3 manning a fract with low lvl's
ANet, fix this bug, I’m getting tired of those bugusers, that do fractals with their lowlevels. Getting in fractals below lvl 80 was only possible during the Karka event, now remove this bs or remove the upscaling The whole group suffers, because those guys have low stats, which results in neverending bossfights…
And to stefman: You censored the difficulty scale, so it’s probably lvl 1, which you can do with your eyes closed. And why do I even wonder, why you filmed the easiest fractal out of all?
It was level 1 i say that several times in the video and exsplain why the black box was there.
As for this being a bug if you read last month’s update note’s it is not a bug its intended lower level toons can enter you dont like it dont bring lower level’s.
The reason it was filmed was to show just how strong the upscaling is that even without all our skills unlocked we rolle’d it and to show we thought the upscaling was to strong another thing said multipull time’s in the video.
So point 1 :-Its not a bug its intendd lower levels can join higher levels in fract’s thats why they changed the way entry and loot work’s in fract’s
point 2:- the difficulty on screen was not “censord” theres a perfectley lagit reason theres a box over it which i exsplain and go on to say it’s lvl 1 several times
point 3:- we filmed it to show how strong the upscaling is and because we had fun not all video’s have to be a display of skill
to show how powerfull the upscaling is for fract’s
1k damage from an iDuelist isn’t what I call powerfull. I don’t recall you gain xp with fractals like you do with dungeon runs. So what is the purpose of this?
to show how powerfull the upscaling is for fract’s
1k damage from an iDuelist isn’t what I call powerfull. I don’t recall you gain xp with fractals like you do with dungeon runs. So what is the purpose of this?
Because it was fun more than anything not everything has to be about the next bit of xp
to show how powerfull the upscaling is for fract’s
1k damage from an iDuelist isn’t what I call powerfull. I don’t recall you gain xp with fractals like you do with dungeon runs. So what is the purpose of this?
Because it was fun more than anything not everything has to be about the next bit of xp
Unfortunately you opened yourself up to the flamers and trolls. Just sayin lol. On a side note, good vid, my guild runs lowbie groups up to lvl 10 a lot too. It makes it far more challenging and fun. I too agree, it’s not always about “how much exp” or “how fast you down the boss” blah blah kittening blah. Some of us just like to find new ways to have fun.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Not to rain on your parade but, Harpy fractal, especially on low level, is probably the easiest of all dungeons existing in GW2.
I’m pretty sure it can be solo’d pretty easily.
He’s jelly bro. Thats all. GJ guys!
You said you wanted to try level 10 with 3 80s. It’s easy. I do it as a elementalist, ranger, necromancer team with no agony resistance and no use of exploits/spy kits/etc. I debated on going to 20, but there was really no point.
Old Tom is probably the hardest boss to 3 man at 10, because 1 person has to run crystals to turn on the fan while the encounter itself is a dps race.
@red i know its probably the easyist one we could have drawn but it was still fun and thats what its all about
and thanks for the comments guys we had fun doing it and that’s what counts in the end :-)
ANet, fix this bug, I’m getting tired of those bugusers, that do fractals with their lowlevels. Getting in fractals below lvl 80 was only possible during the Karka event, now remove this bs or remove the upscaling
The whole group suffers, because those guys have low stats, which results in neverending bossfights…
And to stefman: You censored the difficulty scale, so it’s probably lvl 1, which you can do with your eyes closed. And why do I even wonder, why you filmed the easiest fractal out of all?
Why? Whats the point of nerfing the upscaling or even removing it so low levels can’t do fractals? Is this more elitism that only level 80s should be able to do fractals? How very “WoW” minded of you.
This is GW2, where players can participate in end game content BEFORE reaching end game. Yea yea, I know that’s not how WoW did it- but get over it. It’s how GW2 does it, and rather than demanding that low levels be booted from fractals, you should be demanding that their stats get boosted more so they don’t hold their team back so much when they do!
He’s jelly bro. Thats all.
Nah I actually solo’d it on my War, you can find some pics over here: http://s1221.beta.photobucket.com/user/Fabio_Facchetti/library/
Surprisingly the fight vs shaman/rabbit which I feared the most etc is the easiest and shortest, kite in circle while combustive spam (you must dodge shaman’s knockdown tho).
Tommy is harder because he spams pulls sometimes which can be really annoying and high damaging you need to dodge them, but still easy.
The only hard fight is the final boss because the asura spams those balls faster than your endurance regen (even with +50% regen), but after a few tries I did it.
I used life stealing food / sigil and bleedkite with rifle.
Now should any team fail you in that fractal you can tell them “really? falcon did this alone you nubs!” haha.
I think water fractal might be even easier, especially considering the last boss is the easiest videogame boss I’ve ever seen.