3rd Soldier Class idea; Witch-Hunter
I actually logged in to say that while the concept isn’t a new one, as a ‘heavy’ class this could be quite unique if implemented correctly. I’d personally love it and would DEFINITELY play it to a huge extent. Though I’m sure many naysayers would argue it’s too much of a hybrid between a warrior/engineer/thief/ranger/(hell, even necromancer) but I would personally dig it. Kudos for the idea!
Just gonna say bravo! Great idea.
Just gonna say bravo! Great idea.
Yeah I hope Anet cotton’s on to this is some way or another. Would be kitten fun
The tengu look good as witch hunters. Pistol and dagger spinning in their hands.
I must say, I love this idea! Something dark, with mysterious tonic… Actually it reminds me about Geralt from The Witcher, so I would love it
Witch-hunter makes me think it would be an anti-magic class, not counting the guardian.
I want Dervish
My money is on the Cryomancer. No, not a knight who uses frost magic, but cries…a lot. They will, during character creation phase, have access to all blacks, dark reds and dark blue dyes and have one of three unique facial items; regular tears, black tears and to mix things up, tears of blood. They have a special chat color to denote their profession and will have a unique interface option that directly links to the forums, along with a super special posting border and character avatar. They’re powers are directly linked to how much they cry, such as powering up Wailing Tantrum by using Bemoaning Murmur. As an added bonus, they have an elite that effects both allies and enemies within the radius of the caster called Grand Misery. Allies standing near the cryomancer will amplify the radius as well as gaining quickness to their weapons (from the tears) while enemies will be chilled and tormented by the mass amounts of depression.
I would just like to have a new heavy class that is somewhat similar to the “Deathknight” in WoW.
I don’t think it was ever said every armor type should have 3 related classes; beside community speculations, Anet never said there was to be a third heavy.
Honestly I’d rather have a Brawler, it’s the only archetype not covered.
I would just like to have a new heavy class that is somewhat similar to the “Deathknight” in WoW.
To be honest, I play a Death Knight in WoW as my main, as was even pretty hardcore back in Wrath. Good times, for sure :P
Honestly, though, I feel like if Necromancers could wield Two-handed Swords and Heavy-armor, that’s basically all they would be. Even a Guardian or Warrior I feel could replicate the general “look” of a Death Knight quite easily. The only way I could see it working is if you dropped any sort of “Undead” aspect, and instead went more with a “Spectral” or “Hellfire” motif for their abilities.
I figured this “Witch-Hunter” idea might work because, frankly, I don’t feel like anyone has ever really tried to make ranged-characters feel “mighty” or “powerful”. It just seemed like kind of an interesting niche to try to fill.
Sounds vaguely like a class I remember from Warhammer Online, which amazingly enough was called the same thing.
I vaguely remember playing one. And finding it fairly lacking.
Would prefer to see ANet add another heavy armor wearer. Necrotic style. I know, terribly unimaginative as well.
I must say, I love this idea! Something dark, with mysterious tonic… Actually it reminds me about Geralt from The Witcher, so I would love it
Hmm, I’ve not played the Witcher games. Any good?
I must say, I love this idea! Something dark, with mysterious tonic… Actually it reminds me about Geralt from The Witcher, so I would love it
Hmm, I’ve not played the Witcher games. Any good?
Witcher 2 one of the remaining decent RPG games with good story, amazing graphics I might add. Make sure you play it with combat mods, otherwise the difficulty curve goes down towards the end once you go up the skill tree and get better weapons.
I think I would rather have them revive the old chronomancer idea from the cancelled GU: Utopia. They could wear heavy bronze/copper colored plate, and they would fit into the clockwork themes the humans and charr have.
Meh, sounds like an elixir focused engineer to me. Tho perhaps with a few more “offensive” elixirs (but then there is perhaps the grenade kit for that).
Paragon! Give me a javelin throwing shout blasting heavy support class any day! The total package of a commander right there. I would LOVE a dervish tho. Like, literally love it. Would also be interesting to see how they would implement a ritualist. Something like ranger spirits and spirit weapons from guardians.
Far Shiverpeaks
There is already a gothic inspired class called the Necromancer.
Quite frankly I hate the idea. Nothing is more ridiculous than potions. A potion can only do what anyone wielding magic could do anyways so that a mage preempts the purpose of a potion and since a potion is a singular unalterable object it must invariably always be of weaker effect than you would get by being a mage and casting a spell to produce that same effect.
Thus your idea is to make a class that is weaker than a mage who drinks an infinite amount of potions that I guess he will pull out of his kitten like Logain pulled an airship out of his kitten .
I would play it
I don’t love it.
Potions are already an Engineer shtick.
Gothic class? Necromancer.
IMO, if you’re looking for another class to fill out the Heavies, Golemancers might be solid.
(edited by Sarrs.4831)
I was going to flesh out a possible new heavy class but then the staff said there would be no more classes. That ended my interest in that project, and largely in GW2 as a whole.
I could get into using something similar to what the op has suggested minus the potion drinking. Sounds too close to engie elixirs.
I would totally go for the whip weapon set up with vamp and werewolf motif.
To me necromancer doesn’t remind me of anything Gothic. Necromancers in GW did however, hell…the entire faction of Kurzick felt very gothic in a Victorian sense no matter what class you had. Necro armors in prophecies also supported that feel for the class. Here, the necro just feels like a class with ground targeting wells with minions or scythe animations. There’s no feeling of a necrotic order or any class order for that matter. In GW1 each class had ample representation in the world.
I would like anet to play up the Demon thing here. There are very few demons in GW2 but we have potions of demon slaying.
I also liked the vampire aspect to the GW1 necro. That was lost in the translation to here.
P.S. shouldn’t this be in the suggestions forum?
Something like a Bard/Skald but heavy armor could be cool.
Haven’t seen a bard type class like that since Skalds in DAOC.
Would be pretty interesting to see a bard type class in this game, could have some really interesting attacks, especially ranged ones. And maybe a main mechanic based on weaving songs/auras that do things similar to Guardian’s burn virtue.
I don’t love it.
Potions are already an Engineer shtick.
Gothic class? Necromancer.IMO, if you’re looking for another class to fill out the Heavies, Golemancers might be solid.
Well, you could work it differently than “potions”, if needed. It would basically been blood-transfusions with different types of monsters, so it could even be some kind of ritual to assume the different forms, or perhaps imply your character has those “genes” already in their blood, they simply “tap into them” for their abilities.
As for being “too much like the Necromancer”, that’s probably a fair point. Still, I don’t think you can write a character off for being “dark”, as the Necromancer has a very distinct flavor. Plus, I think it’s important that if a third Soldier-class were added, it be as different from the Guardian and Warrior as possible, who are already strikingly similar as is.
Of course, I could see Golemancers having potential, too. In fact, I’d probably finally make an Asura character if they were added :P
problem is that there are so many warriors in the game now, that their numbers already are like having 2 heavy classes. If you add another class/profession, this will become greatly unbalanced.
I enjoyed the demon hunter in Diablo 3; and it would probably work in GW2. The idea of dual-wielding hand crossbows is rather irresistible.