3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OldRodKS.9758


So, Tequatl spawned and a few dozen brave adventurers attacked him in earnest. As we began turning the battle to our control, we saw the ominous message “A new client is available. 3 Minutes to restart”


We redoubled our efforts, everyone slinging every magic spell and ability they had at the beast. We got him down to less than 10% before the restart and of course when we come back, he’s gone.

Really? Only 3 minutes warning?

Playing on Tarnished Coast
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gwaiyn.4395


so, out of curiosity, would you rather have a 3 minute warning on an instant restart with no down time, or a 30 minute warning about an hour long weekly maintenance?

i’d personally pick the 3 minute warning but if it were possible, i’d actually like to have at least a 10 minute warning before the server restarts

Gwaiyn – 80 Thief
Ryfaul – 80 Warrior
Fluene – 80 Mesmer

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OldRodKS.9758


I love the instant restart, don’t get me wrong. But if the server is going to force everyone off in 3 minutes, and a dragon spawns that takes 5-10 minutes to kill (or longer depending on which dragon and # of people available) at least let it be up when you get back in.

I’m just frustrated

Playing on Tarnished Coast
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tanith.5264


On my end it showed an hour warning (I was in a personal story instance), and didn’t boot me until I exited the instance.

Bravo, Anet!


Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Yeah, if you are in a personal story you tend to get an hour, in dungeons you get around three hours, the rest of the world is much less forgiving. I don’t see why they can’t give you an hour warning if they know they are going to do a reset. This wasn’t a bug or an exploit fix, it was a simple reset. There’s no need to spring it on people with a short warning, I doubt they had no idea it was coming.

Still, the problem will always be there. If a dragon spawns 5 minutes before the reset (even if players had 60 minutes prior notice of the reset), people will be dissapointed with the reset. They can only manage content on demand (instances) not dynamic events. The best solution (for this specific issue) would be to have all dragon events spawn right after a reset.

(edited by Shiren.9532)

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GranoblasticMan.2514


“so, out of curiosity, would you rather have a 3 minute warning on an instant restart with no down time, or a 30 minute warning about an hour long weekly maintenance?”

Or an hour warning about an hour long daily maintenance?

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ice Furl.4982

Ice Furl.4982

I remember in the first days the game was out I was doing for the first time AC with a group and we got a message that the game would restart in 3 hours but then it restarted in just a few minuets an destroyed our run

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


Too bad that event doesn’t happen very often.

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhuta.1480


Yeh I do find the length of warning abit silly, surely it’s not hard to give more warning ANet,this has messed up what I’ve been doing a few times now and just for the sake of a slightly longer warning time.

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DirtyDeeds.6075


You have my sympathy OP. However those in the middle of a dungeon don’t have many choices either.

When exploits and fixes are in the restart build I have no problem with it. Restarts alone get most of those bugged skill points going again.

Maybe the real question should be “how much notice do you need?” I would think everyone would have a different thought on how long is acceptable.

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conner.4702


3 minutes, an hour, a whole day. It doesn’t matter people are going to complain that they weren’t able to complete something just before the restart.

To Op it was your own choice to continue on when you should have known that most likely you wouldn’t have been able to kill him before the 3 minutes were up to begin with.

3 Minute Warning on forced restart?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ixal.7924


Guys, thinks like this happen.
Just be glad that the game works so well that it wasn’t necessary to introduce any bugfixes with this restart.