3-headed wurm in the bloodtide coast
I’m fairly confident guilds like TTS hold the speed record for wurm. The primary “gate” for a speed run is the Amber wurm head, which requires a massive damage output each burn phase as you can only trigger a burn phase every 90 seconds or so.
@Aidan: I mean especially the second (beheaded) phase. We haven’t looked at the timer in first phase but maybe that’s something we could look on, too.
Yeah a number would be great to have ;-)
are you playing on a US or eureopean server?
In fact, berserker set is better, in first phase the wurm can’t be critted, but in the second phase it can. You also don’t need much vitality, but the ability to dodge ;-)
Wouldn’t you be better off talking to NiP and EVE commanders to find out? You are on the same teamspeak every night.
What a neatly camouflaged recruiting topic. Quite lovely.
What a neatly camouflaged recruiting topic. Quite lovely.
Don’t think so, there are too many people now that do not get into the event. There are enough that don’t get into the organized groups (2 english 1 german) that at least 1 more could be created if there where the commanders and ts facilities.
Of cause we are in contact to NIP and EVE, but unfortunately I don’t have contact to TxS and TTS.
Yeah, it’s not a recruiting thread. How could it be, when I mention TxS, too?
First, it’s information about possibilities to people who haven’t done it before, second, I’m asking for someone who knows about the other groups (maybe there are even groups I don’t know?). Third, WUMS has german kills usually, so it doesn’t make much sense for advertising in an overall forum.
(edited by Djeraya.4379)
If you hit 50/55 sec mark on 2nd phase ur pretty close to TxS ^.^ .With descaling (not fixed yet) Phase 1+2 = 2 Min .
We have 59 sec for the whole event (2nd phase I mean), and over 1min for each wurm :-P
Let’s not count descaling bugs. ;-)
One of our TxS leaders was contacted by someone in your alliance yesterday asking about our Wurm kill time record. So, you have contacts with TxS, also at least one of our German guildies is in your alliance.
Thing is, after 75+ Wurm kills, TxS stopped keeping track of things like speed kills quite some time ago. We never record or screen-shot anything like this anymore.
Now with megaserver, it is so difficult just to get all our guildies on teamspeak into the same map with all the randoms around, speed records are the last thing on our minds.
Yeah it was me, and Chiiwii answered me now after I posted the thread ;-)
Thanks anyway.
I have to say we’re managing it with the megaservers, but the bottleneckproblem is annoying…
(edited by Djeraya.4379)
Do I need a guild invite to participate in the kill? I am keen to finally get around to killing the Wurm after multiple half- kitten d attempts back in January.
@ Dee Jay you dont need to be in the guild .
Just join the TS about 19:00 and go into channel 1 or 3 ( for a english lead)
or go into channel 2 ( for a german lead)
Now, as far as Tequatl speed kills go, I believe TTS firmly holds that record with 4 minutes, 26 seconds elapsed time (10:34 on clock). Wurm kills however, I’m a little leery about believing it was a “fair” speed kill while that descaling bug is still floating around. Speed kills for sure, but I dont think they’re something you’d be able to call legitimate right now :P
@ Dee Jay you dont need to be in the guild .
Just join the TS about 19:00 and go into channel 1 or 3 ( for a english lead) or go into channel 2 ( for a german lead) ts.gw2community.com
It is always better to join one of the guilds participating under the gw2community Many of these guilds do not require constant repping, they exist only to help in organising for the wurm event and getting players into the right maps.
Keep in mind, the gw2community represents a large player base, so the competition for places on the right map is fierce. These maps are often full 40-45 min before wurm starts.
An alternative is to join a guild like TxS that organises their own Teq and Wurm events.
/wave @ Kobi ;-)
This is when you’re on a european server. I don’t know if there are other successful groups on north american servers except TTS, but I suppose there should be, as well…
Well, seems though, we have a good chance to provide the record, so we started preparations ;-)