and will be returning, at some point.

Sure, an opportunity was missed through no fault of the OP’s. I commend them for valuing their RL over any game.

And that’s why I can’t be upset that ANet is having one-day sales on limited-availability items. It’s a game on which the items in question have no impact.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

They said it was a sneak peak and they will be back.

post source.

This was stated by Gaile in this very thread.

Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekhmet.6153


I’m not exactly sure the idea of a “flash sale” in a video game involving in game items really increases demand. Nearly everyone involved in this topic and people that are referenced are players that either already bought the wings or planned on buying them. The idea of a “flash sale” would be to create artificial demand and make people who otherwise wouldn’t buy it suddenly decided to throw down the gold.

In all honesty, there isn’t any real data that all the players wearing wings weren’t going to buy it regardless, and theres no proof that the 24 hour only period will suddenly make people who missed out on it decide they want to buy it next time. I mean, most of the people who have bought it now and will buy it when it comes back are people who were going to regardless if it were limited time only or sold permanently.

I understand the idea of flash sales in real life because items that hold value like that can also be resold for profit or collected to be sold in the future (or just to have). But in a video game? I’m not so sure really.

It could easily have been just as effective to market the wings by showing it off for awhile in teasers or promo pics and then sell it at a small discount (like 10%) for a limited time before making it permanent (sell it for 500 gems for 24 hours then sell it for 600-800 afterwards). Then you also don’t alienate any part of the fanbase.

Just my two cents. I think it was kind of a dumb move.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

1. Wings appear in wardrobe. Generate hype.
2. Wings release day announced. Generate more hype.
3. Wings are released to overwhelming hype.
4. Insert key words and phrases such as, “sale” and, “limited time offer” to prompt quick action.
5. Hundreds of players see skin on gem store and, driven by the sneak-peak sale, prepare to buy it.
5.1. Players check the gold conversion, see gems are 800 for ~150 gold.
5.2. Hundreds of players panic that they don’t have the gold and reach for their wallets.
6. Hundreds of players happy with their skin, and Anet has made $10x(number of players who bought 800 gems on the gem store).

Result: resounding success.

See, what Anet did was create a cool* skin and quickly convince a large percentage of their playerbase that they NEED IT NAO. So, they turn a decent profit, while simultaneously convincing players that they just scored on an excellent deal.

Nice list, although, I have to admit that it highlights just how easily manipulated people in general are, which has scary connotations for more important scenarios.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shostie.6435


“Anet is kittening us.”

Top lel. This kind of thing is proof that what they did with the wings was a fantastic idea from a business standpoint:

Fantastic? They lost out on getting my money and they’ve made me spiteful. That’s not good business, deliberately kittening off your customers like that.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BilboBaggins.5620


I am prepping my house to sell so I can get married. I was busy stripping paint, removing wallpaper, patching walls, cleaning to prep for painting and changing air registers. Excuse me if Guild Wars was not on my mind.

I’m glad your life is so incredibly simple that you can think to yourself, daily, ‘oh yeah, let me log into Guild Wars real fast!’. Congratulations. The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.

Translation: “Everyone who had the time to get these wings has no life.”

If there is truly someone whose life is so busy that they cannot spare five minutes to indulge in their hobbies any given day, then, well…

I get that real life is important, but few excuses short of “no computer” or “no internet” are adequate to explain why any person absolutely had literally zero spare time in a 24-hour period.


A second-semester college senior working on his thesis

I’ve graduated college so I know it’s not easy, but if you think college is “real life” you’re in for a rude awakening. I look back on my college days with great longing!

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ReV.6097


I know that feel. :P The hype was with me for over a week.
I was so mad that I missed them due to work, and that they were only available for a single day. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get them again, as I am constantly making Roleplay characters from other games/shows, on my accounts for my collection.
I logged off when I couldn’t see them in the store, with an insulted gut ridden rage feeling (like you get on April when SAB doesn’t turn up) lol.

Glad they’ll be back eventually.

GW2 Role Play Deviant art -
Legacy of Kain:

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.

You are complaining that a company does not schedule its marketing and product releases according to your convenience and yet he is the one who thinks that the world revolves around him ?


As far as the having a life vs not:

I worked a ten plus hour shift. Went to a dentist appointment to have a crown cemented. Went out to eat with my wife. Went home (luckily only about a twenty minute commute). Did some online research for my boss. Watched an episode of the Voice. Re-read a couple of chapters of The Black Company (Glen Cook is an amazing author, highly recommend anything he writes). Still had time to log into GW2 in order to purchase the wings.

I don’t know, but finding a minute and a half in my day to log into the game to make a purchase didn’t seem like much of a drain on my time. Ninety seconds. A fraction of the time you spent on this thread.

Even if your life (as opposed to the rest of us who don’t have one) is so very intense as to preclude having a minute of free time once in a twenty four hour period….its a non game-play affecting cosmetic fluff in a game that you apparently don’t have time to play anyway.

(edited by Ashen.2907)

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


It’s more about normal people not checking the website constantly in case there’s an omg unannounced one day sale.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Monkey Fritz.9052

Monkey Fritz.9052

You should consider this as a favor Anet did for you.

After all, you can now witness in game how they look like cheap Styrofoam on any character not standing perfectly still.

I was as excited as anyone for the wings, and was ready to retire my holographic wings after previewing them in the wardrobe. But seeing them ingame on characters running around, they look like absolute garbage.

So thank you, Anet, for this simple tactic which saved me 500 gems of regret.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


It stated in the article that they would be coming back in the future, so why are you complaining?

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

(edited by JoshuaRAWR.4653)

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


the point is that 24 hour availability is very unfriendly to the Gw2 community and its going to annoy and discourage a lot of people from wanting to use the gem store or even play the game if they miss out..

Any non-permanent availability has the same effect, just for a different group of people. It’s just an arbitrary point at which you can say “Yes, this is enough”. And no, it really doesn’t discourage anything. Look at 90% of servers running around with wings. It did exactly what the devs wanted it to, it made everyone “panic” and want to buy the wings.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


Any non-permanent availability has the same effect, just for a different group of people. It’s just an arbitrary point at which you can say “Yes, this is enough”. And no, it really doesn’t discourage anything. Look at 90% of servers running around with wings. It did exactly what the devs wanted it to, it made everyone “panic” and want to buy the wings.

You think people wouldn’t have bought them anyway? Even we are complaining because we wanted to but couldn’t.

It stated in the article that they would be coming back in the future, so why are you complaining?

Because a lot of things we have been told are coming have been for ages now.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: metaldude.4132


Just to confirm:

“Breaking news! We’re releasing future items early for one day only!”

So yes, the items will return.

It’s cool to hear, thanks for confirming that, but why do it in the first place? And any hint as of when they might return? (Like a week/month/year, so I know whether or not to get gems in advance x:?)

It is called teasers..or marketing…actually both

Sharpen your justice. Dust off resolve. Brace your courage. The Guardian dragonhunter approaches.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ToT.7018


I read the forums everyday and so i had a heads up the wings were on the tp that day.
I guess a lot of people dont read the forums and so missed out on the wings.
Maybe in the future when other items are on 24 hour sales maybe a few days early warning would be better maybe at the login screen.