3 Main IDEAS

3 Main IDEAS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nolasthitnotomorrow.8563


I guess as many of fellow gw2 players I’ve had some experience in other mmo games as well.
I liked some ideas here and there, then disliked others.
I’d like to shine some light onto them, I guess most of them have already been “touched” by some other players but let’s give it a try.

1. Voice communication in fractals and SPVP with option to mute somebody that’s abusing the gift.
As we all know doing fractals/going solo queue is a pain because the game is full of action and really dynamic and writing msg’s to eachother in team chat is really hard.
Of course there are some work-arounds like teamspeak/mumble or anyother voice communicator like skype/raid-call, but they all got one big disadvantage, mainly people need to install additional application and connect to server and then, finally find eachother on proper channel…

2. In-game internet browser.
This one I’ve found really fun in EvE Online, I really think that CCP and ANet got some similarities in the way they run their companies.
This option might be risky, of course it is additional work to keep the browser safe and such, but lately in EvE they just disabled flash and java-scripts (I think they did) just to keep the players “safer” from bad links.
There are no hyper-links in chat as well to make sure when someone does open the browser he/she does so willingly.

3. Why I want an in-game browser – lotteries.
Another thing I’ve found great in many games were lotteries.
Now in most games these come with the support of the developers, but, but wait for it.
In EvE online which is really niche-game and is really hard to get into, because of it’s specific mechanics and story-line, there are some freaks among the community.
I bet we got them among us here as well.
Where am I going with this?
Well, guess what. Players of eve made a lottery for themselves through a website, and that can be accessed through an in-game browser – I believe it is just pure php with few easy client-server scritps.
How it works?
People send ISK (a value like gold in gw2) to specific player, then they get coins/credits on the website lottery added to their account.

All that’s left is to have some fun in gambling, some lose fortunes others get rich very fast ;).

Just a thought, not here to advertise eve, since I’m playing gw2 only lately :)


I am fully aware that this brings a lot of risks, and that GW2 is a non-stress-game for people to just have some fun.
It is just an idea to give the life in Tyria some more spice.

(edited by nolasthitnotomorrow.8563)

3 Main IDEAS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


A client side voice communication can be nice, for the people that want to use it. I can see myself using it with guildies a lot. Possibly even more people might use it considering some find it a hassle to install an independent voice program. And you can always opt out of it so you won’t get harassed by people.

For the matter of gambling, I have to say no thanks. The RNG in this game is already bad. I personally don’t want more.

3 Main IDEAS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Piogre.2164


Regarding voice chat- it would be nice if Anet included an in game voice chat, but a lot of people already use mumble, vent, or ts

In game browser is entirely unnecessary when you can just alt-tab out. Though I would like them to implement hyperlink support (or even the ability to copy text from chat, this is basic stuff)

Lotteries, though? Seems like a bit specific of a feature to have when they haven’t even added secure 1-1 trading.

[VIG], SoR
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