3 full traits line is great but 3....
Yeah a little worried about being locked into 3 lines even if it gives 3 elites…but I’ll wait and see how it plays out. Maybe I can create an even better build that still keeps my dps up and who knows more survivability?
You can only have 3 active trait lines that you are using traits from. Out of the pool of all total trait lines.
They do this just to prevent you from getting all the OP traits with more trait points available. That’s their main purpose. They assume most people are running 6 6 2 or 6 4 4 or something like that, so they just simplify it as 6 6 6.
This change probably hurts engi, mesmer, and guardian the most since many people just grab some strong minor traits from each lines.
I think that the main problem with the current system is, that the trait-tier doesn’t reflect the trait’s usefulness. Many expert-traits are more useful than master-traits or even grandmaster ones, which ofc leads to wide-spread builds.
I hope that with the rearranging and merging of traits we’ll get some real grandmaster-traits and not some crap that makes us go “I wish I could take another expert-trait instead”.
Their goal is two fold
1. prevent people from having terrible builds. They want to make every choice a viable option so people who don’t understand the game can’t ruin their character.
2. Reduce the number of viable builds to make balance easier
Locking you into 3 full trait lines makes balance much much easier because there are only a few viable builds to balance and no super OP or super terrible builds.
I think you’ll survive, OP. While you’re certainly “losing” your builds, you can [hopefully] manage. MMOs change core systems like this all of the time. If you really can’t adapt and play this game without those builds, it’s probably a good time to quit because there’s no way it’s going to get better.
2. Reduce the number of viable builds to make balance easier
Because viable builds now are so overwhelming…
2. Reduce the number of viable builds to make balance easier
Because viable builds now are so overwhelming…
I don’t think he means “viable” in the normal sense, but rather, technically possible/likely.
Certainly it will make balancing easier, and that’s actually good for build-variety, because it means that lines which are weak/rarely used will get highlighted much more. I mean, right now, with the pick-and-mix approach, a lot of weak trait lines are getting picked either in large part for the stats, or more often, because there’s some particularly killer/synergistic trait in there, even though the rest is worthless.
The stats are going to be entirely separate, so that’s one improvement, and now because you get all six traits in a line you pick, you’re going to get the double effect of people dropping weaker lines (because even a synergistic trait is worth less than 6/6 traits in a better line), and people complaining more about traits because they have them anyway in their build (where before they ignored them).
So I think in terms of build variety, it actually does open things up – if and only if Anet are willing to actually say “Yes, we want more build variety and will back that up by making trait lines work better”.
2. Reduce the number of viable builds to make balance easier
Because viable builds now are so overwhelming…
I don’t think he means “viable” in the normal sense, but rather, technically possible/likely.
Certainly it will make balancing easier, and that’s actually good for build-variety, because it means that lines which are weak/rarely used will get highlighted much more. I mean, right now, with the pick-and-mix approach, a lot of weak trait lines are getting picked either in large part for the stats, or more often, because there’s some particularly killer/synergistic trait in there, even though the rest is worthless.
The stats are going to be entirely separate, so that’s one improvement, and now because you get all six traits in a line you pick, you’re going to get the double effect of people dropping weaker lines (because even a synergistic trait is worth less than 6/6 traits in a better line), and people complaining more about traits because they have them anyway in their build (where before they ignored them).
So I think in terms of build variety, it actually does open things up – if and only if Anet are willing to actually say “Yes, we want more build variety and will back that up by making trait lines work better”.
I don’t know, I think he used viable correctly…problem is there aren’t a whole lot of viable builds right now, anyway. Too many things are actually too weak to function, which is just a meltdown.
I don’t know any exact statistics, but I agree – if anything, this will only improve the number of viable builds (via concentrated balancing efforts). I’ve even went ahead and rebuilt a staff mesmer for when the changes come, because 0/0/6/6/6 (with illusionary elasticity being baseline) will improve staff’s performance. It won’t necessarily make it a godsend, but at least I’ll be able to summon illusions much more quickly, with plenty of defense (and iWarden providing great DPS in the meantime), higher attack rates, all while being able to maintain heavy pressure through a stronger Mind Wrack. As it currently stands, that’s just not possible – you have to sacrifice one of these benefits as if staff is actually strong enough to PvE to afford such a sacrifice.
2. Reduce the number of viable builds to make balance easier
Because viable builds now are so overwhelming…
I don’t think he means “viable” in the normal sense, but rather, technically possible/likely.
Certainly it will make balancing easier, and that’s actually good for build-variety, because it means that lines which are weak/rarely used will get highlighted much more. I mean, right now, with the pick-and-mix approach, a lot of weak trait lines are getting picked either in large part for the stats, or more often, because there’s some particularly killer/synergistic trait in there, even though the rest is worthless.
The stats are going to be entirely separate, so that’s one improvement, and now because you get all six traits in a line you pick, you’re going to get the double effect of people dropping weaker lines (because even a synergistic trait is worth less than 6/6 traits in a better line), and people complaining more about traits because they have them anyway in their build (where before they ignored them).
So I think in terms of build variety, it actually does open things up – if and only if Anet are willing to actually say “Yes, we want more build variety and will back that up by making trait lines work better”.
I don’t know, I think he used viable correctly…problem is there aren’t a whole lot of viable builds right now, anyway. Too many things are actually too weak to function, which is just a meltdown.
I don’t know any exact statistics, but I agree – if anything, this will only improve the number of viable builds (via concentrated balancing efforts). I’ve even went ahead and rebuilt a staff mesmer for when the changes come, because 0/0/6/6/6 (with illusionary elasticity being baseline) will improve staff’s performance. It won’t necessarily make it a godsend, but at least I’ll be able to summon illusions much more quickly, with plenty of defense (and iWarden providing great DPS in the meantime), higher attack rates, all while being able to maintain heavy pressure through a stronger Mind Wrack. As it currently stands, that’s just not possible – you have to sacrifice one of these benefits as if staff is actually strong enough to PvE to afford such a sacrifice.
It will potentially increase the number of genuinely viable builds, at the expense of reducing the number of builds you can technically make, and it will also remove some complicated-but-viable builds. That seems like a win overall to me, for the majority of players.
Basically you don’t want any build that looks like your 2,2,2,2,2. They don’t have the potential to be anything because you become a jack of all trades with no specialised usefulness. What with how we can change traits on the fly now, it makes such builds even more useless.
With the new system ANet will (given time) make almost every choice you can do regarding your traits be viable. Adding the coming elite specialisations, that means 6 choose 3 combinations. I.e. 20 viable builds, just from the combination of specialisations alone. And that doesn’t account for the combination of traits within those specialisations. Expect the number of “viable” builds to be somewhat smaller than 20, but with even 10 builds being used by a significant amount of players in game that is greatly improving on the situation we have today.
The new trait system so far is great and i cant wait to reshape my characters with it.
However something is bugging me with the new system, on one end they will expanse the customization but on the other they will reduce it a bit, let me explain.
Currently my double daggers Elementalist is using a custom build around all the traits lines.
He has 2 in fire to reach the Burning Precision trait.
Air line is full to the Fresh Air Grand master.
Two in earth magic for Stone Splinters.
Two in water for Vital Striking.
Finally 2 in Arcane to get Renewing Stamina.This is my custom Double dagger build that is using all the trait lines, same goes for my staff, scepter builds and my Thief, Engy, Mesmer, Necro to my Warrior on one of his set ups.
The new system seems awesome but in the video i dont know if there will be only 3 lines available at all time or if we can have all 5 at once like we have now.
I propose the new traits system that seems freaking cool with the old layout or a scroll down bar, that way we can invest points where we need to.
TL, DR: New traits systems announced with the current traits layout displaying 5 ( soon 6) traitlines at once.
Let me know what the community thinks about that!
The new system IS to limit you. Locking people into 3 trait lines and only letting them choose from 3 traits per tier makes it easier to balance the game. It forces trade-offs: if there were 2 really good traits in a line and Anet wanted to keep them both they can simply put them into the same tier now. The new thief traits are an example, perma-stealth guys are upset because they’re being forced to choose among 2 staple traits instead of carrying them both.
The new trait system so far is great and i cant wait to reshape my characters with it.
However something is bugging me with the new system, on one end they will expanse the customization but on the other they will reduce it a bit, let me explain.
Currently my double daggers Elementalist is using a custom build around all the traits lines.
He has 2 in fire to reach the Burning Precision trait.
Air line is full to the Fresh Air Grand master.
Two in earth magic for Stone Splinters.
Two in water for Vital Striking.
Finally 2 in Arcane to get Renewing Stamina.This is my custom Double dagger build that is using all the trait lines, same goes for my staff, scepter builds and my Thief, Engy, Mesmer, Necro to my Warrior on one of his set ups.
The new system seems awesome but in the video i dont know if there will be only 3 lines available at all time or if we can have all 5 at once like we have now.
I propose the new traits system that seems freaking cool with the old layout or a scroll down bar, that way we can invest points where we need to.
TL, DR: New traits systems announced with the current traits layout displaying 5 ( soon 6) traitlines at once.
Let me know what the community thinks about that!
The new system IS to limit you. Locking people into 3 trait lines and only letting them choose from 3 traits per tier makes it easier to balance the game. It forces trade-offs: if there were 2 really good traits in a line and Anet wanted to keep them both they can simply put them into the same tier now. The new thief traits are an example, perma-stealth guys are upset because they’re being forced to choose among 2 staple traits instead of carrying them both.
LOL you joking? New thief trait is one of the most organized lines compare to other classes who got indirectly nerfed. (Engi for example, IP got taken out).
They merged all the good dps traits to Deadly Art. (pull all the good ones out from Critical strike), make SA a brain-dead trait by giving you EVERYTHING and MORE. (10 sec regen on stealth, rejuvication, initiate gain, condition removal, -50% damage all in same line without making choices at all.)
Trickery is pretty much unchanged, but benefits greatly through 3 full trait lines.