30 mins of killing - profession specific loot
30 minutes isn’t a large enough sample size to tell if it is noticeable or not. You could have just been stuck on a bad streak of hitting the % needed to get profession loot.
It’s like flipping a coin 10 times. You’re supposed to get heads 5 times and tails 5 times, right? But you could get heads 10 times or tails 10 times. 10 coin flips is not enough to dispel the coin flipping has a 50% chance statistic.
Did you record how many times you killed things? How many times you got a loot drop? What area were you farming? You don’t even give us players enough data to even begin adding to your data. Because if I farm area A and you farmed area B, then we can’t combine data sets. Because the area may be a factor.
You may be right and it may be more noticeable than ANet intended, but your sample size just isn’t large enough. It’s the law of large numbers. The more trials run, the more likely the average profession loot drop will be equal to what % the code has. And in this case a trial is equal to something dropping loot.
Farm in mesmers. If you have problems tagging random mobs in groups, GS4 + Mantra of Pain are your best friends. If others are using projectiles (nearly a guaranteed thing in large zergs), drop glamours on the targets for combo-tags. Null fields on the mobs that like to use boons or conditions, Feedback on the mobs that use projectiles.
If you have problems tagging champions… then use another class.
[Shinigami, NEC, WvW Condinuke] [Rekka, ELE, Fracs] [Tora, PS WAR] [Kageoni, THI] [Hayako, ENG]
(edited by Hayashi.3416)
I dont quite get the rage against this feature. Im completely indifferent about it. What is so bad about it being prof-specific on lvl80 and how does that effect the economy of the game so badly?
Leather is almost worthless.
Silk is really pricey.Light classes > medium classes
And to be precise, the best farming class now would be mesmer, to also have a chance for the best (GS) precursor material.
unfortunately no, mesmer is one of the slowest classes to claim, they simply cannot compete in terms of claiming monsters. most of their skills are single target, and slow to hit.
if you had a pack of say 10-15 people mesmer can do alright, but 20+ they arent making enough claims to capitalize on their loot.you need to play mesmer more. my strategy: hit you with clone, hit you with clone, hit you with clone, stand there, and… Mind Wrack and tag all the mobs! (20) admittedly it’s a bit slower than guardian AA, but tags far mobs when it happens. you can then repeat with Cry of Frustration for the next wave. Instead of the typical tag, tag, tag, tag, it’s: charge, TAG, charge, TAG. the other great one is Phantasmal Berserker, which can tag up to 20 targets, and Mirror Blade, plus you need to target far away mobs so GS AA hits all the ones inbetween.
i used to be able to do that in events, but megaserver is too fast for that, by the time a clone spawns everything that is not a veteran is already dead.
the best way is to dodge roll mind wrack really fast on spot you know enemies will spawn, ( have level 30 grandmaster trait so you guarantee to at least wrack around yourself) but thats on a 10 second cool down, so after the initial spawns you are trying to land single targets.
beserker hits guys, but then it dies because the target dies, you really have to hope your target doesnt die before you can press the button cause then you wasted a cool down with no zerker.
cry doesnt even get to proc enough dmg to claim a lot in these situations.
Farm in mesmers. If you have problems tagging random mobs in groups, GS4 + Mantra of Pain are your best friends. If others are using projectiles (nearly a guaranteed thing in large zergs), drop glamours on the targets for combo-tags. Null fields on the mobs that like to use boons or conditions, Feedback on the mobs that use projectiles.
If you have problems tagging champions… then use another class.
feedback works, when they get to attack, but in big zergs? Orr event farm zergs? regular mobs die super fast.
They should make it a toggle if they are going to have a profession based loot in the game. If you want to have profession loot on okay and if you don’t then that’s okay also. Plus they should fix the recipes. It’s bad enough that silk is used in all armor crafting, it should not also have such high recipe cost.
Since they won’t fix the silk recipes they really should not have this in game. Having certain professions being better for certain things like farming totally messes up class balance. The game shouldn’t be XXXX is best for dungeons and XXXX is best for event farming and XXXX is best for open world farming and XXXX is best for spvp and XXXX is best for wvw. Everything should be just as viable or at least only slightly off from each other. Sadly I think they want it this way so that they can get everyone to get more alts so you have a character for each type of content. Rather than just one character that does it all.
They should make it a toggle if they are going to have a profession based loot in the game. If you want to have profession loot on okay and if you don’t then that’s okay also. Plus they should fix the recipes. It’s bad enough that silk is used in all armor crafting, it should not also have such high recipe cost.
Since they won’t fix the silk recipes they really should not have this in game. Having certain professions being better for certain things like farming totally messes up class balance. The game shouldn’t be XXXX is best for dungeons and XXXX is best for event farming and XXXX is best for open world farming and XXXX is best for spvp and XXXX is best for wvw. Everything should be just as viable or at least only slightly off from each other. Sadly I think they want it this way so that they can get everyone to get more alts so you have a character for each type of content. Rather than just one character that does it all.
i think a lot of people in the 1-80 range complain about getting drops they have no use for, so they did it. However i dont think at the time the consider how it would effect farming at a micro level (they probably looked at the macro effects)
I think they should allow you to select which proffession bias you want, or 100% random. This would be the best of all worlds.
You all want to be able to get the best loot while playing the Zerker Meta?
I’m enjoying finally getting more than just leather drops for ALL my characters. I play my scholars when I need various cloth scraps and I play my warrior or guardian when I need more metals.
It encourages players to play more classes. But then again I don’t play the Zerker Meta nor do I play the Trade Post.
So far it seems to be working as intended.
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
You all want to be able to get the best loot while playing the Zerker Meta?
I’m enjoying finally getting more than just leather drops for ALL my characters. I play my scholars when I need various cloth scraps and I play my warrior or guardian when I need more metals.
It encourages players to play more classes. But then again I don’t play the Zerker Meta nor do I play the Trade Post.
So far it seems to be working as intended.
Zerker meta doesn’t really come into play with this. The DPS race of zerker applies to all classes.
What this does is, “encourage,” players to play specific classes for maximum reward. If you happen to like playing a non cloth wearer, ranger in my case, then you have your long term goals which require in game currency delayed compared to those who either enjoy cloth wearing classes or who are willing to switch for increased rewards.
You all want to be able to get the best loot while playing the Zerker Meta?
I’m enjoying finally getting more than just leather drops for ALL my characters. I play my scholars when I need various cloth scraps and I play my warrior or guardian when I need more metals.
It encourages players to play more classes. But then again I don’t play the Zerker Meta nor do I play the Trade Post.
So far it seems to be working as intended.
Zerker meta doesn’t really come into play with this. The DPS race of zerker applies to all classes.
What this does is, “encourage,” players to play specific classes for maximum reward. If you happen to like playing a non cloth wearer, ranger in my case, then you have your long term goals which require in game currency delayed compared to those who either enjoy cloth wearing classes or who are willing to switch for increased rewards.
If there is even truly a noticeable increase. OP did not give any numbers as to how many times he got loot drops, but I can’t imagine the number is high enough to draw any statistical evidence from at any reliable error allowance.
You all want to be able to get the best loot while playing the Zerker Meta?
I’m enjoying finally getting more than just leather drops for ALL my characters. I play my scholars when I need various cloth scraps and I play my warrior or guardian when I need more metals.
It encourages players to play more classes. But then again I don’t play the Zerker Meta nor do I play the Trade Post.
So far it seems to be working as intended.
Zerker meta doesn’t really come into play with this. The DPS race of zerker applies to all classes.
What this does is, “encourage,” players to play specific classes for maximum reward. If you happen to like playing a non cloth wearer, ranger in my case, then you have your long term goals which require in game currency delayed compared to those who either enjoy cloth wearing classes or who are willing to switch for increased rewards.
If there is even truly a noticeable increase. OP did not give any numbers as to how many times he got loot drops, but I can’t imagine the number is high enough to draw any statistical evidence from at any reliable error allowance.
Heres how the scientfic method works, you come up with a hypothesis, you test it, then you analyze your data.
Thats what he did
If you oppose his findings, the burden of proof is now on you as a scientist to disprove his data.
All you are doing is saying even though this is what the data shows, i believe something else is the case with no actual basis at all.
if you think he hasnt provided enough data, provide more, until then his data is the data we will have to work off of in this discussion
I didn’t like this new system at all. Please make a way to turn it off at 80 or something. My husband made double value in mats what I did after an hour of playing. He on a mesmer, me on a guardian. Now, if I want gold through playing normally, I have to play a specific class, it seems?
(edited by ananda.5946)
30 minutes isn’t a large enough sample size to tell if it is noticeable or not. You could have just been stuck on a bad streak of hitting the % needed to get profession loot.
It’s like flipping a coin 10 times. You’re supposed to get heads 5 times and tails 5 times, right? But you could get heads 10 times or tails 10 times. 10 coin flips is not enough to dispel the coin flipping has a 50% chance statistic.
Did you record how many times you killed things? How many times you got a loot drop? What area were you farming? You don’t even give us players enough data to even begin adding to your data. Because if I farm area A and you farmed area B, then we can’t combine data sets. Because the area may be a factor.
You may be right and it may be more noticeable than ANet intended, but your sample size just isn’t large enough. It’s the law of large numbers. The more trials run, the more likely the average profession loot drop will be equal to what % the code has. And in this case a trial is equal to something dropping loot.
The time spent killing does not matter. I don’t know why you guys can’t understand that, and I didn’t think it needed to be explained, but there are enough of you complaining that I guess I must now respond.
I noted that I was in a level 80 zone, I didn’t go into specifics because megaserver has already created too much competition for kills in any given area. My engineer spent roughly 30 minutes to accrue the 28 pieces of equipment dropped. This is what matters, nothing else.
I had the area I was in all to myself when I was playing my engineer, when I repeated the session on my warrior I had to deal with 3-4 other people in the same area, so I had to run for much longer than 30 minutes to get the 27 pieces of equipment dropped. Again, the length of the run does not matter. I aimed for roughly the same amount of equipment dropped.
20 out of the 28 pieces of equipment dropped for my engineer were profession specific. Every piece of armor was medium weight.
21 out of the 27 pieces of equipment dropped for my warrior were profession specific. 9 out of 10 armor drops were heavy weight.
It doesn’t take a statistics major to know that the chances of this being fluke RNG, given the multiple variables involved and the wide possibility of loot options in the game, are ASTRONOMICALLY low. This isn’t 50/50 coin flipping people, there are multiple item types and weights at play.
People can successfully guess exactly which classes were being used. Had I posted 5 drops I got on my engineer alone, and they all happened to be medium/rifles, that would be too small a sample size to be worth noting. The fact that I was able to repeat the skewed results on TWO DIFFERENT CLASSES make this “small sample size” much more credible. The fact that it’s already so evident in such a short amount of time only shows how extreme the level of implementation is.
I agree that the sample size is small, and more results can only be better, however, I have better things to do than farm white/blue/green equipment all day long for several weeks. This is why I posted here, this is a discussion forum, this is why in my original post and nearly every reply I made I encouraged people to post their own results to add to the sample size.
I’m a power player, I make the bulk of my coin off of other items/areas, players like me make up less than 1% of the population. I have almost 5K hours logged,15K AP, 37 character slots, 600 laurels, 4.9 million karma, 10.3 thousand badges of honor, 433 transmutation charges in my wallet, 23 infinite harvesting tools spread across all my characters.
The discrepancy of a few silver on every piece of equipment my engineer gets can add up over a long enough timeline, however, the reality is this affects the average/casual player far far more than someone like me. And purely on principle, inequality of income potential/loot drops based on profession alone does not belong in a game with a player driven economy. A casual player can get a dusk drop in his first week of playing and match my income after thousands of hours of grinding. That’s a possibility and a very rare occurrence. This, on the other hand, is something that affects every player, game wide, on a very large and noticeable scale.
Some of you might think I’m here to complain because I feel this is going to run my earnings into the ground, I’m not. I’ll still make my coin, even though it happens to be slightly less than it could’ve been due to my preferred class, but in the end I’ll still be a 1 percenter that simply powers through it. This is something the average player should be concerned about.
(edited by SKATE.1394)
not sure why anyone is surprised……Anet cannot implement anything without it initially missing their mark or being bugged. hopefully they continue to tweak the drop distribution.
my drop spreads haven’t been nearly as bad as those posted….but the change has been noticeable (and i certainly wait longer than 30 minutes or one round of full inventory to compare). thankfully, if you do the majority of your killing against mobs that drop bags (orr for silk/goss scraps and/or lvl 50-ish flame legion for linen scraps and rugged leather), you’ll still get your hi-value cloth/leather in the end………..but it is unfair that my ele gets noticeably more light gear than my engi or guardian.
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Relshdan.6854)
I haven’t seen this drastic a change in my loot, enough to be notable. However, if it is requested I keep track of it tonight when I go to play . . . what would be a good time slice to use beyond 30 minutes, because I actually idle a lot rather than grinding through enemies ASAFP.
I will note, I am getting almost equal Light and Medium armor drops, just my salvaging is being stingy on Tier 6. (Sigh). I am also seeing a lot of weapon drops I could . . . in theory . . . use.
I haven’t seen this drastic a change in my loot, enough to be notable. However, if it is requested I keep track of it tonight when I go to play . . . what would be a good time slice to use beyond 30 minutes, because I actually idle a lot rather than grinding through enemies ASAFP.
I will note, I am getting almost equal Light and Medium armor drops, just my salvaging is being stingy on Tier 6. (Sigh). I am also seeing a lot of weapon drops I could . . . in theory . . . use.
See my post above, the time spent playing really doesn’t matter. Empty your bags, then aim for at least 25 pieces of equipment, from doing nothing but killing random mobs in the open world, no loot containers, no chests, no champ bags, no level rewards. Once you have at least 25 pieces of equipment or more sort them in an organized fashion that makes sense, and post your screenshot. No need to show your materials or harvested mats, equipment is the only concern here.
Here’s how skewed it is so far on my necro – from three paths AC, two paths CoF:
1 exotic, 0 rares, all else salvaged.
30 cloth (3 tiers)
30 wood (2 tiers)
44 ore (3 tiers)
129 leather (3 tiers).
I’m taking screenshots after each dungeon, and will post along with better breakdown as I get more data. This is typical of what I’ve been experiencing though.
None of the champ bags have been opened or included – mob drops and boss chests only.
I haven’t seen this drastic a change in my loot, enough to be notable. However, if it is requested I keep track of it tonight when I go to play . . . what would be a good time slice to use beyond 30 minutes, because I actually idle a lot rather than grinding through enemies ASAFP.
I will note, I am getting almost equal Light and Medium armor drops, just my salvaging is being stingy on Tier 6. (Sigh). I am also seeing a lot of weapon drops I could . . . in theory . . . use.
See my post above, the time spent playing really doesn’t matter. Empty your bags, then aim for at least 25 pieces of equipment, from doing nothing but killing random mobs in the open world, no loot containers, no chests, no champ bags, no level rewards. Once you have at least 25 pieces of equipment or more sort them in an organized fashion that makes sense, and post your screenshot. No need to show your materials or harvested mats, equipment is the only concern here.
Okay, hmmm. I’ll run this a couple times since “once” seems like a small sample size.
Also, I might still kinda sorta have DR from last night.
Okay, hmmm. I’ll run this a couple times since “once” seems like a small sample size.
Also, I might still kinda sorta have DR from last night.
It’s ok to only do it once, the desired effect is to have multiple people contribute small sample sizes so a large burden isn’t on any one player.
Okay, hmmm. I’ll run this a couple times since “once” seems like a small sample size.
Also, I might still kinda sorta have DR from last night.
It’s ok to only do it once, the desired effect is to have multiple people contribute small sample sizes so a large burden isn’t on any one player.
And lastly, 25 different items or 25 drops? Because I am getting some Fine materials . . . quite often actually
Equipment only, i.e. armor and weapons. Materials and what not aren’t affected.
Consider yourself lucky, OP – your second pic loooks exactly like my typical evening’s champ farming. CHAMP FARMING. On my NECRO
I dont quite get the rage against this feature. Im completely indifferent about it. What is so bad about it being prof-specific on lvl80 and how does that effect the economy of the game so badly?
Leather is almost worthless.
Silk is really pricey.Light classes > medium classes
And to be precise, the best farming class now would be mesmer, to also have a chance for the best (GS) precursor material.
Except Mesmers are awful at farming. The best farming class would still be elementalists.
I dont quite get the rage against this feature. Im completely indifferent about it. What is so bad about it being prof-specific on lvl80 and how does that effect the economy of the game so badly?
Leather is almost worthless.
Silk is really pricey.Light classes > medium classes
And to be precise, the best farming class now would be mesmer, to also have a chance for the best (GS) precursor material.
Except Mesmers are awful at farming. The best farming class would still be elementalists.
Especially since else’s have fewer total weapons, and have both daggers and staves.
Meanwhile I main an engie and get kitten upon by the new system.
Main: Asuran Engineer — Alt 80’s Ra-T-M-G-El-N-W-En-En-Re-Ra
Doctorate in Applied Jumping
I would really like to hear from a dev how this is actually supposed to work. Cause it’s really hard to gauge through observation. We can look at trends, sure, but on a larger scale, it’s hard to check.
This is not a large enough sample size to dictate really. I play mostly Guardian and I still roll in the Silk from doing my every day things.
When you do an experiment like this to determine if something is noticeable or not in the long run you would have to use something almost 100x the sample size and more than just one person doing it to even come close to being accurate about it. Also, RNG makes it even worse to be accurate with such a small sample size.
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
This took me a while, with an abundance of trash level drops (Porous Bones, Dull Claws…) and Fine materials (Viscious Claws, Large Claws, Potent Blood, et cetera) . . .
But here we are.
Breakdown by type:
2x Light Armor
9x Medium Armor
1x Heavy Armor
(Total: 12 Armor)
2x Staff
1x Spear
2x Speargun
1x Pistol
1x Mace
1x Shortbow
1x Greatsword
1x Scepter
2x Hammer
1x Trident
(Total: 13x Weapon)
And I won’t ask you to guess my class since that’s obvious and anyone who sees my posts knows anyway. So breakdown:
For my profession, 14 usable items and 11 non-usable items.
So, 56% of my loot is profession based, but being as how I’m a ranger and have a whopping 10 valid weapon types out of 19 . . . I think this might be skewed in my favor even normally.
Light armor drop rates have been limited for a very long time. In the interest of keeping cloth prices stable, this reduction in drop rate more than likely effects the profession specific mechanism.
This is not a large enough sample size to dictate really. I play mostly Guardian and I still roll in the Silk from doing my every day things.
When you do an experiment like this to determine if something is noticeable or not in the long run you would have to use something almost 100x the sample size and more than just one person doing it to even come close to being accurate about it. Also, RNG makes it even worse to be accurate with such a small sample size.
Well consider the few people actually posting images to be valid input. I mean, until someone decides to be cheeky and post an image of all Light armor.
Heres how the scientfic method works, you come up with a hypothesis, you test it, then you analyze your data.
Thats what he did
If you oppose his findings, the burden of proof is now on you as a scientist to disprove his data.
Using the Scientific Method while you can not even use spell check on your own post.
First, the OP needs a control character. This control character needs to be on an account with 0% Magic Find and the character needs to be wearing armor, trinkets, and weapons that DO NOT increase Magic Find. He CAN NOT use ANY Magic Find buffs except for what is given to PvE from the WvW standings.
He did not use a Control and therefore is findings are a moot point. We don’t even know his total Magic Find on his account combined with the buff to PvE from WvW combined with any trinkets he had that might have increased his Magic Find combined with the Magic Find buffs from food and/or utility potions.
We don’t even know if he didn’t clean out his bags to match what the loot would look like for both the Engineer or the Warrior just to get everyone here riled up over it.
I could do it for you all and have my bags look skewed and none of you would know the difference. And I wouldn’t even have to use photoshop. Just clean the bags, make them look the way I want them to look to get a rise out of everyone, then log out to clear the on screen chat and log back in and sit for about 5-10 min to get a chat log.
I myself see some difference and I can now restock all my materials without paying the bloated prices on the Trade Post. I’m sorry you all are losing your cash cow. Adapt or rage quit already.
Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
Heres how the scientfic method works, you come up with a hypothesis, you test it, then you analyze your data.
Thats what he did
If you oppose his findings, the burden of proof is now on you as a scientist to disprove his data.Using the Scientific Method while you can not even use spell check on your own post.
First, the OP needs a control character. This control character needs to be on an account with 0% Magic Find and the character needs to be wearing armor, trinkets, and weapons that DO NOT increase Magic Find. He CAN NOT use ANY Magic Find buffs except for what is given to PvE from the WvW standings.
He did not use a Control and therefore is findings are a moot point. We don’t even know his total Magic Find on his account combined with the buff to PvE from WvW combined with any trinkets he had that might have increased his Magic Find combined with the Magic Find buffs from food and/or utility potions.
We don’t even know if he didn’t clean out his bags to match what the loot would look like for both the Engineer or the Warrior just to get everyone here riled up over it.
I could do it for you all and have my bags look skewed and none of you would know the difference. And I wouldn’t even have to use photoshop. Just clean the bags, make them look the way I want them to look to get a rise out of everyone, then log out to clear the on screen chat and log back in and sit for about 5-10 min to get a chat log.
I myself see some difference and I can now restock all my materials without paying the bloated prices on the Trade Post. I’m sorry you all are losing your cash cow. Adapt or rage quit already.
It’s all moot – there is no way of a Control Character since everyone is DPS oriented these days.
Sorry, that was sarcasm again.
It’s really nigh impossible to get a valid Control set up with 0% magic find and duplicated items down to the exact digit. Why? Achievement bonuses which apply across the account.
You can try to start working on the doubtfulness of the method but there is the second option, which is to have 100 people with varying characters (at level 80) collect data in the same zone in a set batch of results. Such as saying “farm in Cursed Shore until you hit 25 equipment loot items, post screenshot of your results”.
Without having debug-level control over variables, this is really the best which can be done. And it is valid for scientific study, since that is usually how blind tests are run.
11/17 job specific.
6/8 medium armor
5/9 weapons
Heres how the scientfic method works, you come up with a hypothesis, you test it, then you analyze your data.
Thats what he did
If you oppose his findings, the burden of proof is now on you as a scientist to disprove his data.Using the Scientific Method while you can not even use spell check on your own post.
First, the OP needs a control character. This control character needs to be on an account with 0% Magic Find and the character needs to be wearing armor, trinkets, and weapons that DO NOT increase Magic Find. He CAN NOT use ANY Magic Find buffs except for what is given to PvE from the WvW standings.
He did not use a Control and therefore is findings are a moot point. We don’t even know his total Magic Find on his account combined with the buff to PvE from WvW combined with any trinkets he had that might have increased his Magic Find combined with the Magic Find buffs from food and/or utility potions.
We don’t even know if he didn’t clean out his bags to match what the loot would look like for both the Engineer or the Warrior just to get everyone here riled up over it.
I could do it for you all and have my bags look skewed and none of you would know the difference. And I wouldn’t even have to use photoshop. Just clean the bags, make them look the way I want them to look to get a rise out of everyone, then log out to clear the on screen chat and log back in and sit for about 5-10 min to get a chat log.
I myself see some difference and I can now restock all my materials without paying the bloated prices on the Trade Post. I’m sorry you all are losing your cash cow. Adapt or rage quit already.
It’s all moot – there is no way of a Control Character since everyone is DPS oriented these days.
Sorry, that was sarcasm again.
It’s really nigh impossible to get a valid Control set up with 0% magic find and duplicated items down to the exact digit. Why? Achievement bonuses which apply across the account.
You can try to start working on the doubtfulness of the method but there is the second option, which is to have 100 people with varying characters (at level 80) collect data in the same zone in a set batch of results. Such as saying “farm in Cursed Shore until you hit 25 equipment loot items, post screenshot of your results”.
Without having debug-level control over variables, this is really the best which can be done. And it is valid for scientific study, since that is usually how blind tests are run.
magic find is irrelevant its supposed to only effect the quality of the goods not the frequency. IE, low magic find, less blues, greens rares etc.
Heres how the scientfic method works, you come up with a hypothesis, you test it, then you analyze your data.
Thats what he did
If you oppose his findings, the burden of proof is now on you as a scientist to disprove his data.Using the Scientific Method while you can not even use spell check on your own post.
First, the OP needs a control character. This control character needs to be on an account with 0% Magic Find and the character needs to be wearing armor, trinkets, and weapons that DO NOT increase Magic Find. He CAN NOT use ANY Magic Find buffs except for what is given to PvE from the WvW standings.
He did not use a Control and therefore is findings are a moot point. We don’t even know his total Magic Find on his account combined with the buff to PvE from WvW combined with any trinkets he had that might have increased his Magic Find combined with the Magic Find buffs from food and/or utility potions.
We don’t even know if he didn’t clean out his bags to match what the loot would look like for both the Engineer or the Warrior just to get everyone here riled up over it.
I could do it for you all and have my bags look skewed and none of you would know the difference. And I wouldn’t even have to use photoshop. Just clean the bags, make them look the way I want them to look to get a rise out of everyone, then log out to clear the on screen chat and log back in and sit for about 5-10 min to get a chat log.
I myself see some difference and I can now restock all my materials without paying the bloated prices on the Trade Post. I’m sorry you all are losing your cash cow. Adapt or rage quit already.
spelling and the scientific method have nothing to do with each other.
magic find effects drop rarity, not drop type.
" Magic Find is both an account bonus and a character attribute that increases the chance to receive higher-quality loot from slain foes"
has little to do with cash cows.
magic find is irrelevant its supposed to only effect the quality of the goods not the frequency. IE, low magic find, less blues, greens rares etc.
And I’m supposed to have four Precursors and 100k Gold, but I don’t
magic find is irrelevant its supposed to only effect the quality of the goods not the frequency. IE, low magic find, less blues, greens rares etc.
And I’m supposed to have four Precursors and 100k Gold, but I don’t
even frequency is irrelevant, the only thing that matters for this test is armor/weapons obtained from monster kills, and what ratio of them was job specific.
magic find is irrelevant its supposed to only effect the quality of the goods not the frequency. IE, low magic find, less blues, greens rares etc.
And I’m supposed to have four Precursors and 100k Gold, but I don’t
even frequency is irrelevant, the only thing that matters for this test is armor/weapons obtained from monster kills, and what ratio of them was job specific.
I know, still it amuses me to hear how terrible the test is when . . . let’s at least be honest with ourselves . . . it’s pretty much one of the few viable methods without really going out of the way to normalize everything over a large enough sample size. Which would be at least 100 people . . .
. . . and I bet there would be some who would say that sample size is not enough, without thinking of the logistics needed to normalize 100 characters to a point where the only variable would be Account MF through Achievement Bonus, race, and class.
This is not a large enough sample size to dictate really. I play mostly Guardian and I still roll in the Silk from doing my every day things.
When you do an experiment like this to determine if something is noticeable or not in the long run you would have to use something almost 100x the sample size and more than just one person doing it to even come close to being accurate about it. Also, RNG makes it even worse to be accurate with such a small sample size.
Well consider the few people actually posting images to be valid input. I mean, until someone decides to be cheeky and post an image of all Light armor.
But the sample sizes are so small that its almost impossible to tell how it will be affecting them in the long term which is what these changes are for, and mostly for leveling players to gear up as they level.
I for one play a couple rangers for the NPE one with a friend and one on my own, and for some reason I cannot for the life of my find a weapon drop that I can actually use on the one I play with my friend.
That’s why I say there would need to be a much bigger example and test done to determine whether it was RNG, a Fluke, or the actual Smart Loot system at work.
The biggest reason I say this is because lets face it, if you are going to criticize something you don’t know the inner workings of, you better test it like they do before you say something “doesn’t work.”
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
(edited by Paradox.1380)
But the sample sizes are so small that its almost impossible to tell how it will be affecting them in the long term which is what these changes are for, and mostly for leveling players to gear up as they level.
I for one play a couple rangers for the NPE one with a friend and one on my own, and for some reason I cannot for the life of my find a weapon drop that I can actually use on the one I play with my friend.
That’s why I say there would need to be a much bigger example and test done to determine whether it was RNG, a Fluke, or the actual Smart Loot system at work.
The biggest reason I say this is because lets face it, if you are going to criticize something you don’t know the inner workings of, you better test it like they do before you say something “doesn’t work.”
It’s impossible to test it like they do – we don’t have debug tools.
And I’ll admit it, I took part because it was something to do while completing events and doing my part in the Orr Deforestation Project at the same time. I’ve been playing for almost a month since 9/9 and the “Profession Loot” has yet to notably alter what I get.
But second confession – my definition of “notably” and someone else’s is almost guaranteed to differ.
Still waiting on that Leaf of Kudzu drop.
But the sample sizes are so small that its almost impossible to tell how it will be affecting them in the long term which is what these changes are for, and mostly for leveling players to gear up as they level.
I for one play a couple rangers for the NPE one with a friend and one on my own, and for some reason I cannot for the life of my find a weapon drop that I can actually use on the one I play with my friend.
That’s why I say there would need to be a much bigger example and test done to determine whether it was RNG, a Fluke, or the actual Smart Loot system at work.
The biggest reason I say this is because lets face it, if you are going to criticize something you don’t know the inner workings of, you better test it like they do before you say something “doesn’t work.”
It’s impossible to test it like they do – we don’t have debug tools.
And I’ll admit it, I took part because it was something to do while completing events and doing my part in the Orr Deforestation Project at the same time. I’ve been playing for almost a month since 9/9 and the “Profession Loot” has yet to notably alter what I get.
But second confession – my definition of “notably” and someone else’s is almost guaranteed to differ.
Still waiting on that Leaf of Kudzu drop.
Thus why I made the first post I made on the thread about it. I didn’t place any kind of personal opinion on the matter, simply that it was not a big enough test to determine any real results other than personal feelings about it.
My post was mainly for people like me just reading the thread and thinking about it. Just a cautionary tale to let people know not to freak out over something and start thinking that if they don’t have a certain class they will never compete with people that do over drops.
“What Part Of Living Says You Gotta Die?
I Plan On Burnin Through Another 9 Lives”
Well, we all know engineers and rangers are screwed anyway.
Mesmers uber alles.
Here are the results of several fractal runs, please note that trash mob kills and chest loot are mixed and matched, I did not have time to keep everything separated as I was with PUGs. No champ bag loot is included in this screen, only trash mob kills + final chest loot. This was on my level 80 engineer, the same engineer that I used for the very first screenshot session.
To be honest I can’t really say whether the trash mobs inside the instance were dropping profession specific biased loot on the level I was experiencing in the open world, but it didn’t feel that way. And regardless, once you factor in the totals including chest loot, if you mainly do instances you can probably expect reasonably even loot drops. At least in Fractals of the Mists, some day I may get around to doing this for regular dungeon runs as well.
I’ve noticed a bit of an increase.
Mostly on my new characters.
[Because I’m a crazyarse and still farm the occasional key. If I’ve a few hours with nothing better to do.]
When I make staff guardians, I do see more heavy gear than light and medium.
Mind you it’s 2 heavy gears per 2 pieces of other gears, but it’s a slight increase none the less.
Results are the same when I roll ranger, for medium gear and mesmer for light.
I don’t raid, I barely fractal, and I suck beyond words at PvP and WvW.
But I try, and that’s what counts.
The most credible way to testing would probably be on an engineer since we don’t know how much of the loot we used to get was profession based (warriors are much more likely to get weapons they can used regardless of the changes) and the size would need to be large.
[…] we want to reassure players that they’re not going to see changes in loot so visible that some components are going to “rain” or they’ll stop seeing loot variety. It’s more complex than that.
The adjustments to the loot system are fairly subtle[…] it’s not going to feel like a very visible change each time you loot a mob. It does not mean that you’ll get less varied loot overall.
[…] the change will not be easily noticeable.
Really shows how these pre-loot-change statements were made for the sole purpose of damage control/ sweeping it under the rug until everyone forgot.
My money’s on them ignoring this too.
Also, Necro getting misclassified seems like a cruel joke to the already beleaguered class.
Yeah, I’m kinda wondering if there’s a specific race and class and story line they’d all like us to play, so they could just stop bothering with all the other bits. (She says, mostly sarcastically.)
Torwynd Trueheart: Here I come to save the day!
NSP – Quak Resident Duchess L’Orange
Not noticeable at all, dohoho. I’m certainly not wasting time playing until this gets removed.
Not noticeable at all, dohoho. I’m certainly not wasting time playing until this gets removed.
its not bad enough to stop playing…unless you believe you must get 33% of each armor class
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold
Heres how the scientfic method works, you come up with a hypothesis, you test it, then you analyze your data.
Thats what he did
If you oppose his findings, the burden of proof is now on you as a scientist to disprove his data.Using the Scientific Method while you can not even use spell check on your own post.
First, the OP needs a control character. This control character needs to be on an account with 0% Magic Find and the character needs to be wearing armor, trinkets, and weapons that DO NOT increase Magic Find. He CAN NOT use ANY Magic Find buffs except for what is given to PvE from the WvW standings.
He did not use a Control and therefore is findings are a moot point. We don’t even know his total Magic Find on his account combined with the buff to PvE from WvW combined with any trinkets he had that might have increased his Magic Find combined with the Magic Find buffs from food and/or utility potions.
We don’t even know if he didn’t clean out his bags to match what the loot would look like for both the Engineer or the Warrior just to get everyone here riled up over it.
I could do it for you all and have my bags look skewed and none of you would know the difference. And I wouldn’t even have to use photoshop. Just clean the bags, make them look the way I want them to look to get a rise out of everyone, then log out to clear the on screen chat and log back in and sit for about 5-10 min to get a chat log.
I myself see some difference and I can now restock all my materials without paying the bloated prices on the Trade Post. I’m sorry you all are losing your cash cow. Adapt or rage quit already.
spelling and the scientific method have nothing to do with each other.
magic find effects drop rarity, not drop type.
" Magic Find is both an account bonus and a character attribute that increases the chance to receive higher-quality loot from slain foes"has little to do with cash cows.
Obvious troll is obvious…
Magic Find gear? Yeah almost a year ago. Why would you even take this guy serious? Calling other people out while he, obviously, has no grasp of the current state of the game. Elite guild leader of the iron trolls!
(edited by Tman.6349)
You all want to be able to get the best loot while playing the Zerker Meta?
I’m enjoying finally getting more than just leather drops for ALL my characters. I play my scholars when I need various cloth scraps and I play my warrior or guardian when I need more metals.
It encourages players to play more classes. But then again I don’t play the Zerker Meta nor do I play the Trade Post.
So far it seems to be working as intended.
Zerker meta doesn’t really come into play with this. The DPS race of zerker applies to all classes.
What this does is, “encourage,” players to play specific classes for maximum reward. If you happen to like playing a non cloth wearer, ranger in my case, then you have your long term goals which require in game currency delayed compared to those who either enjoy cloth wearing classes or who are willing to switch for increased rewards.
If there is even truly a noticeable increase. OP did not give any numbers as to how many times he got loot drops, but I can’t imagine the number is high enough to draw any statistical evidence from at any reliable error allowance.
Anet has stated that the weighting of drops was being done. No beating around the bush. A definitive Yes.
They stated that the changes would be subtle or not very noticeable. Vague obfuscations. No objective measure of what was being done. Do they consider 25%, 35%, or any other specific numerical value subtle or not very noticeable ? We do not know.
So we have a statement from the company that X has been done and a player attempting to measure X.
I think that any argument against the OP’s methods or data pool are misguided. Since the phenomenon has been stated to exist by the ultimate authority of what exists in game the real purpose here should be to add to the effort to measure that phenomenon, not denounce the first steps in the process.
I mean if we were talking about some theoretical phenomenon sure, but when it is stated as a fact by the developers that X exists the whole process changes.