5 months in, what do you do while in game?

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


I no longer play. GW2 is the first mmo that I did not reach level cap in. I wont go into reasons, but I played for about 3 weeks.

My question is, if you are still playing, what are you doing? What do you do on a daily basis?


5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


I have a level 80 and 4 alts. Sometimes I play my 80, sometimes I play one of my alts.

With my Alts, obviously I’m leveling, and do zones, and personal story and gathering and crafting.

On my 80, I am going for Map Completion, so currently doing high level zones. I also did my first dungeons yesterday. Also, gathering and leveling crafting up.

I’ll probably play my Alts more now though.


My Life in Tyria: http://lankygw2blog.blogspot.com/
Updated every Monday

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


WvW (mainly levelling alts thru WvW now), farm the rich ori node, do dungeons and fractals 2-3 times a week., do a dragon when the urge strikes me.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


WvW (mainly levelling alts thru WvW now), farm the rich ori node, do dungeons and fractals 2-3 times a week., do a dragon when the urge strikes me.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


Taking a break for a week or so. I usually do some dungeons, work on maxing exploration, or bs in guild chat.

I do WvW until my monthly is done. I have 8 lvl 80s

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out: http://tinyurl.com/bntcvyc
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chopsticks.9853


I have a level 80 and 4 alts. Sometimes I play my 80, sometimes I play one of my alts.

With my Alts, obviously I’m leveling, and do zones, and personal story and gathering and crafting.

On my 80, I am going for Map Completion, so currently doing high level zones. I also did my first dungeons yesterday. Also, gathering and leveling crafting up.

I’ll probably play my Alts more now though.


Thanks for they reply. Isn’t this the same thing people do in WoW?

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


WvW (mainly levelling alts thru WvW now), farm the rich ori node, do dungeons and fractals 2-3 times a week., do a dragon when the urge strikes me.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


i try to make new friends, but just end up getting kicked from parties and hearing about how “your commander – go and wvw – nub” kind of negative harassment. i don’t even have my title ON (i leave my party UI at disbanded) so my icon does not show up on the map, but it must put the boon/buff icon on other players’ UI, though.

joined some random PUGs for fractals this week and players kept restarting the dungeon set because they didn’t like the first random choice, and kept returning hopefully to get the one they wanted. still got dredge suit and swamp+tree combo for the last 2 before Maw, lol.

i am scared to go back into wvw to get my 500 badges for my legendary, and worry i might face worse opposition there from both sides of the fight.

i want to try to look for a guild that does fractals as a friendly group, but maybe i am looking in the wrong places. my current guild has many invites passed out, but when they join, they don’t try to converse, and not rep, so they miss out on all the fun stuff the guild i am in is doing or talking about in guild chat. then they leave 2 days after joining, lol

i mostly spend time getting funds for clover attempts, but i do my dailies and play with color combos for armor, because that’s what keeps me invested the most right now. i wave to random people, and most of the time they just run off after i /wave to them

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Recycle.5493


Played since BWE2, have three level 80’s and 1 level 60. Haven’t done all the dungeons yet and barely done any in exploration mode, so I’m still working on those. But most of the time I follow my guildies around and help them level their characters so we could do some dungeoneering together later on. Don’t really do PvP and WvWvW nowadays because of the notorious network lag, but once it’s fixed I’ll be spending more time in W3 like I used to.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


Been making alts.

When I get on my main though I work on world completion, dungeons, temple runs, and orr farming.

When I need a break from that I do jump puzzles, wvw, fight dragons, or just visit old areas and do DE’s.

Haven’t touched sPvP yet because PvE is distracting.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


I have a level 80 and 4 alts. Sometimes I play my 80, sometimes I play one of my alts.

With my Alts, obviously I’m leveling, and do zones, and personal story and gathering and crafting.

On my 80, I am going for Map Completion, so currently doing high level zones. I also did my first dungeons yesterday. Also, gathering and leveling crafting up.

I’ll probably play my Alts more now though.


Thanks for they reply. Isn’t this the same thing people do in WoW?

Don’t know what you’re getting at here.

But no. The only thing the same in WoW is having a level 90 and several alts.

But on the main, you would probably be running 5-mans, or LFR, or Raiding, and not doing any sort of Map Completion at all. You’d be striving for the best gear. Other than that, you’d be doing dailies non-stop to grind Valor.

On your alts, yes, you’d be leveling and crafting.

BTW: I forgot to mention that I make sure to do my Daily achievement on one of my characters every day.


My Life in Tyria: http://lankygw2blog.blogspot.com/
Updated every Monday

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Stand around in Lion’s Arch chatting with friends.

I have full Exotics and 100% Map Completion.

I hate Fractals and lord knows I am not going to tango with the random number generator and go for a Legendary.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

What i do is kinda pathetic. I do two fotm dailies per day, may do 1 more dungeon like TA and the rest im afk in LA or not playing at all. There’s nothing to do in this game and im surprised anet adds nothing for people to actually farm/do. If only a game such as dark souls 2 was out i wouldn’t even bother writing on gw2 forums. Sadly there’s nothing for me to play right now so im half brain dead while playing gw2.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I have a level 80 and 4 alts. Sometimes I play my 80, sometimes I play one of my alts.

With my Alts, obviously I’m leveling, and do zones, and personal story and gathering and crafting.

On my 80, I am going for Map Completion, so currently doing high level zones. I also did my first dungeons yesterday. Also, gathering and leveling crafting up.

I’ll probably play my Alts more now though.


Thanks for they reply. Isn’t this the same thing people do in WoW?

Only WoW is ugly, it has a horrible community, they don’t manage their servers and make you pay up to $250 to transfer, people ninja your loot, your kills, your nodes, they rarely issue content updates and on top of it all they charge you a monthly fee for that old stale nonsense. Oh and horrendous RNG for items to gate you and keep you paying that fee longer.

What I do in GW2 (been 80 for 3+ months):

Kill a couple dragons.
Run a fractal or two.
Take down a Corrupted God Temple with my guild.
Play in the Murder Pit with my friends and get my tokens for Gift of Battle.
Run a dungeon.
Run 3-4 jumping puzzles.
Play the TP a little.

I don’t get a chance to play every day and don’t get a chance to do all these things every day, need more hours in the day haha.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gisei.5749


I do everything, along with my guild. Approaching 1200hrs and still going strong.

~Sorrow’s Furnace~

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadestrike.4372



(Arbitrary nonsense to fill the character limit.)

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I’ve been playing since the headstart weekend but I only get about an hour a night on weekdays, so I’ve only played for 290 hours in total. My highest level character is level 51 (my others are 19, 16, 7 and 4).

I spend most of my time exploring, absurdly thoughly. I don’t just go for the waypoints and POI’s and things, I’m actually aiming to speak to every named NPC, I climb everything I can watch the dialogues and other interactions between NPCs….today I spent about 10 minutes watching a dog in Nightguard Beach randomly attacking crabs.

But in terms of goals I’m working towards 100% world completion and planning to start doing dungeons soon. When I get to level 80 I’m going to work out what armor I want, which will probably be a mix of different sets and will probably involve transmuting at least some pieces, and then get that. Then I’ll probably start working on a legendary.

Oh, I’m also working on levelling crafting, but at the moment I’m only doing it when I have the materials, rather than buying them. (Except the stuff you have to buy obviously.)

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


Explore the game through an alt, even though I’ve done map completion on one character, which was rushed. I haven’t spoiled myself on jumping puzzle locations. I want to find those on my own.

Discover and create builds that are not the norm or standard. Find out which traits and skills match well with one another. Test it out.

First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) : http://bit.ly/1lWH6T8

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Fractals, dungeons, alts, dragons, WvW, sPvP and so on. Trying out new weapon combos that I havent really tried earlier. Found a few nice ones so far that I’ve kept as a main setup.

There is always something to do.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


Farming remaining karma for quip, next I’ll get started with serious fractals grind for infused backpiece.
Barely touched it since its release.

nearly 3 legendaries and didn’t even fully explored everything the game has to offer.

I must be crazy right?

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


Don’t play also, I browse the forums a few times a week though. Had one level 80 an 3 alts ranging from lv7 to 45. Though haven’t clicked the play button in a month and have decided to take a long year hiatus from which I may decide to not come back to the game at all.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Sunset.8742

Lunar Sunset.8742

Either do WvW or a dungeon…then get fed up with the annoying 15 year olds playing this game and exit out after 30 mins and go back to GW1 to play my 3rd dervish through nightfall…having fun with VoS/ pious spamming builds. Then I think about going on GW2 after 2-3 days because I like the graphics.

50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Well before I finally gave up. I would login to get my karma daily done. Then log back out. Last night I tried finding T6 mat bags and gathering some Orichalcum but then I remembered why i didn’t loginto the class I was making the jewelry for and logged out disappointed.

(I was gathering while on my thief to make jewelry for my engineer using Rare lw recipes to get Globs of Ecto because nothing rare or exotic drops for me anymore, not even from boss fights, and then I recalled that I’ve tried 5 respecs on my engineer and didn’t get anything to work right in PVE so I’m just visiting the forums waiting for the day to return if they fix the problems with loot and with my main class).

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grizm.4560


Run around Orr on my 80s, gathering mats and killing as I go for drops. Do some hearts/events on whichever leveling alt I’m into at the time. Or run around in WvW doing various WvW stuff. Sometimes I’m supporting the zerg, sometimes I’m spawning clones and throwing two-handed swords, sometimes I’m running supply, sometimes I’m escorting yaks, etc.

I don’t like doing dungeons. I might if I had a dedicated group to do them with, but pugging them is more trouble than it’s worth. I haven’t set foot in the fractals.

I do the dragon events if I’m in the zone when they spawn but I don’t watch the timers and plan for them or anything like that.

The game isn’t supposed to be a career, it’s just a casual time waster you can fire up and see some pretty scenery while you’re at it.

Tarnished Coast
My characters think I’m crazy.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WakkaJabba.3910


one fractal daily, daily achievements, wvw. every once a while i try different build on my toon with diff armor sets(prob why my gold count never reaches 30 :/ )
i have 3 lvl80s

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brutal Arts.6307

Brutal Arts.6307

Rich Ori Node mining x11
Craft Ore into Ingots
List Ingots
Do FotM 30
Do Fotm 28
Pick up Ingot money
Buy Silk and Leather and T5
Craft Rares
Salvage Ecto’s
Bank Ecto’s
Finish Daily

You have gotten what you paid for, all that remains is biweekly gemshop pushing.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deified.7520


Mostly Dynamic events, exploring, and some WvW

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dybryd.1358


I no longer play.

But you still start forum threads, so you’re getting your money’s worth with a different kind of fun. It’s all about finding your playstyle.

I’m trying to establish myself at WvW, which I love but completely suck at.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Condas.7056


I log in to do my dailies and then get off. Interest collapsed completely after I finished Sunrise. Might do the extra length to complete monthlies too but don’t know yet. Nice to know I have a pile of Karma when I come back in case I want to play again. Though lately I have been considering stopping altogether.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


daylies, fractals and heavy dungeoning to make my level 80 alt look awesome. Saving up for my tier 3 skin set for my main. After that I have 3 alts that did not hit level 80, planning to buy character slots and make 3 more. (That way I’ll have all of the classes). My later goals are max every profession (only 2 are maxed right now), finish the slayer and explorer achievement sets. Recently I finished my full world exploration, so I feel proud of that

(I was gathering while on my thief to make jewelry for my engineer using Rare lw recipes to get Globs of Ecto because nothing rare or exotic drops for me anymore, not even from boss fights, and then I recalled that I’ve tried 5 respecs on my engineer and didn’t get anything to work right in PVE so I’m just visiting the forums waiting for the day to return if they fix the problems with loot and with my main class).

look for some builds online. An engineer is a better tank than a guardian, my friend managed to make a near immortal one for Spvp. It’s one of the hardest classes to play though (alongside mesmer and elementalist), because you absolutely have to have the right build to even be not useless in pve.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexY.2350


Nothing Atm there’s not enough ’’carrots’’ that makes me want to stay for gw2. Somehow it’s not as social as other mmos, dunno why and you get stuff only by farm.

And be able to buy/sell legendary, really? Not so legendary anymore, just stupid.

Lack of endgame is main reason. I miss raids, I miss harder content wich need good-geared players to get even better and more unique items. This game is too ‘equal’

Pve and pvp should be seperated. I don’t like working for stuff that would require harder content to be as good as a solo player could get…

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky.3298


- keep making money out of DE, as cost of weapon is legendary (unlike it’s stats).
- try to finish map/explore and hate at least bit less these endless jumps.
- try to run some dungeons and not thinking how far we need to run after wipe and why mobs are OP.
- time to time got for PvP (not sure why)
- time to time try to get what is aim of WvW and where is fun.
- sure chatting with people (don’t need specific game or even any game for this).
- thinking why some smart guys removed armor preview for not my class (it was part of my fun, sadly)
- meditate how GW I loved so much could became GW2.
- try to figure what to do in a future

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Log in, do daily on Thief (up to 52 just doing the daily plus a tiny bit of LW)
Log in other toons and pick herbs
Check TP prices, maybe buy or sell something
Log off and go play something more fun

Crossing my fingers they fix end game zones, making them more fun and rewarding

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowy.9580


Log into LA. Say “Hi” to the 3 guildies online. Watch some “lfg fractal” spam. /sigh. Log out to play a mmo.
Every day is like a dream.

We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be.
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

This last week I’ve been a bit inactive due to wanting to replay Skyrim for some reason.

But aside from that I got 1200 hours in and usually spend my time WvWing, Fractaling and that’s about it.
These two alone can take up hours so they’re enough for a playing session – but I would like to see a more “open” PvE (i.e. very very hard zone that requires 5 people to just struggle through) or at least a BIG instanced map that you have to clear a la GW1 rather than dungeons.

GW2 is still the only real MMO game out there.
Other MMOs are just money-grabs to leech cash off poor kids by turning them into carrot-chasing donkeys, ruinig their sense of reality, and giving them very wrong ideas on what fun and reward are in life.
I feel bad for those kids knowing they might grow up into working like zombies just for money, “grinding” relationships and “leveling” kids while living completely outside reality.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Level Alts in open world with the other 8 or so in the maps, i now have 5 level 80’s and level 70 and level 59.

The only class i do not own is elementalist because its kittenedly hard to level solo..

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aocypher.9172


run dailys, chat, craft, kill dragon champions (if the online timers say they’re on). If I have more than 2 hours, I also WvW and play/level alts (I currently have 6 level 80s, a level 18 and a level 23). If I have more than 4 hours, I also run dungeons.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


I do try to get at least do my daily (don’t have a lot of playtime right now). But if I do the time, I’ll just potter around, doing everything, and in effect, doing nothing…

I still need to finish my map completion on my main, I started the PS on a second character (didn’t want to start until I finished it on the first), but mostly, I’ll just wander around from node to node and foe to foe, simply because I love to play that way. I really have trouble focusing enough to even finish a map within a 2 week time span :P

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


First: If you only played 3 weeks and didn’t level cap, You missed a lot of what makes this game amazing.

Second: I run dungeons, fractals (constantly), RP (I’m on Tarnished Coast), General PvE, slowly work on world completion, mat runs, dailies, monthlies, jumping puzzles, and a plethora of other junk.

More than anything though, I think finding a really good guild made the game for me. They’re fantastic and I probably wouldn’t have anywhere near the addiction I have without them.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bluewanders.5297


I pretty much do just what I’ve done since I started playing this game:

Whatever strikes my fancy.

That is to so… I don’t have a set plan, don’t feel the need for one… and don’t want to schedule things to be done during my play time. I log in and let DE’s take me wherever they would like to take me… crawl into caves when I pass them… jump into a dungeon when someone in my guild invites me… kill dragons when I know one is up… start random costume brawls… work on map completion when I happen to pass through one I haven’t finished… jump into wvw when the fancy strikes me… jump into keg brawl (would love to see some more mini games added)… I adore the jumping puzzles…

In fact… I prescribe to the Dirk Gently method of holistic navigation… I sometimes look for an avatar that looks like it knows where it is going and then I follow it.

Everything on a whim… and I like it that way. It’s hard to get bored when I never manage to do that same stuff 2 sessions in a row.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stemare.2578


Daily fractal lv 20.
Daily achievement in WvW with an alt.
In the weekend I have the time to do daily fractal lv 10+, CoF, HoTW and WvW

Stemare ~ Guardian ~ lv80 ~ Far Shiverpeaks
Ci Assediamo Da Soli [SIGH] ~ Officier

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I pretty much do just what I’ve done since I started playing this game:

Whatever strikes my fancy.

That is to so… I don’t have a set plan, don’t feel the need for one… and don’t want to schedule things to be done during my play time. I log in and let DE’s take me wherever they would like to take me… crawl into caves when I pass them… jump into a dungeon when someone in my guild invites me… kill dragons when I know one is up… start random costume brawls… work on map completion when I happen to pass through one I haven’t finished… jump into wvw when the fancy strikes me… jump into keg brawl (would love to see some more mini games added)… I adore the jumping puzzles…

In fact… I prescribe to the Dirk Gently method of holistic navigation… I sometimes look for an avatar that looks like it knows where it is going and then I follow it.

Everything on a whim… and I like it that way. It’s hard to get bored when I never manage to do that same stuff 2 sessions in a row.

This is exactly how I’ve played since BW2 – it is tremendous fun and I am never even remotely bored. I have found some really interesting things though

Gunnar’s Hold

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

WvW, map completion, speed running CoF, working towards dungeon master, spvp, fractals, etc.

Anet make Rev great again.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chucky.4798


My real problem is, I dont play with pugs. I hate write lfg and use lfg.com. I want to play with my guild mates, but they want to play fractals. More than half is left the game, or play few, because they bored. It is boring do same thing again and again.
The legendary: I dont care, I am not willing to farm/grind.

lvl up my 5. character with daily. Every day: Daily + daily pvp. Thats all. I w8 for the next updates, and a big new motivation.

Long time goals: All tier 3 armor, achievements.
I watch tv and do something in the game, but motivation 10%.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iehova.9518


Farming CoE for my kitten cores, pretty much.

And daily dose of level 20 fractals.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerragon.2608


Im back to playing 0.5 – 2 hours a day. I started out rather hardcore with a dedicated weekend with 2 friends, and then kept playing 4-6 hours a day for quite some time.

I became 80, then started to go for full world completition and gradually aquire exotic gear inn all my slots. For variation I also advanced my main story and completed jum puzzles.

I got a bit worn and took a 2-3 week break in october, playing Xcom instead.

These days I for the most part play WvW to get my daily achviement, and I play with the market to earn gold, gradually making my character look the way I want him to. Maybe once a week I do a FOTM or dungeon for variation, but only if I have the time to play uninterrupted for 2 hours.

I have a loooong term project on aquiring a Legendary, but as Im down to playing casual Im not rushing it. Its just more fun to play towards some far reaching goal. Makes it more meanigful to for instance complete dailies for the karma jugs.

I still love the game and have fun with it, though, sadly none of my IRL friends seems to play anymore so I mostly play solo.

This is the only mmorpg Ive actually staretd playing regularly again after taking a break. So they have done something right. I think the main thing here is that even though you take a break, youre not “behind” when you come back since youre allready at max level and gear.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


only wvwvw, when I do play.
Pve = zero.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

I pretty much do just what I’ve done since I started playing this game:

Whatever strikes my fancy.

That is to so… I don’t have a set plan, don’t feel the need for one… and don’t want to schedule things to be done during my play time. I log in and let DE’s take me wherever they would like to take me… crawl into caves when I pass them… jump into a dungeon when someone in my guild invites me… kill dragons when I know one is up… start random costume brawls… work on map completion when I happen to pass through one I haven’t finished… jump into wvw when the fancy strikes me… jump into keg brawl (would love to see some more mini games added)… I adore the jumping puzzles…

In fact… I prescribe to the Dirk Gently method of holistic navigation… I sometimes look for an avatar that looks like it knows where it is going and then I follow it.

Everything on a whim… and I like it that way. It’s hard to get bored when I never manage to do that same stuff 2 sessions in a row.

Same It’s a great way to unwind from the stress of work. I just log in on a random character, and do whatever grabs my attention.

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


Played since Beta 1 , still exploring, Doing JP, dungeons, Running with the same guild oh and WVW when the mood is right

5 months in, what do you do while in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: beren.6048


Kinda lost interest, waiting for the new update and hoping for more guild things to do. Last weeks I was doing mostly crafting and WvW. WvW has no goal and the epicness of the fights is fun 1, 2, 3 times but then you seen it all and there is no lasting goal.

Yesterday done some collecting for powerful blood in order to make 1 more weapon, but it was not very exciting. Thats it. Think it all depends on the update and if I am going to be pleasantly surprised. Maybe I just need a break to get back the feeling of excitement.