4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KMRGarland.2398


Hey guys and gals, only been playing for a week or so. I analyzed the forums of what to spend my precious gems on and most of what I read was from last year and earlier (dating back as far as 2012). Dunno what specifics are precious to invest in at the moment with HoT, but from my reading of the posts all I’ve seen is bank slots and copper-o-magic to invest in. Is the town portal worth it to save time? (I’m a student and a casual player of charr so far). Another was to unlock toon slots. Any help n suggestions would be muai appreciated

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


I bought 1 shared inventory space and the copper fed to put in it, and i dont regret it for a second

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

What I would buy if I were buying convenience items

1) account bound slot(s)
2) copper fed salvage-o-matic. In the account bound slot to have it for all your chars.
3) a set of permanent harvesting tools
—- if you have more than one character that you play, equip a set of ori tool on each char. Put the harvesting tools in the account bound slots then click on them when you start playing to equip and click on the tools again at end to put them back in the account bound slots.

After that, it depends on the person. You can get a Royal Terrace or Airship pass and/or a home instance portal as you think would be good. If you have an account bound slot, you can put it in there for maximum convenience. I have both a Royal Terrace and a home portal as they both have their uses. A char slot, if you’re going to get another char. Bank slots are always good, or you can get a char and use it as a mule, parked by a jumping puzzle chest.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LimitBreaker.4165


yea id get a bank slot or 2, copper fed salvage kit and save the rest for cool glider skins. And also you should gift LimitBreaker.4165 the new bubble glider cause youre awesome

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ticky.5831


Watchwork Mining Pick

It makes money. Eventually.

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


Ehm, all of these suggestions are kind of bad. As a new player you need to unlock 3 inventory slots on your main character and at least 2 more bank slots (for starters). Infinite salvaging tool is actually very useless. You can easily play without it. But if you have nowhere to store your items, that might be a problem

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berelious.3290


Mortifer is correct, storage should be your first priority, as that can only be expanded with gems. The rest have readily available in-game solutions

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KMRGarland.2398


Matic* (kitten spell check) and from the majority perspective its copper fed and bank/inv slots. Just curious on the algorithm behind how much I’d have to farm and salvage to “technically make the purchases worthwhile.” My bud who got me into the gw2 community is a gem spending fiend on bl keys n what not so his advice I threw out the window (not a gambler, never will be). And maybe Christmas will come early for you this year Limitbreaker, ya just never know XD

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I actually don’t think you need the extra bag and bank slots right away.

There’s no need to carry around boosters, food buffs, even extra weapons at low levels, definitely no need for extra armour sets. And most of the loot you get which you can’t be used can be sold on the TP (which you can do from anywhere) or salvaged and then you can use Deposit all collectables to move it to your bank instantly.

Extra bank slots definitely come in useful (I’ve bought 3 over the years), but more so later on when you’ll have had time to collect things you want to keep but don’t want to carry with you. I still haven’t gotten extra bag slots on any of my characters, I find 100 items is more than enough.

If I was just starting in the game, but knew what I know now I would:

  • Wait for bank tabs to go on sale and buy them then (I never buy them at full price)
  • Buy some extra character slots because I’m an altoholic.
  • Buy a set of infinite gathering tools. I love not having to worry about my tools running out or wasting them on the wrong kind of materials.
Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LimitBreaker.4165


So I’ve been thinking about it, if I was a new player I would buy one bank slot. My little bro who got the game filled it up fairly quickly and that would be enough to start. I wouldn’t go on and buy a set of perma gathering tools cause tbh you don’t really get your gold back from it and no one farms so much that you’d need perma gathering tools since you’ll most likely see a merchant everywhere you travel and can just restock your gathering tools there. Copper fed kit however is a must, it just saves so much space rather than filling your inventory with basic salvage kits. I don’t think you’d need to expand your inventory, just look up how to get the 20 slot Halloween bags and use those which should be enough to start. Character slots are always good. I’d just save the rest of it until something in the gemstore tickles your fancy and remember to preview before you buy which you can do so ingame or look it up on dulfy. And also stay away from gambling haha it will get tempting but you’ll do most likely end up losing and will lose even more when you chase your losses like I did xD

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mortifer.2946


I would rather have 3x basic salvage kit and 160 inventory slots, rather than 100 slots and one infinite salvage kit.

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


In order of priority convenience:

1. Bank slots.
Extra toons can be your mule banks but hands down bank slots are a must.
2. Endless harvesting tools.
I’m talking Watchwork Mining Pick as an example; they are very beneficial to have.
3. Shared Inventory Slots
These alone are the pinnacle of convenience but you don’t necessarily “need” them; at least you can then place stuff such as Portal devices, Bank Expresses and any other monumentally important account-wide friendly item(s) in there.

Hope those help.

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


I wold agree with those saying don’t bother with extra storage space until you actually need the extra space. I have played since the beginning and have not bought extra bags on any character. I have found the copper fed very convenient, the harvesting tools very convenient, extra character spots and now the shared spots that where just released. Over time I have increased my bank spots and material storage spots but only when on sale and when I felt I needed them. If you hoard and have a tough time throwing things away it won’t matter how much space you buy it will always be full.
You don’t need to spend the gems just because you have them

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Metallus.7690


When you start and only have one characters, all things are good and you don’t really need anything from the gemstore. Even bagslots, the 4 slots you have are more than enough if you equip 4 18slot bags.

However, as time goes on and as you notice that you aren’t leaving this game or that everytime you leave, you eventually come back…. and eventually you have 10 lv80 characters full geared, then things will get messy and the best investment is 100% bank slots.

Those are very big additional storage. In 3y I’ve never bought the infinite harvesting tools and I don’t regret it lol. They are simply not worth it. 800 gems is a LOT for something that you can buy ingame and costs only 4s and has 100 uses. Before you got back your investment…
800gems are worth 170g currently, 170g = 17000s. One harvestin tool costs kitten with that money you could buy 17000/4 = 4250 harvestin tools. Each tool has 100 uses, so before you got back your investment you’d need to mine/harvest more than 425k times.

I don’t know if in 3y of playing this game I ever harvested so much stuff

Best investment for gems are bank slots, character slots and the armor/weapon skins that you like. Other than that, I wouldn’t suggest you buying other unnecessary stuff.

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I think what this topic is showing is that there are no absolute ‘must have’ items from the gem store – it will vary between people based on their preferences and play style.

So maybe the best thing is actually to hold onto your gems until you find yourself really wanting something and then buy it.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I would go with—
1 Copper Fed Salvage Kit (800)
1 Bag Slot (Get the Bag slot value pack— 350)

Convert gems to get ~150 gold. (About 1200 gems) Buy 4 of the cheapest 20 slot bags you can find, and one invisible one. This should cost around 50-60g, leaving you with 90g that should get you going. The rest should be saved for gearing level 80 exotics; avoid spending much before level 80— only upgrade weapons and very rarely other parts before that.

Save the rest of the gems and consider buying if on sale:

  • Bank tab
  • Watchwork mining pick
  • More bag slots if you decide this is the character you want
  • Character slots (if you really want to play more of the classes)

These things help a lot and you want these anyways, but there is no need to rush to them and I generally do not buy them at full price— I wait for a sale.

I put the salvage kit as top, because until level 80, you should pretty much be salvaging , selling, destroying or equipping whatever you find. 1 tab is good enough to stow away whatever random trash or rarely used item that you come across. Personally, I had 4 bank tabs until last year which is after 3 years of playing, because I figured I’d just use the extra space to store more trash. A year later in the present, I have 12 bank tabs and that has been as expected— just an excuse to store more trash although it has helped to hoard materials for more ascended crafting and the occasional TP investment. I’m still pretty apathetic on the matter and neither applies to new players.

Bag slots are a big help, though they also require some big slot bags to make full use of. Also, they are only per character, which can be annoying if you can’t decide which character you should main. If you make a character and decide you don’t like the way they look or feel, or play, then the gems are simply wasted.

The gathering tools are somewhat marginal, but it’s easy to run out of them. You don’t want to spend too much time going back and forth.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


If you have altitis, I suggest the Shared Inventory Spaces – at least three, but I find All 5 works for me – I have a Copper Salvage-o-Mat in one, endless/copper Pick and Axe (No need for a sickle) in two others, a Mystic Salvage Kit in a fourth (It has enough uses to be worth a slot when salvaging rares+exotics), and still one free for hotswapping items between characters. (Right now, it has Baubles from dailies achieved on my alts).

And, you might want a musical instrument. I have all of them. I find the Harp to be the best, though.

4000 gems (I know)[April Fools!, not really]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KMRGarland.2398


Thanks everyone for the awesome input. GW2 has one of the best communities friendly wise i’ve had the pleasure to experience with so far. Other forums/communities (DOTA 2, Counterstrike etc) can be just cancerous and salty when even asking for the slightest input on things. Don’t get me wrong, those games are fun as heck to play but can leave newbies in the dark and unmotivated to play with excessive “your mom and n word jokes”. Thanks again troops, hope to see/meet ya on the battlefield!