5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JesterJeff.7236


I have absolutely NO urge to get to 80. I just love the variety of zones, figuring out how each character works and getting better at playing them. seeing the different personal stories….
I usually play a different character every night, or if I do play the same character, I do so only until the current zone they are exploring is 100% complete.
Is anyone else playing like this?

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhaen.9876


Negative. I like the end-game. 377 hours and probably 250 of them at 80.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bwillb.2165


No, I like having all of my trait points available to play around with…

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robocafaz.9017


I got my main to 8 and now I can’t pick an alt to level up. I’ve pretty much played each one for 4-8 hours and haven’t gotten anyone else above 15 yet. >_>

Deany Kong – #magswag
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jalliah.7862


I am. I have 5 characters between 15 and 29. I’m just at 80 hours though as I got the game a week or so ago. I’m leveling all the crafting as I’m going so I switch characters depending on what mats I generally need as well as just play what I feel like. I’m taking a lot of time learning the different professions and exploring. I will get to 80 eventually though at this rate it will be a while.

I think my ranger will get there first followed closely by my mesmer. Don’t really care I’m just playing and having fun.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Temper.7265


I have all 8 classes,ranging from 16 to 28 and don’t really feel any of them play a lot different from each other,besides their armor allowances and class bugs 9lol)

I also tend to play a different class every night/day because I just don’t click with any one class inparticular.

Currently I’ve rerolled all humans and am doing an area at a time with each class one after the other.

Also,with the solo gameplay style mechanics of this game,I very much doubt that I’ll attain level 80 with any one class,as it’s boring me to tears playing solo and I’m spending less and less time actually playing or logging in.

I’m more a team player and party animal..which is my problem not the games tho.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


The lower zones have better, more enjoyable design, IMO.

Sick to death of ‘risen’

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chiatroll.7109


I have one character each class. I decided though at every ten levels I drop the one I dislike the most.

yeah I bought slots.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DJRiful.3749


~350 hours, 2x Level 80 chars now.

Stormïe ~ Tarnished Coast | My little monster <3 – http://valid.canardpc.com/6nbdeq

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bassario.3465


Ugh, I have this problem too but I finally discovered that u can just go to PVP and immediately try out all aspects and builds of your character (minus racials, meh) this helped a lot, I am sad to say I settled on warrior lol after saying to all my friends I wouldn’t do this in this game kitten it.

Anyway, yeah I have this problem but I am forcing myself to play my main at least half of the time, because lower level peeps do miss out on a lot of traits and skills which really allow you to actually customize how you play a bit. Also dungeons and being more effective in WvWvW! My level 20 scales nicely to 80 but with the lack of elite skill and trait points it is impossible to beat a player of the same skill who is 80.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: YSBT.7843


I have three characters ~40, one ~60. 350 hours played, 37 maps cleared (nothing higher than gendarran fields except for harathi hinterlands). I’m totally going slow as garbage and loving it.

Co-Leader of the Charter Vanguard Guild on Henge of Denravi.
Recruitment Status: Closed.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maximilious.6054


Seriously, people under 80 that WvW are useless, they get killed faster, they are not as helpful as a fully equipped 80.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yiyas.6187


Lvl 80 for life. Couldn’t live without my culture/dungeon gear. Might be alright for a Human but a Sylvari in a chainmail skirt just repulsed me for my first 60 levels.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robvenom.9608


5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.


What do you kill 1 mob and go afk for an hour then rinse and repeat.

I am all for exploring, taking your time and enjoying the game. But that is ridiculous.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Filosofem.3572


53hrs played – highest character lvl12 lol

All I do is run around solo in WvW. Pretty slow with only 9xp/kill

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

I have all 8 classes,ranging from 16 to 28 and don’t really feel any of them play a lot different from each other,besides their armor allowances and class bugs 9lol)

I also tend to play a different class every night/day because I just don’t click with any one class inparticular.

Currently I’ve rerolled all humans and am doing an area at a time with each class one after the other.

Also,with the solo gameplay style mechanics of this game,I very much doubt that I’ll attain level 80 with any one class,as it’s boring me to tears playing solo and I’m spending less and less time actually playing or logging in.

I’m more a team player and party animal..which is my problem not the games tho.

You should try transfering servers. Players have dedicated servers to which is what. For example, I’ve played on Tarnished Coast, Yak’s Bend, and now reside in Blackgate. TC seems more of a casual, role playing server (or at least did when I played on it). Yak’s Bend seemed more of an overall. Had an average WvW group and high population in PvE. Blackgate has an average PvE with a high population WvW.

I just can’t wait until server transfers cost gems and the guest passes start working. I don’t want to log in to another server, find out I don’t like it, and then be surprised that I have to start paying to switch back.

On topic….

I have a lvl 80 Thief and Necro. I played my Thief all the way through. I don’t get why the hell people rushed to get 100% world completion. I’m enjoying trying a new class and trying a new zone each playthrough. I also have a lvl 32 ranger that I’m now playing. A lvl 14 warrior (got one to 35 in beta), lvl 10 guardian, lvl 11 mesmer (but only via crafting), lvl 16 elementalist and lvl 7 engineer. I love all the classes that its hard for me to stick with one. But, when I start playing one, I feel like playing a different one lol.

(edited by Raven Paradox.1860)

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cezton.2415


I see nothing wrong with how you’re enjoying the game.

It’s not for me, but I am definitely going to roll at least two more characters to 80. Possibly both of them at once this time.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ostracize.8316


No character above level 8.

61 hours played.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HawkMeister.4758


Playing since 2 days after launch and recently got a gemcard for 2 more slots.
Only one at 35 the others just started or around 25.

When I read about the constant whining on ridiculously hard Dungeons, missing endgame, PvP client performance, I have no inclination whatsoever to “experience” the (supposedly) high level Zerg.

Though ATM I´m not logging in it at all anyway, till ANet fixes this beta-client´s broken performance.

Polish > hype

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avan.1540


I’ve spent uhhhh, a fair amount of time (~100hrs?) 1 character, level 80 as of this morning, and basically spent all my time exploring the Ascalon region (since that general vicinity, including frostgorge, goes all the way from 1-80. I still have so much more to explore, and more alts to make. I have been avoiding Orr due to what I’ve heard about it until it improves/is fixed. Currently working towards getting a full exotic set and helping friends level up.

20+ Charracters – Charr only player – NA Kaineng
Give Charr armor some more love!
Let us show our spots, stripes, or lack-there-of in style.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.


What do you kill 1 mob and go afk for an hour then rinse and repeat.

I am all for exploring, taking your time and enjoying the game. But that is ridiculous.

There is no EXP/leveling curve in GW2 after lvl 5 or so. If you take that into account and add up the levels of all his toons he then made more levels then you did.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


When I hit 80, about 3+ weeks ago, I had 43% of the map explored, probably 25% of all three orr zones explored, and no alts, with about 130 hours playtime. Now, I have a few pieces of dungeon exotic gear, about 50% map completion, completed all of the orr zones, leveling crafting now, and 3 alts in the making. I have plenty to do.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


8 alts, around 280 hours played, highest is level 51, all the rest are between 25 and 35.

My problem is everytime I try a new class, it becomes my new favorite.

I run in a small guild so I’m always questing with 2 or 3 other people. That’s probably the most enjoyable part about it.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CaveSalamander.9150


I have a lvl 73 main and lvl 8 alt, just started liking them after switching from axe to scepter…
I guess I’d be lvl 80 on my main right now had I explored more lelel-appropriate zones as I quickly gained 5+ levels when I did enter bloodtide coast at lvl50.. I’ve barely explored metrica and haven’t even touched Ascalon, so I believe it’s going to be a while before Orr.

My quest is to find the dorito.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jonny.6013


I am also playing the same way as the OP. I have still to decide which character I like the most so I change all the time.

If I’m the last player to get to Level 80, do you think anyone will want to interview me?

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xeres.3724


I play like that sorta. I have 3 characters – level 60 warrior, 43 elementalist and 8 guardian. I must have rerolled the level warrior once (when he was maybe 20 something). I rerolled the level elementalist char a LOT and rerolled the guardian over the weekend. Small things I don’t like about my character kinda irk me.

But I’m not in any hurry to get to 80. I’ll get there eventually. I don’t know how much time I’ve played though. A bit I think.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naminator.9316


If you enjoy the game with your low level alts, then don’t let the downers put you down.

GW2 is one of the most mainstream and casual-accessible MMOs on the market, and you should not feel pressured to reach lvl 80.

In fact, that is exactly what Arena NET wanted to do with this game, make it enjoyable on ALL level, making sure that the fun is not taken hostage behind an artificial level barrier.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CoffeeBean.8690


I’m not in a hurry to cap. Figured I’d take my time and make my gametime stretch with GW2.

I have two characters I’m playing, levels 67 and 61. A good portion of my time is actually spent helping my lower-leveled friends so I haven’t even really run content at my level yet.

(edited by CoffeeBean.8690)

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


I can see how you might be having more fun that way. I wanted to get to lvl 80 with my primary character first. It gives you a gold advantage and quickens the pace for subsequent characters.

I don’t PVP but i can see how being an actual 80 full armored/weaponed with max traits would give ytou a heafty advantage.

Now that I’ve played the characters in Beta and maxed a character, I am feeling that PVE is getting very redundant. Perhaps your playstyle is mitigating that somewhat. My opinion of endgame is that it’s stale. everything is risen.

Once I got to 70 it was a karma grind for my exotics and not much fun. I have no desire to play my primary unless its to farm up gold now.

Who’s to say what’s the best way to play? If you’re having fun then you’re doing something right. Good luck and enjoy.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cancer.9065


Necro 80, because I wanted to see the the “ending” of the game.

Alts currently 31W, 30Eng, 20R, 15Ele, 15G, 10M, 4T

Am I playing like that to go slow? not really more like efficiency in crating … all my crafted gear gets used by the other toons (hence all the rounded levels)

Prob why I don’t grieve too much about TP… all my crafted gear is useful, and mats are easy to come by since each toon gets enough mats by completing their zones to craft their own gear.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


Necro 80, because I wanted to see the the “ending” of the game.

Alts currently 31W, 30Eng, 20R, 15Ele, 15G, 10M, 4T

Am I playing like that to go slow? not really more like efficiency in crating … all my crafted gear gets used by the other toons (hence all the rounded levels)

Prob why I don’t grieve too much about TP… all my crafted gear is useful, and mats are easy to come by since each toon gets enough mats by completing their zones to craft their own gear.

Maybe it’s just the way I’ve been playing but crafting has been a useless endeavor for me thus far. with my fist character, I’d just buy from the armor/weapons trader every 5 levels and while fighting mobs between 1 and 5 levels above myself, I’d be armored well in at least greens from the kills.

Once I had a level 80, my alts could could simply buy armor from TP for little cost reletively. If not then, I could do what i did with my primary for virtually the same effect.

Perhaps when you are maxed out the crafting will be well worth it, especially for jewelery. I’m just not seeing it yet.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JesterJeff.7236


I haven’t really crafted much at all. I just play what feels fun when I want to. I also do some RP when the mood or chance dictates, but overall, I am just enjoying the hell out the game. I am also surprised at how much cash I am getting casually selling mats on the TP.
Oh, and I like Smackjack’s comment about the leveling curve. Ha! I AM hardcore! I have a character who is over 110 levels! Woo!

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FadeXF.5460


This may be a noob question but how do you see your time played? (sorry please don’t ban me, mods)

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JesterJeff.7236


You type /age. That should tell you current character time played and total time played.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cancer.9065


@ SHM as you said it depends on your play style. 1 toon person? then yeah you can’t really benefit from crafting seeing as you will out level all your crafted gear until you reach max craft. Same goes if you craft on alts but don’t play with them as the alts will craft gear that they can’t use (anything over their level) or too low for your main.

If you are the type of person that would like to level other toons then you have 2 ways to go about it, you can level crafting by crating tons of refining mats and few gear then dumping everything you made to the vendor or tp without using any of it, gaining EXP and Craft EXP as a reward for doing so.

Or you could refine a few mats and craft gear for other toons as they level this way you gain EXP and Craft EXP plus you don’t need to buy gear from the TP.

Both ways are valid, If you are not interested in crafting then the TP is for you. Since I wanted to level all trades I do it by using the mats I gather from all toons and craft gear that they will need as they grow.

My thief is level 4 atm but a full set of medium armor plus weapons are waiting for her when she turn 15, 20, 25 and 30. I don’t have higher level armor since all my crafts (except jeweler which is 325) are 75ish.

So yeah, short term gathering mats and selling them for nice profits and them buying armor/weapons cheapo is good idea. Long term you will still be without a maxed craft and if at some point you decide to do it, you will have to buy/gather mats and craft a whole lot of useless gear.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jalliah.7862


Necro 80, because I wanted to see the the “ending” of the game.

Alts currently 31W, 30Eng, 20R, 15Ele, 15G, 10M, 4T

Am I playing like that to go slow? not really more like efficiency in crating … all my crafted gear gets used by the other toons (hence all the rounded levels)

Prob why I don’t grieve too much about TP… all my crafted gear is useful, and mats are easy to come by since each toon gets enough mats by completing their zones to craft their own gear.

Maybe it’s just the way I’ve been playing but crafting has been a useless endeavor for me thus far. with my fist character, I’d just buy from the armor/weapons trader every 5 levels and while fighting mobs between 1 and 5 levels above myself, I’d be armored well in at least greens from the kills.

Once I had a level 80, my alts could could simply buy armor from TP for little cost reletively. If not then, I could do what i did with my primary for virtually the same effect.

Perhaps when you are maxed out the crafting will be well worth it, especially for jewelery. I’m just not seeing it yet.

I’m playing 5 characters which have all of the professions which I’m leveling as I level them. I probably could just buy their equipment too and be more efficient but crafting is a goal I’ve just set for myself as I level up. For whatever reason I just find it part of the fun. Another way to level which I find interesting. Doesn’t really matter if it will be worth it when they’re all maxed out. If they are great and at least I won’t have to go back and do it. If it’s not it will be done anyway and provided some enjoyment along the way.

Of course not everyone likes the same things. It’s just one way to play. I seem to be leveling my characters in increments of 5 levels, getting them geared using the other characters and moving on. I hop back and forth to get the rarer nodes and rich veins on each most days, so I’m always mixing things up. Also been playing the TP a bit to fund some of the mats I might be short of. It’s like my characters are one group of friends helping each other out a long the way. Geeky but I like to think they all know each other in game. lol

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FadeXF.5460


Oh cool… 221 hours played 2x level 80s with my last one 97 hours played (probably about 95 hours) to hit max level.

I was right when I said “Huh – do I really want to farm 100+ hours for a legendary OR get a max level character in some other game.” Words to live by!

(please don’t ban me, mods.)

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sairen.5492


I’ve been taking my time doing the pve content. My ranger just turned 49 and it my highest level character. Think I’ve got around 105 hours so far. I also have a lvl 6 war, lvl 2 thief and lvl 2 ele.

I have spent a considerable amount of time doing Spvp on different toons and have played about 150 games so far. I was getting really frustrated with my ranger for pvp. Decided I needed to test out thief/war/ele and I really enjoy Spvp on the war now.

I still love doing the pve content on my ranger and I’m just starting to do dungeons. I’ve seen the two lowest level ones so far.

The thing I love about this game the most is that in pvp you get scaled to level with a full set of gear and are fairly competitive. WvW is ok but a little dull for me. Spvp is where its at.

For the pve side of things, just exploring all the zones and seeing all the dungeons is what I enjoy doing. I figure until I’ve done each dungeon in both modes and all paths, as well as full map completion I have something to do.

I constantly switch up what I do from day to day though otherwise I tend to get tired of doing the exact same type of content. With only 105 hours, I’ve already felt my $60 has been well spent.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chip H.3951

Chip H.3951

I’m much like the OP, only it’s 8 characters, about ~230 hours played, average level is 26, no one above 40. Spent too long playing GW1 to care about level, just run around, do what I want, play who I want, how I want. Maybe by Thanksgiving I’ll have an L80

With my friends even behind me due to too many RL demands, I’m in no hurry.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Worstluck.2397


250ish hours played, a level 80 thief (with some exotics) and a level 80 elementalist with crappy gear. Now working on my third. I have a 30 guardian and just started either a Mesmer, Necro, Engi, can’t decide. Leveling this game is a blast and to be honest it was very different both times on the route to 80. I did things completely differently both times. I am not in a rush to get exotics and what not. For some reason I decided I was going to get a bunch of 80’s and then decide which one to focus on.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Discopumper.7260


2 lvl 80 chars here. I want to lvl a third one but i cant stop playing WvW with my lvl 80 chars, it’s just too much fun.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SoulTrain.2157


ive only made 1 character so far. a level 80 ranger i have played for 213 hours. i havent tried out pvp or wvw at all yet. will try them out eventually but atm im trying to get 100% exploration and still havent finished my story yet.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Matthew Kline.8420

Matthew Kline.8420

1 character – level 80 warrior. I’d like to get 100% map completion then start an alt. I would also like to get crafting skills to 400. At least the two I’m working on now.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DanteZero.3569


Playing on an alt because I’m waiting for the risen to have their respawn rates/aggro range to be nerfed. My main is an ele and it’s not fun in orr.

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soulbound Soldier.6148

Soulbound Soldier.6148

This post has actually lifted my urge for level 80 on my main and has allowed me to spend more time on my 2 level 5 alts. Thank you kind sir!

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dangerkips.6035


I reroll all the time because I am hopeless at decisionmaking :p

I tend to get a really cool idea for a character race/class combo, then think up this entire backstory to go with it, play it to level 10 and reroll because one tiny thing about that character is no longer perfect lol.

I’ll be surprised if I make it to 80 tbh; things do get repetitive after a while :p

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soulbound Soldier.6148

Soulbound Soldier.6148

I was the same way in gw1 and when I started #2 i decided to change that mentality

5 Characters, all between levles 20 and 25, 210 hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ordika.9513


I have a Warrior at 51, Engineer at 30, Elementalist at 18, Guardian at 8

I play one until I want to change things up and then play another.

Ordika Skirata || Keirstaad Rhith || Rhun Turold || Quinten Vigar || Ahrung Park
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks