5 Things you like in GW2
1. Agreed – jump things
2. Finding chests randomly while exploring. Veteran-guarded chests don’t often give anything useful, but I still enjoy going after them.
3. Crafting in general, cooking specifically. I don’t follow guides, just stick random things together to see what I can get.
4. Gem store things can be bought without spending cash. It’s not cheap, but I like that the option is there if I should one day have extra gold (that’ll be the day), or really want to buy something.
5. Deposit collectables straight from inventory. Though, I think bank NPCs are too rare in this game. I don’t see why they can’t be in all the places TP NPCs are.
It’s funny, because OP’s list is mostly elements that really annoy me. Especially jumping puzzles. I went from not all that interested in them to hating them.
Here is my list of things I actually like:
1. The Norn female hairstyles and appearance in general.
2. The game world is beautiful, no doubt about it.
3. Active combat, including dodging. Hard to play other MMOs that don’t have that now.
4. The Asura and Charr are pretty neat looking, too.
5. No monthly fee.
1- Proving ppl wrong that ele is NOT underpowered in pvp. Quite the opposite once you master the profession itself.
2-A lot of contents to explore for a non-subscription, high graphics awesome new game.
3- The voices and unique personalities from all the characters met in story. My favorite -Tybalt!
4- Pretending I’m afk in wvw facing the opposite direction of an upcoming enemy. When he/she finally decides to atk, i teleport behind him and kill him… always get them of guard.
5- Vertical progression
1. Jumping puzzles
2. Exploring
3. Races look pretty good
4. Mini games (Keg Brawl, Costume Brawl….need more!)
5. I like being able to combine things in crafting and see what I get
Maybe the most rewarding thing for me ( and I’m not a pro ) ( and maybe thats why ) is rescueing someone having a hard time with a skill point. I have to admit I get alot of satisfaction from that.
These are the things I absolutely love about Guild Wars 2.
1. The ability to really customize the appearance of my characters in a way that I can thoroughly enjoy.
2. The beautiful scenery, I love just running around taking in the large world that really does feel alive.
3. The ease in getting the (arguable) best gear. 3 Characters with full exotics without too much in the way of farming/grinding.
4. The casual friendliness. In that I can toon hop and not feel like I’m missing out on anything.
5. The lore. 250 years took a great toll on Tyria, and ArenaNet did well to show what war/famine/plague/time/age did to the world.
I know not all will agree on most, if any of my points. But my opinion is mine regardless. I waited a long time to play this, and absolutely feel that I got my money’s worth, and much much more.
0. no need to grind anything for spvp, clean separation of pvp & pve.
1. no pure healing profession and no such stupid thing as healing by grid clicking
2. nice graphics and music, higly customizable characters appearance
3. defaul UI is very user friendly, no addons.
4. cooperative PVE
1. The Asura.
2. The attitude of Asurans.
3. The freckles upon the face of some Norn women.
4. Any Asuran I may have missed in 1.
5. Every single square foot of gorgeous landscape, and the creeps and beasties that dwell within it, not to mention the unearthing of tiny touches that remind the traveler of what once was in Tyria.
1- Landscape
2- Action Combat
3- Interface/ how easy it is to deal with anything UI-related. Such as deposit collectibles, etc.
4- WvW is a very good idea, not well executed yet but still a wonderful thing.
5- The fact that we can play with anyone from any server.
1) Nice variety in classes and playstyle.
2) For an MMO, open and somewhat evolving world (atleast not static)
3) WvW. Enough said.
4) Minipets
5) How beautiful the world is. Even Orr has it’s moments. And drakes are so cute. I wish I had a pet drake at home. Anet can you send me one please?
- John Smith
1) Ability for everyone to Resurrect each other.
2) Great areas for Exploration.
3) Amazing Art Styling.
4) Open Questing System.
5) Action Oriented Combat
1. Pre 50 pve content
2. The various armour/outfit looks, I can just stand in LA and look at ppls toons
3. That mobs have loot for everyone who participated in the fight
4. That resource nodes arent contested
5. Personal stories
In no particular order…
- jumping puzzles
- cooperative PvE
- WvW
- vistas
- my server ( Tarnished Coast )
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
1. Individual nodes and loot
2. The overall cooperative nature of the game
3. The way the radically different landscapes of Tyria somehow manage to still provide a seemless, immersive experience
4. The utterly gorgeous visuals
5. The integration of storage space and crafting and the way we can just send most crafting mats directly to our vaults while out wandering the world.
I could go on, but you asked for just five
1. Total lack of ‘kill steal’ = so nice not to to hear “xxxx KS’d me whine whine whine” in chat.
2. The landscape and feel of the areas.
3. The crafting system and instantly be able to store crafting mats on the fly (well most of them)
4. Anybody can revive fallen Allies no asking if a cleric is about.
5. Any race can be male or female and any class, no Norn male Warriors only sort of thing. PW Veno/Barb springs to mind.
Hard listing just 5 but thats 5 in not particular order
1. Landscape/Scenery/Art with Vo Lore.
2. No Subsciption
3. Dynamic/Champ events
4. Replay value/Starter Towns (non-linear gameplay)
5. Exploring the World/JP’s/Chests/Vista.
(edited by Burner.1643)
1 – The freedom……..FREEDOM!!
2 – The beautiful Zones.
3 – The awesome combat.
4 – The ability to group anywhere, anytime.
5 – The personal story.
And much more.
1) WVW, by far
2) non-linear gameplay
3) Art direction/style
4) comboing with area effects
5) Vistas
In no particular order!
1.) Character Customization. I love how unique you can make your toon look!!
2.) Jump Puzzles. When I get bored I just find my a nice puzzle!
3.) Beautifully crafted world. Its simply amazing but to bad its quite empty and there are many glitched areas….
4.) Combat. I LOVE IT!!! More fun then any other combat system in an mmo by far!
5.) Flat Level Curve. OH this is just great! Now I don’t have to worry about grinding out levels like crazy! Now I just grind out alts like crazy!!
1) Loading screen art
2) Dynamic events (when they work!)
3) Pretty environments (Queensdale, Lornars Pass, Frostgorge)
4) References to GW1 (Ascalonion settlement, old Lions arch fountain)
5) Quests (hearts) that cut out the need to talk to an npc (ie waste of timepc)
Combat – not having to target things to attack them (for the most part), dodge button, not having 30 abilities but only using 5 of them.
Gathering – instanced gathering nodes, earning exp for gathering.
Crafting – discovery, earning exp for crafting.
Dungeons – Having multiple paths/randomness of fractals. Makes grinding a little less grindy.
Temple Events(when they work), Dragons – These could be the replacement for raiding. They’re pretty simple/unrewarding atm, but there’s nothing like them.
1 – it’s pretty!
2 – eusocial: no competition for nodes, killstealing, etc.
3 – jump puzzles and hidden areas
4 – lore and class concepts (mesmer > than anything in any other MMO, ever*)
5 – action combat
6 – honorable mention for dye system
- EQ bard and enchanter come close
I like the graphics, the landscapes, the art, the environment, and everything related. Is one beautiful game
I like the combat system (all its parameters, including downed and the ability to res/help everyone anytime).
I like the leveling system. Like the exploration.
I also like how grouping has benefits for both sides! Unlike some other mmos, grouping in gw2 is always beneficial.
I like the gear progression in gw2 (pre-FotM). It is awesome that u can actually buy the endgame gear from the Auction
1 – hot asian chicks
2 – gw2 stuff
3 – ….
4 – ….
5 – ….
I mostly like everything. Hard to put numbers in front of them.
1. Everyone is a Party – This should cover most of the mechanics in the game that don’t require you to be in a party, which is a mechanic that should go away. I suppose it serves a purpose so you can see the dots of other people you want to do things with. A special color for chatting with just a few people, that could be covered by letting us set up custom chat channels. But things like no node tapping, no monster tagging, downed state, rezzing and bulk rezzing, lots of things like that all lead to everyone playing together anyways even though you aren’t in a party. I have never played more with people I don’t know in a game than this one. Dragons, Hearts, DEs, WvW.
2. Graphics. Both the environment and character models. Very nice.
3. I ‘mostly’ like that there is no trinity, which is a mechanic I hate ‘only’ in practice (very sound in principle) because of how it shakes out in a world of people who can be pretty mean to each other. Now, having said that, I don’t like that as a result you can’t be a ‘big’ healer. I wish there was a way to not have the trinity, but still be able to be those roles, which would then just put the trinity back in the hands of the players enforcing it in party make up, which defeats the purpose. Good idea; could use some work.
4. Combat. I like the dodging, that you can move while fighting (and mostly casting). I’m glad they didn’t go FPS Modern Call of Warfaring Doody 34: Wrasslin vs NASCAR Edition, that wouldn’t have been very fun. One of the reasons I like to play MMOs is because they mostly still revolve around combat cycles vs twitch.
5. Downscaling.
Honorable Mention: Players Helping Players forum.
1. Beautiful Gameplay & Graphics
2. Dynamic Events (I love how they bring players in a zone together)
3. Crafting xp (Some how I feel happy inside when i get 2 levels off of crafting in LA)
4. Dungeons (So Hard, but yet so much fun!)
5. Personal Story (For me, adds another layer of interest to this game)
There is a reason this game won Game of the Year along with many other rewards. Great job Arena Net, keep up the good work.
1. Character customization options
2. Scenery
3. Lack of competition for resource nodes
4. Jumping puzzles
5. World exploration (vistas etc.)
1. When jumping puzzles and dungeons collide – pure pleasure!
2. Accidentally falling through a hole in the ice to discover a hidden zone.
3. Best in-game community of any MMO ever.
4. Zommy. The Mystic Forge dude. Actually have a love/hate relationship with him. It’s complicated.
5. Catching snippets of lore or a roflmoment from NPC conversations.
1- scenery
2- the idea of dynamic events
3- secret jumping places
4- character build system (traits, weapons,etc )
5-crafting and exploration